Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 02, 1898, Image 5

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I will be in my place of business at Yaquina for a
few weeks longer and will sell you goods at
y0U want to buy gqods, come and see me at
have i nitre uc ui juuuj jti, nuitu
lust Be Sold
keep certain Indians from prosecut
ing said cannerytnan.
The article published over my
signature in the Leader last week
j was by me banded to Mr. Davis on
I Monday morning for publication,
after it had been submitted to a
i number of citizens of Toledo, ask
I i"g them if there was anything in
j it that was not true, if so I would
j not publish it. This article in some
i manner was seen or its contents
the appeal in the supreme court
Hale won the suit, and the costs
were taxed to Jones, but the man
date of judgement was never filed
in Lincoln county until a few days
before Jones gave the city a deed
to a lot. I had made an abstract
for Mr. Sturdevant only a short
time before the city deed was filed
and no judgement was of record
against Jones. Therefore the only
parties who knew of this judge
told to Mr. Stewart, for on Tues- merit were Stewart and the clerk,
j day evening Mr. Stewart took the
, tram and went to Yaquina and to a
' prominent citizen's boarding house
you are being humbugged. Lookr
the council records over for your
self it is only a block from the busi
ness part of town to the recorder's
office, go and examine these records
and judge of the present council as
the records stand, not by street lie-,
then no and vole to suit yomstlt.
If you are voting the reform ticket,
as you say to spite Jones, be sure
you are spiting him. Jones is not
running for office. Jones is only
one ot the seven men who compose
and if Mr. Stewart knew of this he the council. Jones does not claim
to have any strings on the present
council, the reform ticket or the
mean business, arid will certainly sell the
If you want to go into business.
11 u
should have protected the city,
The City asked for bids for a lot
and hunted him up and asked for j for a city hall, anda block for a j men who are running on the regu
a private talk with him, which was city park. When the bids were I lar citizens' ticket. Now if it is
i granted. He thereupon informed . opened in public a newspaper re-! Jones you are after and you ack-
j the citizen that if he did not go to porter being present there were
This is a good chance for you NOW as
- 1.1 J J 1 j .i
uare sure uie contract is let lor the exten-
n of the government jetties. Will sell
whole of it at reasonable figures.
!all and See Me.
Yaquina, Oregon.
liller & Pruett,
Cash Store.
A Staple
and Fancy
tots, & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Mens' Youths' & Children's Clothing,
and Furnishing (Joods.
-W.L. DAVIS, Editor.
idAY, DECEMBER 2, 1898.
'tor Leader:
As this is the
ue of your paper before the
tion, and thinking that Mr.
!ft WOllId Vlai'A an nnc.o.- in
t i i a ii.l Y VI Ail
Paper to my letter of last week
esi"ng that as much lieht as
' should be thrown upon Mr.
lr's pretended reform in city
frs I ask for saw in vnnr
jw a few parting shots, and
1 very well know that the
S public outside of Toledo.
f" interested in this controver-
11 it is proper that all that I
UU1 be said before election.
aI1 parties may take up the
of town affairs after the elec-
when Capt. John Blake kicked his
cook off the Walluski several years
ago, and I took him ud and gave
him free grub for six months and
helped into employment. Second,
when a week after the creation of
Lincoln county I helped Mr. Stew
art start the Leader under his
solemn promise that he and his pa
per would work in the interest of
Toledo. But when be is for econ
omy and reform he means economy
and reform for Stewart, and in this
line he is not always consistent. I
want to qualify these remarks by
saying that I respect a christian
more than any' other person if I
think he is honest. Mr. Stewart
is an official in the Methodist
church of this city and he also pos-, to the
Toledo on the morning train and
have Jones take down that article
that he (Stewart) had it in his
power to fix him and Jones, both,
financially. Said that he and the
county clerk and an attorney had
been looking up records tor a
month and they found that he and
Jones had several mortgages that
were due and that the papers in
one suit were in the hands of an at
torney and would be served imme
diately if that article was not taken
down, and other suits would follow,
among which he, Stewart, the Co.
Judge, would have to pass on, and
it was a matter of $500 to him and
Jones and might hurt a prominent
citizen of Newport, and he, as
Judge of the Probate court, would
not promise bow it would go if the
article was not taken down, also
told him he had been offered $250
by the old county court and part of
the county printing if he would
stand in and( help fix Jones. Said
he had some of the records locked
i up in his desk that would fix Jones
and he would do it if he did not
take down that article. The citi
zen told Mr. Stewart if be wanted
the article taken down to see Jones,
that Jones was running his own
business the property he referred
as being in his desk being Warrant
No. 1329, in which a mistake had
been made in drawing and after
wards satisfied. This warrant was
paid by the treasurer and should be
in the county clerk's vault where
the public could examine it, or any
other matter of record. But prob
ably the Judge thinks it is safer in
his pine desk than it would be in
his pretended fireproof vault. We
would suggest to him that he get a
little red carpet-bag, as part of the
records were carried in one for
about a year, and when the people
meet the Judge they can axatnine
the records and not have to bother
about going to the court house.
Think of a man posing as a reform
er who will go to a man and ask
him to spring the lock of the City
Recorder's desk in bis absence, in
order that a man may bring an in
junction before his own court to
stop street work in the town he is
trying to reform, passing upon the
injunction in advance. This was
so cold blooded that the party who
was seekiug the injunction went to
the mill and bought his lumber and
ordered the marshal to go ahead
with the work, and this is the suit
that Mr. Stewart is threatening the
city with, in the interest of reform
and economy. I was told today
j that title to the lot Jones had sold
citv was not good, that!
Stewart had said there was a judge
ment aeainst Tones for $130. This
es as a reformer and prohibitionist.
TTe has written many articles on
.1.- of crivinfr whisky to the! is true in part, but as told by Stew
"Call have our liMl riifF- o-m-a wlriskv to Indians i . ..
in very harsh terms. Not withstand- j -t wljh are at the request of R.A.
L. 1 .
r. out all should be satisfied
najority rule.
fl I will say that the reason
wart's reform tfeket and
fi?bt against me is over a
ol'tical matter, the result: of
'Using to crr intn f 1, 1 mm.
w o iu. iai Mil-
id now that
will admit
have been
ing all this, he last January accept
ed the sum of $25 from a well
known canneryman in this county
who had been guilty of letting the
Indians have whisky, and for this
paltry sum closed the columns of
1 A.
the Leader and agreea 10 go w
hncoed in Toledo. First, the Siletz to use his influence to
Bensell and Dr. Bryant of Califor
nia, I brought a suit to recover
some coal lands above Toledo.
Bensell & Bryant were to pay all
five or six bids in each instance,
and the property bought was taken
because it was the lowest bid, ex
cepting that Jones bad in an offer
to donate to the city an acre for
park purposes as he had heretofore
donated a block tor the public
school. When the lot was bought
the recorder was ordered to examine
the records before accepting the
deeds. We will add further that
Mr. Bensell has written me that
the judgment will be settled, if not
by him it will be by me.
In all the talk by the reformers
in the coming election, the only
name mentioned is Jones. Now in
all candor I submit that this is a
direct insult to the 12 councilmen
who have served with me during
the past three years, for as a matter
of fact the mayor has no vote in the
council, and I defy anyone to
examine the citv records and find
where a single ordinance or reso
lution has been passed when there
was not a full vote and also an
unaninous vote of the body present
made by ayes and nays. The only
money ever expended by the coun
cil that any citizen might question
was done when two of these re
formers were in the council, and
J. F. Stewart was recorder and
asked leave of the chair to talk on
the subject as a citizen, and when
allowed made a speech in the
interest of the expenditure. But
then I suppose Mr. Stewart will
say that this money was spent in
interest of county seat, and was for
economy and reform. Boys come
up to the rack and take your medi
cine you know when you say reform
you do not mean one word of it.
You know that in a city that has
only a total indebtedness of $670
and owns two thousand dollars'
worth of property, and when there
has never been over a two mill tax
on the dollar levied, that there can
be no reform needed. And you
know that all there is in this propo
sition is that you have political
grudge against Jones, and you
haven't the honest manhood to
acknowledge it. You would sooner
do him dirt over the Cities fair
name than to acknowledge that
every American citizen had the
right to his own political convic
tions, and you would rather see the
city sink than to acknowledge that
all there is in this proposition is
that you have a petty grudge
against Jones, and you try to make
an issue over his head. Some of
you on the reform ticket have been
running for city, precinct and county
offices for ten years, some times on
one ticket and then on another but
usually are defeated and the next
election bob up again and as there
is no patent on the word indepen
dent or reform you hook on and go
it sgain and always manage to kick
up a racket in our little town.
I ask the Citizens cf Toledo to
look these men over carefully and
inquire into their motives, look
their record up for reform, see what
they have done for the town, look
nowledge it is, why don't you go
after Jones and let up on the best
little town in Oregon. Don't you
know you are killing it. Don't
you know that it needs your help?
Don't you know that if you had
spent half the time and energy
liyiug lo bulla Up Toledo that you
have trying to pull Jones down
that your town would be better off.
In conclusiou we will say that we
are willing for majority rule and
we are certain that whoever is
elected that Toledo will still be in
the race.
B. F. Jones.
Pains in the chest when a person
has a cold indicate a tendency to
ward pneumonia. A piece of flan
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and bound on to the
chest over the seat of pain .will
promptly relieve the pain and 1 pre
vent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will
cure a lame back in a few hours.
Sold by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist.
Dr. fndy's Condition Powdei, are
juut what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. Thev are not food but
medicine and the best in nee to nut a
Jones gained . property and also the street in front I j ln vriB condition. Price 53
the suit in the circuit court, and on of them. It is just possible that 1 For gale by 0. 0. Kiotad Druggist.
costs that accrued, which they have at the property where they live,
done so far, including Weather- notice the improvements on their
ford's attorney fee.
A Shattered Nervous System
Restored to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
MR. EDWARD HARDY, the Jolly man
ager of Sheppard Co's. great store at
Bracevlllo. 111., writes: "I had never
been sick a day ln my life until ln 1890. I
got so bad with nervous prostration that I
had to give up and commence to doctor. I
tried our local physicians and one ln Jollet,
but none gave me any relief and I thought
I was going to die. I became despondent
and suffered untold agony. I could not cat,
sleep nor rest, and It seemed as If I could
not exist. At the end of six months I was
reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at
last my heart became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me relief
from the start, and at last a cure, tho great
est blessing of my llfo."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,.
t Restores i
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
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