Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 28, 1898, Image 4

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No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p
" " Corvallis 1:45 P
Arrive Yaquina, 6:00 T)
No. 1. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. tn.
" Corvallis 11:40 a. m.
Arrive Albany 12:25 p
For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis
Arrive Detroit
Leaves Detroit
" Albany
Arrive Corvallis
7:30 a.
8:05 a.
12:20 p.
12:40 p.
6:05 p.
6:55 P-
No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Al
bany and Corvallis with Southern
Pacfiic trains giving direct service
to and from Newport and adjacent
Train for the mountains airive at
Detroit at noon giving ample time
to reach camping grounds on the
Breitenbush and Santiam, rivers
same day.
H. L. Walden, Edwin Stone,
T. F. & P. A. " Manager.
Don't You Know
That we give more groceries
for one dollar than any other
house in the city? It not it
will pay you to call and be
convinced. We always have
on hand fresh goods.
Dry Goods,
Foot Wear.
A Trial Ord er Will Satisfy You.
Next door to Postofllce.
Biggest Offer Yet.
for Orjly $2.00
needs no introduction . Its many special arti
cles by noted writers have given it a world
wide reputation. In short, it Is one of the
cleanest, brightest and best papers paiiers pub
lished. No pains or expense will be spared in
keeping up its high standard.
Remember, that bv taklne advantage of this
combination you get 104 copies of the LEADER
and 104 copies of the FREE PRESS, 208 papers
for only 2.00.
The Free Press
Annual Year Book and Almanac
For 1898.
OVER 20.000 COPIES OF 1897 B00C WEE
An accurate and superior Hook of Reference
that tells you all you want to know. A practi
cal Educator and Hand Hook of Encyclopedic
Information on subjects Htat istical, OMciiil, Po
litical and Agricultural; likewise a Book of
Religious Fact, and general Practical Direc
tions on everyday attains of olllce, Home and
A copy of this book will be sent to all Sub
scribing Immediately and Sending 15 Cents An
(111 tun Hi for mailing expenses, making $1.15 in
Hll. The book will be published about Deo, m
ber 25, 18U7. Copies of the book wi'.l be sent to
all taking advantage of this of this oiler, as
soon af t the above date as posslole.
Address, The LEADER, Toledo Oregon.
COOK and
' ' ' ' i
, -1 ( J
Sold at the Lowest
Yaquina City, - Oregon.
mtaMlJ.4ii 1 .1 ill! i i, ii l M i 1. 1-
The carriage of a
buzz-saw doesn't
move ver fast, but
if a man & ays on it
long enough he will
presently be sawn
asunder. The pro
cess of gradual
bodily decline and
loss of energy which leads finally to con.
ouiuiiuii ia uui tiiw-(v a very rapid, Dui It
it isn't stopped it will presently begi.i tc
saw its way into the most vital part of tht
body, the lungs. There would be very
little consumption if every family would
keep Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery in the house, and use it whenever feel
ing "out of sorts." It keeps the entire
body in such a high condition of health
and forcefulness that wasting diseases have
no chance to get a foot-hold. A teaspoon
ful or two before meals, in a little water,
gives the digestive organism power to as
similate the blood-making, nerve-toning,
strength -building properties of the food.
It enables the liver and excretory system
to clear the circulation of bilious poisons
and remove all waste matter from the body.
It replaces worn out tissue with hard mus
cular flesh, and changes weakness and
debility into active power and nerve force.
The originator of this great "Discovery."
R. V. Pierce, M. D., is chief consulting
physician to the great Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., at the
head of a staff of nearly a score of eminent
associate physicians and surgeons. He has
acquired, in his over thirty y2-3 cf active
practice, a reputation second to no living
physician in the treatment of obstinate,
chronic diseases. His prescriptions must
not be confounded with the numerous
" boom remedies, "extracts," "com
pounds," and "sarsaparillas," which a
profit-seeking druggist is often ready to
urge as a substitute. Dr. Pierce's medi
cines are the product of wide experience
and deep study. Any one may const'U
him by mail free of charge.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., Oct 24, 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of hiB claim
and that said proof will be made before the
Co. Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon,
on Dec 3, 1898 viz:
John Folmsbee,
H. E. 11,381 for Lot 2 sec 7; sw4 of se4 and se'i
of swU of sec 6, Twp 12 S. R. 9 W. and Add Hd
12,291 for Lot 7 sec 6 Twp 12 8. R. 9 W.
He names the following settlers to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz: G A Hodges, and Jesse Craft of
Sal a do, Ore, and Harvey Paries and C P Bevens.
of Klk City, Oregon.
o28-n25 CHA'S B. MOORES, Register.
Executrix Notice.
undersigned has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln
county, executrix of the estate of Joseph 8.
Conklin, deceased.
All parties having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the tame to me
properly verified as by law required, at the
office of C. E. Hawkins, at Toledo, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 20th day of October, 1898.
Executrix of the estate of Joseph 8. Conklin,
deceased. C. E. Hawkins,
o21. Attorney for Executrix.
Notice of Sale.
In the County Court of the state of Oregon
for Lincoln countv.
In the matter of the estate of Lottie E. Palm
er, deceased.
To Mary A. Palmer, Emma Reed, Nettie
Palmer, Nellie Palmer, Henry L. Palmer heirs
at law of Lottie li. Palmer, deceased and to
the public.
Notice is hereby given the we, nenry L.
Palmer and Mary Palmer, executors of the
estate of Lottie E. Palmer deceased above
named will on Saturday, November the 11th
1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of said
day in the city of Toledo in said county and
state oiler for sale at public auction upon the
following terms, to-wit: One-third cash in
hand and balance on rive years' time on good
approved security with interest at 10 per cent
per annum. The following described real
property: The Northeast quarter of the East
one-half of section 8t. township 11 south of
range 10 west of Willamette meridian, con
taining KU) acres. Also beginning at a point
(iOO feet east of the Northeast corner of Lot
No. 7, Block No 9' addition to Toledo,
Lincoln county, Oregon, thence east 400 feet
thpiinn smith foot th.nnawa.tM)n foot tki
north 80 feet, thence west 200 feet thence
north 200 feet to place of beginning contain -
norm -juu leei to place ot beginning contain
ing 2 acres more or less. Also beginning 225
Jones' addition to Toledo, thence east 200 feet
thence south to line between B. F. Jones and
itjci earn i nonneiiHi corner oi t,oi 7, Jilock 8
V. M. Htanton
north 200 feet to
men we i leei tnence
place of beginning, all Bituat-
ed in Lincoln countv. Oreiron.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, October 10, 1898.
B. F. Jones, DePue & Cook, Executors.
114 Attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
TlJotlce is hereby given that by virtue and
i- authority ot an Execution and Order of
Sale issued out of the Cfrcult Court of the
state of Oregon for the county of Lincoln bear
ing date September nth, 1898, and under the
seal of said court and duly attested by the
Clerk thereof upon a Judgement and Order of
Sale rendered in said court on the 25th day of
July 1898, said Judgement was enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office of Bald court in
aforesaid county on the 2Tth day of July 1898
tn a suit therein pending wherein C. G. Rawl
ingsandEdN. Blodgett were plalntills aud
Joseph O. Kriggs was deft ndant and in favor
of said plalntlffii and against the said defend
ant for the sum of One Hundred and Sixty
Five and Seventy-Five one-hundredths Dol
lars In United States gold coin with interest
thereon in like gold coin at the rate of Ten
percent tier annum frnn the 2.rth day of July
IS'.W until paid and the further sum of Twenty
Five Dollars attorneys' fees and the sum of
Eleven Dollars cost and also the costs upon
this writ. The aforesaid Exection and Order
of Sale Is to me directed and delivered and
commands me that by sale of the hereinafter
described real property belonging to the said
ui-iL-iiuitui josrpn i.riggs i make tne several
iosepn u. riggs t make tne several
money aforesaid to satisfy the said !
."dlrd" '. wlt: .The,
miniums oi
North one-hall ot ljit Nnmhor i I
ber 1 In the city of Newport. Lincoln county
Oregon. Therefore on
Saturday, the 29th day or Octohkr
A P lHW at 1 wlock p m at the Court House
door In Toledo, Lincoln Countv, Oregon, 1 will
wii at public. im on to th'h
55. &h 'tiTuS? BSldRSSSS
Joseph O. Hrlggs In and to the alnive described I
real property and all arsons claiming through!
or under him since the 2Mb. day of July iMWor.
so much thereof as may be necessary t6 satisfy
said Judgement and Execution and amounts
ilTVZ ,orlh wUh ,"lore"'
BK-..-.,..,-.t":y. -
rated Toledo September 2t)th m.
fuT-i ! .i i.iiK'i.iu v tunny, uregon.
11 KnntAinluirmlililuii "
m. B -"I'liP'-iiii si
-W. L. DAVIS, Editor.
One Year - - -Six
Three Months -
$1 50
Entered at the postofllce at Toledo, Oregon, as Kio-ht bids were presented, a reP-second-class
mail matter. " " . r
Advertising rates made known on application,
Business locals will be inserted in these ool-
umns at live cents per line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmaster in Lincoln county is author
I ized to act as agent for the Leader.
! Official County Paper.
"The currents of destiny flow through the
hearts of the people." President McKinley.
The bids for the government con
tract for improving Yaquina bar
were opened Tuesday as per adver
tisement. The lowest bid was
made by a Chicago firm at$5ii,945.
The public schools of Toledo are !
doing excellent work this year and
pupils are still coming in from the
There are now
101 in attendance and nothing but
praise is heard from the scholars.
Our little town has for years bbast-
ed the banner schools in the countv uow available for the work, so the
and we see no reason for laying the rm t0 whom the contract is award
palm down now. ' ed wiH not be likely to undertake
. ! anything beyond preparatory work
A dispatch in the Oregoman says , lltil flr)n,w annrnnr;?lt;ftn :c Ma(t.
theNavara struck a rock on the
auu oyiung a icaK wmcn caused
her to return, unload and repair
before putting to sea. It is mis
leading from the fact that the
Navara never struck a rock on the
bar it she was in the channel. That
she struck is due to her being out
of her place out of the channel.
We never kick about the truth con
cerning Ysquina bar, but enter a
protest af a lie.
It is only natural that people in
Oregon represented by Hon. Thos.
Tongue should feel very grateful
to him for the labor done in secur
ing, during the late war, the letting
of the contract for Yaquina bar im
provements. That they do ap
preciate this labor can be seen by
facial expressions when he appears
and by kindest words in conversa
tion. While we greatly disliked
his election, in that it robbed us of!
Binger Herrmann, our friend, it is
only justice to Mr. Tongue to say
he has done remarkably well during
his first term of office.
Some time ago Attorney Pipes
filed a bill against the county for
$750 for services in the Landis-
Jones cases. Our board of county
commissioners told him he had!
vci -caumaiea me value ot his
Services, and trip nnnr.
1 . ' imuici
that when the board received his
' receipt in full, he should rereiv-P
. . . u u receive
f$v, umerwise ne must sue A
, , . . c A
iew aays since tne receipt arrived,
the warrant drawn and the matter
settled. During the first work on
the case Mr. Pipes was paid $200,
and, with the last payment, re
ceived $450 for his services. It
was amply sufficient.
It will be noticed the Oregonian
says "the firm to whom the con
tract, is let will not be likely to
undertake anything beyond prepar
atory work until another appropri
ation is made." As we understand
the matter, the provisions of the
contract made it obligatory on the
part of the contractor to beiriii th
work before a specified time, that
be was to spend $15,000 per month
,,: i , .
aur'ng eacn month from Mav to
Wrt.mW , , .
.-.v.uuvi, year ana auring
the rest of the year could drop to
$9,000 per month. Whether that
I ' peni onwtiatthe te, ms Preparatory work,
,r not' 11 ,s eno"gh to safv people
that the good Work will be aonnin
.. , , win ue accom-
Pushed as SOOtl as Possible
. ,
B,ds for the proposed improve.
mem of the entrance to Yaauina
, ..
luv hu evfin .1 .
J ' " luc preheiu nortl1
! jetty 2100 feet and the south jetty
2000 feet, removing rock from the
channel and placing more rock on
the present jetties, were opened
75 yesterday by Major W. L. Fisk,
OU TTnitarl Qtofac
resentative of each bidder being
present when the bids were opened.
, . ,. . , ....
following IS a list OI the Didders
. , ' . , , . ,
ana tne total amount 01 eacn Dia:
Christie, Lowe & Hey worth,
of Chicago $5 11 ,945
Wakefield &Jacobson, Port
land 606,796
John Kiernan, Portland . . . 614,610
Daniel Kern, Portland... 629,246
Albany Contract Company,
Albany 672,791
VV. L. Prather, jr., Oakland,
California 674,688
Campbell & Bucktuan, San
' Francisco 686,990
Columbia Bridge Co, Port
land 847,569
The estimated cost of the work was
'$1,025,000, but congress ordered
that the contract should not exceed
i ,cgg,cco and the $25. then
appropriated. This $25,000, minus
the amount expended in taking
care ot the plant, etc., is all that is
The s pecifications r ire that the
government shall not be obligated
to pay any more than $400,000 on
contracts in any one year. The
bids will be forwarded to the de
partment at Washington, with
Major Fisk's recommendation, and
as the Chicago firm is so much
below every other bidder it is a
foregone conclusion that the con
tract will be let to it. A bond of
$200,000 will be required of the
successful bidder for the faithful
performance of the contract. Orc
gonian, Oct. 26.
A Needed nodiflcation.
For some time past the Indians
on Siletz reservation have been
asking for a modification of some
of the conditions of the allotment
treaty with United States, made in
They desire that when one of
their number dies his land may be
placed on the market and sold, his
heirs to receive the money and use
it in improving their homes. Since
the allotment was made 150 of their
number have died leaving 12,000
acres of the best land on the reser
vation to heirs who have no use for
' it at all
At this rate in a few
years a verv
small number will
own the entire reserve, eighty acres
ofwhichisall one , of them can
cultivate. They ask that the
balance of about $100,000 be paid
to them at once, that they may
receive the benefit of its use while
i:r it .
me aiiows us enjoyment. Many
are old and wish to use this money
to purchase needed comforts. They
do not like to live as they now do
and at death have their share of
tins money go to others. They
also wish to be allowed to lease
their lands for as long a period as
ten years so the renter can fence
and clear them and have time dur
ing the life of the lease to obtain a
reward for his labor. This a three
year lease will not permit. They
also desire to be made full citizens,
to pay taxes and receive the pro-
! tecllon of our civil courts just the
same as others do
Believing their requests to be
only just, some of our representa
tive men have desired Representa
tive Tongue to visit them and per
sonally listen to their requsts, so
Monday Mr. Tongue visited them
at the Agency for that purpose.
Many of the young men were
absent, bpino- at v .-n . .
for the
. e, .cmviiie nstinff
cannery, yet some 100 were
present. They met in the school
' b.,iMJ ?
it uuu mat p unAtl.M .
1 . . a "iauc KUOWn their
desires. Very able speeches were
made bv TT. s r ....... ...
Johu Williams, Charley d
Geo. Harney, all save one a
ing the audience in Engl.l
very creditable manner to ? '
speeches Mr. Ton?-,,-li, he
much surprise, not being a
their ability in this directs f
' ""'5 wiem numerft
questions Mr. Tongue told them 5
could make them no definitep e
ice only that he wouH endea 0 1
place their wishes before cong
and try to obtain their .d
modifications. " 11
Mr. Tongue was accompanied h,
Agent Buford, R. A. BenPli t, I
Jones and our reporter. Whil
the Agency these eentWn
joyed the open hospitality 0f
aKeru, wno entertained royallv
during their stay. During ,1,
aiicinuuu an returned to Toledo
where Tuesday morning M;'
lungue iook tne train for
much pleased with his visit.
Convenient Cutting Table.
A plain woodeu table, on ,.,.4 L
...:a j , " ,'u r
wiuc aim one ana a quarter var,i.
long, may be Dainted a pretty shade
of green, and pockets of ereennnj
white denim may be fastened to
each end and across the front. At
each end fasten a piece of denim
three-quarters of a yard in length,
one-half yard of this to be folded up
and bound so as to form a pocket.
One of these will prove to be a very
convenient receptacle for scraps
which would otherwise fall to the
floor and make a litter, while the
pocket at the other end may be
used to keep shirt and waist pat
terns in. Across the front W 0
similar pocket, ani in this may be
kept the tapi measure, scissors,
yard-sticks, chalk, and any other
necessary implements. Demorest
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that for
the purpose of making an examina
tion of all persons who . may offer,
jtnemselves as candidates for teach
ers of the schools of this county,
the oounty school superintendent
I thereof will hold a public examina
tion at the county court house,
Toledo. Oreeon. beeinniner at one
o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 9,
Applicants not present at the
opening will not be permitted to
take the examination.
Dated this 27th day of October,
A. D. 1898.
Geo. Bethers.
County School Superintendent,
Lincoln Co., Ore. 028
Clearance Sale.
Do not forget thac I am selling
goods at a real bargain in the next
30 days. I am leaving the Bay in
a short time and my stock of Gen
eral merchandise, store and fixtures
will be sold in the next 30 or 40
days. Call and see my goods and
get my prices.
Yours truly,
Peter Teixeffson.
Have you looked over Tellefson's
new goods? If not, why not?
If you have any live relative in
the East, not ashamed of you, send
him The Leader a year.
Just unloaded three carloads of
Flour and Feed" which is bought at
ebb prices for spot cash, and sold
accordingly. Y. B. M. Co.
How to Prevent Croup.
We have to children who are
subject to attack of croup. When
ever an attack is coming on my
wife gives, them Chamberlaiti's
Cough Remedy and it always pre
vents the attack. It is a house
hold necessity in this county and
no matter what else we run out of,
it would not do to be without Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. More of
it is sold here than of all other
cough medicines combined. J. M.
Mtovt vr:t.i n.ns n.prrh-
vfi Finnic jJiua.f
ants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by
u. u. Krogstad, druggist.
Notice Is hereby given by the unleltnwJ
administrator of the estate of James McCaHw
dftPHMBAft lAtltn .Jli J ...,t nil npMOU
haying claims against the said deceased, w
exhibit them with the necessary vouchers
fllll. ..nt 11 1 I . i ...... Ik. IIMl
"'u wimin six monins auer
publication of this notice, to the said admin
istrator at his residence at Toledo, Oregon.
Dated October 10. mm.
B. F. JONES, Administrator.
Attorney. "4