y0ttttttt mttcm ors, JVrZ " '"'gao Llncon County, Oregon, Friday, August 12, 1898. A A PUT OUT AS A nt? JmlW surveyor tisessor ,-oroiier - jonmissioners LINCOLN COUNTY. J. D. Daly G. E. Davis - J. F. Stewart Hurley Lutz J. II. Ross J. L. Hyde Geo. Bothers Z. M. Derrick J. W. 1'arriHh Sam'l Van Pelt W. K. Wakellold F.A.Godwin Vtpr the first Monday in February, funef August, October lud UewmbeV. CIRCUIT COURT. j W. Hamilton :v4Judge ?Bj Brown Pros. Attorney ',rt convenes on 4th Monday in July and iouri Monday in January of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. SHipiln::::::: ..Mahai iv r Vih. Treasurer (;B. t'rosno, L Gowoll cLTillotsou i Aldermen 1.31. bwrr, r red Stanton, iibert Waugh rnunoll meets on the first Monday evening In eacb month. WAR FEELER. TOLEDO PUECINCT. justice of the Peace ' J .A. Hall Constable J.C.Altree NEWPORT. .Mice of the Peace, Geo. F. Byly ester instable urutcnneiu YAQUINA. t,.tin of the Peace J. S. Booth . jinsiable W. U Watkins KLK CITY. itwif the Peace A. B. Clark Constable, jug, uumimiiur LITTLE ELK. in.i 'eof the Peace Chas. Henderson Constable Z. H. Derrick NASHVILLE. Justice of the Peace 1. 8. Huntington ( gnstablc 1. Edwards BKAVEIt CREKK. jii'tironf the Peace Ram'l Hill ''.jiuiablc Joseph (iourley TIDEWATER. iiutice of the Peace N. J. Goodman Cjiistable W. A. Vidito LOUSTER. Justice of the Peace L. A. leek rnastable W. P Taylor LOWER ALSE A und YAOHATS. Jimtioo of the Peace Win. Wakefield Constable John Early SALMON RIVER. lustice of the Peace Chns. Read (taxable M. Btrton ROSS. -lus'.iue of the Peace W. H. (took Nonstable Geo. E. Croxford OHUfiCIIES AND SOCIETIES. ' KETHODIST EPISCOPAL CITUnCH Services 't at Toledo on the first and third Sabbaths ( each month at 11 o'clock a. m. Sabbath mhool every .Sabbath inorniiiR at lOo'clock. Rev. C. It. ELLSWORTH, Pastor. T. JOHN'S CHURCH TProtesUut Epmoopnl. !'i'.i:ie fcTvice the third Sunday of every month. it 11 1.. !u. All are invited to attend. tew Chas. J'ooth, Misslonarv. Residence, Kectory," .Vo:)rt. Or. 0. O. F. Elk No. 11, meets every 1 Saturday evening Hi its hall at Elk City. Vlsltinij brothers alwavs welcome. " J. C. DIXON, N. G. P. A. MILLER. Sey. t F.& A. M. Newport, lxxlpe No. 85, regular "-non vocation on Tuesday on or before each mil mno.i. Visiting brothers are cordially M'comed. GEO. KING, V. M. JOHN HOCKLEY, Secy. , Vaquina Tiny Council No. 745 National Union. meets on second and fourth Friday nightsof the month. Traveling friends are welcome. T. P. FISH, , Sec. N. SNOW, Pres. J)0 GOOD LODGE No. 7t, lloUekah Degree, V 1. 0. 0. F., meets in the Odd Fellows halll n mis city on Tuesday evening of each week. JENNIE ARNOLD, N. G. KURD RAINES. Secretary. WVILIGIIT REBEKAII LODGE No. 90, meets i nt the I. 0. O. F. hall at Elk City on the lirst ; im miru inursaay evenings oi eacn monm. visiting members alwavs welcome. , , MRS. J. Ii. VAN ORDEN, N. G. Miss MAUD DKYOE, Secretary. ttyringa Grove, Woodmen circle, meets on the v 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at :30 o'clock p m. Mrs.JKNNin Arnold, W. G. Mrs. Eunice Akin, Clerk. IV R. C.-ABK LINCOLN WOMAN'S RELIEF ' Corps, No. 49, auxiliary to the G. A. R. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each month in the I. O. O. F. hall, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Ina Rtukdkvant. President. "rs. CARttlK 1jBA1KS.0C.Y. TTS1TED ARTISANS RIVER DELL A8SEM- v b)y No. 92, United Artisans, meets on '2nd ana 4th Wednesday nights of each month in "n Fellows hall, Elk City. Oregon. Visiting isters and brothers are always welcome. F. M. CARTER, M. A. LAURA DALABA. Secretary. T 0. 0. F. Newport Lodge No. 89, meets every Saturday evening, visitfng brothers are cor dially invited to attend, L. O. OLSSON, N. G. J. W. OLIVER, Secretary. f O. O. F.-Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet every Saturday evening at their hall in this town. R. A. ARNOLD, N. U. 0.0 KROGSTAD, See'y. T 0. O. F.-Bav Lodge No. 116, of Yaqnlna City, meets evervWcdnesday evening. Visiting irothors are always welcome. . A. S. CA8TEEL, N. G. 8. A. PRUITT, Secretary. (1 A. R. Abe Lincoln Post No. fS, meets In V, the Odd Fellows' Hall on the first and "iird Saturdays of each month. T. J. EWING, Post Com. T. P. FISH, Adjutant. 1 O. V. W. Western Star Lodge No. 73, meets in the Odd Fe'lows' hall, Yaquina, n first and third Saturday evenings in each "lonth. Visiting brothers are always welcome. U.K. LUGGER. M.W. H. L. TRAVIS, Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Pocahontus Camp No. 299, Toledo Oregon, meets on tneflrst and third Fridays in each month in the Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting neighbors are ahvays welcome. . , - M.E.PEAIRS, R.K. AMBERS, . ConsuL Clerk. BOOM! BANG ! I CRASH ! !! and the Shell bursted. Panic and Consternation Reigns Supreme, While terror is seen on every countenance. CUT, SLASH AND TEAE, Right and Left is the Command. Never before in the History of Lincoln County has there been such OUT TP I3NT PRICES PISQ A $20,000 Stock Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE bought for 40' cents on the Dollar. In order to make room for New Goods we will dispose of this Stock at about your own price. Remember this offer wont last for all time UNTIL GONE: Baking Soda, 5c, Crystolia Scouring soap, 5c. Breakfast Mush, 10c. Choice sliced apples, 20 lbs. 81, Baking Powder half pi ce. Five bunches Matches, 5c. 2 Pkgs. Carpet tacks, 5c. Honey, 2 lbs. for 15c. These are a few out of a Thousand Bargains. Ve Pay 2 cents per pound for Chittem Bark. Vours FPor Business, TOLEDO, OREOOlsr. A few days since Governor Lord allowed himself to be interviewed on the question of an extra session of the legislature to be called this fall, and expressed the belief that that when a United States senator is to be elected, and railroad com missioners, etc., selected forty days is not long enough time to transact the business. Further on in "the interview the governor said "it was doubtful whether the legislature at its regular session would have time enough in forty days to dispose of all the public business that would come before it, as a large part in cluded transactions which belonged to the legislature which failed to or ganize, and he was desirous of turning over his administration with its affairs settled auu uiayCocd of." Governor Lord is a pretty sly'old fellow, and this interview was al lowed in order to get an expression from the people of their approval or disapproval of an extra session. It has probably had the effect he desired, for a vigorous protest will go up from everybody who is not interested in boodle, against the calling of an extra rsession. There could be no hope of any remedial legislation being enacted except the passage of an appropriation bill for general expenses. This would I save the interest for a few 'months on warrants now outstanding, but the saving would be small in com parison with the expenses of an ex tra session. Had the governor de sired to save public expenses by reconvening the legislature, he would have done so early last year, and not have waited until the state Number 23. IT IS COLLECTOR CROSNO. Cedar Mill and Fixture Gompany, 0. It. ALTREE, Manager. Dealers in Cedar Lumber, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINS, SHINGLES .At !L owe st Prices. A. T. PETERSON, Agent, Toledo, Oregon One more plum has fallen from the tree of federal patronage in Lincoln county, and our townsman, Hon. C. B. Crosno, was the lucky man into whose outstretched hands it tumbled. And while Mr. Crosno and his friends are rejoicing, it is no stretch of truth and veracity to say that there are several other applicants that are disappointed, and no doubt some of them have still worse feelings about the mat ter. This office is the last federal office in this county to be filled by the present administration, un less they go after the postmaster at Elk City, and one or two other small places. The collector's office at Yaquina bring $1,000 cold cash to the holder cf that importer, t position, and as the most arduous duties that are to be performed are making out reports and drawing the salary attached to the office one can readily see that it was a very desirable position to get into. No deputy is needed in the affairs of the office. The bond required of the office is $10,000, and the government will accept either a bond made up of private individuals, or one made by one of the duly recognized surety companies. Mr. Crosno stated to a Leader man this week that he intended making his bond and taking charge of the office at once. He has not decided just where he will reside yet, but will probably move to Newport in the spring. Hon. Jas. Ball, who will soon put an "ex" before his name, was appointed collector of customs in has had all the burdens of interest ; l8g4 and has fied the office yery T",- iucuh a acCeptablv during a term of four people generally, regardless of party will oppose any legislature being called prior to the regular session of 1899. years. It is safe to say that the govern ment business will continue to be in careful and conservative hands while Mr. Crosno holds it. .. The following from the Florence West smells fishy: Fred Rowe saw There are more people at the Bay this season than for many years past and the visitors, it is a deer the other dav and shot nt it said, are making their stay longer ! It dropped, but soon appeared to tnan usual, on account ot a general jump jt and Fred , it.uuv.uuu in lucLvni uiiivmg LUClC. The crowded condition cf the west bound C. & E. cars gives them the appearance of a 4th of July excur sion train. Large crowds from both north and south are transferred at Albany from the S. P. trains, while the west-side tourists take the C. & E. at Corvallis. Since the 15th of last month 333 pieces of baggage have been transferred ttr-ttyr-r-r-y-y-? theS. P. denot at this nnint x .r-:.'-Jt:v: i - i TELLEFSON'S CASH STORE, Yaquina, Oregon. I have Re-opened my place of Business, and luu L,ine ot I am in the Market with a GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, In spite of the pending peace pro posals the Spanish troops at Manila tried to for.ee back the American troops in the strong position at ti4.. 1 11 im FLOUR AND FEED, GKUUJSKins, ii akd w akh, iiin wAim, : . --w, httmvto UTT'DTJ"T.?TTTNfi ROODS. MEN S HATS AJND SHUliSi"" . ttc5 a xtt DTTtmwwQ TTMn f?i? A u Tvi? t?cq ! American soldier and after several J,iJXliO OHWiiJ , . . -) GOODS, GINGHAM, OUTING FLANNEL, CALICO, ETC The same are sold very low for cash in hand. Call and see my New Goods. PETER TELLEESON, Proprietor. You want the county news, Subscribe for the LEADER. two or three more shots at it and it dropped again. Yet again it jumped up and Fred fired again and it dropped again. He waited a minute to see if the hard-lived critter would get up again, and then went over to where it had been and found three dead deer. Fred and several of his neighbors have been feasting on venison since. .. The administration is said to be much incensed because the native officials in Cuba are opposed to receiving U. S. silver money at more than fifty cents ou the dollar. How inconsistent these patriotic gold standard fellows arel Haven't they been declaring for eight years past that the silver dollar is worth but fifty cents and these unso phisticated Cubans thought they really meant itl Roseburg Plain-dealer. fierce assaults were obliged to retire M. before the galling fire of our brave! A"t t,' w ' os,uey' 01 boys, with a loss of upwards of aoo ! Stockbndge, Ga., while attending killed and zoo wounded . On our ! mB raoiultl1 uuuw i enwuw side was 13 killed and 47 wounded. to tne u. & tt. mere were checked during the same period about 400 pieces of baggage be longing to people starting westward from Corvallis. Times. The Spaniards had 5000 in the en gagement. Our troops consisted of the First battalion, California vol unteers; Tenth Pennsylvania; First battalion, U. S.- Third artillery, regulars; and Utah battery. The fight was a sharp one and indicates the true spirit of the American soldier?. that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For sale by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist. f5(1u"!ifo Yfinr i:owli With Cancnrets. OaR. j i r'vi"!". cirri nnnitlpntlnn forovcr. "':-ki t ' " Q- C, ' f.Tati'.sx-A rrf unil money.