Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 23, 1898, Image 4

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    N Snow fc Son
No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m.
Arrive Yaquina, 6:00 p. m.
No. 1. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. m.
" Corvallis 11:40 a. m.
Arrive Albany 12:25 p. m.
For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis 7:30 a. m.
" Albany 8:05 a. m.
Arrive Detroit 12:20 p. m.
Leaves Detroit 12:40 p. m.
" Albany 6:05 p. m.
Arrive Corvallis 6:55 p. m.
No. i and No. 2 connect at Al
bany and Corvallis with Southern
Pacfiic trains giving direct service
to and from Newport and adjacent
Train for the mountains atrive at
Detroit at noon giving ample time
to reach camping grounds on the
Ureitenbush and Santiam rivers
same day.
H . L. Walden, Edwin Stone,
T. F. & P. A . Manager.
Forccd Sale of Watches
and Clocks.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
All work done
in first-class
wMMy 60 YEARS'
Trade Mark
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description my
qutoklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
tWintsuictlrcoiiUdeiitlal. Handbook on Patent
invention ! prunnoiy imusiimuit. . uniniuiucit-
r nnu
nnt fro. Olitest asetiCT for securing1 paten la.
1'ntnnta taken through Munn A Co. receive
aprttai notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr.
rulalloii of any aolentldo journal. Terms. $3
ynnn gold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.38,Bro'd New York
Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C.
Totter, Snlt-lthcum and Dczcmu.
The intense itching and smartinpr, incf
ttent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
bv applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
p favorite remedy for eore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eves. 25 cts. per box.
For Bale by O. O. Krogstad Druggist
Pains in the chest when a person
has a cold indicate a tendency to
ward pneumonia. A piece of flan
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
Tain Balm and bound qn to the
chest over the seat of pain will
promptly relieve the pain and pre
vent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will
cure a lame back in a few hours.
Sold by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist.
CDIF1 AI weaKnesa finally cured by
Dr. Miles' Momo 1'lusters.
''SV.Vu,A manner.
V;c&tagJ Address.
Don't fail to see our goods.
Don't delay your purchases.
Don't bay elsewhere, come di
rect to tis.
Don't puy excessive prices nn.
W. L. DAVIS, Editor.;
Official County Paper.
One Year - - -Six
n 50
Entered at the poatofllce at Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mail matter.
Advertising rates made known on application,
Business locals will be inserted in these col
umns at five cents per line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmaster in Lincoln county is author
ized to act as agent for the Leader.
Knowledge will ever govern Ignorance, and
he who would be his own governor must arm
himself with the power which Knowledge
gives. James A. Garfield.
It is now time to find that new
leaf to turn over for 1899.
As a nation this Christmastide
we can well say "Peace on earth;
good will to men."
Saturday congress passed the
Indian appropriation bill "sub-
Istantially as reported." It is un-
iderstood h our PeoPle that u
included the 5100,000 for Siletz
lands, the ' history of which we
publish in another column.
The Nicaragua canal bill is being
discussed by congress these days
and will undoubtedly be passed
this winter in some form. Work
will begin upon ii as soon as pos
sible and in four or five years the
canal will be in daily use. How
great a benefit it will prove to this
country and this coast cannot even
be conceived at present.
There is a move on foot in this
plac to purchase the S. A. Logan
properly on the hill just across the
canyon from the Episcopal church
containing just an acre, and present
it to the county for court house
purposes. It is a beautiful site and
a neat court house would greatly
improve its present appearace. The
matter is to be laid before the coun
ty commissioners at their meeting.
The most unbiased writers of
ability in United States, among
whom is Albert Shaw, editor of the
Review of Reviews, declare that the
free silver question is a lost cause,
Mr. Shaw says: "WTe are more 1
likely in this country to turn thJ
republic into a monarchy inside the I
M . u ir j . !
next half dozen vears than tr
chance the eold standard for th
monetary svstem advocated in th(,
Chicago platform of 1896. This is
merely an observation
thino-c t,oV ar o,, ...i.u.... a.!
O - ""J uuu XUUUUI LUC
slightest reference to what one
might prefer. For the present and
for some years to come the cause of an rep0" a oel,Snt,m evemn8
free silver in the United States is I Mr. Johnson White of University
thoroughly and hopelessly defeated. ! Park is sPending a fevv weeks with
Surely there can be no transcendent bis brother- w- White, of this
virtue in stubbornly denying a fact
that is as patent as the rising of the
sun." In opposition to this, W. J.
Bryan strongly asserts that free
coinage at the 16-to-i ratio will be
the issue in 1900.
' Monday night a carload of sal
mon eggs, two million in number,
passed through for Yaquina, where
they were transferred to the Robarts
and taken to the Siuslaw hatchery.
The eggs were in shallow trays and
were half as long as your little
finger. Frank C. Middleton was
in charge and secured the eggs
from the Sacremento river in Cali
fornia. Yaquina river is in need
of such a hatchery and will have
to secure such aid if the fishing
industry is to succeed in the future.
With $500,000 spent on our har
bor imDrovements during the next
four years by the government, with
$100,000 received by the Siletz In
dians and put in circulation, in ad-1
dition to the other resources of
Lincoln county, our people ought
to thrive and place themselves in
such positions that they will be in
comfortable circumstances after the
work of the government here has
ceased. This county is slow of
development and requires much
labor and expense to improve, out
through this npriori ot adored pros
perity it can be pushed with a fair
profit and leave all our people well
situated when the government
work is done. No portion of this
state will receive so much public
assistance during the next four
years as ours. Our people should
appreciate this fact and wd know
they will. We know they will lay
aside all bickerings and embrace
the opportunity with welome to do
something to improve their circum -
Elk City Items.
Col. F. J. Parker, editor of the
Walla Walla Statesman, came in to
spend a few days on his ranch on
Big Elk river. The Colonel has a
fine orchard on his place which is
just commencing to bear. The
orchard is composed ot the best
varieties of winter apples. He
brought &n expert from Walla
Walla to prune and take care of
the orchard. As Lincoln county
apples are wormless it is safe to say
Wae apple business will pay and
special interest should be taken in
the orchards of the county.
The barn on W. S. Anderson's
place took fire on last Friday night
I J.. 3 r
anu was toiauy nesuoyea. j,oss
is about $ioo. No one seems to
know how the fire occurred.
The people of Elk City are put
ting in a new wharf and floating
dock which is an improvement very
much needed at this place.
Mrs. J. M. Winskill and her
daughter have just, returned from
the Sanitariam at Portland, where
Mrs. Winskill went for treatment.
She is much improved in health,
Mr. "C," who wrote up such a
nice article in regard to the meteoric
shower at Elk City, has not ap-.
peared in public for some time.
He lives so near the top ot the
"Devil's Well" that his acquain
tance with his batanic majesty is
, so "maliar that the great phenom
ana made 110 impression upon him
He st,U has time to repent "While
i the lamP bolds out to burn, the
v,lest smner may return."
. o. ' r 'J.
Pl Slough Jottings.
w .rT tt f
aessie lnS ol
: oyster ity, gave a lareweu pa.ty
i in honor of Mr Jobr'.ie May' who
bis home at Mill Four to at-
tend the Philomath college. Some
of our young people were present
Miss Hattie Ferr has gone to
Newport where she intends to
remain for the next few weeks.
Mrs. Worrell arrived last week.
She will reside at West Yaquina,
where her husband is engaged in
teaching the winter school.
Mr. Walter Wright, who has
been attending the Philomath
school, also arrived last week, in
tending to spend the holidays.
We are very glad to see him back.
Eddyvllle Items.
Everybody is in good humor
Rev. Bryant held services here
today. There was good atten
dance and we hope more will come
to hear him two week from today
at 2 o'clock p. m. when he will
preach again.
Eddy ville is to have a new school
house, a much needed improve
ment, and we will have one that
will be an ornament to our neigh
bors. We notice in last issue that
Kansas is trying to head off the
cornstalk with axes, and am sorry
to hear of so much labor being
wasted. Why don't they herd in
some caintz bugs or a pair of grass
E. W. Durkee, of Chitwood, was
among us yesterday employing men
to help fill his wood contract to be
shipped to Corvallis. We have
plenty of wood and if any one has
the cash to pay for it we want to
see them. .
The Bellamy Land Case.
The mooted case of John O. Allen
against the Bellamy colony has
1 been in course of trial in Referee
Hawkins' court this week. Attor
ney Jones repre sen led Mr. Allen
and Attorney Denlinger represented
the defendants. J. R. Wyatt
assisted Mr. Jones. The evidence
is very voluminous and will cover i ewpo vaquina. Eighteen
t .,u '; acres m cultivation. Address
zijvf iy pc wiuicii pages. rvivcil
Freercksen was stenographer.
More evidence was necessary and
court was continued till some
future day prior to the time of our
circuit court.
The case has been of great
claims he never signed the contract, !
in January will doubtless decide , Sfe oh2m!lFtllw on np ,'M mr
the case.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of makinsr a
better article than your comoetitors
if you can not get a better price for
Ans. As there is no difference
... w...., luci nunc um pi uuis , state ot Oregon rendered the 28th day
know your make is the best?
If both articles are brought prom
inently before the public both are
certain to be tried and the public
will very quickly pass judgmeut on
them and use only the better one.
This explains the large sale on
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
The people have been using it foi
years and have found that it can
always be depended upon. They
may occasionally take up with some
fashionable novelty put forth with
exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that
they know to be reliable, and for
coughs, colds and croup there is
nothing equal to Chamberlain's
cough Remedy. For sale by O. O.
Krogstad, Druggist.
Do you eat? We have Sago,
Tapioka, Mush, Pearl Barley, Rice,
Vermesuli, Mackaroni, Hominy
Germ Meal, Corn Meat, Oat Meal,
Buckwheat Flour, Graham, Whole
Wheat and the best Flour money
can buy.
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
Don't forget Saturday at Miller
& Pruett's. Their generous offer
holds good for Saturdays only; dos
tively no other day in the week.
Ileal and mTW
woman nticoo
does i, AIls
:.iion Ot m,l:
does not mean!
nor aecotn.f
plishments. n
"cans that!
Physical at j
Jat comes!
,u Perfect
bodily condi
bright, happy cheerfulness of "disposit on
which only complete health r ;i:".:"onl
A woman with a brio-ht i i ' In
flexion, mantling color in the cheeks ?h
buoyant elastic step and manner has
natural attractiveness that no artif'iM
A woman who is afflicted with m..
fyinjr misfortune of a dull, sallow, cimni.
complexion or that listless movement and
attitude which provokes only dismast anri
revulsion in the opposite sex, ought to av,S
nerseu ot tne purifying, mvigoratingpowe
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover,
which makes a strong, healthy stomach
and digestive organism ; purines the blood
and imparts a natural stimulus to the ex
cretory functions : insures healthv u,.;u.
clear skin bright eyes and the animated
uAaimi auu ucuiiug ui periect Health
-AJ.a.dvJi?jnff ln West Y.ir8inia, Miss Anna
". n-yscr, Kuane -o.. writes: "It i.
with pleasure I write you after usinir a fe
bottles of Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite Prescrintioii"
and 'Golden Medicnl Discovery' mH i
them valuable medicines for female trouble
. """' vuuiu imiuiy go snout mv
work I had such inward weakness and constant
misery in the womb. It worried me so that I
wuuiuKivc iu nruiKin a snore oistancc
nau a oaa cougn ana ray lungs Hurt me all the I
unit. . bul .ci i iiu, my Luiupiexion was bad
and ray eyes would get so heavy in the eveninil
" seemea ...... .a ..... ,.u. I toum hardly
move them. Many persons were alarmed about
me. I looked so bad and had such a cough thev
were afraid I would go into consumption
ieu ao Daaiy every aay mat i naa no life about
we uacu uiiijr live uuLiicn til an. i snail ever
speak in praise of your grand medicines. They
are blessings to suffering females." '
Another good thing to have in the bouse
is a vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet.
They cure biliousness and constipotion
anu uevci Kiipc,
Look Here! 1 1
Until further nonce, Miller &
Pruett. in their new Dlace of hn:i.
ness, will sell on Saturdays only,
ai a discount 01 10 per cent on all
purcnases amounting to $i and
over. All goods marked in plain
For Sale or Rent.
A fine home on the bay between
TkT. . w Ma .
Ira Miller,
Newport, Ore. ,
Notice of Creditors' Meeting.
J. 9. Booth, of Yaquina, Lincoln countv.Ore
, having been adjudged a bankrupt upon
voluntary netltion. bv the Hon. IMntrlci
November 25. 18118. Notice is hnnOiv ihvmi thai
nun 01 me i nuea states lor ureirnn. on
interest in this Wnlitv ArvrTrlinr ' fhe. nrHt meeting of the creditors of said
interest in mis locality. ACCOTaing bankrupt will be held at Toledo, Lincoln
to the contract Mr. Allen sold his I)ecorabor 21- lm' "
land to the colony for $2,800, pay- the United stWeg"- D'8tr'ct Cour' '
able $IOO per year without interest. ', Uoferee in bankruptcy for LlneolnWregon.
Mi. Allen is 78 years of age and i Yttlulna' Te 1,00 1898-
but that it is a case of forgery or, otloe is hereby given that at a regular meet
fraud The nther nnTt-if tn tl,o 1 lng of the Common Council of the City of
iraua. ineotner parties to t lie Toledo, Lincoln county. Oregon, the following
Contract claim it to he nnlv an nnun Improvements were ordered made, to-wil:
t.uinrd.l Claim u to oe oni) an open tnHt a sidewalk be laid in from of lots 9,10,11,
hiitlhfi; Irnrnsnrtinii wSfVinnt trn,H 12, 13, and 14, block 9, Grahams 5th addition to
uusines5 transaction, without traurt the City of To,ed0i commencing at the phwe
Or anvthins? wronp- Otronh rnnrt whei-e the sidewalk on Fourth street termin
yji uiiyiumt, wrung. circuit COUrt Rtes. at corner of the St. Johns KniseoDtl
Witness mv hand nnd anal her unto affiled
this, the 13th day of December, 1898.
(Seal) Recorder of City of Toledo.
a lb.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue nnd
authority of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the
county of Lincoln, bearing date of December
111th 1UOU o.wl ...... I t and
, . . , . .v.u, .u.W nun uuuci bUOWHIUirniuwuii...
Ill the price tte public Will buv ulll V I "tested by the clerk thereof, upon a judKmen!
tti( hotter cn fVi-,f c. : ana mandate from the Supreme Court ot me
of Feb'
may be smaller on a sinele sale ""iww, and nied in the circuit court of tkj
they Will be much greater 111 the i dft' of HPtember, im. in a suit therein pend-
t,&fi,toalc- Company defendants and appellants, and CD.
HOW can VOll P"et th nntilir n Crosno, Coll. Van Cleve, L. K. Blaine and Oeo.
. " r""-- a. Landls, sheriff of Lincoln county, defena-
anis anu respondents, recovered juaginemun
an appeal fron; the circuit court of the State oi
Oregon for Lincoln county, against 11. F, Jonei.
respondent, fot the sum of One Hundred ana
Thirty-Four and one-half Dollars, and the
further sum of Seventy-Three Dollars damnges
ana costs, ine aforesaid execution was to
diiected and delivered and commands me th'1
out of the personal property, or if suflleient
cannot be found then out of the real property
in my county, belonging to the said respondent
B. F. JoneB, on or after the said 27th day
September, lH'.w, that I make the sunn '
money aforesaid now due on said judgment
with costs of and upon this writ.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the afore
said execution, I, J. H. Ross, sherirl of Lincoln
county, Oregon, did on the 13th day of Decern
ber. 1M8, levy upon the following describe
, i cm iiuiei i,y to-wii; ine east yn wi iw
1 in hlnnlr V 1q ln i r.u -.fittrin til tu
town of Toledo, Lincoln county. Oregon, as o
record in the county clerk's office in said coun
ty. also a piece or parcel of land six feet wW
off the north side of Bald lot the entire lengtft
running to the right of wav of the O. C. & k.
Co's., and also the eU of the nvrlA and sw'4
ne4 and ne!4 of sw-i of Sec. 31, Twp. 10. RajH1
10. containing 100 acres, all of the above ot
cribed property is in Lincoln county, Oregon
and 1 levied on the same as the property of to
said respondent, B. F. Jones. I being unahl
after dellgent search to find any pertwni
property within my county belonging to afore
said respondent, B. F. Jones, not exempt fron
execution, upon which to levy and make t"
sums of money mentioned in said execution
Now, therefore, on
Saturday the 14th day of January, 18W,
at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the court no
door in the city of Toledo, ln said LincoM
county, Oregon, 1 will sell at public auction v
the highest bidder for cash in hand, the abov
described real property, together with t"
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenance
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertain
lng as well as all the right, title and interest 0
the said respondent B. F. Jones, in and to w
above described real property, and all pe"?",
claiming through or under him since thefti
day of September, 1898, or so much thereof
may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment
execution and amounts due thereon DoV
set forth with costs and accruing costs.
Dated December 14, 1898.
dlO-J13 Sheriff of Lincoln county. Oregon.
- 1 ..Jwr-W,