Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 03, 1898, Image 5

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    r 'ml
till in the Store..
1 I am still in the Store at Yaquina, with a
I J. l. 1 ,1 i -.1... a
T,ese IxOOttS musi ue sum in me next THIRTY DAYS. Hnmo
With your money and get what you are in Need of.
...... ..:-
'SiSlI Gjj Tb Klondike
b?5C: ,f;4.
malty j 7 '.J'tljaffBa -""'""fr wtwtrtrr rrncntz
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Cure Prominent Attorney.
iftAJ 1 utl'1 si mo loadingpenston
I attorney of Belfast, 3f. Y., writes:
i was aiscliarged from the army on of ill health, and sutured Ironi
I'cnrt trouble- oversiuco. I frequently bail
1'alllti:!' add K?!lnfl:i'r!iirf colic Mk A.-..
17:13 Bent as a man of 60. I constantly wor
iiuii-rcoat, oven lu summer, for fenr ui co.a. I could not attend to my busi
::Cr,r.. j!y rc3t v.ab broken by Boverc pain i
ubouttiio heart and left shoulder. Thro
years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles'
Heart C&re, notwithstanding I had used m
r-.uc!i patent medicine and taken drugs from
dusters for years without being helped. Dr.
iltlea' Heart Curo restored me to health. It
is trn!y a T.oncierful modicino and it affords
mt much pleasure to recommend this rem-
warrmg factions, to that it is incapable
of government, as exemplified by the
condition existing in the olHce of the
state treasurer, there being at this time
more than a half million of dollars there
in wrung from the people by the process
of taxation, while state warrants are
stamped "Not paid for want of funds."
e pemand that all district and coun
ty olhcers be placed upon salaries com
mensurate with the duties to be per
formed by them.
Inasmuch as railroad and other cor
porate property is not bearing its pro
portion of taxation, we demand that
sucn property shall bear its just and
equal share of the expenses of government.
Milan' -
u.j. Muwm tt yusiLivo ti.'s.' 1
xuuueu. hook on U1S- '
eases of the heart and t'&, Health -.Q
nerves free. Address, L&MMMM.&
iu. jjuiiiia MjiuiuAl, CO., Elkhart, Ind
"United in a common
cause for the
By Cyclone Davis.
It would take four times the number
of our coining machines, if run ten hours
a day for fifty years, to coin silver dol
lars enough to pay the coin debts of the
United States.
The constitution of the United Stntna
declares that congress shall have power
to declare war and conclude peace. We
asked no other nation if we could wage
war oil luo inhuman SiJUiiiardH. Tim
constitution also directz that congress
snail have power to com money and
regulate the value thereof and of the
foreign coin." Our great republic is just
as free and supreme in its rightful func
tion to regulate its policy as to war or
peace as the nation is to regulate' its
coinage. We are under no more obliga
tion to ask the consent of Europe in the
coinage matter than
measure we may
wage to a successful end.
Showing that Property in the State has
Decreased Nearly One-Half in
Value Under Gold Stand
aril Legislation.
From Eugene Guard.
An examination of the State Board of
Equalization for six years, beginning in
1892, shows that the total value of all
real and personal property within the
Btate of Oregon, as returned by the as
sessors from the several counties, after-
being equalized by the State Board of
Equalization, was as follows :
18'J2 $228,398,077
WW 177,249,086
1894 159,540,400
18-5 153,007,177
18"6 151,804,070
18J7 143,539,090
Showing that the taxable nronertv linn
decreased nearly one-half in value since
tail-', under the Cleaveland and McKin
ley gold standard, or "present cold
standard," as the republicans are pleased
us UU1 It.
The soldiers of the war of the rebel-
lion lost half their pay by reason of the
depreciation of the greenback. Who
was responsible for this loss? Let John
Sherman tell you :
"All our bonds, nvon ft mi. ....1.1
bonds, were then below the par of Uni
ted States notes ; and in order to expe
dite the conversion of the hoUm into
1 ... , iiviimo c vvmuv.uiii-u uie inues. ll is ;
than wo are in any war ! grave question whether thus measure
y be justly compelled to i wfts not 11 brh of the public faith."
uful Hiul j o " This clause was d: e;i.ed
i -"7 '
L .tuUUJoJ "
i. ,i..i , ... ti ... . necessary in order to (leprenme Mir
uy uen. rraiiKiin when notes and draw them bad; in to the t i ea -the
constitution was being made, who-!
ever controls the money of the country T1,e lllxve is an extract from Kli -r
controls the destiny of the country. Our mnu'8 "peech of date Feb. 28, 1870.
forefathers intended the people should ! rirtictilurly note that even the l ps .i
have full and complete control of the ceilt-1'0''1 1,0,1(18 wer below the par o.
coinage of the United States, therebv ; U- S- "otcs (gre"'cks) until the la;t.;r
Sllcrpd nnrimcin fif nm.i.m COlltrollillir tlii.irmvn ,l..ut,',,,, , Were PUHIOSelv dei)reci:Ulvl liv Pfir.."...
pies of government by the whole people, ' silver as money of the constitution were 111 1" intereBt of the money nlirl;s.
111 fact as well as in minm rastniMMi. iin.1 . .1.1 ... .... I 4aj.. !
maintaining equality, unifer tlmi-! 7 " " qlWn" 1 AT TIIE CLOSK OF THE VA ii
ment. of all hi-mw. wo fl, lJ " fu'l m such quantities. The . . .
! democratic and silver republican 'parties ! stlltl;s were prohibited by the coiwtitu-.nt ,'"t l!U11'Ire" '"
! of the suite of Oregon, waiving all points tion from ever making anything a lemil i "S S 111 c'lrc"Uuio11 tin
j of difference, awl uniting for the purpose tender in payment of debts excentimr : twi"ty'"V0 niilli""H PTO1'
wlnch'we 'solemnly pltilg Teach and ev-' Itcd in value by congress. the trcilsry. ud "the country fa p:-os-
j ery candidate ujion our united ticket : i Dr. Franklin also stated that whoever peKmH' tho lieol,lu out of M)t nn1 l"'l!
j l'irst e demand the free and un- had the nower to mill tl,n ,, ut ,.,.,.,' bmmu,Ha 011 11 ,'nrt'1 imn." Ingersolr
limited coinage of silver and gold at the . . "Cr , 1U" 1 , lUTm Btr!8'i Kive8 this as a result- "On rvl,,,v
! present legal ratio of 10 to 1, without : nBllln8t the l,eol,lu woukl lve the power f " 1 n r ' . 1 ' 1 11 cv3r-v 1
! waiting for tho consent of foreign im- to pull the heart strings of tho people, ; fort"I,es weru bo,"S n,u,l i 11 wave ol
jtione, and we are unalterably opposed to and hence it should be tho duty of this W01,Uh Swel,t over ti,u United States;
i the policy of the wesent remihlicun nd ,, . .. . huts became houiies. tiittma Imnin imv.
,!: . A .'i, :. ., Kueniiuuuno see inat: no comtmmt on .
; iuij.oii.viuii in iiuiiiuuuing me retire- ,
! ment of greenbacks, and the turnimr or nio"loly should have the power to .
j over of the money-making power of the Pu" the purse strings or the heart strings .
government to me national Hanks, as of our people.
I presented by the bill drawn by the re-1 The sum t,.tl nf . l i n
publican secretary of the treasury, nnd !. .? HUm totul of our Jt-tho mi-
l indorsed bv President ATnlviiiW' nwl '. tional, sate, nmnicipal, countv. eitv. :
j we especially denounce the avowed at-! school district, corporate bonds and mort-
tempt oy said lull to lasten the country ! gage indebtedness-as more than 500 a i
. . ..vf j ' 4vi mi vi iu 1,1 ly riiijiu
gold fitiimiurtj.
1.. .1 J j !...... 1 f
u uuuiuiui u nuiionui money, sale ; ltt uuv, umy un
ment only, without the intervention of ed on the basis of gold, silver and paper
banks of issue, to be a lull legal tender ' i,.,.i ta.i, !,,, , , '.
for all debt., public and private : also a i lufe"1 tendur' 8110111,1 bo "lllll Payable m
nienls and rairs became rob(s: wnlU
: were covered with pictures, floors with
, carpets, and for the first time in the his
; tory of tho world the poor tastwl all the
, luxuries of wealth. We began to won
' der how our fathers endured life."
After all that has been Hpoken and
Vo every man, woman and child 1rinted on finance, the simple proposi
in the nation. I consider it not only un-' .; fr ti,Q .,..:., , -i . 1
1 a:)) .See my sJocfr
tm-t I ua"KS ' iue, io oe a mil legal tenner i,.,.i f,i,
ICS ! for all debti., public and private ; also a lLfe , te"a
jjust, equitable and etlieient means of Sold ""'y-
, distribution direct to the people through 1 Our nut
! .1... i .is.., '.i b ' .
Toledo, Ore.
national debt, as made bv Abra
ham Lincoln, was a debt pavable in law
ful money, but tile credit-strengtuening
the lawful disbursements of the govern-
e demand that the vohim of circu-!
i..f ;.. ,.,.i;.,.,, i. . ... .ii.. : i '
KIIAli l!11..ltV(lll JC CIIIVJlllV 1111. 1 1 III O V lllllVIr ill nitv nllll.V.f m.ti I... ii 1...
an amount sufficient to meet the de- act8 "ml ''"'"'"ling acts destroyed more volume of money 'is absolute mat.ter of
l..nn,l...MI,.ll.l..:nn...K 1. ..I,... mm l..,lf 1... , , ..II ..I 1 .. .
i.iivin v.. 11... i.i.-im-ro uuii j'uiuuiiiiiii ui . i'". viiiu-imii inu paper money wnicti UI intiuirv una commerce. Jen. ,i-is
this count i;y and to restore the just level : was iegal tender and changed the con- A' hirfield.
ot prices ol labor and production. ...f ,..i,i, ti i n , i , , -.
tion for the voter to decide is this :
If you are in favor of congress retain
ing control of the money of tho country
you will vote tho Union ticket.
If you desire congress to turn the
money control over to the national banks
you will vote tho republican ticket.
" v hoover in any country controls the
o care any cnneoi cnnsnpaiiuii. cuscurwo are me im'i
Eirr. nrrr crip or sripe.tiut cauiip pnAriuitaralrosnlta.
ItKMJ'DY CO.. f hlrniro, Montreal, fun., or New York.
i)m! Ijtxe-4
-rtar Mill and Fixture Company,
0. R. ALT11EE, 3Tttiingcr.
frs Cedar Lumber,
At Lowest Prices.
PETEIlSQy, Agent, Toledo, Oregon
You want the county news,
Subscribe for the LEADER.
t .- i i r i V- ' nuBi aim enungeu tiio con-
ot prices ot labor and production. ...f ,..i,i. ti inn ,
We favor siicn le,-i.,ltmi. n will nr.. ! triu;t w lth tho uondholder and agreed to
We favor sucn legislation as will pro- i """" " ,liuu , A self-styled " veteran " writes to the
vent for the future tho demonetization l,lly "out in coin, ana upon this con- n- .i..... ...,.....- ., .
ill tender inonev bv ! tract we stand. It lsf. lw.n.,,1 u ...... ?. "
of iiuv kind of leyal
private contract.
ii. i. u ...... ,u. ainu U11UIIII I1M ill nil v .1 .... . . ... .
- - 1- . inn lu.nuirin iv.i u a ir.111.1 i.. ..... 1 ..r
this debt in coin of the then stnmhml . ul
We demand that the government, in ! ? ' ' fl"' "' 'L Htm'' those "old vetemns who are now being
layment of its obligations, shall use its wullt lnf h? Ml ,W118 V supported in idleness, who put in their
iption as to the kind of lawful monev in grains of standard silver to the dollar. . . ' 1 ..
which they are to be paid, and we de- and 25 8-19 grains of standard gold to the " ' 'r "" ' "
nouncetlie present and preceding ad- dollar, making a ratio of l.f to lthfa' " r n-Tf "V ?" ' Wt"
nuiiLstrations for surrendering this op- , ... . ,, ,. , , ' i eran political lickspittle who thus wrote.
tion to the holders of government obli- r , " "u nicw. ; A flolJi(!r wouM bo Uk) hnm ()
glllliiuh. ' ij ni-iuYYirii mm, i
. vivrtl l ni-IUYYiril hiiil IMH ..
ii'.. I .1 1 i..:... . .... ... unuer un anas.
uuuciinuiii iii.ii ua-iuuiiuii uu no lur- yuui ly lULuresi on imH VUSt debt, tile
II.... Ilviiq .f I'nU.J int...,..,. I.. 1 I
in" bonds "v-o '"-.' i- ; most ot which lr held by foreigners, is
'" WeTmand that postal savings banks Tre U,Bn to euch "''"'itaiit in our
be established by the government for tho union. This gives our creditors the
safe deposit of the savings of the people power to price our commodities, for it is
and to facilitate exchange. ..Iivk,-,.,,! i1,lr,uu:i.iii. .... .i :.. : Kon
We demand the election of United ' ' , A . I Ameripin linnk
o... 1-.. . . . money, for tliMm is Inaa tUn )k ... , American oook
cunes eeuaiorH uy oireci vote oi tne peo- ' .......
pie. capita of all kinds of money in the Uni-
We demand the Initiative and Refer- ted States. The Rothschilds and Euro
endum system of law making in its on-' pettn creditor class issue the bulletins
tional form, local, state and national : , ... """i-iuin
mm rnLu i.ui":ino niiieu set me price
on ull our commodities, and each day's
and the mibmiHHion by congress of all
important national quostionH for an al-
ulu m uiu wi in:, uiiiii HiK ii 1 ( u miunnH loom ,rmr nn nrmtri
itvij fvvj.n,, "in nwvn tiuLillluilo 1UUI11 JjUUUUII UOIlirOl OUT
time as the national constitution shall ! ptiK(!B in the r(!moteBt city and vi a ;
have been amended so ns to provide for . ,. """b1-
our union. By these prices we ship our
flimnt luiriuliitinn
We condemn as dangerous and unjust ; wneat, cotton, wool, etc., to pay the ln
the surrender, in ali the departments of terest and principal of the debts they
the government, to the influence of llol( againHt UH- Therefore these credit
trusts, corporations and aggregations of i e. . ... . . ; , -rcnu
wealth generally; and the packing of the orH aro "'terested in having "dear dol-
l.:..l.... f .!. 1 1 .. loru 'Mr.i....l 1 111 1.UU1 in ui lllu lllllil Willi uoriMira- Dl WW""'", null IlOUCHl 111 .v. ii.,
.1 A 1.. . .1 Ml Han !... ........Ill l. , 1 1 . . . .
nun lunyuin, iuu reuuy iu uu ine will 01 n nn mil uu lurueu 10 turn i ArUenCatl UoOlt Company
OK I fl . IVl'-irc llllllQ UI UUI liJJlilllJIllLlllH HIU'Il VIMir . . "
ini'ir in u ennui virrM. nnu in siit.
valid and wholesome laws passed by the 10 Imy the debts they hold against us;
states and government, upon flimsv pre-1 and this cluss is now interested in do
texts, at the behests of such institutions. ! nianding that the American people shall
IV'il am f.iinnuivl fr. K.. i. i f'tllimm t)lH f-OIltrnf't nncn m,.ra .in. I l.ln.l
..v ..... ui1'..v .... i,.jii,iiiiui.ii. luiy iii-i
junction. I
School hooks rost more in Ore
gon than in any other state. The
Company has a
monopoly of this trade. If school
palrons were allowed to buy from
other houses, they would get much
better books for about half what
they pay now. The book trust
will prevent this if it can. To do
this it must elect J. H. Ackerman
state school superintendent. With
him in office, everything will
clear sailing. If II. S. Lvman
elected staie superintendent, the
brought up with a short turn. Un
der bis- administration that concern
will have to sell a at o
themselves to pay the debts in gold. ! able price, or else make way
hen this is done the increased pur-! some Dublishinr hnnS(. tnar ,,'11
A nillllill' 1111(1 UI'll ininnlivl n.inutrntli.n Cliasillir lXlWCr of the void (llillur u'ill
law. continue to absorb more and more of "
A more equitable mode of appointing ; 0UI" "tuples and commodities in payment I Tetter, Ka'.t-j:Jicnin and rczema
judges of election. , of interest, and, it being impossible to I The Intense itehino- ami amm-tln., friVl
Stringent laws to regulate the opera- pay the debt in gold, the debt will be; dent to these diS
tion of nsh traps, fish" wheels and all lnctuated, and the interest will enable , Sl l
fishing gear in the waters within the jur-; them to take all our surplus staples each ; Skin Twitment Moot Terv bad cases
isdiction of the state. ' IZaT l U t0 Ur 1,ttve W Wan" tcl Tt
Ve denounce and condemn the cor- people. ! is ennallv effl,dntfnr (i,.v,tnCT rfil.-a nn,i
rupt and extravagant republican legisla- j We should stand by the contract of ! a favor e rmel toml 'ninnies
five assemblies and charge that the re-' our patriot fathers, open our mints and j chapped hamta cJllbSnai &
publican party in its eagerness for the both metal, at the ratio of dMSwri ev s 2 ct per box?
spoils of otlice, has become divide.! into the contract. For galo by Q Q KrogHta(, Dnlg.