Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 01, 1898, Image 5

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    Notice for Publication.
f Land Office at Roscburg, Oregon,
March 9, 18U8.
Notice In hereby given that the following
named pettier has tiled notice of his in'ention
to make tinal proof in support of hia claim, and
that said proof will be made before B. P. Jones,
Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on
April 28, lMt, viz:
EZRA E. HAM.MER8LY.on H. E. No. 8,083,
for Lot 12, section 7; lxts 3 and 4, and north
of northeast 'i of section 18, township 14, south,
range S, west.
ile names the following witnesses to prove
continuous residence upon ana cultivation
Rirl land, viz: Fiord B. Cants, and David M.
Cents, of lsea, Oregon, Austin M. Taylor, of
Box, Oregon, and Ouorge Hoover, of Tidewater,
Oregon. R M VEATCH, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Iri the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Lincoln county.
In the matter of the estuto of James Hatnar,
Koike is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed udminlstrator of the es
tate of .lames Hamar, dece Bed. AH persons
having claims aguinsnt said estate will present
them, with proper vouchers thereof, duly veri
fied, within 6ix mouths from the date of this
notice at my ollice in Elk City, Oregon.
Jlated this IHnd day of December, 1S97.
1 Administrator.
Sheriff's Sale.
t'" 11 tue of an execution and order of sale PBued
out of the Circuit Courljof tno state off,Oref?on,
for the county of 1 incoln, bearing date of Feb
ruary 5, ISitS, and attested by the seal .f said
court and the clerk thereof, on a decree and
Judgment rendered in said court oti the ii-lth
dav of jHuuft!, which judgment was dock
ett'd in the clerk's ollice of said
court In said county on the
28th, day of Janunry, 189S, in a suit therein
pending wherein Isabella Cressy was nhiintin",
and Mary . I. L'rake, Nettie Shipley and Calvin
H. Ellsworth were defendants, in favor of Isa
bellul Jressy, olKintifl', and against Marv J.
Drtike, Nettle Shipley and Calvin
It. Kllsworlh, defendants, for the sura of 8ix
Hundred and Sixty-even and 48-H,0 (?''(7.4H)
Dollars, with interest thereon from thetillhduy
ol January 1S0S, at the rate of ten per cent per
niinm. and Fifty Dollars (?r0.00) attorney'a
fee, and the further sum of f 11.10 costs, and tor
the sa'.e ot the hereinafter described real prop
erly; which execution and order of sale is to
me'dlrectcd and delivered, and commands mo
ansherin of said Lincoln county, Oregon, to
ffttisfy the so id' mm s of money by sale of the
hereinafter described real property. And in
obedience to the commands of said execution
and order of stile, I will, on
I Monday, the 14th day of March, 1S9S,
at the hour of 10 o'ctoek in the forenoon nf said
dav, at the front door of the Courthouse in the
City of Toledo, in said connly of Lincoln and
State of Oregon, sell at public unction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the right
title and interest of said defendants Mary J.
Drake, Nettie Shipley and Calvin It. Fllsworth,
t and lo the following described real properly
ttnvit: Lot Number eight, in Mlock Number
one (1), situated in the original townsito of
K'ewpnrt, in Lincoln county, Oregon, to satisfy
the said sum of $iiii7.4H, with interest 'hereon n't
th- the rate of 10 jiercent peraunuii) from the
24th day f January, JMiw, and yfti atttorney's
fee, ami costs, and costs of and upon this
J Dated this 7th day of Februarv, 180S.
(ii:o. a. land 1 a,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon,
Notice of Assignment.
hi the Circuit Court of the Htuto of Oregon, for
n the mutter of Vhc estate of C. L. iowell,an
1 ins tlveut de'ttor.
(lersil'lH'd hits hi-:i lllllv iifiimttiliul kuIo-ii..u
f the estate of the nbove-muned insolvent
lobtor und -1 and by virtue 01" an a.'t ot the leir-
liittvo assembly of the state of Oregon omi-
led " All lU't to !4.MMir.t In rm-ililnrw n tttut .11.
f iiim of the estnte-i of debtors who entivv tit
igneesf(jr the benefit of creditors." approved
I'tfillUflK n: n,,.. tl ...
i V 1 V ' 1 " vi mi i in ngn nisi: Mini vmhu:
re herct.y notnled to present the samo tome
fct Tolfid.i l!raf.m,. 1 nB ... I ...... ..,
All niro.i.u ..1 1 i ...:.!........
Mf w thin tnree 'motuhs frotn the date hereof.
i ivivuu, uregon, .Maren -1th, mm.
I '. E. HAWKINS, Attorney for Assignee.
Suffered 20 Year
JJS FS. MABY LEWIS, wifo of a proml
i f H nent farmer, und well known by all
OKI residents near Belmont, N. Y,.
'trites: ' Tor twenty-seven years I had been
-COlislilCt sUiY(rt frntn iirtM,mid T,.ati.a-
ioa, Und Dald larirnBlimttrif monnv fn. Hru
tors und advertised remedies without bene-
llirna vnnu it. t
araiin'-; tho least noise would Qtnrtlnnnd
unnerve me. I vaa unable tosleen.hada
'lumber of sinking spells and slowly grew
worse. I becan usinir Di- Mtinc t;..ctni--,tw
tje medicine seemed to hivo no effect, but
actonse! I rested better at night, my oppe-
-vq to improve and I rapidly grew
tetter, until now I , .,.i a
jo health as ouo of my ago may expect. God
vr- Miles" Romnfli.. r 'CAVJ
e sold by all drug- ' ,
Mia unaer a posltivo iiiiio
Fuarautee. first IF RUiMtiNA 3
l.eneH,sor oney ro. t -. 3
iy uca: "ondis. CM
www theheartand WBIm ?SSjl
uervesfree. Audres8i hi' 3
IT.. ;iII.ES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
'4m-m aMr y
C. L. Gowell has made an assignment for
the benefit of his creditors. The large
stock of
Must be sold. Call early and secure bar
I am offering BA11GAINS in all kinds
of WINTER and RUBBER Goods to
close out the stocks. Call and see for
At Bottom Prices at all Times
Biggest Offer Yet
For OqIv $2.00
needs no introduotum. Its many cpcrlal arti
cles by noted writers have given it a world
wide reputation. In short, it i i. ne of the
cleanest , In inhlent and best papers pucrs puh
linhed. No pain" or expense will be spared in
kepinK up its hijih titntiflnrd,
Kenn'niber, thnt iy tulkiujc adva'ajje of thin
combination you gtt loi copiex of tho LKADKK
und lui copies uf the KULE I'itKSS, 08 papers,
lor only
The Fi-ee Press
Annual Year Book and Almanac
For 1898.
(OIlltMT, ((IJKINI-:, t'OMPl.KTK.
OVl'It 20.000 l OI'IES OF 1H97 11O0U WEI1E
An acpnrntc and snperinr Hook uf Ruferonce
that, tells ynn all yon want to know. A practi
rul Educator and Hand Hook of Kncyolonerilc
information on nubji't'tuSlatiHtieal, oiildal, Po
litical and Agricultural; likcwixu a Hook of
Religious Fact, and ncncrul l'rnctical Direc
tions on everyday affairs of ollice, Home and
A copy of this book will be sent to all Sub
scribing Immediately and Sending 15 Cents An
ditional for mailing expenses, making 11.16 in
all. The book wilt be published about lJee in
ber25, 18!7. Copies of the book 111 be sent to
all taking advantage of this of this oiler, as
soon after the above date as possible.
Address, The LEADER, Toledo Oregon.
I'. S. Land Office, Oregon Citv, Oregon.
March 1, 1MW.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Lurtwig L. Hang against S. P. Ilrock for
abandoning his Homestead entry No. 8,644,
dated June 17, 1S0O, niwn the southeast of
sectior. township 11, Routh, raniro 10, west,
in Lincoln County, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry, the said purtles are
hereby summoned to appear before the County
clerk of Lincoln conntv, at Toledo, Oregon, on
the '20th dBv of April. ih'.W, at 10 o'clock a. m
i to responn and lurmsn icsumouy concerni g
) said alleged abandonment, and on the 2j,
1 day of April, IS',8, at loo'clock, a. m., the testi
! mony then taken will be passed upon by the
tiegisier ana receiver at mis oniee.
( HAS. B. MOOHEi, Register.
WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Oregon,
.March 15, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the county
clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on
April Mrd, 18U8, vll.
for the northwest of northwest -i of section
34, township 10, south; range 10, west,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vlt: Albert C'hltwood, of Chit
wood, Oregon; James Williams, of Morrison,
OregoD; Joseph Wilson, of C'hltwood, Oregon;
Alouzo McDonald, of Chitwood, Oregon.
CUAS. B. MOORES, Register
Assignee of C. L. Gowell.
Notice to Taxpayers
Notice is hereby given that the
tax roll for 1897 for Lincoln coun
ty, is now in my hands for collec
tion. Taxes are delinquent accord
ing to law on the 1st Monday in
April ot each year. Statements of
taxes will be promptly sent on in
quiry for same.
March 8, 1898.
Geo. A. Landis, Sheriff.
In the Justice Court for Toledo and DrlftCreeK
l'recmi't No. 14, County of Lincoln, State of
J. F.Stewart, Plaintiff,)
vs. S
O. N'elrnn, Defendant.'
To l. Nelsonthe ahovenamed dofendatit :
ou are hereby summoned and required to
appear and answer the complaint of the plain
titl' in the above entitled court, now on Hie in
said court, on or before the 'J'Jth dav of March,
1K!, at the hour of 1(1 o'clock of said day. it be
ing the day and time set (ur hearing said cause
and to be held at the ollice of the justice of the
peace of said pi-ccinct above mentioned. And
yon are hcrebv notified that li you full to so
appearand answer as herein required, tho
plaintiff will apply to the c .urt for a judgment
agntnt you. tho said o. Nelson, for the sum of
ftf.OJ, and for the costs and disbursements of
this action.
The above summons is published bv order of
J. A. Hall, justice of the peace in anil for Tole
do and Drift Creek precinct No. 14, Lincoln
c mnty, Oregon, made this 15th day of Feb
ruary, 18D8.
Justice of the 1'eaee.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rosiburg, Oregon,
February 7th, lbJ8.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make tinal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made he
fere B. F. Jones, County Clerk of Lincoln coun
ty, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, ou March 2c;th,
1808, viz:
Johin H. Boysen, on H. E. No. 8,036,
for lot 8. section 3; lots 4 ond 5, section 2; lots 3
and 4, and north 4 of northwest section 11,
township 14, south, range 9, west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Charles U. Evans, of Wald
port, Oregon, and Wenzl Dleckhoff, Andrew J.
Oglesby and Carlo Minotti, of Tidewater, Ore
gon. R. M. VEATOH, Register.
kj.44- BO YEARS'
m tsmiruns
m 1 1
fiADVDtflUTS A..
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
ponadentlaL Oldest airency forsecurlng patent
In America. We hare a Washington office.
Patents taken through Uunn A Co. receive
pedal notice in the noun
beantlfally illustrated, lanrest circulation of
any identlflc journal, weekly, terms 13.00 year 1
lmuix months. Specimen copies and HAJtrj
Book on 1'atints sent ires. Address
361 Broadway, Mew Y
r Ml
The Three Reform Parties Unite for
The Coming Battle.
The three conventions which convened
in Portland last week, completed their
labors on last Saturday, after having
been in session four days. The result of
their work is a union ticket composed of
democrats, populists and free silver re
publicans. The platform is an earnest
and patriotic utterance, and speaks in no
uncertain terms upon the issue of oppo
sition to the single gold standard and
the national bank issue and control of
the money of the country. The conven
tions were harmonious, and while their
deliberations were lengthy, yet they
were marked with calmness and wisdom.
The ticket is composed of strong, clean
men. The old political hacks were left
out entirely. The conventions reached
out and sought men in whom perfect
confidence can be reposed. The offices
were distributed as follows : Governor,
state printer, superintendent of public
instruction to the populists ; supreme
judge, state treasurer and congressman
first district to the democrats, and the
secretary of state and congressman in
the second district to the free silver re
. Union Congress shall have sole power
to coin money and regulate the value
Republican The government shall go
out of the banking business, and Con
gress shall grant sole power to banking
corporations to issue and regulate the
currency of the country.
This is the leading question to be dis
cussed in this campaign. The Republican
writers and speakers will seek to evade
this main question, and will endeavor to
engross the minds of the people with the
relative merits of a single or a double
standard, monometalism, bimetalism,
honest money, fifty-cent dollars, and all
the old straw that was so exhaustively
threshed in the lust campaign. They
will sneer at fiat money, while unablo
to show a single dollar that is not fiat
money. Having succeeded in electing
McKinley by equivocation, misrepresen
tation, intimidation, downright lying,
and corrupt use of millions of dollars,
they have thereby become emboldened
to throw off all disguise, and openly an
nounce their determination to make
gold the only money for tho redemption
of the immense iniquitous bonded in
debtedness; to further contract the cur
rency by converting the 340 millions of
greebaeks into interest-bearing bonds;
and to grant 'such further privileges to
national banking corporations as will
enable them to fix the rate of all wages,
the price of all products of the soil and
of machinery, and by expanding and
contracting the currency at will, have all
property and business at their mercy.
To accede to the demands of tho gold
standard Republicans would be a virtual
abdication of the sovereign people of all
constitutional rights or voice in tho gov
ernment. H.D.
The weather is fine and people arevery
busy making garden and putting in
Uncle Jimmy Chitwood has gone on a
visit to Little Elk, and expects to attend
the republican primary tomorrow at that
J. E. Wilson has returned home from
Portland where he has spent about a
week. His eldest daughter has been in
poor health so he took her to the Port
land Sanitarium for treatment. He says
she is improving rapidly and expects to
be able to return home in about two or
three weeks.
Mr. Ilacht was down heue getting some
ornimental trees at tho Chitwood Nur
cery today.
Mr. Israel Eddy was hero yesterday
getting a fine assortment of trees and
shadery, he says he is going to make his
place look pretty so people will like to
come to see him.
The young people get together every
Tuesday night'for a sing. They change
about to one house then another so as to
make it pleasant to all.
The district school is to commence the
11th of April. To be taught by Mrs.
Beauy of Philomath.
March 30th 1898,
Following the precedent established by
Cleveland, President McKinley has par
doned twelve bank-wreckers in the past
twelve months. They had all been con
victed for failing to commit their rob
beries legally.
Two big national banks in Philadel
phia went Republican recently j liabili
ties 13,000,000. BeBt banking system the
world ever saw, yer know.
NEURALGIA cured bT Dr. Miles' Pai
fiuM. "One cent sxloee." At all drutalat
Elk City Items.
Farmers are plowing.
The air is full of poly ticks.
Contractor Wm. Jacobson of Portland
is in town today.
P. N. Lathrop and Geo. Hodge, Big
Elk ranchers are in town today.
A crew of men are at work cutting
brush at the Bevins quarry.
Republican primary today, delegates
to the convention are Elmo Davis, J. C.
Dixon, P. N. Lathrop, E. M. Mays and
J. II. Van Orden.
Mountain trout must look out now to
morrow they are not protected.
Clark Copeland was in town this
H. J. Bevins made a trip to Albany
the first of the week.
Candidates for office are now and then
to be seen still hunting. The latest is
the Newport shake. It is given as fol
lows : Meet the voter with a oiuilo, ua
tend the right hand taking a firm grip,
then place the left hand on the elbow of
the voter's right arm and help him shake
his own arm.
Elk City Union club meets on Monday
nights, lyceum on Tuesday nights, and
McKinley club on Saturday afternoons.
As soon as war is declared tho Mas
cotte will go to Newport for tho protec
tion of that harbor. Her rapid fire guns
are all in placa.
Battle Axe.
Elk City, March 31, 1898.
"A Significant Vote." Under this
caption Tho Oregonian of March 251th
says: "On Friday last, after the
adoption of the populist platform by the
democratic and silver republican conven
tions without a dissenting vote, a reso
lution indorsing W. J. Bryan as the lead
er of the silver movement in the United
States was offered to tho populist and
democratic conventions and rejected by
both by an overwhelming vote." I was
a constant attendant in the populist con
vention and know no such resolut ion was
presented, and no " significant vote "
taken thereon. Populists were in that
convention to advunce their principles,
not to boom presidential aspirants.
II. Denmnukk, sr.
It is becoming apparent that
there has been some slick work
done by some one in connection
with the leiting of the contract for
the construction of tbe government
building in -Portland. There has
been a strong effort made to have
the building constructed out of
Oregon material, and it was con
ceded by the department that it
should be given the preference, all
other things being equal. When
the architect was asked to disign
ate Oiegon stone in the specifica
tions he refused on the ground that
he was not allowed to specify any
particular brand of material, but
was allowed to specify generally,
only. With this in miud and be
leaving that the architect would act
in good faith Mr. G. W. Davis, of
the Pioneer Stone company made
considerable of an effort to secure
the selection of Pioneer stone tor
the work, and interested several
prospective bidders in the Pioneer
stone. But imagine the surprise of
Mr. Davis and others interesested in
the matter to find that when the
bids were made out that stone was
directly specified of a certain kind
and from a certain quarry. The
stone fpecified is from a quarry sit
uated on the line between Wash
ington and Idaho and is called in
the specifications "Oregon stone."
The Pioneer people feal that thsy
have thrown down pretty hard in
the matter. They have had the
matter taken up by Congressman
Tongue who is using his best ef
forts to adjust the matter in a fair
way. The Pioneer people do not
ask for any advantage in the mat
ter, only that the bids may be so
called lor that they may furnish the
stone if they can do so witn advan
tage to tbe government. They do
not like to be shut out of bidding
by some one that has a pull on
some place along the line. The
quarry that the stone has been sel
ected from belongs to Mile9 C.
Moore, a prominent politician of
the state of Washington, and this
may possibly have had something
to do with the selection of that par
ticular kind of stone.