Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 19, 1898, Image 3

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Win the morning as when I go to.
I'l? in such a poor, thin, sluggish
V L it does not keep up your
rthond you do not get the benefit
Tit sleep. To feel strong and koep
, iu"t trv the tonic and purifying
ms of Hood's Sursnparilla. Our word
' rit ltwill do you good.
Ws Sarsapanlla
i'v firimt&it Medicine.
H mw "
rMTcurcall Liver Ilia. 25 cents.
Items" of interest.
In London there is a manufactory in
,ich evel-y ,na uuuioui,
jm is nJ""0- ,
Ihe ants of South America nave
ken Know" i" """
Jiles in lengui.
Careful measurements prove mat tne
jeraue ourvature of the globe is 6.90
jhes to the statute nine.
Antiseptics, creolin being preferred,
mWli rim wator n hoi 1 for
irinkling the streets oi cruBseuj.
jhe wonderful part of the Maxim gun
,ut it h8 only one barrel, and yet
lUU . ,
oandisobarge 600 shots in one min
Ihe "elephant beetle" of Venezuela
ho lurimst insect in the world. A
II grown one weighs about one-hall
Tim ndvertisinff of Schilling's Best in
lis paper met with such success that a
i months ago Messrs. A. beaming B
started the advertising of their
louey-back baking powder. They aie
;jjcntly well pleased with thoregults,
we have again received an order lor
ilvertisinu oi then tea and halting
wrier tbis time for increased snace.
here is nothing that sells so well as a
1 article, advertised in the town
there it is to bo sold.
The British army rifle has 83 com-
Iraent parts, in the production of
ich 952 machines are employed, as
II as various piocesses which do not
Ijnire machinery.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
It this season your feet feel swollen, ner
lus, and hot, ami get tired easily. I f you
lave smarting feet or tight shoes, "try
ten's root-n,ase. it cooia tne ieet ana
ikes walking easy. Cures swollen and
pating feet, blisters and callous spots.
nieves corns ana nunions or an pain and
es rest and comfort Ten thousand tes-
iKimals of cures. Try it totat. Sold by
(lrueeists and shoe stores for 25r. Npnr.
v mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
hca. AQuress Alien o. uimstea, lm
'mj, Kew York.
How great a havoo is created in
alice anionut birds, is shown hv
ie 1act that during Christmas week,
i the Centrl maiKet, 114,000 larks
ere sold.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a
'd-send to me. Win. Ii. McClellau,
utster, Florida, September 17, 1505.
The most recent estimate of the
iealth of Great Britain and Ireland is
) Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
What'was formerly a quill factory at
"is is now devoted to the manufac
re of quill toothpicks, and turns out
'.000,000 yearly.
In Scotland last year the birth rate
118 30.5 per 1,000, the death rate
'It the marriage rate 7.3.
Regularity is a matter of importance
f every woman's life. Much pain is.
owever, endured in the belief that it
necessary and not alarming, when
f truth it is all wronir and indicates
ferangement that may cause serious
Excessive monthlv nain itself will
Jssettle the nerves and make women
a before their time.
ihe foundation of woman's health is
perfectly normal and regular ner-
'finance of nature's function The
atement we print from Miss Geb
nESiKE9, of Eldred, Pa., is echoed
every city, town and hamlet in this
5nfy. Raad what she says:
'DeabMb9. Pinkham: I feel like a
person since following- your ad
to. and think it is my duty to let the
"bc know the good your remedies
"e done me. My troubles were pain
11 Menstruation and leucorrhcea I
M i nervous and had spells of being
Wused, Before using your remedies
Qever had any faith in patent medi
"es. I now wish to say that I never
ld anything do me so much pood for
ainful menstruation as Lydia E. Pink
os Vegetable Compound: also would
? that your Sanative Wash has cured
e of leucorrhcea. 1 hope these few
''ds may help suffering women."
lne Present Mrs. Pinkham's expert
Jjc in treating female ills Is unparal
ea, for vear8 she worked side by
with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. and
(r sometime past has had sole charge
'he correspondence department of
er great business, treating by letter
srnany as a hundred thousand ailing
'en during a single year.
Wl suffering women are Invited to
.(,irpc I, tii r.. , i r
&'" for advice about their health.
Q But
rap. Tattet ooou.
fold by driiKKlt-
1 I
f tviet OochI. Use
fiT rtrncriftRTR.
Cncle Sam s Ufptomacy.
A '"'sou UlU U SOiU' " at pres,!nt ' the
Couteruln' how the diplomats 6hall get us
to agree; 6
rbeyseeui to think In Europe that hostilities
should ceuse,
iad want a congress at Berlin to name the
terms of peace;
rher've got some fancy notions as to what
should now ensue,
ind propose to Us the limits for the old
red, white uml blue
There's a all for comBromlsln' from the
feller on the run,
But I'm tired of dlploumcy-we'll settle with
the pun!
Pm not much good at snyln things wttch
may mean this or that,
When 1 have any talk to make I list come
right out tint;
t never took no lessons In tlio lyin' blznesa,
Prefer to stick to matters that I fully understand-So
let the oily diplomats take notlca that
I've done
With Europe's fray of doln things well
settle witli the ffun!
fvo had enough dlplomucy to last me for
a spell;
If Europe wants the diplomats to run
things, very well,
But let them jlst confine themselves to
Europe's own affairs,
A.nd not attempt to mis mo up In diplomatic
P"e stnrtfd In to do n tnlv-T'vo put It nonrlv
And I reckon that I'll go ahead and finish
with the gun!
I've picked out what Pm after, and propose
to have It, too,
And they may as well take notice now that
uothlu' else'l do;
So let them hold their congresses, hut I'm
not goln' In;
My fl(.;htln' Isn't beln' done at Paris or
Just let their diplomats go on and get ua to
But their settlement won't 6ettlo If It Inter-
1 feres with me,
lr I'll stund no slick undoln' of the work
that I have done,
And I guess I'll blunder right ahead and
finish with the gun!
Before Santiago.
Who cries that the days of daring ore those
that are faded far,
That never a light burns planot-brlght to be
hailed as the hero's star?
Let the deeds of the dead be laureled, the
brave of the elder yenrs,
But a song, we say, for the n'0 of to-day
who have proved themselves their
High In the vault of the tropic sky Is the
garish eye of the sun.
And down with Its crown of guna a-frown
looks the hilltop to be won;
There Is the trench where the Spaniard
lurks, his bold and his hiding place,
And he who would cross the space between
must meet death face to face.
The black mouths belch and thunder, and
the shrapnel shrills and flies; - ;
Where are the fain and the fearless, the
luds with the dauntless eyesV
Will the moment find them wuxitlng? N'ay,
but. with valor stirred!
Like the leashed hound on the coursing
ground they wait but the wurnlng
"Charge!" and the line moves forward,
moves with a shout nnd a swing,
While sharper far than the cuctus thorn Is
the spiteful bullet's sting.
Sow they are out In the open, and now they
are" breasting the slope,
While Into the eyes of death they gaze bb
Into the eyes of hope.
Sever they wait nor waver, but on they
clamber and on,
With "Vp with the flag of the stripes and
stars, and down with the flag of the
What should they bear through the shot
rent air but rout to the ruuks of Spain,
For the blood that throbs In their hearts Is
the blood of the boys of Anthony
See, they bnve taken the trenches! Where
are' the foemenV Gone!
And now "Old Glory" waves In the breeze
from the heights of Sau Juan!
And so, while the dead are luureled, the
brave of the elder years, 1
A song, we say, for the men of to-day who
huve proved themselves their peersl
-Leslie's Weekly.
Don't Cbetr.
When down the gallant Texas steered
Abreast her Spanish prey,
Three hundred voices would have cheered;
But Philip suld them. Nay!
"Don't cheer I" For on those scorenlnj
Convulsed with dying throes.
Lie scores of quivering human wrecks
Once proud, now conquered; foes.
No knightlier deed was ever done
Thnn that they did not do: -No
braver triumph e'er wa6 won
By wearers of the blue.
That when, flred. flushed with victory.
Our Jack-tnrs held their breath
And paid, on distant Cuban sea,
The honors due to death.
The bold are the compassionate.
And clement nre the brave.
E'er quick to offer love fur hnte.
And yielding foes to save. t
True courage hastens to relieve
A wounded captive's care,
And for a dying foe will breathe
A tender, pitying prayer.
New York Ledger.
The Old Brigade.
The new brigades are mighty flue-the boys
ore brave and true,
An' the grav Is marchln' side by side with
them that wore the blue:
I seen 'em on the hilltops-they're drillln In
But weV'm'tlergit the old boys who made
the old brigades.
We won't ferglt the fellers that fought on
An- 'tot?"! ""Stonewall" , Jackson, an'
An' Grants an' Sherman's fellers-thelr
mpm'rv never fades;
W. won't f'erglt the old boys who made the
old brigades.
They're thlnnln' out-the old boys-they're
' ..,. nn the sod:
They're croMln'-croMln' over to the camp
But we" wnon't ferglT the old hoy. who mad,
the old brigades.
of the wrong baking powder
will spoil a half-dollar's worth'
of cake.
Use Schillings Best.
"Home-Made" Soda Water.
Plain soda in water so often recom
mended for dypeptics is a disagreeable
drink to many people; but a delicious
drink may be prepared to take its place
that will' prove quite as beneficial. '
Take two pounds of granulated sugar,
two ounces of tartaric acid, one and
one-half ounces of essence of winter
green, three pints of water and the
whitja of two eggs. Mix the sugar
with the acid and wterr, let it come to a
boil, and boil bard for two minutes.
When cool stir in the wintergreen and
the eggs beaten to a froth. Put into
jars and set in a cool place. Put two
tablepoonsfuls or less of the syrup in a
glass of cold water and foam it up with
soda, using from one-fourth to one
lialf teaspoonful of the soda, just
enough to make it foam thoroughly;
and it will not only be beneficial, but a
delicious summer drink.
OF 1868.
This will be the erentpst pnlrt vpur in Wetnrt
From South Africa, the Klondike and Aus
tralia the precious metal is being shipped in
larvre quantities. It is believed that this vear's
output will be nearly double that of anv pre
vious twelve months. The sales of Hoste'tter'8
Stomach Bitters are also increasing verv fust,
and this year that famous remedy will cure
more people of dyspepsia, indigestion, consti
pation, nervousness and weakness than ever
A case of disease of the jaw bones
due to inhaling phosphorous vapor from
matches has been reported by a French
physician. The patient frequently
need more than 100 matches a day in
lighting and relighting the cigars he
PT Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousnes
I llw after lirnt duv'a imp of Tr. k'lino'o
Nerve Kestorer. Send for FBKK tM.00 trial
Dotue ana treatise, do. k. iu K'-Irr. Ltd., two
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. .
Vultures cannot discover a carcass by
the sense of smell. They rely entirely
upon their sight when in quest of food.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 15 Years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations mode
by their firm.
W'bst & Tbuax,
Wholesale Druuglsts, Toledo, O.
Walding, kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills - rc the best.
Major Von Wreshem, of the royal
cavalry of Germany, now in Berlin, has
written to the war department tender
ing his services to the American army
in the war with Spain. .His applica
tion has been sent to the president.
Is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing1 the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the. California Fig Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Chinese Io Everything; Backward.
The Chinese compass points to tlw
south instead of the north.
Men wear skirts, the women trousers.
Men wear their hair long, women
wear it short
Men carry on dressmaking, woman
carry burdens.
The spoken language is not written,
and the written languange is not
Books are read backward. Footnotes
are inserted on top of the page.
The Chinese dress is white at funer
als and in mourning at weddings, while
old women always serve as bridesmaids.
The Chinese launch their vessels
sideways and mount their horses from
the off side.
The Chinese begin their dinner with
desert and end with soup and fish.
In China the hands of the clock are
immovable; it is the dial that revolves.
The new improved Stoughton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the way. It pavs to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison strebt, Port
land, Or.
Spain has heretofore annually ex
ported to this country about $2,000,000
worth of oranges, nut9, taisins and
Value of Wonus to Fanners.
We often do not appreciate the worth
of a thing until we have lost it. The
farmers who own the largo tract of land
in Essex which was in November last
flooded by salt water owing to a break
down of a sea wall, may think of this
adage when they ruefully look at their
sodden ground. The despised worms,
by their constant bnrrowings, kept the
land well drained; but when the sea
flood came they were all killed, and sea
birds had a great feast. That land,
mea9urina about 50.000 acres, is still
in a spongy state, and i9 likely to re
main so until the farmers' friends the
worms have had time to recover their
lost position.
Ant hills in West Africa eometime9
reach the height of 15 feet.
tlm unlet SStatt, bit Stddiridjfcn",
in foldje Jtreite einuifiifueii, in benen c3 bi3
! Ijcr nod) ntdjt gentigrnb befaiint roar, tenben
j tntr e3 Don jctjt an bt3 jum 1. IJnnuar 18U9
i frei an afle birjeniijen, melche fur ba8 iiad)fle
Jafjr unfere t!lbonncntn metben unb ben
I itfetraq bafiir, $2.00, jefct einfenben. 9Jlan
I lafft fid) robcftuinmern fdjiden.
German Publishing Co., Portland, Or.
The attention of the publio is called
to the professional work of Dr. T. H.
White, No. 211)4 Morrison street,
Portland, Or. His electrical appli
ances are the most modem, and his
crown and bridge work is of such artis
tio form and finish, that his patients
are delighted not only with the looks,
but with the comfort they receive from
the use of suoh artificial work. All
operations are painless under his meth
ods. See that your teeth are properly
cared for and that by a skillful dentist.
There is no need to suffer the discom
forts of broken-down and stained teeth
when they can be made useful and
pleasant to look upon without pain.
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep it Right
Mobre'i Revealed Remedy will do It. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart it Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Make money by succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
buy and. soil wheat on mar-
Kills. FortUIH'H havn hopn
made on a small boKinniue bv trading in fu.
mres. Write for full particulars. Best of ro
erence given. Several years' es perlence on. tba
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Oflicea In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
WILLI fie COS a1neCedlEEs.?.,N
Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar
ket. Usod by nil suck sewers. For sale Oy till gen
eral merchandise stores, or by
630 Market Street. San Fruticluco, Cul.
Cutler's Garbolate of Iodine.
Guaranteed cure for Catarrh and Consumotlon
All Druggists. J1.0U. W. H. Smith, Buffalo, K. Y.,
sole proprietor.
l Uig for unnatural
Ulocharui'H, iuUiiiniuntiuns,
irritation or ulcctutlonj
of mucous mem braDo.
THEEVANS CHEM'OlCq. eut or 'poiinuii.
CINCINNATI.O 1 "T uruggntm.
0.8. A. flr?r wnt in plain wrapper.
oy express, prepalil, for
Clroular sent on ri'iju&rt.
Stnnned atnnna
i Dr. J.C. Hoffman, 484 Isabella 131dg,Chleago,lU.
i LliEh
' In I w & davf
f.PraTnu eoDitgtoo
No. 34, 'ttK.
AIT HEN writing to
Jf 1
advertiser pleato
mention this paper.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co.. of Keokuk. Iowa, have
WAY a beautiful present with each package of
decided to GIVE A
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
Paste! P
They are I3xig inches in size, and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
fi dm i gi ii ii ii i ii inn t i nil irn ev4Ti
r HQWRUNOcootuw'1' (-ii
ISlffiSKI ill
Lilacs and
These rare pictures, , four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thin? for the home, nothing surpassing
mem in ueauty, newness m cuiur anu artistic merit.
une ot these pictures
will be given away
with each package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
is sold for io cents a package. Ask vour irrocer for this starch and cet a
beautiful picture.
j oitoior arm artistic merit.
Elastic Starch