Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 27, 1898, Image 8

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i. Y. STKWAHT.Kdltur ud Proprietor.
Subscription Rates:
One year, ... $1.50
Six months, ... ,75
Three months, - - .50
Entered at the postoffice ai Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mail matter.
Advertising rates made known ou application
Business lo?als will be inserted in these col
umns at live cents per line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmaster In Lincoln count; is authorlz
cd to act at agent lor the Leader.
Official County Paper.
Nice line of latest styles in Wall
Paper, received at Krogstads.
TT.-1 t..,1--, ,., 1.
uunad .Tut. cio VVtimcu U)
Y. B. Mer, Co.
Look out for the campaign liar.
It is about time for him (0 be abroad
in the land.
Dolph Taylor came over from
King's Valley on a business and
pleasure trip this week.
N. L. Guilliams was up from
Beaver Creek last Wednesday to
Toledo on a business trip.
The election of the Union legis-:
lative ticket means the election of
an anti-Simon U. S. sebator to sue- j
ceed Mitchell.
The Siletz and Elk base ball clubs '
will cross bats t Elk City in a j
raatcu game next Sunday. A goo 1 j
game will be played. j
George Bingham, the Salem j
lawyer, has beeti making a tour of j
Lincoln county, making republican j
campaign speeches this week.
Hurley Lutz is surely the peo
ple's candidate for county clerk,
for all of the people seem to be sup
porting him
Hurley's election is j
Oliver Altree was getting his
sawmill machinery over to Drift
creek this week, and will soon have !
it sawing out good cedar lumber in i
large quantities. I
Bishop Morris has the following j
appointments at Yaquina Bay.
rrmay evening, ,iune 3,
r '
city, ounuay morning, June .5,
0l o. . .',J , '
St. Stephen's memorial church
XT . t. , . .
iNewport. Sunday evening, June
5, St. John's church, Toledo. i
. xx. v. meet a L ItlC llilll Ut I
The Leader job office has been : 0e o'clock, and the procession will I Manv old soldiers now fed the
hard at work this week getting out j start at half past one o'clock. All ! effects af the hard service they en
ballots for the conun? election. The j those having flowers to donate will ; dured during the war. Mr. Geo.
c.cll.u., .cqturcs uhs year 9,280 '
uauutb, oueuaii 01 wuicn are sam-
pie ballots and one-half official.
The ballot 111 this county, outside
of the precinct officers, contains
fifty-six names.
The Misses Raines expect to re
tire from the management of the
Toledo House, at this place, in
about a week. These ladies have
run a flrst-class house since they
wo control oi it, ana we regret to;
see them give it up. It is not cer
tain yet who will lease the house,
but is probable Wm. Mackey will.
There is an opening at Little Elk
in this county for a blacksmith.
The blacksmith that has had a shop
there for ytars, Wm. Wilson, re
cently died, and his widow wishes
to dispose of the shop aud business.
I tie siiop is very well supplied
with toois, and they can be bought
for a very reasonable sum. The
shoo is located at a co.mtrv
office and is on a public road over
j i . .. . "
which, during the summer months
there is a great deal of travel. The
sutroundiug country is fairly well
settled and there would be plenty ot
business, during the summer at
least to keep a smith busy. If he
wished, arrangements might be
made whereby he could either
buy or lease a small farm near by,
aud be able to keep a cow or two,
some chickens, and raise some vege
tables. It is a good opening for
the right man. Anyone wishing
further information should
address Mrs. W. M. Wilson, Lit
tle Elk, Oregon.
XHUie paper, pcuvua auu lamcis ai
this office.
When praying for your daily
bread there is no harm in asking
that it be made of the best
which is the Red Crown
flour, !
The j
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co. has it. p. Blue is in the whisky business;"
We have a contract to furnish j and now we wish to say to the peo
five carloads of Chittim Bark j pie of Lincoln and Benton counties
(cascara sagrada) this spring, and
highest market price will be paid.
Y. B. Merc. Co.
The attack made upon Ho-.i.D.P.
Blue in the last week's Post will
not cause that gentleman to lose a
single vote. The time has gone by
when the people can be influenced
in that way. In fact, the only
effect it will have upon Judge Blue's
candidacy will bt to make him votes,
as people generally resent such
political warfare, and his friends
will now get in and work the hard
er for him.
By an oversight and a misunder-1
standing the Union candidates for
justice of the peace and constable
in Toledo and Drift Creek precincts
will not appear upon the official
ballots. Their nominations were
not properly certified to in time, and
hence the clerk could not put them
on the ballot. These candidates
are 0. O. Krogstad for justice of
jthe peace, and A.E. Altree for con- j
stable. All persons desirins to vote
for these men should be careful to
write their names
vvhen voting.
on the ballot
STEEL To the familv of Tohn
Steel, on Depoe Slough, on
Thi,n,j... h , .oo
Thursday, May 19, 1898, a son. !
There will be a dance at Ofsta-
dahl-s hall Toledo on Monday eve j
June 6, 1898. Come and dance the i
hours awav while waitine- for the I
returns. Everybody invited. Mu
sic by Rosebrook's full orchestra
Tickets 50 cents,
t 1 ne sprvipix; nn mpmnnn rimr
" ,
. hp hplH at I'm comoloru if
.u r ,,
weather is favorable, if it is not
r,i,u -n 1! t. u
favorable they will be held in the
L n, . llco . n , .
r u r lit . 1 .u' i'n ;
kindly bring them to the G. A. R. !
hall. Thomjcs T pAvrwri
Post comraatider.
Some of our people have been at-
tending the Union Rallies and pro-.
noutice them O. K.
Mr. A. L. Tavlors fnmilv nrs all
down sick, and to add to their
trouble Miss Alzena while
on her
way to M. Roddy's to get him to
go for a Dr. fell and hurt her neck
and head. They are all improving.
The logging camp of Fleming &
Wright has come to a standstill,
Mr. J. C. Huntsucker is now talk
ing of putting the logs in, we wish
him success.
The little son ot Wilson White
has been having a seige with his eye.
Apparently he has had it hurt
l"OU8Ul 11 not verv serlous.
i but it does not seem to be
ing very rapidly.
Mrs. B. Dobson has been
sick but is improving.
Mr. T StnwuVa j 1....
. j. muitu into TV, . " .
thej. Smith house where thev teetU i1 to w to
board the school teacher Miss u
McCluskey. court, by . m" or tv I'f "U1'Te
i majority of one, says such a
Mr. W. S. Wright returned from , uncon8t'utional. Charles Sum
Skamokawa, Wash., where he was tuUon "Theconsti-
seinintr for T. Botrrer. II h
glad to return to
... . x... ..... .
u nuuve land
To Car Consttpattoa hmn,
INh. fW.Mt. C..I. lVtk.Ml. . ..
' 10 0U- aru 0
A Testimonial.
Yaquina Ore., May 23, 1898.
To Editor Leader: An article
appeared in the last issue of the Ya-
quina Post, signed by B. F. Jones,
wherein he says, "it is true that D.
mat we are and nave been lor sev
eral years personally acquainted
with Judge Blue, and that he is not
now, nor has he ever been directly
or indirectly in the "whisky busi
ness" at Yaquina or any where else.
We will also say that if B. F.
Jones wrote that article he wrote a
Allen Parkfu.
Hon. John Hargraves, of the
state of Washington, will address
the people of Lincoln county as
Elk City, Saturday, May 28,
8 p. m.
Little Elk, Monday, May 30, at
8 p. m.
Nashville, Tuesday, May 31, at
2 p. ra.
uigJillc, Wednesday, June 1 at
2 p. m.
Chitwood School house, Tliurs
day June 3, at 8 p. ra.
Mr. Hargraves will speak in the
interest of the Union ticket. All
should come out and hear him, as
he is an eloquent and logical speak
. Ws Coimio' l'pwders, are
Just wnat u horse needs when iu bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
j horse in prime condition. Price 25
, ueiua pur pacKuge.
For sale by0. O. Krogstad Druggist.
Deyok, either bv note or account, will
I please call at Toledo, Oregon, mid settle
j with me there, as I have his business for
collection. Do not wait for further no
1 tiee. C. E. HAWKINS.
Toledo, Or., May 20, 1898.
Lincoln Pout, G. A. It., and W.
1 t ...ill 1, .1-.. v...
i 30, 1898, at Toledo, Or. Hon. R. A.
Bensell will deliver the oration. All are
'lowers very acceptable,
S. Anderson, of Rossville, York
county, Penn. who saw the hardest
kind of service at the front, is now
frequently troubled with rheuma
tism. "I had a severeattack lately."
he says, " and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did
me so much good that I would like
to know what you would charge
me for one dozen bottles." Mr.
Anderson wanted it both for his
own use and to supply it to his
friends and neighbors, as every
family should have a bottle of it in
their home, not only for rheuma
tism, but for lame back, sprains,
swellings, cuts, bruises and burns'
for whice it is unequaled. For
sale by 0. O. Krogstad, Druggist.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on my place at Siletz,
one small black pony, with white
' spot in forehead! used tn IipI nn cr tn
Conilil1o rn'
juuusun. xae owner wm
call for same and pa., costs and dam
aSes. Benskll Orton.
Silez. 0. May 5, 1898,
1 . ' le government was institu-
. ...... i.romote the public t
welfare ; all
; irr "'epumic welfare are
- ---muiibi; all nw ,.
butitgo ,,"nmy be good law,
gooa e
' n'! tobacco hab. i ZZZTl .
for rirty Cent
uwoa pu io--ii iTi .1.." "
o ha
I by any side issues. Remenioer thatl
Hon. Jas. W. Hamilton, of Rose- j a yote for Blug and Ckrk js 1 j
i-inrc tlip TTnion candidate for their . . . , . 1
o 1
important and honorable
omce 01
district judge was in Lincoln coun-
ty this week, looking after his cam -
paign here. Mr. Hamilton is one
of the leading attorneys of Southern
Oregon, and is a deep and well '
read lawyer. He is not a stranger
to the people of this district, hav
ing served them in the capacity of
district attorney for eight years, re
tiring in 1890, when he was suc
ceeded by S. W. Condon. During j Whooping Cough,
that long term of service Mr. Ham-! I bad a little boy who was near
il ton preformed the arduous duties jly dead from an attack of whoop
of his office with integrity and j ing cough. My neighbors recom
fidelity. His broad experience as j mended Chamberlin's Cough Rem
a lawyer, and his judicial mindjedy. I did not think that any
eminently fits him for the office of! medicine would help him, but after
district judge, and should he be
1 called to fill that high office he will
bring the courts of his district np
to a high standard, and will serve
the people faithfully and impartial -
ly. The election of Mr. Hamilton
will reflect credit upon the people
of the district.
For State Treasurer.
Hon. J.
didate for
n P.V, ..:.
U. COOtn, Unionist Can -
PflTTI .k,
from . f ft,, l.oc !, f..
i!ic in ni-otrnn HJo f.Miov T.. 1
Hies in UregOU. HIS littler Kev.
Robert Booth, who resides Still:
hAlp anH hrartv fit- tlm hctb foi, '
naie ann nearty at tne age 01 seven-
ty-eightin Grants Pass, came with j
his family to Oregon in. 1852, and
settlea in yammu countv. At that
date the subject of this sketch was :
four 3'ears Old. The family COlltill-
uecl to reside 111 old Yamhill until
1867, when a move was made to
Douglas county. In 1894, J. O.
Booth moved to Grants Pass,
where he now resides. The Booth
family u one 'of the most noted on
the COast. The family consists of
, , -, , ,, ,. .
twelve children, all alive and grown. ;
The boys have all made their mark.
whether iu the ministery, in the!
Cattle business or in mpri-mil U
J. O. Booth is not only success
ful man in business, but has im
pressed himself upon public affairs
wherever he has resided. He has
always been an uncompromising
democrat both iu patriotism and
political sense. He has always
been Close to the ereat heart of hi ' Notleelsherebyirfven that the following natn
r " ""jed settlers have filed notice of their intention
lellOVV man. He has COlltributpd 1 ,omake linalpnxifs in support of their claim,
, ,,. , '"UICJ aud that said proofs will ba made before the
tretuy Of his Substance to charitable county c'erl' of Lincoln county, at Toledo.
c , Oregon, on June 20.h, 1.98, v.
ends, and done so in the truly spir- gust olson; h. k. No. w.tjz.
itual manner withoiiv Wri.icr ,,'"" 'he norths of northwest 4 of section M,
11 UJJU";r wuuoui letting Olie , and south K of southwest (ioi section 10, town
hand know what the other was do- 8hi,i9.80Utn.""'8,.e"-
, lie names the following wttnessea to prove
ing. A Strong believer in PODUlar hl9 continuous ruslilence uikih and cultivation
, . , ? r of said land, viz: Warren Wright, Alvim M.
eOUCatlOU, he has at different times I Block. Chandler, Oregon, and O. A. Fanno
, ' and A.J. Parrish, of Sugar Loaf, Oregon.
contributed hundreds of dollar -i to i And
tliA r.,,Mi, o,, i . r ALVIN f. 1IKOCK; H. E. 10.192, for the
ine pUDHC and private schools of I north V, of northeast u of ..ootion 29, and the
flip ctitt. n..l io . .v. 1 1 i"i of southeast fi of section 20, township-
me state, and it is sate to sav that i south, ranges west.
flip frioiifl nfn,mi., ,." .,, 1 ..He names the following witnesses to prove
llie ineud Ot popular education Will I his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ranmli.,. v,Q ,, u! . I of said land, viz: Wa reu Wright, (lust Olson,
everywnere be Oil his Side. 'George Hackle and Thomas Chandler, all oi
Neither has he neglected thethal,dler,0re8"iiAS.B.M00KES. Kegister
churches but all of the denomin- i "
ations have at different times ex -
perienced his benevolence.
Mr. Booth is at present proprie
tor and landlord of the Hotel Jose
phine at Grants Pass and is one of
the best known hotel men in the
state and will receive a flattering
support from traveling men and ' P' " on Saturday, the 28th day of
from the hotel men, with whom he ' May I&9?-' allthe goods' wares and
Acara j, , 1 merchandise belonging to the said
t I V? assignment of C. L. Gowell, an iu-
Mr. Booth has an interestingsolvetitdeb.tor.forthebeiiefitofcred
faraily of wife and three children. I it0. A full list and inventory of
His friends are not confined to any i sa'd S00(s arid stock of merchant! is?
tone partv, but he will receive a'?? b!?xa,?ined at my office, in To-
large vote from his opponents as a
testimony of their esteem and good
will. It is safe to sty he will be
elected by a handsome majority.
Albany Democrat.
Reliable, energetic men, espt
cially those acquainted with mutual
or fraternal order
work, to take
s.u . , t
, . . . . . . ' "
cuargc 01 tuvui or neia worK. Jix-
cellent positions in our agency de-
... '
partment. Address, U HAY, 713
Marquam Building, Portland, Ore-
1 The voters should not be fooled
IdltlJI-.ILlJCljI. ilUCl TP Atm Z.
. state matters, and is a vni, rnr .
United States seuator who wi,
, and work for the free coinare Qf
! both silver and ,d . 0
will oppose the retirement of the
greenbacks and the issue of bank
currency to take their place. There
will be all manner of attempts to
fool the people on this issue, and
they should be on their guard.
giving him a few doses of that rein
; edy I noticed an improvement, and
! one bottle cured him entirely. It
j is the best coujh medicine I ever
j had in the house. J. L. Moore,
South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale
by O. O. Krogstad, Druggist.
Notice for Publication.
land Omce at Oregon City, Oregon
April Pith., WW.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his tntpnri,
I to make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and
, that said proof will be made before the conntr
1 cierit ot Lincoln county, at Joledo, Oregon, on
lull. 111.10 1
Witt, VIZ.
' ... ... J'K.i'VM'" '-F0. WW
for the north east '4 of norh west 4, north
nn" m "1"a e"st 'i na "" east of north
east of section -26, township llouth; rangf
' names the followins; witness In prove
lJ'ttnonB resilience upon arid cuttfrudr.n
of said land, viz: cvrenius n. Yoimg, Nort.m'i
cb"- Inlfk Register.
In the conntr ourt of theStnteuf Oregrm fur
' the county of Lincoln.
In the matter ot the estate of G. A, Whftne '
Kotece is hereby given that the nndersfsrncil.
administrator of the estate of (1. A. Whitniv.
deceased, has filed In te county .r.rt o' Lin
coln county, 8tle of Drain, l is Hnnl u
count as such administrator of sutd estntrf an-.',
that the 7th day of June, ISIH, ot the hour ul'
One o'clock 1". M. has been Hxud by said court
as the time for hesrlny of objections to said
report, and the sottlument thereof.
Adininstrator De. Ilonns Non of the estate ot
G. A. Whitney. deceased.
Notice. '
NmiM , hercby (rf tJt the onrtersfe(V
I na neen.oniy apiwintca naministratorol the
estate of Jack Lamrwon, dscoasd, ny the
I county court of the State of Oriyon for th
comity of Lincoln, and all persons having
i claims walnut the said estatn are Iiro.y
i notified to present the same, dulv verilr-:;a ft
; required by law, to the undersiinipd, ai i'. ' -.
i Conolaud's store at the Siletz. Lincoln cinin'.)'.
wiiuiii six moiiinsironi mis nan.
May lath, 1S0S. (i. 1!. KUItL,
Administrator of thcestateol
Jack Lampson, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Land Olllce at Oregon Citv, Oreiron,
1 nl ,U
! Assignee 8 Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that ill'-'
undersigned will sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, subject tc the approval of
me court, at the store building otH.
F. Fischer, in Toledo.Lincoln coun
ty, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock
colu county, Oregon.
Assignee of C. L. Gowell, an insol
vent debtor, for the benefit of
Published pursuant to an order of
Hon.J.C. Fullerton, Judge.
Tetter, Sult-Kheum and Eczema.
The intense I Mil no. nA on,.ftnn inM
'7 aPP'ytaf? Chamberlain's Eye and
; by l
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
i18 "nanently cored by it. It
l equally efficient for ItohW nil and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples.
ch2PPfd hnJ. chflblalns, frost bites
nrt "hronio sore eyes. 25 eta. per box.
1 For "le by 0. O. Krogstad Druggist.
it-' ) X