Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 01, 1898, Image 8

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i. f. STlWABT.JUltar sa Proprietor.
The latest Spanish news is to the
effect that Presidant McKinley has
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER J- L. Allen was down from Elk
City Wedensday;
U'm. Watkins was no from Ya-
Sttbscription Rates: i quina Wednesday.
One year, ... $1.50: Meander Parks, of Elk City was notified Spain that war must cease
Six months, - - - .75". , , ... , , ' r
Three months, - - to. Toledo Wednesday, j at once in Cuba, and that the recon-
! 1 Chauncy David and Antone j centrados must be allowed to return
1 52rMS ,ntad-0w-" , Selsic brought in two loads of hogs j t0 their home3 and their peaceM
1 irom tne aueiz, Monaay.
AiiTenljln? r mtii inowa on application
C. C. Kubler has purchased two
He will probabl ,
BnIn To mis wfTT b inwrwif in these mi- '' Tnf of VrVpit
b run nntil orriere.1 dis,minai. ' ; erect buildings on them
crj-poitmwrinLtnnotn)antyijiitiiori2 i Tom Horning left Wednesday
i toaetainjenWorthe L,ira. : ,
I morning for the Siletz where he ex
j pects to be gone about two weeks.
Official Countv Paper.) e j t
1 j No, the fire mentioned in our last
; issue was not in Toledo, we neg-
LOCAL NOTES j lected to say it was in Philomath.
Note paper, pencils and tablets at , "ra- McCune, who has been rus
this office. ! ticating in California for several
avocations. A dispatch this even
ing announces that Spain has re
plied to the President in a defiant
message. If such be ;he case, war
may be declared at any time.
Meaker shipped a car load of hogs
and cattle, Thursday.
L. II. Starr is up and around
again after a serioui spell of illness.
Albert Chitwood was down from
the trout pools of the upper Ya-
, t . j . .
Herman Horning left for Corval
is Thursday morning. He has a
in the
one of the oldest settlers
Miss. Elva Akin went to Cor
vallis, Monday morning. She has
D. P. Blue, nominee far ioinr' . i:..t. , ..
j j neai mue awemng erected near tee
senator, wa3 up from Yaouina ' ,;a f Am .i..
Mrs t. S !' '-" 1 months returned to this place Tues-
last Saturday to join her husband day evenin?-
at Cottage Grove. Prof. W. B. Graves and family
T. P. Fish is improving this ; left for ,he far east Wednesday I position in his uncle?s store in that
spring weather by spreading a coat ; mornln?. New York being his ul- city
Ctf Taht rliri t frt Vila, ctcro tV f ; timate destination. ......... ...
... j., 1.1., Miss lizzie Graham is havms a
Joen OLsson was up from New.
port. Monday on business. He is
i vveonesaay, tailing inventory ot , r,
the political stock market. ! , , , ,
. Atcorney J. Fred ates, of Cor-
The basket social at the M. E. L-m cin tvi -;u
, i church last Tuesday night was very , Wednesday nurht on business con-
nected with the assignment of C.
L. Gowell.
Jack Allphin gives notice that
whereas Charley Rhul has left his
bed ai!l hoard withoMt just cause
or provocation, that he will not be
respinwi'rjie for a.iy debts that he
may contract.
accepted a position in the railroad I successfuI- A g0(J 'irae was had
office at that place. h7 those wbo attended. The pro-
Lots of goods have been sold in i "eds W"e 5"9
the last month atTELLEFSON's Ya-j A tflree montQS term of school
quina, but the store is Just as well wiI1 DeStn at this Pce next Mon
filled up. Get your supplies while day- The teachers will be Prof,
you can get a bargain. i K. Brooks, principal, and Miss.
Parties having stock, implements I Eva Akil1' aisfan-
or Und for sale would do well to As ood milch cows are in good
advertise in the Leader, as
new comers in this vicinitv are ' tbe 0U-Iaying districts having such from Kansas with his family to this
Tune: "Hide Away."
We have joined the Union ranks and we've lit upon the planks
That will save us from destruction by and by.
There is music in the air and for war we do prepare;
And the uuion-jack is flying mighty high;
Now don't be a fool and as stubborn as a mule,
But join the L'nion ranks while you may.
And we'll sing a silver tune iu the coming month of June,
And we'll beat 'em on election day.
Stay away, stay away,
Now, Union boys, don't stay away,
But walk the Union deck and pass in a check
That will beat 'em on election day.
Now, don't mistake the craft and get aboard abaft,
But all join hands to the fore,
For we never will go back on the silver union jack,
But we'll nail it to the mast evermore.
Now for action clear the deck, we no quarter give or take;
The ballot battle uow is nearly on,
And let every mother's son, till the fight is fairly won,
Keep a forging to the front like a man.
We are nearly all undone by the power behind the throne,
And its manacles have made us mighty sore
With its monumental gall, head and shoulders over all,
O we never want to feel it any more.
Now we make this one appeal to get silver in the deal,
, For we never to a golden calf pray;
So with a loud hurrah our silver bow we draw
That will floor 'em on election day.
Yesterday was the regular day; Hon D. P. Blue, of Yaquina,
for the republican primaries in this.ceived the nomination forioint'
counfy. In Toledo precinct there 1 ator. Mr. Blue is a mercham
was considerable of a contest in the Yaquina and has been conne
primary, mere being two tickets in , with the populist party for sev
the field wih a few extra ones nom-! years. He was appointed cm
mated on the side. The primary ?udre whe:i tii- mmm- .i
AA 1 T !- .1 .. . . r
the i UC1U.. ucre at xo.eao, parties in j of Dr. Mernwether, is on the road ' was called to order promptly at 2 ized. holding the ofiice two vc
o'clock by precinct Committeeman : Four years ago he was the popi
looking for all those things. i t0 d'sPse of would do well to com
Harry Denlinger returned from munica,e with Pities here.
Portland Tuesday evening. Luck i "hy can'1 some one with a little
attended the young attorney. He caP'tal Drin? a few hundred
received the nomination for prose- stock oats frora tlle valley? They
cuting attotney on the Union tick- are just the critters we want and
tt. j would sell like hot cakes.
Ladies Attention Mv New Sme f the hogs Phased by
Spring Hats will be here 'in time ' A1 Meaker lately cau.sed him a
for Easter. Don't fail to call and gd deal ct trouble b' crawling
see them. I can also show you 1 tbro"gh the "acks in the fence,
something nice in Dress eoods and He remedied the raa"er by tying
snrin nr,M ii . , knots in their tails.
place. He will move onto the Mc-
Dougall place, north of Toledo,
i The Pinneer Sand Stone corupa
! ny have resumed work. Thev are
Wadsworth, who in a few short re-' uominea for county clerk.
marks stated the object of the meet-: For .loint DMn.ot,t!v.
which place is now owned by Dr- j ting. Mr. Wadsworth was elected ' r;be delegates selected Mi
Mernwether; I chairman of the caucus and M.E.; Clark of Beutou countv. Mr'. C
Toledo has a nsw barber. This ! secretary. When the chair-; is a farmer
time it is a Mr. B.lveu from the "an announced that nominations to j For Proscuting Attorney.
classic citv of Scio on i hp Sam lam tbe count' convention werein order ! ,, ...
tiassic city otacio, on tne santiam, ! ... This nomination tell to H.
tt . . ! there was a Ittt V ripeirat nn at Arc)!
young man, and isrecom-;, . . '"". Denlinger of ibis rlace. Mr. 1
-i .Tt-rr,,., ouc mis soon passea oit and nomi-i,- ... . .
.wic.i., imgcr was aamuiea to tae Dar
nations came thick and fast for a L . , ,.
L; .rt. , ! years ago. He is studious and
W. S. Hufford is a st v... . . 8- ; ergetie and if elected
- -'. 'mi nucu iuc tnairman nn- i
didatefor the republican nomina- J ally declared the nominations closed j
mended to be a crooc
We wish him success
",good prosecuting officer.
spring capes. Mrs. T. P. Fish
The Union movement is evident
ly a drawinc rarrl 9nH itc Tiv..a
. . not rnnnin , r. i ' u w ... in au prooa- before the assemb
are constantly increasmg. The! : " .uut are b.Iaty, go to Geo. M. Brown, of , their mR5raM,. i a good set of farm harness uil
latest to announce their intention !' """" 8 ",gnl ana fla' 10 h" a Pr" I Rosebure. . T . UnT,i rV. r -..i. r..'
tion for district judge, and the nom-! thprp harl W trr.,,..
mation for district attorney on the j of good stannch reoublicans placed
republican ticket will in all proba- before the assembled citizens for
A good farm wagon, nearly i
in good order. Coast make.
o. joining, according to a license! 1 , new , r Iw,,,,, . ' LL I
granted by the Countv clerk I "J lne "PPr Da' as that is the most ! !"J" "u,u xl'uow aKe. ! , 6 uuw.. m
I .Minn., an aovinatntAnp nf T nn-Jr ! worK.
Hau, together with three other tbe tas af selecting the delegates
Frank II. Lane and Iva M. Rhodes i imPortant industry they have.
p,i rt i , , , i v aue win oeein teachin? a! . .
Uul Helgesen, who has been on term ofschoo, th ctan. 8 ,. j yun? " ' occupying the Arndt j had beeen largely provided for be-
r kmiTttHrl r-tnli li.. ...... J .1 HaniOn QlS- ; . ... .f .1. . 1. . . r ..
premises. Mr. Peterson and friends ' Iore tne hour of the caucus.
are looking for homestead land i After all had voted who wished the
It soon became evident that Co-vallis and Eastern nasei
rate for April: A rate of one
one fith for round trip to G. A
and Womans Relief Corps ami!
of Veterans and their families.
acitates him for work, and was con-
seqtiently compelled to confine his
operations to a smaller place.
Mr. Johnson from Erskine Minn,
who was out here about three
Hums place by old Caledonia. Mr. 1 1 .'l lh,S w11
it I ,. I na s secona term in that dUtrirt i. .J .unaua uitir lamines,
HelKesen is subject to severe spells and the f fa j but will rent a place until they find, count was begun, and the result of siting toattend the annual Enca
or rheumatism which nwrlu ;,.,., I . . c) secure nis , CI1;f.. . . .. Arc Kniin ,i a .... r
, 3 v , services for a second rorm ic .a,,u.,. i '
Martin Engebretson, of Harris-' " ' , 6 1 ucluwu
burg, bought the 63 acre tideland i hadf !fen SeleCted 0n the first ballot
tract on Depoe. from Andrew " C; ClSn' H"
Krogstad, consideration 6oo. Mr ! Alexander' A- Rosebrooks, A. D.
E. will" build a house and move !Perkm5,JbnMcClusk-'J- C" A1"
l,:- r :i . , tree. H. L. Huffman H T? ?tMr.
Mr Rn itiuiiy as soon as tne roads are
Mr. Hilt-,, ... 'ivant T 3nr,v A A T r.
EwuciLc mat tne nrst was a
Mr. Tongeland, of New What
com, Washington, has bought the
cutler place on the Ohlla. The
wetks aRo is again back, bringing ! consideration was Soo
nistamny ot mx children. Mr . W v,, i:.. .
Tu . . incic seven years and
Joh.son h occupying temporarily , had a cosy and comfortable home
he Mevens house and will take : He is going to move to the valley
eto look over this locality soon. His many friends regret his
thoroughly before purchasing. ,r 8
n r, g ! B'"f- Mr- Tongeland will build
ur. Darnell, re. eived an urgent j a new house before he moves his
call Monday night to the Siletz to I family,
attend Mrs. C. G. Copeland, who! a r
was reported very much worse ! , Wrk COn'
The Doc.or we.uled his kT " "T flm
through the mud and darkness to'Jh Tmm, 0'tal,a !T
his patient and fo'und her , m : ; mUth . f Ml11 creek'
in coudition to travel. This deal
ment held at the Dalles, May 1
1898. Rate, $2,70. from Corv
and $2,40. frora Aldany 011 R
steamer to Portland. Round
frora Portland to the Dalles $i
Good until May 31st.
J. C. Mayo. G.PJ
must be considered a bargain as the a m.tl0n Was made t0 declare ! CmeS lhe goK democr
me next nignest man on the list the "5". ann announce that
land is well loca'ed.
frora town.
Robert Finly. of Oregon City,
has been stopping in Toledo this
week. He has made an extended
trip in the Siletz, Salmon river and
coast country. He was sent out by
a party in Oregon City to investi
gate the inducements offered by
those sections in the way ot home
stead and other agricultural lands.
In his opinion the Indians have
about all the good tands in the Si
letz. He did not succeed in find
ing what bethought a good chance.
creek and Drift creek direct com
munication with Toledo, but also
connect with a road partially open
ed from Elk City to Mill creek.
Rochester and Kauke have com
mile1 '"'unus - ...... .
j nominee but this was voted down wil1 nominate state ticket if t
. and another ballot was taken which, ca" lmd candidates enough.
D. L. Rones with a family of six resulted in the election of D. J democrat is a strange bird
children, from Baldwin, Wis., has : Durbie, who had been the nest 1 his ses are not numerous:...
taken up temporary quarters in the highest man after all. After the ! er are they increasing. The ,
Episcopal parsonage He will not caucus there was some kicking on I democrat is a misnomer,
make a purchase of land tin;i i,1 . .. s .
,, . , "c , lQc siae over the result, some seem-
has thoroughly examined our local-! ing t0 regard it as a cold dea,
.JT- Roner;0ldfindnDfault: IN" other peecixits.
i..wu..,8 nc coma eaten all the fish , We ha rmr f .1.. j.,...
as retorted H 1 I ,,uenuea nt this road will U, . . , 7 lutu'u! w e have reports of the deleea-
1 y.rSS""lBT,ygiWtteMWeBta0f Mi tT iZi: She,Sanarde"ll0-tions elected Tom other S
rS' CopeIa,,d as, creek and Drift cr.V- H,r 01 mat sport. I as folloiw: T.!rt- tjii, o
as touows: Little Elk. C. C r.
Bride, L. F. Pepin, J. E. Wilson.
.ik city, U. E. Da-is. T P
H. Van-
The Light of the Future
Why not be independent and Dixon, E. M. Mavs, T
iV" f"?.." Ul -SasP'3.nt which Urden, P. N. Lathrop.
menced operations on the Bevins' ! ordinary Ts ftTS L !!" tha i wport, W. L. Davis. Ira Ham-
quarry at Elk City. Mr. Currv. one half the cost? Annl5w- -ton xv- E. Mathews, T. R. Bavlev.
a member of the company has se-sein churches- stores, factories jC' R- Ellsworth, Tracy Da-is
cured a large contract. The stone I 11 ide,lc.iesand country horned; Fred Greenbrook. John Buckley'
i . . I Silrer than nriinor i - J
nom tnis quarry has been tested 1 i, a 7 7, 5 ur Kerosene
and pronounced . , ? i LW: , APP"ved by all the Boards
Vlrt53 UUliU- ; "1
I sarer man ordinary gas or kemsPn P TT win: -
lamps. Aonrovpdhv oil ut,. .j ".
A. of -nAr. "?s aquina: T. S. Booth T r
ing stone. The openintr of thi ! United States v tbe Stark. 1 . Short. TW. t u-
o . v . urn a, iinsr 1 - . .
quarry will not only be a boom for ?Iass agent in town,
fcllt ty, but a desirable acquisi-1 ldrTratal"Sue and prices.
tiou to the whole county Acetylene Gas Machine I ETOrT ,om" De Pin Puto.
Ca Akro.hio. 1 SPINAL SKffi
BULLUS At the St. Vince
hospital, in Portland, on Frit
April 1, 1898.
Mr. Bullus. it is rercembei
cantracted blood poisoning w
trimming a toe-nail some time a
To save his life and check the
sou the toe was amputated, anc
was taicen to the hospital at P
land, where his lee was amouta
above the knee. It was hoDed 1
by this means his life might
saved, but the shock was Inn 01
and the poison had spread too
and his life ended to-day.
.in i
S. P. Kerr. Pnatl and 1? IV f
Oregon City. J. F. Yates. Con
is. Mr. Pippin, New York. J
Blunt, SanFrancisco.
i v.