DON'T BE FOUNDERED. Ve blanket a horse in the warmest weather ufter a hard drive if he is to stand ln his stall. We take viulent exercise and rilo hard manual labor, and very many take no precaution against sudden cooling off. In case of the horse, '. he chills, he will be if Hindered. In cuse of men and women 'who anvforgetful of the consequences, they 4v ill sutler soreness and stitl'nesa from head ,itn foot. If we are thus foiyetful, we need inot be so of the fact that St. Jacobs Oil.used ;in a case of the kind, is one of the best and Ssurest cures. A good rubbing relaxes the f stiffened muscles und puts the joints to f work again iu. good order. In this season 3 of spurts none who enjoy them ought to be J without a bottle of the Oil. ' MilfclnB Cows by Machinery. I By means of a newly-designed ap-' partitas nlj the cqws in n dairy can be I milked at Cilco, a vacuum tank being connected by pipes with air-tight pails near each animal, with flexible rubber tubes for attachment to the teats to draw the milk into the pails as soon as the valves in the pipes are opened to apply the suction of the vacuum tank. .d THE MODERN GENERATION OF MEN ri . . .. Physically men aro oettcr today men ever before. Our college youth are, as a general thing magnificent specimens. The constitu tionally wenk and nervous, though they may never 'become athletes, can greatly increase theh' strength and restore tranquility to the nervous system by tho efficient aid of Hostet ler's Stomach hitters, which also removes ma larial, kidney, dyspeptic and bilious trouble. An Ideal Route to Klondike. Some of the foreign newspapers, Auetrlinn among them, exhibit a re markably clear knowledge of the Klon dike country. The following oocount of the proper way of reaching the Klon dike is taken from an Australian news paper: "The real starting point for the Klondike is Spokane. There the traveler takes a canoe, by which he voyages to Vancouver, B. C. At the latter point he takes a sailing vessel di rect to Dawson City." The above item came from Australia, and for several months it has been traveling around in the humorous col umns of American newspapers. SHAKE INTO TOUR BTIOE9. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tigbt-litting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damn, callous and hot, tired aching feet. We have over 10.000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trill package FREE. Address Allen S. Olra Bted, Le Boy, N. Y. Common salt that is need daily in our food is needed in the body. It aids digestion and the assimilation of the food, and helps in the composition of many of the tissues. Sufferers from neuralgia are warned by a medical -writer not to drink tea, but to partake freely of coffee, into which the juice of a lemon has been squeezed. -A goldfish will will die in 00 min utes if ploced in water which contains one per oent of alcohol. In water which contains 20 per cent of alcohol it will die instantly. A Wonderful Statement rrom Mrs. J. S. McGllla. of 118 Kllborn Avenue. Rockford, 111 "I was dreadfully 111 the doctors Said they could cure me, but failed to do so. "I gave up In despair and took to my bed. I had dread ful pains in my heart, fainting 6pells, sparks be fore my eyes, and sometimes I would get so blind . I could not see for several minutes. I could not stand very long without feeling sick and vomiting. I also hod female weakness, inflam mation of ovaries, painful menstru ation, displacement of the womb, itch ing of the external parts, and ulceration of the womb. I have had all these complaints. "The pains I had to stand were some thing dreadful. My husband told me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine, whloh I did, and after tak ing It for a while, was cured. " . . INDIAN WARS-Kr- WMion important to (.nrrlvorn und widnvi ol wlftn ar veterans. TABER A WHITMAN CO., fusion and Patent Attorneys, WaHhinitton. D. ILl W A FAR VS For 8ale oncrP payment, 12.00 per nntil paid for. J. tti-rectisn, naiunce 4 ctod vearlv Mulhall, Sioux City, la. S PONS'. SKIRT SUPPORTERS. annoying saiety pin attachment to break or Unfiisten. wnrlr. AntjtmnLlf.Rllv. Ab.olutely Prevents Skirt, from Sagging Pimple and effective. Will , ell readily where yer siiown. Agents wanted everywhere. For terms, etc., addren . ,; SIKMOfcT SKIRT SUPPORTERS s19'-Market St., Rcom 25. San Francisco, Cal. mmm 1 "ipiiwa? ' rit Beit Couih Syrup. Tasut Gvui. Cse E-l POLITICAL PARTIES COMBINE. Populists, Silver Ilepuhlicans and Deiu crats of Oregon Join Iggnes Three state conventions met in Port land last week, the Populist, silver Republican and Democratic. A union of forces or fusion is the result. All parties united on the platform adopted by the Populists at Friday's Bession, and agreed to a division of the offices by a conference committee. The plat form as adopted reads: United In a common cause for the sacred purpose of preserving the principles of gov ernment by the whole people. In fact as well as . In name, restoring and malnta'ninff equality, under that government, of all classes, we, the people's democrat to and jlII-Y;r-K?puhUcpn. parties of the state of Ore gon, waiving all minor polntj of d,ltferncA and uniting for the puriwse of carrying out the great underlying principles upon which we are all agreed, do make and present to the people of this state the following dec laration of principles, and to the carrying out of which we solemnly pledge each and every candidate upon our united ticket: First We demand the free and unrestrict ed coinage of silver and gold at the pres; ent legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the consent of foreign nations; and we are unalterably opposed to the policy of the present republican administration In de manding the retirement of greenbacks, and the turning over of tho money-making pow er of the government to the national banks, as presented by the bill drawn by the repub lican secretary of the treasury, and Indorsed by President McKlnley; and we especially denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the country Irrevocably and forever to the single gold standard. We demand a national money, safe and sound, Issued by the general government only, without the intervention of banks of Issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private; also a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people through the lawful disbursements of the government. We demand that the volume of circulating medium be speedily increased to an amount sufficient to meet the demands of the busi ness and population of this country, and to restore the just level of prices of labor and production. We favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal-tender money by private con tract, t We demand that the government, In pay ment of Its obligations, shall ubb Its option as to the kind of lawful money In which they are to be paid, and we denounce the present and preceding administrations for surrendering this option to the holders of government obligations. We demand that there shall be no further Uhuo of United States Interest bearing bonds. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange. We demand the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. We demand the Initiative and referendum system of law-making In Its optional form, local, state and national, and the submis sion by congress of all important national questions for an advUory vote of the peo ple, until such time as the national consti tution shall have been amended so aa to provide for direct legislation. We condemn as dangerous and unjust the surrender, In all departments of the govern ment, to the Influence of trusts, corporations and aggregations of wealth b'-nerally ; and the packing of the highest courts of the land with corporation lawyers, too ready to do the will of their late employers, and to set aside valid and wholesome laws passed by the legislative departments of the states and government, upon flimsy pretexts, at the be hests of such Institutions. We ore opposed to government by Injunc tion. In state matters, we demand: A simple and we 11 -guarded registration law. A more equitable mode of appointing judges of election. Stringent laws to regulate the operation of fish traps, flsh wheels and all Ashing gear In the waters within the jurisdiction of the state. We denounce and condemn the corrupt and extravagant republican legislative assem blies, and charge that the republican party, In Hb eagerness for the spoils of office, haj become divided into warring factions, so that it Is incapable of government as ex emplified by the condition existing In the of fice of the Btate treasurer, there being at this time more than $500,000 therein wrung from the people by the process of taxation, while state warrants ore stamped "Not paid for want of funds." We demand that all district and county of ficers be placed upon salaries commensurate with the duties to be performed by them. Inasmuch as railroad and other corporate property Is not bearing Its proportion of taxation, we demand that such property shall bear Ha just and equal share of the expenses of government. State Nominations For governor W. R. King, populist, of Baker, For congressman First district, R. M. Veatch democrat, Linn; Second district, C. M. Donald. son, silver republican, of Baker. For secretary of state H. R. Kincaid, silvel republican, of Lane. For supremo Judge W. A. Ramsay, democrat, of Yamhill. For attorney-general J. L. Story, populist, ol Wusco. For state printer Charles A. Fitch, populist, of ClacknmRS. For superintendent of public Instruction II. 8. Lyman, populist, of Clatsop. District Nominations. First district Judge, E. C. Wade, silver re publican; prosecuting attorney, A. N. Slolss, populist; member of board of equalization, C. A. Worden, populist. Second district Judge, J. W. Hamilton, dem ocrat; prosecuting attorney, II. Denlinger, Jr., populist. Third district Judges, R. P. Boise, populist and P. H. D'Arcy, democrat; "prosecuting at torney, S. L. Hnydcn, democrat; member of board of equalization, John P. Robertson, populist. Fourth district Judges, J. V. Beach, demo crat, department 1; Thcmas O'Day, democrat, departments; Dell Stuart, silver republican; prosoeutliig attorney, no nomination. . Fifth district Judge, W. D. Hare, populist; district attorney, no nomination. Sixtd district District attorney, J. T. Hinklo, populist. Seventh district Judge, V. L. Bradford, dem ocrat; prosecuting attorney. A. Van Yactor, populist. Eighth district No nominations. Ninth district Judge, M. D. Clifford, demo crat; district attorney, E. Ilickf, democrat; member of board of equalization, J. R. Gregg, populist. t St. Paul Bank Wrecked. St. Paul, March 28. The Bank of Merriam Park, this city, failed to open today, on account of a time-chock fraud. The bank's capital is 50,000, of which f 30,000 is reported to have been invested in Southall government time checks. pi w i n c These two words emphasize a necessity and indicate a remedy. BPKIXQ the season when tho blood is most impure as a result of the win ter's closer confinement, higher living, slower action of the kidneys and liver; when humors of all kinds, boils, pim ples and eruptions are most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condi tion of the whole bodily structure de mands and welcomes holp, MEDICINE Hhat to which the mil lions turn at this season Hood's Sarsa parilla. The original ami only prepara tion especially adapted to tho present needs of the human family; that which makes the blood pure awl olean, ns shown by its thousands of wonderful cures of dreadful blood diseasos; creates an appetite and euros dyspepsia, as shown by its magic touch ' in all stomach troubles; steadies and strength ens the nerves, as proved bv people formerly norvous, now calm and self- possessed, thanks to Is Amerioa's Greatest Medicine bocauso it cures whon all others fall Lubrlcnnts for Bloyolea. A writer in The India Rubber World calls attention of bicyclists to the fact that animal oils are very destructive to rubber products, such as bicycle tires. It makes no difference how good the compound may be; a little spot of ani mal grease in contact with the tire injures the rubber. A careful exami nation of many bicycle oils Bhows that they are partially of animal origin. Mineral oils are not nearly so apt to injure the rubber.- ' In fact, many of them are not injurious at all, when ap plied in pit all quantities, while many vegetable oils are in a measure helpful to rubber. 2x1 Schillings Best baking sell for powder ought to twice as much best. as the next CM Very Honest. "Papa," said Johnny, "I am a very honest little boy, and I proved it to day." "Tell mo about it, Johnny," asked his father, proudly taking his son on his knee. "I went to the store," answered Johnny, "and the groceryman went into a back room and left me all alone near a barrel of apples. I could have stolen them all, bt I thought I would be honest, so only look two." N. Y. World. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting in the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word " CASTORIA," and "PITCHEK'SCASTOKIA," as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the facsimile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. ThiB is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA"'which has been used in the homes Of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it Is the kind you have always bought, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, i8fl. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D, The United States government ex hibit at the exposition will excel by all odds that made at any former exposi tion. A Brooklyn thief has beerf sent to the penitentiary nine years for stealing two bicyoles. The court evidently rides. . HOME PRODUCTS AND PUKE FOOD. All Eastern Byrup, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, is made from glucose. "Ten Qanlen Uriur" is mude from Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for Kale by first-class irroeers, in cans only. Manilla. tnred by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen uine "Tm Gnrdfii Dript" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. Iceland's geysers never shoot their water higher than 100 feet, while some of our Yellowstone geysers go more than three times as hiijh. CITB Permanently Cured. No fltnor nervousnes P" after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureal Nerve Bestorer. Send for FHE.K (M.oo trial bottle and treatise. OR. R, u, m r.fifr' ti yM Aicb. street, Philadelphia, Pa. A machine for reigstering the strokes made by the oarsmen in a rowboat was recently exhibited in London. Piso's Cure for Consumption Is the only V,,0 niMlir.ii. iiuofl In ... hmian Tl f Albright, MiiHinburg, Pa., Dec. ilj '03.' A London police court has docldcd that Bibles and prayer books are neces saries of life. After beltig swindled by all others, send usstarop (br puplculars of King Kolooimrs Treasure, the 'Wef of ruunlr strength. MAHON CHEMICAL CO. a . u. aiux 747, rauaaeipaia, p The population of New South Wales last year was 90,640ua gain of about 80,000 in one year. Only those who have been relieved of great suffering oan fully appreciate tho gratitude with which the testimonials overflow written in favor of Hoods's Sarsaparilla. Just read this: "C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlomou After an illness of two years during which time I undorwent several surgical operations, I at last be gan to improve; but my improvement was so slow that I became discouraged and it seemed as though I would never Feeding on n Desert. Tho American consul at Aden. Arabia, gives an account in the last volume of Consular Reports of a curi ous herd of sheep in Somaliland, which is a desert country. These sheep sub sist on prickly mimosa, a kind of desert scrub bush, seemingly the most unpal atable of food. Their striking peculiar ity, as described by the" oonsul, is a large lump of pure fat growing right at the root of the tail. A medium-sized lump of this fat weighs about four pounds, and it varies from one and one half to six pounds. People who have studied the nature and habits of these sheep say that, like the camel, which is able to subsist for days without food from the strength derived from the tis sues of his bump, this blackhead sheep can subsist on tho strength with out anv other sustenanoo. The prin cipal market for the skins is New York. It has been proven by trial that tho sheep are able to stand a considerable change of climate. A few ' years ago four sheep were acclimated at tho Zoo logical Garden at Frankfort, Germany, where their progeny now number about 80. There are vast stretches of desert land in Arizona and elsewhere in the West where caotus plants grow in pro fusion, but as yot no domesticated ani mals have been successfully raised in that region. It has been proposed more than once to import camels, but these animals are not likely to prove sorvioo able. Tho Bomaliland sheep, however, if accilmated in that desert region, to gether with the plant he subsists upon, might prove a valuable addition to our list of domestic animals. It is no doubt the thought of the consul that such an experiment should be tried. Minn. Gndskl's Hulr. All that beautiful hair that Mme. Gadski displays as Elsn, fenta, Eva, Sieglindo, Elizabeth and the rest, says Harper's Bazaar, is her own. It is a glorious mane, in color a light coppery biown, slightly waving and of extraor dinary length and thickness. In pri vate life the prima donna wears it brushed back from her forehead and coiled at tho middle of the back of her head. A fow plain tortoise-shell pins hold it in place. No headdress or fancy pins or bowknots or other bric-a- brac disfigure it. Mousselfnn Sleeves. Dresses of various fashion, material and style agreo in this one point: They have sleevos close fitting for tho entire length of finely shirred mous seline de soio. For a dinner dress or evening gown these sleeves are often unlined. But for a luncheon gown or other toilet thoy can be made as warm as neccesacy with tho silk lining. The black mouNseline sleeves are charming on satin cloth or velvet frocks. Iron Trade to Ite Extendod. In Warsaw iron of local manufacture cost $55 a ton and English tradesmen, confident that they can lay down their own producS at Warsaw's door, duty paid, for a like sum, and banking on its presumed better quality, aro prepar ing to enter the market with rails, rail way material, machinery and other like manufactures. Protected Open Hrltlire Draws. To prevent trolley cars and trains from running through open draw bridges a rod is placed closo to One rail and ends in a lever at the outer end, which is displaced by the bridge as it swings open, drawing the rod toward the opening and throwing one of the rails on connection with a switch to turn the oar off tho track. A man residing in Strafford, Vt. , named one of his children Freedom be cause he was born on a Fourth of July, and another Blizzard becanso he first saw what light there was on March 12, 1888. Ean Marino, the little republic In the Appenines, has proved that it is np to date by having a bank failure and ar resting all the directors for fraud. got strong again. I was very much run, down anil it did not seom as though I had any appetite and I did not care to live. One day I met a friend who had taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and I was advised to try it. After I had taken a few doses I Began to Feel Better and had a better appetito. I gained from two to three pounds a week and grew stronger every day. I took two or three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and am now as strong as I ever was in my life, and I praise Hood's Sarsapa rilla for bringing me baok to health. " Emily Billinger, 10 Grand avenue, South, Portland, Or. "The members of our family have derived much benefit from the uso of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My father was severely troubled with humor, but it roudiiy yielded to Hood's surnapariiia.'i Mrs. I. M. Wlii to, Salom, Or. The Medicine For You Because of what it has done for oth ers; because you ought this spring to take that which will do you the most good. KB Be sure to got Hood's. Automatic Cur Ilrnke. A new automatic car Btoppor has a gato hanging under tho front of the car which tips back when it strikes a raisod body and releases a pair of brake shoos, which are flat on tho under side to fit the rails and curved on tho upper side to engage the wheels, causing them tn run on to the shoos and stop the car. nOAV'S THIS ? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Roward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We tho undersignod.havc known KJ.Chenojr for tho past 15 years, und beliovo him perfectly honorable In ail buxlucHS transactions and fin ancially ablo to curry out any obligations made by tuoir firm. West Si Tiu'ax, Wholesale Druaglsts, Toledo, O. WA1.DINO, KlNNAN & MAltVIN, Wh.olo.mlo I)rUKgist Toledo. O. FJall'sCatarrhCuro Is takuii internally, acting directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces, of tho system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials lreo. Hall's. Family Pills tho best. Ze'na King, of Fairluhd, Mich., kicked rit"a hog and missed it and broke his leg against a post. or?i$ isivjoy Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem otTectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ami agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most .popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in BO cent bottles by all leuding drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. I SAN FRANCISCO, CAL WHEAT Make money by succesful speculation in Chicago. We buy and sell wheat on mar Kins. Fortunes havn made on a small beginning by trading in fu tures. Write for full particulars. Hint of rel e re nee given. Several years' experience on the Chlfauo Hoard of Trade, and a thorough know ledge of tho business. Send for our free refer ence book. Downing, Hopkins a Co., Chicago Hoard of Trade Brokers, oflicos in Portland, Oreiinu and Seattle, Wah. YOUR LIVER Is it Wroni;? Get it Kinlit. Keep it Right. Moor'a Ilevealcd Keraetljr wllldolt. Three doses will make you feel better. Get It from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or trom Stewart it Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. win umcoi's i:g,:EcEDYEEs.c..,!.rM Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar ket. Cwl hy ull sw lt newerx. For salt, by all gen eral merchandise stores, or by WILL ti FINCK CO., K Market Mtrevt, Hun Kranclscu, Ci.l. RODS for tracing and loiatlng Hold or Sliver Ore. Infit or tiurtt-il Ireumiri'. M. I. FOWLEil. Ilex sn.Uoutlilngtoii.CoDri W. P, M. I). Ho. 14, 'tH. Wertlsera please IVIllCN wrltlna to IT mention this paper.