Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 24, 1898, Image 7

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StraliibratlaJIEDmRAKEAN SEA
J Tanglier ,
v . ( 5l
Negotiation are said to be going on lietweeu France UU1 Spain whereby
France is to si-cure territory on the const of Morocco directly opposite
Britain's formidable nud famous rock of Gibraltar, thus competing with
,v....t nHrnin for control of the entr-iinee tn Hiu i...m.
. . , , , . ... ------ '"-iium-iui. uussia is
fredlteJ with having agreed to the arrangement, and Knnin' m!Sj.,.c;;3U
l$io ue ruiuwu tut iii usauuM uiu umicii states.
Hon the Famous Old Statesman Ia
Fpendlns Hi Declining Days,
Every evening after dinner an old
Bun sits ut the library window In his
handsome white stone bouse. In K
street. Washington, and watches the
people as they pass along the street
or gazes alistraetedly at the licautiful
park across the way, says a eorrespju
dmt. He holds a cigar in his hand,
but be seems to smoke little. He sits
llitre quietly till the nun comes in to
turn on the lights Thou he gets up
anil seats hiui-Sflf by the table covered
with tue paiiers of the day und his fa
vorite books, or goes upstairs to Join
his family In the Bltting-room. This Is
John Sherman, the statesman who has
liu a conspicuous lignre In the af
fairs ot the nation for more than two
score years, and is now entering upon
a period of Well-earned rust.
An old neighlwr or a distant relative
can always lini the way through the
manners. The deeper notos which go
to make up her droning song are dua
to the rapid vibration of the female In
sect's wings ns she tiles; and these vi
brations lire found by means of a sireu
(an Instrument which measures the
frequency of the waves In notes) to
amount to alxiut 3,tKJO In a minute.
The mosquito's wings must therefore
move with this extraordinary rapidity,
which sullicientiy accounts for the dif
ficulty we have In catching one. But
the higher and shriller notes of the
complex melody are due to special
Btrldulating organs situated like little
drums ou the openings of the air tubes;
for the adult mosquito breathes no
longer by one or two air entrances ou
the tail or back, like the larva, but by
a number of spiracles, as they ore
called, arranged in rows along the
sides of tlie body and communicating
with the network of internal air cham
bers. The curious mosquito musie thus
generated by the little drums serves al-
i the
. to
r the
d ait-rabof-b
at in
form .led
1 formality of Shennan's manner to
s:ni! i. i ....
uvan. AltUoUgU he Will
"r"5" "iu occasional visits to his
m umo. 3ir. Shermaa will
' to live In Washington. He
e th icii n . .
, . " " notue there ami bn
:at?e 'investments In rwil estate
wuiugion properties.
8 War Cry-How to
totch the -InKcr.
' tn best a!.. " -
icM.inK ""ovl,t; me mosquito
:w . , , U'KK 01 your hand, and
t tL, ' sUe Ulls hBr' wltli
l'wwltfU C'n" eusllj' watetl ber
llln, lekwl." she Is soon
assl,ull'lt aud converts
Mh ?,tly aud "obtrusively
'" your flst hf fUr haml by
e amL 8t bard- ? will find
fe8" Wltharaw
an bv tii u ''"But last lu
uutw 0wn tnrloou-like
UU 2 T ahc niU9 stop oc-cord-
onln 'D.tlhe9Ual "nner.
sia.LfulLof Wood,
most beyond a doubt as a means of at
, tracting mule mosquitoes, fur It Is
j known thut the long hairs ou the on-
teunae of the males vibrate sympathet
I lcally In unison with the notes of a
i tunlug-fork, within the range of the
sounds emitted by the female. In oth
er words, hair und drums Just answer
to oue another. We may, therefore,
reasonably conclude that the female
slugs lu order to please and attract her
wandering mate, and that the anten
nae of the male are organs of hearing
which catch and respond to the buz
zing music she pours forth for her
lover's ears, A whole swarm of gnats
can !mj brought down. Indeed, by ut
tering the appropriate note of the
race; you can call tlieui somewhat as
you can call male glowworms by show
ing a light which they mistake for the
female. Strand Magazine.
Organ Played by Electricity.
Electricity Is used to operate a newly
designed pipe organ, tbe keys closing
circuits which operate magnetic colls,
to control the air valves, and the stops
being operated by switches arranged
above the keyboard.
Ancient Keys of Metal.
Keys of bronze and Iron have been
found In Greece and Italy dating from
at least the seventh century before
Time aud court-plaster heal all
Cars and Eyes Were Affected
Little Cirl tho Victim.
tr,'miy li!'U' t''ri v1"1'1 ,!l,vor-v ba 1 si-rofuia
tr ..,.. .,, u-o alerted her ears and eves
a.i . . 'a..--.! i:r great sutlVrina.- 1 got a
"Ule.,i IIa's ftarit.aril!a and she b "
Pi;akm . Ti.e s,.re,f, l,,le.l. Bil
, f 'wo bottles he was cured.
.Hi!.-. liuwAau Port, Alpha, Or.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
'M'roatest MinHofno. f 1 : six fnr ti.
Hoo-J'f: Pll-neuri! tii.Ttewtinn, MliTiiisiiena!
Cow With Eurltlnga.
A cow is the laa creature one would
cxnect to see with ear-ringa, yet every
;'"w ' elis-uin must wear them now.
Ihtf (Hroctor-general of agriculture has
issued a regulation that all animals of
the bovine species are to wear ear
rings as soon as they have attained the
H'je of three months. Breeders are
obliged to keep an exact aocounl of the
animals laised by them and the ring
on which is engraved a number is fast
ened in il10 aniiuiii s ear to prevent tho
substitution of one animal for anothor.
A powder to lie shaken into the shoes.
At tins season your (Vet feel swollen, ner
vous, uml hot. anil get tired easiiv. If vou
have sinnmm; reel or tiglit shoes, "trv
AlK-u s I-oot-ICase. It cools the feet ami
makes walking easy. Cures swuiien and
sweating teet. blisters and eallous spots.
Keiieveseornsaml bunions of all pain und
(fives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes
tiuiiinials of cures. Try it (-. . Sold hv
all druggists ami shoe stores for Sk: Sen't
i!.5i,I,,",l.ilf,"'2,'t'in slainps. Trial tiackaire
1-Khlv Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le
ltoy, New York.
The Peruvian Central railroad covers
a distance of ten miles at an elevation
only about 2,000 feet lower than the
summit of tho highest mountain in
The new improved Stouchron wagons
stand the racket. Two cur ioads have lust
arrived. It pnvs to have the best. Write
for tree catalogue. JOHN 1'OOI.E, sole
agent, foot of Morrison .Mreet, Portland, Or.
A Chicago paper complains that
$130, 000,000 worth of real estate in that
city is held by absentee landlords.
l'iso's eure fur consumption is our onlv
medicine for coughs und colds. Mrs. (',
beltz, -ia Sth ave., Denver, Col , Nov. S.Ui.
The geographical statistical tables of
Otto Hubner (dace the population of
the globe at 1. Silo, 000, 000.
lira. HofTman Describes How Sha
Wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for
Advico, and Is Now Well.
HolU In Jerusalem.
Turks and Jews, aa well as Chrls
tians.according to Tho Kolnschio Volks
zeituug, have bein much excited bv
the sound of tho threa hells oi the new
Protestant Cliurch in Jerusalem. For
several centuries the use of bells by the
Christians in Palestino. or elsewhere
within the Ottoman Ernpiro, had been
prohibited by the lircnt Turk, who has
conceded it now, however, to his friend
and ally, the Evangelical German Kai
ser. In the Theatre do la Twrquie,
publislred in 1C8S, it is said, "The
Turks hate bells, as a Rvmhnl of nii.ta.
i tianity, and do not permit even the
iirisiians to use them. Only in a fow
remote mountain convents, oi in lonely
islands, where there aro no resident
Mohammediuns, is the use of a bell
tolerated. "
The (rricvancos of Foilors examined bv the
authorities in ports ol emrv, where
lie seumen Iwlomr, often turn out to Ih;
lmuttiunry orKreuth- exntgeratcil. lint there
are plenty of cruel and eouscienceluss skip
pers who abne their erews. Vlolenee Is al
wysrtJeetiimable, ami pointedly so when it
''Vf,r! . "ji uiu, i.uiiuio liver, stoiutieh
or hoivels by diwinii with drastic tnirnutives
whieh weaken the intestines. Use Ilostetter s
Stomach Hitlers.
Torielo-riirrylnB llallnon.
A Virginian has designed a torpeilo
carrying balloon which has the explos
ive suspended by a number of cords,
with a guido rope to assist in holding
it until it leaches the right current of
air to carry it toward tho enemy, when
a second cord is pulled which ignites
a slow fuse to drop the torpedo at the
proper place.
Beware of Ointment, for Cutarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surelv destroy the sense of
smell ami completely d.Tunge the whole srs
tersi whenenterliui it throui-h the mucous stir
Ice. such articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputubio rilivsl-ci-ins,
ii. the damage thev will do is ten fold to
the Koodynn can possibly derive from them.
Ilail s Catarrh Cure, manutaetured by F. J.
(')ieney .v Co., Toledo, o., contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem
In buyimr Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure vou Ret
the -genuine, i, u tni;(. internally, aud made
in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & Co. Testi.
uionials iriM-.
fold by Prucgifts, prioe Trie, per bottle.
Hail staniily i'ilis are the best.
A curios fact has been Tinted hv Am.
i tic travelers snow when at a very low
temperature absorbs moisture and dries
FITS ''.nTf'"5; C!'rL"'- K. n""r K-'vcrasne.
II I after lirsi day's use of Ur. Kline's lircat
Nerve Uctorer. fkn.l lor FIth:f a.oo in"
boltleaiidtreotNa UR. R. Jj, Kl.TyV Ltd. ki!
Atcb s-j-ett, fuihuldiiLla, ia. '
Diamonds are not dug out of the
ground, but are generally found in
narioiv crevices of the rocks.
ff'-f could not sleep
I'KM a B;aA 3 I wrote you
Dear Mrs. Pixkbam: Before using
your Vegetable Compound I was a
great suiferer. I have been sick for
months, was troubled with severe pain
in both sides of abdomen, sore feeling
in lower part of bow
els, also suffered
with dizziness,
headache, and
letter describ
ing my cusc and
asking your
advice. Vou
replied tell-
, .
ing me jusi
what to do. I
followed your direc
tions, and cannot praise your medicine
enough for what it has done for me.
Many thinks to you for your advice.
Lj'dia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Com
pound has cured me, and I will recom
mend it to cy friends. Mrs. Flohe.nce
It. Hoffman, 512 Roland St.. Canton, O.
The condition described by Mrs Hoff
man will appeal to many women, yet
lots of sick women struggle on with
their daily tasks disregarding- the
urtrent warnings until overtaken by
actual collapse.
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
leled, for years she worked side by side
with Mrs. I.ydia E. Piukhara. and for
sometimes past has had solo charpe
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailicg
women during a single year.
In the working capital
of humanity. lie who
rvw that Ifl wrecker!
Indeed. I? your health
Jailing you, your aia
bitlon, vtK'r. vitality
wasting awny T
When others ftiil coo-
Tnr the speedy, rare and permanent enre of all
NeTToiM.t'hronieiiud Spcclnldlseaaes.eveu
In imar moi ajijruraui! ibrmj. 1 here is no man
I In the wurld who llM otr.?wd so many rit
, curs In txith Meu aud Women of troublra wnlch
iilhi-r ph)-slcua of nc'ki'wle.?edobtllty hadKlvun
! uprj liiii.-li a) Oin rjtn.'nl cpuelallsL
; NKilVol IlKlili.ITV and all Unattending
nllnieiiw, of OCNir. MIldil.K-AiiKl) and OLD
i tfl-N. The awful eftecu ut aeleeicl or Unprup-
f-rly treated cs, caasini; f-.ri.itjs. weakness of
ttiiu urai.i, .otiiuvss, lalltnu memory, lacti or
eiir?y and cnfl leace, pain In back, fnlns and
ki l'ifvs, and many other i!.trce.lri vmptoms.
iifliuicirone for study, nuah.-ss or entovnicnl of
lif-. lr llui'-liire cau care yuu, no ciaiU-r who or
what hits tali.-.
WEAK HEX. Herestoros l ist vtiror and vl
tali'.y Ui weak men. Organs of the b'dv which
Irnv,. b-en weakecf.i throuth d.-teas.'. (.ver-.vorii.
I exi:t-is.M or In P.seretloni ur.- re-tl-ircl to full ji-.w-er.
"m-.i-ii. n.i'i m..-i uiruuj uiwn buceessjui sys
tem of ir'utiii. r.t.
V.A lilCOCEI.E. hyurfx-elp.swr.lhnj): and ton-rJ-Tii.':
'ti ti e gat:,.l tr .T.:-'l with utilaUirur euccf ss.
Sl'KCIAL DIStVSES, Influcicihllon, dl--rharsf-fl.
rU:, winch. If litvi.fcted or tniprnperly
trefte.l. break d.Avn the sysieoi, cauue kl luey aud
bla".ft"r d:-'RH..4. etc.
Iil'EASES OK WOMEN. Prnmtit nnd e-
I pecivl i-ui-ruifni siven ti eti llir ir many ailmenta,
I V.'KITK iry'.'iiareiovarDof any trouble. 10
XOT LEI.AY. Calloo It. liatelilfcto'lay. Ifvou
I caioi'.t cJI. write him. II. ral'iaf.'f imoa fre to
! u.l -..itferers. CONS!. I,T,i flU-N FhEE aud contl-
fit-urtfti at efii; or oy l.-tt- r.
; n"LLt mi C.TS spring" eye crain
: h.LL a liiUi Ui BAG NEEDLES
Plain or with Cutter. The Ix-sl needle In the mar-kt-l.
t -l l,y ull sai k fwer5. 1'or hale by all kch
, eral merchaudiao uteres, or by
! KO Market Street, Kan Franclw. fal.
hoitt'9 srnoot,
Burlingame, Cnl., uccredited and limited
to ot boys. Tue Kaatioti mid surround
ings. together with the ulinot,t nerl'eet i li-miit-e
and laivlul utteutitiu to mental
moral and pliysiinl trainine, easily iihicea
Hoitt's unions the l'ureinost scliools for
Ixivs on the Coast. S. F. Clironiele.
Eiphth year bein, August (J. Iin O.
UoiTT, I'll. 1)., 1'rinrijiul.
A Kansas inventor has patented a
whiffletieo iittachnient to hold tho
traces in place, consisting of a hooked
rod rnnniny parallel with tho whiffle
tree mounted on each end of the latter
and controlled by a spring so that it
may be pulled out to slip the tiace in
position, the hook holding it in place.
8 i
is due not only to tho originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tho Calif-oioha Fio Svnop
Co. only, and wo wissh to impress upon
all the Importance of purchasing the
true and orig-inal remedy. As tho
(Tonuiuo Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho Calipoiinia Fio Svrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it dcx-s not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name ot
the Company
km. E2SI u souttieasi
Mace money by fuceesful
iiieeu.auon in cuieuKo. We
buy aud sen wueat on rcar
aiti!. fortunes nave bef-a
made on a miail beginniiiK by tra t,m:iii ra
mies. Write lor lull particulars. li.-.t of w.
eience aiven. Severnl year?' expenenceon the
Chicaeo Boarfl of Trade, and a tnorouich kro
ledire of the b'i-ine. Send for our tree refer
ence book. DOWNING, Hol'KISS fc Co.,
ChicHno Hoard of T-fle Kronen. Oflices in
Portland, Oregon and seatCe. W ash.
Is it Wrunij?
Get it Riifhc.
Keep it Right.
1 Moore'i Revealed Kemedjr wllldolt. Three
! doses will make you feel better. Get it from
j your drticirist or any wbolerale drug house, or
! rom Stewart i Holmes Drug Co.. Seattls.
: K. P. N. t. No. !.
TI1EN wrltlne to aidTertlsera please
mention tlila iaper.
Portland to Chicago Without Change
Grv hair restored to its natural coior and
youthful he.nitv in I to s week.
stop hair lallink out an 1 prevents bshlne-s.
laues luiuriani (trowth of tiusj- hair in
youth or an.
LfUf.lly Miceef-ful with both sexes.
It never isils. Try it.
(old in bottles at Sec and 11.
Sent in covert d i ackir- to any adilre.'S
upon receipt of f'''ni.LoWfi.
2ii, viahnitt.on tr..-et,
Portland, Or.
... I ll t .M M
.Stoi.-'l at..nie
Quirk Time.
I Iliflll lCIOf.
1'erf.ontillv Cfindurted Exrurnlnna.
llHKiciiire I het ked to l)elliiatloli.
Low Kates.
ldrect Hue to Triilis-Mlsslsslppl find
International KxjHiition held In Omahttt
ebruka. .lime t November.
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other inloruiatiou pertaining to Union Pacillo
R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agt-nt,
13S Third Ht., Portland, Oregon.
1?!? XJOS31Q 'pu-pjlJOJ
psj;S uojSuitjsi? ILL
in if
Ia 1 wit
mojj s'ltm .miiwj an &
ujojj saMOf) Mpvj
irnftn aa r(; ainp jain JO it jo riDjn1 xjzv qu 09at9i htm JiaiiJfl injwun
V "lti inoi .i..iti. hi ivt 'jyti jftinq noi J-.tijhm aijJ t'iiU'M uiA
uq.vv 'Mjd pu kuoi:.1;j..p i uf till u-no oMim.ra t'ljauo 1 pu.iXiH
"VM1 .U i,w-"vi -ji.u uliJ . piiK 9,1iititllt i,J!P I UpmH
I'K. J.C. UorniAX. ei ifaiei.a
( uufc-h bttud. T"t uciaI. V I
ojos OAsnox3 ub ;ng
iS33iHdiaa isaooo m ihhqisash'
ffj In ti
proUuceJ in two di.tlnct