Volume VI. DIRECTORY. LISCOIiN COUNTV. jUtlve, County Judge Clerk linerin hoorsaperlntendent Surveyor Aisessor Coroner .mmissioners J. D. Daly G. E. Davis .1. F. Stewart Hurley Lutz J. II. Kohs J. L. Hyde Geo. Hethers Z. M. Derrick J. W. 1'arriHh Sam'l Van l'elt W. 11. Wakefield F. A. Godwin Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon. Friday, October 7, 1898. STATE NOTES. comity Commissioners Court meets on Wed- ApSrii!yjune, August, October and December. CIKCIUT COURT. Hon .1. W. Hamilton :--Jud,?0 "eo M.Hrow". Pros. Attorney rrt convenes on 4th Monday in July and wiirth Monday in January oi each year. CITY OF TOLKDOI , F.Jones irMa5or BE Collins Recorder Taw. Homing ..Marshal , P.Kish 7 Treasurer (;!b. Crosno, 1 i' uciuwell, J Lester IVaugh I Aldermen Starr, ( frcl Stanton Albert Waugh, J I'mmoll meets on the first Monday evening In each month. Oregon is 360 miles long, mnes wideandhasan area miles of 96,000. 1 2 75 in square 0 GOOU LODGE No. 70, Kctiekah Decree, I 0 0. Y., meets in the Odd Fellows hall i n (his city on Tuesday evening of each week. ' JENNIE A RN'OLl), N. G. BCRD RAINES, Secretary. riHYIUUHT RENEK AH LODGE No. SO. meets The motto of Oregon is, "Alis Vola Propriis" S le flies with her own wings. It is claimed that 75 car loads of dried fruit will be shipped from Marion county this season, and it is said that Lane county's hop pro duct will bring about $100,000. Paul Bollman rode from Hubbard to Corvallis on a bicycle about two weeks ago and last Thursday was shipped home a corpse. Pneumonia induced by over exertion caused his death. Jim Crightbn, who is now in the sheep business in Momana, writes tO B. Kelspv that lirppriinor nirsc ara 1 mtho I. 0. o. K. hall at Elk City on the first ' , . .,. . , , nd third Thursday evenings of each moiuh. 'I'M "i liiai biaie, lamDS at Visiting members always welcome. ' ,, MISS. .1. II. VAN ORDEN, N. 0. ;?2'75 Miss MAUD DKOh, Secretary. yearling wethers at $3.25 and 2-year-ol;l wethers at $3.50. TO 0. F.-Hav Eodge No. lift, of Vnqnlna City, Fossil Journal. 1 meets ever Wednesday evening. Visiting, a Discussing copies of the senate journal for 1897 in the senate a few I. D. Driver said the following naushty thing: "If you want the record of proceedings or hmihera urn alwavs welcome. A. S. CASTEEL, N. G. S. A. PltUITT, Secretary. n. A. It.-Abe i.incom i-osi ;o. meets in j U. the Odd Fellows' Hall on tho first and aa s Since third Saturdays of each momn. T. J. EW1NG, Post Com. T. P. FISH, Adjutant. Number 31. this fall let contracts for the exten sion of the former road one hun dred miles east from its present ter minus above Detroit. An extra crew of engineers is busily engaged at the general office making detailed plans and specifications for the work, and it is here considered as certain that the extension will be made forthwith. Baker City is just now enter taining a gentleman who never saw a railroad, an electric or gaslight until today. For the past twenty seven years, he has been living away out in the mountains and all he knew about the modem improve ments was gained by hearsay. Last night he came to Baker City for the first time in 27 years, and is now engaged in fully realizing what wonderful changes have taken plac; in the world's progress. Baker City Democrat. N ew Double i"TMi ONE SOLID TON of Hen's, and Boys' Ready Made Clothing Some trouble is being experienced in getting the water out of the hull of the sunken steamer W. M. Hoag, beached at the entrance to the upper locks canal. A bulkhead was built soon as that was completed and everything was in readiness to be gin pumping water out, the rains caused the river to and we invite patrons from far and near to closely This nYmiliA llUb immense IAXUIIIIIC stock of clothing Before Rnvin to ciilimorn iii'T iViq Ki-ill 0. r. W.-Wcstern Star Lodge No. 73, Invvs nf the Orf-orm WUInttiro , r, ""' i meets in the odd Ft1 lows' hail, Ynquina, ... , . , ! Williamson, who has charge of- the work, states that they will try spme ; other plan of raising the sunken' steamer. Union on first and third hauiroay evemiiKMii eacn I8Q7 VOU II Irave tO SO tO liell HiuilLii. inning ui v vv. . i. ... v. ii. k. I.UGUEK. m. w. o-et tliem ILL. TRAVIS, Recorder. j " Cvrinpa (iriivc, Woodmen circle, moors on the 2ijd and l!h 'l'hurlays of each month at :30 o'clock l' M. Mrs. A. T. I'eteiison, W. G. Mn.Jp.SMR Aunoi.I), (Merk. IV II.C.-AHE LINCOLN WOMAN'S RELIEF " Corp, No. 4!t, auxiliary to the G. A. R. Me'tson the'Jurt and 4th Th'irednys in each month in the I. O. O. V. hall, at 'I o'clock p. m. Mrs. Ina SruuDEVANr. l'resldent. Mra. Cabkik I'eaiks. Secy. Professor Washlr.irn, of Eugene college, thinks the Eastern oyster planted in Yaquina waters will not amount to anything commercially. , ' . , r . i of the question by the action ot the vear, but no spat is to be found, i , ri-e about a foot, Otir Pnruk nrp Dircht BOUGHT RIGHT,and iikhead. ii.b.!uu1 VJUUUo Cll C IVlgllL, are SOLD RIGHT. We Befy" All Competition, Our Stock off -SnMerO-oods, Maokmtoskes, and Oil Clotk- ia-r 5gst in the Conn The advocates of extendinsi the suffrage of women just now hve a.S.n strong lorce exerted on- tneir siae 3 T'SITKI) ARTISANS-RIVER DELL ASSEM- Knd 4th Wednesday nights of 'each month in SUCCeS. wia fenows nan, tiK city, uregon. Msr.ing : Miierfanu orotners are always welcome. ' F. M. CARTER, M. A. LAURA DA LA 11 . Secretary. Our oystermen have been building Lirgfe expectations on their ultimate supreme court of I 'alio. Speaking: ! of this the Albany Law Journal says that the advocates of women j suffrage will doubtless be greatly j encouraged by the official opinion I o.o.F.-Newport Lodge No. i, meets everv patterned after that of the District LM??.1" y i si t f n , b rot He r s n re o r- , r .mK- Tllfl -...WJ-i. . iiailv invitRil to nitnnd. J.W.'OLIVEK, Secretary. L. 0. OLSSON, N.G. A despatch from Chicago says: Hawaii is to have a government of.lhe ,u11 hench of the suPreme j court of Idaho that the ' experiment with such suffrage in that state is a Hawaiian j decided i-ucce.-s, tnat it is more the pople than ! ZJ9 Oxiv Stock of llonr and Feed is always Complete. Your Patronage is Pespectfiilly Solicited. If! COMPANY, of this svstem for the 1 J'.ft A. M.-xewport i.odge No. regular isia,us xy a void all embaressments popular among (ll nioo.;. visiting brothers are cordially arc complications, W'hicll it is Said wl,en "r?t iuloPte ' lnd tl,at "e "" "'.m.":!: GEO. KING, W. M. 1 ' r. .,, .Lf.u- .'.ir-A nf it l, ii.l HiRLM ,focy. woulo result rrom a lernioriai iorm i t-"--" - - "j . opponents have come to piss. And Vaquina liny council No. 745 National Union, of government, including even mod he month. Travelinif frii'iulx are wHcoino. ified sufTrage t. v. mm, , Sec. N. SNOW, I'rcs. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. 4 A woman with a horse-whip hunted all over Corvallis one day Uktiiodist episcopal church services last week for the Chief of Police. 4 at Toledo on the first and third Suliliaths r , . . ., . "each month at It o'clock a. m. Sabbath He had empOUIlded and SOln tier "tool every Sabbath morning at lOo'clock. . . . , , . Rev. c. it. Ellsworth, l'astor. J cow. Isot being able to una the J7,n, : : officer, her wrath subsided and she SJT.J0IIX 3 (UIURCH Protestant Episcopal. """-cl "cl - invlne service the third Sunday of every laid aside her whip. No SOOIier """"service tne third Sunday of every jl? ,.VHtll,l-m- AH are invited to attend. ( liHs. H(,th, Missionary. wiory," Newport, Or. Residence! Was tliisdone than the officer hunted moreover, it is the opinion of the court that if the question were re submitted to the people of the state it would lie adopted by a vote al most unanimous. Times Mountaineer. in mm TOLEDO, OEEGOK NQ CUT NOTICE CLOSI 2l, f- Elk Loilge No. 131, meets every Mtiirday evening fu Its hall at Elk City. """ng brothers alwavs welcome. HiiTv.. DUliLEY TRAPP, K. O. "Al'.NCKY TRAPP.Secy. The following is said to be Ger many's policy in the Philipines: She wi 1 send numerous trading vessels to the island, and will arm Vipr nn and. aonearine very muoi pleased to see her, warmly shook 150.000 Filipinos, besides furnish her hand an 1 talked her out of the g Krupp guns and artillery for vF--Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet . ii(ery Saturday evening at their hall In this whipping notion. , field use. The islanders will bj 'thoroughly drilled by German of w ficers, and by February, Aguinaldo 0 KROGSTAD.Soe'v. Tim American hop crop, it j. 11. lutz, N. g. j estimated will be 30,000 bales less will be prepared to make an on- . . I . Ait 1 Mnn 1 . ; . than last year, inecrop, uy ace- siaugni upon American mrces. New York ,To aid this plot, Germany is tryi.itr ll'OODMEX M .r.mP N.- ?' Toled o Oregon, meets on tim,c is as follows: state 60,000 bales; California, 38,- to induce China to purchase a large . th Prices- and you will go home and tell otheis about the good, and c. n,w,,KS, . Orpcnn. fi,.ooo bales ' mimh of birr war vessels, osten-! CheaP ds at IWJfeON'S CASH STORE. . Consul. DO YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS AT A HEAL BAKvAIN? IF 0 Cal1 anrI see rjy S,(,ck of Me:,'s Underclothes Men's Shoes and Hats, Men's Rubber and Oil Clothing. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Rubbers and Underwear; Dress Good , Ginghams Outing Flannel. Ribbons, Hosiery. Also Hardware, Graniieware' Groceries, Flour and Feed. - ' TH ESE GOODS 1 be at b;,rr ! 30 i-x-jrj. van caiij cum utr convinceu ot C. E. HAWKINS; Clerk. f-w t EXPERIENCE. D m nntB mm nit a 9 'It DESIGNS, AnTnn. COPYRIOHT8 Ao. '"Icklfiiiff n" J1 "ketch and description may fWmfiiT !. .n(roe whether an Invention la ai'tlclBiftiE? ,0",?,le- Communications atrlctly la Amiri i)'enoy for aeourlng patent PtS0-. We have a Washington oflice. Peclal uotlTOm1th8OU,'ll MuUU Co reoT N.SSffJ11 AMERICAN, ,nrclei iliil,!n"trato1 lamest circulation of Un,S ?fj''nial. weekly, torma3.a(ayear o iATBKTg sent free. Adureu MUNN & CO., 0l llrcadwoy, Mew fork. 000 bales; Oregon, 65,000 bales , number of big war vessels, osten- and Washington, 38,000 bales, a sibly to strengthen her navy, but ' total of 196,000. Of this amount, j really to be held for transfer to 175.000 bales will be exported, tin- ( Germany should any complications 1 less the price advances considerably. ! arise. The German agents who ! The yearly consumption in this ' have made a report to their govern- I ... r ulc I . ...mi 1.- ..m.i.. r COUlltry IS a op 111 lon,uuu u.ic.-, nieiu miv 11 win 11c impunsunc lor while this yeary's crop, after sub- United States to land more than stracting the amount unusally ex- 50,000 men in the Philipines before 1 1 1 - ' . ,, l a 1 1 ported, is only 121,000 oaies I!r"'oYo"r Mv-i wiih c The following telegram should have appeared last week, but will ....11 u ;t.rtinc to many of our mm uv. ui-iv o - . 'readers: "II s known here by ' nersons who are in close touch with I Bonner & Hammond, who control the East, not ashamed of you, send ' tho O C & E. railroad from Ya- him The Leader a year. Aguinaldo is ready to make his coup. The German report of the condition of the aff?.y-s say Ameri ca's only hope ii to disarm the insurgents. - If you have any live relative in will bo leaving the Bay about November 15th, and the Goods Must be Sold before that time. Storcbuildiiig and Fixtures, and the En tire Stock will be sold, also Dwelling House and Household Goods. PETER TELLEFSON, cAZ railroad, that that company quina Bay east, and the Astoria L0IA c . p ' September 28 180S .:t..1 W that company Will Piixa. "Onocent adoeo' At all clrugjriata. a,cu sepiemner 2. I9 Prop, of TEIXEFSON'S CASH STORE, Yaquina, Oregon. I- t. .. . r i I,' !