Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 19, 1898, Image 4

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Of Oregon Stone.
Secretary Alger Says that Work Will
Begin at Once.
Representative Tongue received
the following letter from the war
department last Monday. It is
dated August 6, and signed by
Secretary Alger:
"I have the honor toacknowledge
the receipt of a letter signed by
yourself and Senator McBride and
Hon. W. R. Ellis, asking the rea
son for delay in letting the contract
for the improvement of Yaquina
bay, Oregon, as authorized by the
river and harbor act of June, 1896.
and urging that the improvement
be begun at the earliest practicable
date. Replying thereto, I beg to
inform you that about the time the
plans for this work were approved,
May 9, 1898, the officer in charge
of the district was ordered to
report to San Francisco to
accompany the first troops to the
Phillipines. He transferred his
duties to Major Fisk, who took
them additional to his own, but
who was obliged at that time to
proceed to the mouth ot the Colum
bia river, where he has been for the
past two months supeiintending
the construction of batteries and
arranging the submarine mine de
fenses. As Major Fisk has no
military assistant he has been
obliged personally to do the practi
cal work, and has not bad time to
attend to the Yaquina bay improve
ment. I have, however, this day
directed that the work be advertised
without further delay."
. .
Pool Slough Jottings.
Fishing season is now in lull
Joseph Schirmer has returned
Irom the Columbia river, where he
has been working at his old trade,
and will jotn his partner, Al.
Taylor, in the fall fishing.
Mr. T. Huntsucker . has been
helping W. White (who ' has 'been
troubled with rheumatism) in the
bay field, and we find that "Teed"
is a first-rate worker, if he is small
in stature.
Last week two young men drove
over to Seal Rocks, taking with
them a load of furs (Ferrs).
Mr. Hanlin, of Beaver creek,
with his son, Johnny, has been
visiting friends here. Mr. Hanlin
is an old soldier, and can tell many
interesting war stories. We hope
he will come again and make a
longer stay.
"Such things are always to be
expected in time of war."
These were the words uttered by
stone should come from the Snake . R. A. Alger, the secretary 01 war
river quarries in Idaho. A great when his attention was forcibly
cry was ranseu from all over Oregon i called to the scandalous outrages
because Oregou stone bad been ; that had been and were still being
I When the bids for building the
1 custom house at Portland were
called for it was stipulated that the
discriminated against, and so great
was the pressure brought to bear
that the department has ordered
that Oregon stone be used instead
of Idaho stone. The contractor
has been looking the field over to
select the best stone, and has been
inspecting the quarries of Lincoln
The probabilities are that the
stone will be taken from this coun
ty for the building. The stone at
Pioneer quarry has been fully test
ed and found to meet all the re
quirements, aud the quarry is open
and 'eady for the delivery of the
stone. The stone from the quar
ries of this county will make a su
perior building.
About one month ago my child,
which is fifteen months old, had an
attack of diarrhoea accompanied by
vomiting. I gave it such remedies
as are usually given in such cases,
but as nothing gave relief, we sent
for a physician and it was under
his care for a week. At this time
the child had been sick for about
ten days and was having about
twenty -five operationsof the bowels
every twelve hours, and we were
convinced that unless it soon ob
tain relief it would not live. Chatn
berlains's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy was recommended,
and I decided to try it. I soon
noticed a change for the better; by
its continued use a complete cure
was brought about and it is now
perfectly healthy. C. L. Boggs,
Stumptown, Gilmer Co., W. Va.
For sale by O. O. Krogstad, Drug
gist. .,
The Best Remedy for Flux.
Mr. John Mathias, a well known
stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says:
"After suffering for over a week
with flux, aud my physician hav
ing failed to relieve me, I was
advised to try Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and have the pleasure of stating
that half of one bottle cured me."
For sale by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist.
Extra Session Talk.
It is beginning to be quite cer
i..ui. iuLit Vvwi we aa extra ses
sion of the legislature convened by
Gov. Lord, probably in November.
Several prominent republicans of
the state who are quite close to the
governor, politically, assert that
such a session will be called. The
pretext being put forward is that
there is not time in the forty days
r the regular session to attend to
all of the business that will proper
ly come before the legislature. The
real object of such an extra session
would be, however, to have a sen
ator elected to succeed Mitchell
while Lord is yet governor, so that
he could use the influence of the
perpetrated by army contractors and
the horde of human scavengers that
followed in their wake. When he
was shown that the clothing con
tractors had failed in almost every
item to live up to their contracts,
when he was shown that food con
tractors had vilely and criminally
furnished food not fit for any human
to eat, but had gotten their contract
price for first-class supplies, when
he had been shown that transport
ation companies, medical supply
contractors and almost every con
tractor in connection with the sup
ply and forwarding department of
the army were engaged in a huge
swindle, and were open and bold
about it, he sneeringly and careless
ly turned it off by saying that such
things always happened in time of
war, and not a single one of these
base auu unscrupulous robbers were
made to feel this displeasure or to
disgorge one cent of their gildings
and stealings. Why should they be
punished? Does anyone doubt that
there was some sort of a "stand-in"
with this execresence that occupies
the position of secretary of war?
Yes, such things are to be ex
pected and always happen, especial
ly when men of the Alger type get
in control. But who is to be held
responsible for the lives lost by the
eating of rotten food, lack of medi
cine, lack of clothing, lack of shel
ter, and every outrage and crime
that has been perpetrated upon our
brave boys in the Santiago cam-
Let ti e righteous indigna
1. 1-. riou, manager.
ICv6rything at Lowest Prices
10 4 i?jT55?rfTw
25 SO
Hi 1 ii7iWr
A PC AT TITPTXf PnHDHWItrrrt to cnre an aunr ...... . . """WIJS
pie and hooklrt free; Ad. STERLING KEMPT fan. .or N
state administration in meddling
... ... . . .
witn ana dictating such election, j iviiTS15
An extra session would cost the j tion of a brave and liberal people so
people of the state $50,000 and condemn Al -cr and men of his type
would be of no adequate benefit. ; ,bnt thev will slink into the obliv-
Do We Want The Phiilpines?.
ion tv whic'i tiKy belong.
In the county Court of the state of Oregon, for
t.hft Pmintv cti 1 innnln
In the matter of the estate of James Hamar,
To Henry Hamar, John Hamar, Dave Hamar,
rnflrlpD Hnmar Al pa Uuul. lijv.. T si
Dixon, Lulu Casteel, Clara Klsor, Sada Dixon,
fluent jjiiuu, lime Atiggs, jnester Klggs,
vimujii niPSn, v. urure Aiamar, miiuu Hamar.
Clyde! Hamar. Greeting:
i uu mo uereuy uiieo ana required to appear
in the County Court of the statu of Oregon, for
the pnnnt.v nf T.lnrmlri at th. - . .1
of, at Toledo in the county of Lincoln, on Satur-
, , U"J ' vugum, ioo, al 10 O C100K,
in the forenoon of that day, a day especially
fixed hv thfl .InHura it ila i... r... r
pose, then and there to show cause, if any exist
why an order of sale of the real estate, cf said
auto til DhnllM n 1 .1 1.. t 1 ....
v..,..., onuwiL. u, uc iiinue, uk 111 me petition
prayed for, to-wit: Northeast M of northeast
y ul ""on Vwnsnip 11 south, range 8 west,
also all land lying north of above described
real property and up to the countv road leading
frSImu V,rv?llis' ,re8n. to Yaquina Hay, and
which lie in section 30 twp 10 south, range 11
west, also northeast 14 of northwest Vt, north
east of and northeast '4 of the southeast
of section 8,1, twp 10 south, range 8 west, also
northwests, and northwest yA of the south
west y4 . and southwest , except a strip 12 rods
wide oil of the west sideof said last mentioned
40 acres, in section twp lo south, range 8
west, save and except 107 acres heretofore sold,
f8of Vha?""; V f ."""beast '4 and northeast
'4 of the northwest 14, or lots 2 and 3, section
4, township 11 south, range 8 west.
.uira, mo nun. j . t . Stewart, ludra
ot the County Court of the State of
,. irfi"ii,jUr me county of Lincoln
! L.S. 'tk t.1!8 f said Court allixed,
this 14th day of July, A. D. 1898.
Attest: J. H. Lutz, Clerk.
Bigget Offer Ye
The cry that is going up from a
great many people for the retention
of the Philipine Islands is made
without due considerations by
many of our people. In the mat
ter of the retention of captured ter
ritory our government should make
baste very slowly. When war was
declared by the United States it
was made a part of the declaration
that it was not to be a war for ex
tention of territory. It was to he
a war for humanity, and such a
war was sacred. The war has
brought to us the island of Porto
Rico, and will eventually bring to
us Cuba. But these territories are
in the American hemisphere, and
are properly subject to government
from their own or adjacent people.
With the Philipines it is different.
They are populated by a half sav
age population that are wholly dif
ferent from ours in every essential
that goes to make up a govern
ment. They are remote from us,
and would be oniv a burden. Their
location is on the wrong side of the
Pacific. The retention of these
Asiatic islands would only emproil
us in endless quarrels and bicker
ings with the European powers
that are grabbing after territory.
It would forever tear down and de
molish the barrer of the Monroe
doctrine, for it would stop us from
crying down European conquest in
the Americas. The horde of half
wild savages tuat go to make up
the population of these islands
would only entail an endless ex
pense to govern. A free American
port at Manila is as far as we
should go with the Philipines.
Evorvbody Bays So.
Cuscarets Candv Cathartic, the mom won
i. en ui iiu dicul ttiaiMivervof the ape. t uu
ii' t. ami rofr-Bluntr to tho tunic, tn-i cciitly
im I po.HiUv-ly ou kidneys, liver niid lvels,
loannlii;r the entire system, dispel colli-,
euro liendnolio, lover, linbiuml ioi,tlnUo!i
nii.Uiiilniisnoss. l'lcaso buy and try a box
of O. (J. C. to-dny ; jo, so cents, told aiw
giinruulet'd to cure by all druggists.
Administrn.tnT't Tri
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Lincoln cmiYifw b
T . . " .. .i iy , vivguil.
In the matter of the estate nf Kit ni,m
According to an English journal
the Spanish soldier is a frugal liver
his comtrjicsarint allowance being
two mea'.s a day one at 9 A. M.,
the other nt 5 P. M. In somecorps
coffee and soup are served out in
the eatly morning. A pound and a
uir ft, j j . 118 R'nnt said estate are herebv noti.
half of bread a day constitute the ft r,es? nt th.elr cla""8 du'y verified
n" t0 law at my residence in SilPi iiu
government ration; any food beyond !nv'Hn11thl,V Blx nionth8 this datll and
this must be bought by the private
ceased :
;ed Ad
n.H C C'ir'.''' iummy, de-
, ic mmuraoie LOUIlty Court of Lin.
E?i.n.5?."n-tr' ,rK"n, any and all peZ,ng hav
x undersigned has been dulv appointed
ministrator of the Essate of EH Dummy.
at the canteen. He gets a little
meat, and keeps in excellent condi
tion on a chunk of dry bread, a lit
tle oil and a clove of garlic a day.
If to this he can add a pint of wine
which tastes like vinegar and water
he feels perfectly happy. There is
one thing he cannot go without,
and that is the cigarette.
Ordinance to provide for the
opening of Fourth Street from inter
section of Graham Street to Stan
ton's addition, and to open First
Street from Graham Street to Stan
ton's addition:
Council, of the City of To
ledo, That Fourth Street be opened
from the intersection of Graham
street to Stanton's addition, and
that First street be opened from
Graham street to Stanton's addition.
That same shall be done accord
ing to surveys of A. L. Porter, a
profile of which is now on file in
the City Recorder's office.
A Call for County Warrants.
any and all , , n.' Z,T al.e-
estate are alK notilledTo" pav said indebted
Dated July 15, 18U8. ISA AP mabtiv
Administrator of the estate of Duine-
Notice of Sale of Real Property
;un?ytyoffiorthe State ' ".
ceSsed aUerf the estate of p- Bant, de-
jRJnyjV. PAUn Altree.
in t..i.i . , . "ala flay, at the court hnu.u
folding edi'?4al reCs? t W
Fop Orjly $2.0
eles by ..oted "writer, hiv. VwotT
cleane.M, brightest and best p.tin,
lished. No pains or expente will bewm
keeping op its high standard. m
KemeinbeK,that by tuking atlvsnlieeri!
Comillllftltmi vntl crn. Ifvl ..rnn ... .v.....
and KM copies of t iie FKE K PRESS, a ,
Iap r I v Oillt rr
Tlie Free Press
Annual Year Book and Alraac
For 1898. 1
ovra 20.000 copies of jwbooc m
An eorale and superior Book of Kcttr.
, T..'? yo" aI1 yn WM,,t t( know. Aim
cal i.c, ucator and Hand Book of Jinento
infonnation o.i subjcctsStatisfical.onifiil
"fcaland Agricnlluial; likewise t Bun
Religious Fad, and general Prautiol C;
tions on everyday afl'aira of office, llowi
A copy of this book will be sent to ill f
scribing Immediately and Sending 15 Cent!
11 K51 for '"ailing expenses, itiakiegfi:
all. rhe book will be published about
oer 28, 1807. Copfes of the book will ljm
all taking advantage of this of this oft
SOOn Blt(r t hll hll-ii ii t ii .. ii Mingful.
Address, The LEADER. Toledo Onj
Thrice-a-iveeli Edition,
18 pages a week,
156 papers a IV
A paper as useful to vnn as a sreattfb
for only one dollar a year. Better than PI
All the Newa of All the Wolrd All the ft
Accurate and fair to evorybody. Dm5
is- thennn m.'Th 7. ;ioence ""r to evoryDoay.
to place of beghminlr comiin1 "ndfor the e- Against tnutt
'n,ore less, all being gituated I"onopo,,M- Brilliant illustratlom. '
ty, Oregon. 8 "uuaiett by great authors In every number. W
saidesarflrR"....?81.8 Dlongi,lff to
quarter 8eVHnn 5""1.v"cna,n ?ast of the
township 10 outrrttngr8 weCt
thence north 28 da. f? i7.? ' run,"ng
chains; thence nofth n' F l1nute"i west
9.75chn- ..""fAlrains; thence east
east 1.7fi chlunsT he ce "Su h 1 Ch.."1 15enoe
east 8,6 chains: t6?nnV.!,,i".ee
west is chains to
mg acres m
I a ted at T. ,i It Ures;on- by great authomln every number.
x mea at lolodo, Oregon, this 9th day of August rea'ling for women and other special Hi'
' . " Hlllltlil linn..,.! Inn.
----- .-.iibciun.,
.j.. . . ATlRTTIST ATTnt'T, It Stands irt ainnnn.ii.iaVlH naTrflfiDl
wased atr0f the efit8te of P. Bryant,' de. ,re9!eyof pubiicationVnd reshneM.I
eU S ' 06 nf reliability of contents. It is practta- j
r. juwus. Attornev r. lne low Prlc weekly; aim
" . . ' ItSt Of RllllRPrthni.u!.,n i.-nrv itl!! t
vr... , , - territory of the Union and foreign ceo::
JNotice of Final Setllpmonf wivnVj,,rthe,air,,eHgo'lt8new"Ml5I
. al oeiliemeilt. , .Weo lerthlsunequaled newspaiier (
in the County Court of ,, a,. . LINCOLN COUNTV l.FAnPB tointharort!1
tne County of Lincoln: o ure8on' for ,oronly-oo. J
deceansed.ter0f the estate ' P- W. Mulkey. v$XUM 8Ub,,CrlPtIon Prlce ' 1
Notice is hnroi.n .i . . ' I
vuiini as auministruii. i ,j "nai ac
County Court onhe Btate of Ortate ,,n th
County of Lincoln, and hv VL CK.on' for the
court, Tuesday, the 4 th d nMwt91" of "aid
alea 11,18 4tn dtty Of August, 188
Adm,strfttor of the J&fW$X,.
Notice is hereby given that I have
money on hanbs to pay all County
Warrants drawn on the general fund
and endorsed not paid fcr want of
funds up to and including October
ii 1895. Interest on said warrants
will cease from the date of this
Dated Toledo A
V, 7?' thU notice:
J ir. XiVDE, 0ln ay Of August, 1898.
Treasurer of Uncoln County. $SlS$8X
County Surveyor.
Notice of Appointment.
Zt1 ' 0W. for
'Vea'0' th9 e8tat of Cecil Ho.kln.
of the State of OnWt for th nUounty
coin, adinlnt..,..?... '?r t.h County of
Hoskins, deceased An estate of Cecil
his line. Col
S I worK ana reasona,.
P. O Address, Eddyvile, OffS