SP I' (f-ff$'lt''ff Read The S lEADER S If you want to Si ' get If you don't Read 'HE LEADER You don't get $ The News, THE NEWS. 37 rt art' 8 Volume VI. DIRECTORY. LINCOLN COUNTY. Joint Senator Joint Representative, Comity Jmlgo Clerk ttherift Treasurer rohool Superintendent Surveyor - Assessor Coroner ' Commissioners J Tol. Carter E. It. Lake J. O. Stearns B. F. Jones George Land Is J. L. Hyde 8. O. lrvin Z. M. Derrick Hurley Lutz T. M. Coombs Chas. Williams F. A. Godwin County Commissioners Court meetB on Wed nesday after the first Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December. '. CIRCUIT COURT. Hun. J. C. Fuiimluu, Juue W. K. Yates Pros. Attorney 'Sourt convenes on 4th Monday In July and tourth Monday in January, of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. t.'F. .lonos Mayor II. Denlinger . : Recorder M. J. Allphin Marshal T. P. Fish Treasurer c.ll. Crosno f.-...-! i'. I,, (lowell I c.. i,. 1 1 loison i Aldermen . M. null l , . F -;d Stanton,. Albert Waugn .' Council meets im the first Mondayevenlng in each month. TOLEDO PRECINCT. Justice of the Pence (Nonstable J. A. Hall J.C.Altree NKWTORT. Justice of the Peace (loo. F. Sylvester t.uuslauW) W. II. Crutchtleld YAQUINA. Justice of the Peace J. 8. Rooth Constitute W. L. Watklns ELK CITY. Justice of the Peace A. It. Clark Constable, Alex Burkhaltcr LITTLE ELK. Jusii '!'of the Peace Chas. Henderson Constable Z. 8. Derrick . . . NASHVILLE. Justice of the Peace I. S. Huntington Constable...... N. F. Edwards : T.kAVKRCKEHK. . Justice nf the i'cace Rami Hill ' 'unstable loseph tionrley TIUKVVATEK. Justice nf the Peace N. J. (Joodman constable W. A. Vlrtlto LOIISTEIt. JiHtice nf the Pence L. A. leek Constable W. P Taylor LOWER AI.SEA and Y ACHATS. Justice nf the I'cace. Win. Wakefield Constable. John Early SALMON RIVER. lusticB of the Peace Chas. Read 'unstable M. lierton noss. .Instlc.e of the Peace W. II. Conk Constable eo. E. Croxford CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. . IIKTIKIIUST EPISCOPAL Cll URC1I Services at Toledo on the first and third Sabbaths of each month at 11 o'clock a. m. Sabbath school every Sabbath niornluir at loo'clock. Rev. C. It. ELI-SWORTH. Pastor. (JT. JOHN'S CHURCH (Protestant Episeopal.1 5 Divine service the third Sunday of every month, at 11 a. m. All arc invited to attend, itcv. Chas. Rooth, Missionary. Residence, ' Rectory Newport, Or. O. O. V. Elk Lodge No. l:!4, meets every Saturday evening in its hall at Elk City. Visiting brothers nlwavs welcome. J. C. DIXON, K. It. P. A. MILLER. Secy. VK. A: A. M. Newport Lodge No. JC, regular convocation on Saturday on or before each full moo.;. Visiting brothers are cordially welcomed. (!E(). Kl.(l, M. vv. JOHN It UCK LEY, Secy. J raqulna Kay Council No. 1V National Union, meets on second and fourth Friday nightsof the month. Traveling friends are welcome. T. I', l'l.sn, , Sec. N. SNOW, Pres. l liOOD LODGE No. 7U, Rotiekah Degroc, I.O. O. K., meets In'the Odd I'ellowshall in this city on Tuesday evening of each week. JENNIE ARNOLD, N. G. Hl'RD RAINES, Secretary. , 'fHVII.IlllIT REHKKAH LODGE No. SO. meets ' at the I. O. (). F. hallat Elk City on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month. Visiting incuiliers alwavs welcome. MRS. .1. 1. VAN ORDEN, N. G. Miss MAUI) DEYOK, Secretary. CVinea tirovc, Woodmen circle, meets on the C Slid aii'l llh Thursday of each month at :80 o clock r M. Mrs.jKSKtE Arnold, W. G. Mrs. Eunice Akin, Clerk. IV R. C AUK LINCOLN WOMAN'S RELIEF " Corps, No. 40, auxiliary to the . A: It. Meets on the 2nd and 4th .Thursdays in each month in the I. ). o. V. hall, at '2 o'clock p. in. Mrs. Is.x Pn'MiKVAfiT. President. Mrs. CAitniK l'EAins, Secy. ITNITED ARTISANS-KIVEU DULL ASSF.M lily No. 92, United Artisans, meets on Jnd nd 4th Wedncsdav nights of each month in ld Fellows hall. Elk Citv. Orgoin Visiting sisters and brothers are aftvuys welcome. F. M. CARTER, M. A. LAURA DALAR. Secretary. . ... I O. O. F. Newport Lodge No. m, meets every 1 Saturday evening.' visiting brothers arc cor dially Invited to attend, L. O. OLSSON, N. G. J. W. OLIVER, Socrotary. T O. O. FV-Tledo Lodge, 'Kn. 108, " Meet 1 'every Saturday ovo'ilng at their ball In this town. II. A. ARNOLD.'N.G. . 0. KROGSTADSec'y. . T O. O. F. Ray Lodge No. 1W, of Yau,rtlna City, 4 meets every Wednesday 'evening. Visiting brothers are always welcome. A .IS. CASTEEL, N.O. . 8. A. PRU1TT, Secretary. I A. U. Abe Lincoln Post No. fi, meets in V tne Odd Fellows' Hall mi. the first and third Saturdays of each month. ' THOS. STAKELY, Post Com. T. P. FISH, Adjutant. .4 O. U. W. Western Star t-odge No. 78, -" meets In the Odd l'e'lmvs' hall, Yaquina, on first and third Saturday evenings In each month. Visiting brothers are always welcome. .... II. K. LUGGER, M. W. H. L. TRAVIS, Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Pocahontns ' ' Camp No. W9, Toledo Oregon, meets on the first and third Fridays in each month In theOd Fellows' hall. Visiting neighbors are Iwsys welcome. U.K. PEAIRS, R, K. MMER, ' Consul. Clerk. Ip.cdepericierit in etll jthlrxgs, JNTe-u.tr'Q,! in " HSTotnin g. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, April i, tSgB. AN0THER IMMENSE LOT - NEW GOODS RECEIVED -AT THK NEW New Double Store HEBE YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT. Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, AND A LARGE STOCK OF WHOLESALE and RETAIL. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY CALL AND BE CONVINCED RespeetfuJLly, y .'Tip BAY MERCANTILE COMPANY, ' TOLBOO: ANDY CUREC0H5TJPAT10H I 25 SO liS ABSOLUTELY GOARANTEED,!?I''r:Ti,fc ule nnil linnklct free. Ad. STERLING REMUDV SHERIFF'S SALS. VOTICK H IIERERY GIVEN THAT DY virtno and authority of a Judgment exocu Hon and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lincoln, bearing date of February l"ih, 1H9S. and under the peal of said court and attested by the clerk thereof, upon a jiidirnicnt and or der of sale rendered in said court on the 2Mh day of January, ls!i;, and entered on the 27th day of January, 1W, in a suit therein pending wherein Milton Hunt was plaintlll', and U.K. Jones and Ella Jones and C. G. Copeland were defendants, in favor of said plaintiff and against sutd defendants, for the sum of Three hundred and fifty dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 1U per cent per annum from the III lay of August, lH'.u. (less the sum of IM. paid thereon on Octobor 6th, liv3.) and the further sum of Twenty-five dollars attornev's fee, and further som of feventeen Dollars costs and dis bursements, and for the sale of the mortgaged premises hereinafter described, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the sev eral amounts above stated; which execution and order of sale is to mo directed and deliver ed, and commands me to make the said sums of money with costs and accruing cnsls bv the sale of the n al property hereinafter described. And in pursuance thereof I, as sheriff of said Lincoln county, Oregon, will, on Monday, the nth day of April, 1808, at the hour of one o'clock In tne afternoon of said day at the front door of the Court house in ihe city of Toledo, In said Lincoln county, sell at public auction, for cash in band to the highest bidder, all of the following described real property, towlt: An undivided three-fifths interest in the following: Ileglnning at the northeast corner of fractional. Iit Numbered 11, of lllock Numbered 10, of the town of To ledo Lincoln count, state of Oregon,, thence north 209 foet; thence, eant 209 feet to a point thirty feet east of the southeast corner of frac tional lot Numbered I I. block Numbeied ll.nf said town of Toledo; Uicnce south 209 (cct; thence west 209 feet to place l beginning. con talnlng one acre of land, more or less, being situated, lying and being In Lincoln county, Oregon, or so much thereof as may bo necessa ry to raise the amount duo tho plaintiff and costs of suit and attorney's fee and the cost of and upon this writ, and which may be sold separately without material Injury to the pat ties Interested, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, as well as all the right, title and In terest of the said defendants and all peisons claiming through or under them since the 2ith day nf January, lsw, of, In and to the same to satisfy the said Judgment execution and order of sale and the several amounts due thereon aa above set forth, with costs and accruing costs. Dated February, 2tth lm GEO. A. LANDIS, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. OF - CATHARTIC ALL DDUGGKT4 CO.. f hirniro. ilontrenl. Cnn.. orN. Vnrk . , Science is " knowing how." The only secret about Scott 'a Emulsion is years oi science When made in large quantities and by im proving methods, an emul sion must be more-perfect than when made In the old time way with mortar and pestle a.few ounces at a time. This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver . oil. never sepa rates, keeps sweet for years, and every, spoonful is equal to every other spoonful. ( , In ether emulsions you are liable to r.et an nnevea benefit either aa over or - under dote. Oct Scott'. BCOTT'8 EMULSION has been endorse oy the medical profession for .twenty yeara. Ast your doctor.') This Is because It it always palatablt always uniform alwaye contain! Ihe furett Norwegian Cod-liver Oil and Hyfofhoiphitet. Put up In souent and fi.es sites. TheroiaU size may be enough to sat jour ccugn or 4lp your bfcby . tioct Tohsrro Spit sod gaol Tear Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak kieo trong. All druggists, Moor II, Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. nddrcBti. owenmg nevea, i, umcago or Hew Yorlt The Union Ticket. STATE. For Governor, WILL R. KING, of Baker. For Secretary of State, H. R. KINKAID, of Lane. For Treasurer, W. E. GRACE, of Baker. For Supreme Judge, W. A. RAMSEY, of Yamhill. For Attorney General, J. L. STORY, of AVasco, For Btate Printer, CHAS. A. FITCH, of Clackamas. For Supt. of Public Instruction, II. S. LYMAN, of Clatsop. For Congressman, 1st District, ROBT. M. VEATCII, of Douglas, DISTRICT. For Circuit Judge, J. W. HAMILTON, of Douglas, For District Attorney, II. DENLINGER, Jr. of Lincoln, REPRESENTATIVE. For Joint Senator, D. P. BLUE, of Lincoln, For Joint Representative, A. L. CLARK, of Benton. COUNTY. For county judge J. F. STEWART. For county clerk HURLEY LUTZ. For shnriff T. T. REEDER. ' For treasurer M, L. TRAPP. For assessor ' H. N. FOSTER. For superintendent JERRY BANKS. For surveyor Z. M. DERRICK. For commissioner W. R. AVAKEFIELD. For coroner SAM VAN PELT.' PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, 0. O. KROGSTAD. For Constable, AUSTIN ALTREE. THE SMALL FARMER. On the small farm avenues are open to the owner which are prac tically closed to the large farmer. He is not crowded with work, he can look more into ,t,he details of his business, can pay more atten tion to the marketing of his pro duce, and, in short, can farm more closely in every ways. He can feed all he raises; in selling he comes in closer contact with the consumer, and he can afford to look after the little odds and ends which are so olten wasted. Exchange. - Endorsing the above we would add: Lincoln county is especially adapted to the small farmer.. Na tiire has subdivided the arable land into small tracts, these are extrem ly fertile and surrounded by vast stretches of hill range where cattle, sheep and goats can find excellant pasture. ' Once upon a time Thos. H. Tongue, who is now a gold bug, was interested in defeating Mr. Dolph for the senatorship, he pub lished a letter in the Oregonian, against gold and contracted curren cy, from which the following is an extract: "A continuance of this legisla tion means constant contraction. Scarce money means dear money, with increased purchasing power; it means a decrease in the price' of every other species of property real and personal in the country and in city; it means decrease in the wa ges of all classes of labor skilled and unskilled, manual and profes sional. But worst of all it means an enormous increase in indebtness of every class, public and private, with diminished power to pay. It means confiscation of the property of the debtor, for the benefit of the creditors." Roseburg Review. J. woaUka .fl, Dr. Mllea' Palm FUla. Number 4. A Town With a Prospect. 4 Among the many desirable points for the investment of capital and tne selection of homes in Lincoln County, Elk City presents some claims of special value. Located at the junction of the Yaquina and Biff Elk rivers, with a snlenrlid silp for a commercial and residence town, commanding the trade of two valleys '.vith pure air uuJ Wdici uud a iei uie soil, she has all the natural and commercial advantages necessary for the building and support of a thrifty business town. For the next five or six years she will reap large ly of the benefits arising from the improvement of the Yaquina harbor. All the stone used in the constru:. tion of the jetties will be quarried at that point. Prospective bidders on the goyernment contract have secured options on all the quarries that can. be reached by barges. Samples of the stone from these quarries have ' been tested by the government engineers and pro nounced firstclass for jetty purposes. A large force of men will be in con stant employment and large sums of money will . be expended there. This will create and sustain a large volume of trade, and also make a good market for all the produce in that vicinity. Home seekers Can find desirable farms in that section at moderate cost. There is no bet ter grazing land iii Oregon than on the upper bay. Cattle run on , the open range the year round.' with out being fed and cbme 'out in the spring in fine contfltion. The hills between there and the coast break the force of the winter storms; andJ all the land being above' tidewater," stock are subject to the chill of wind and water as upon the lower bay. Among the permanent industries which hereafter will form an im portant factor in the prosperity ' of Elk City, the quarrying of commer cial sand stone undoubtedly ranks first. No better building stone is to be fouud on the coast, and most of this stone can be loaded from the quarries onto the barges, greatly re ducing the cost of transportation. I be Pioneer Sand Stone Co. have one of the best equipped plants in Oregon and an inexhaustible supply of rock. Rochester, Curry and Kauke are just opening up the Bevins' quarry with some superior ledges of colored stone. With these advantages, Elk City will be right in the swim for the next half dozen years. POOR SPAIN. When Brother Mathews of the News.in his discussion of the Span ish question last week, struck a theatrical atitude and yelled "Sic sempei tyrannis," we knew that the . jig was up with Spain. If Spain ' should die from the effect of this re- lentless blow, and we hae no doubt but that she will, we think that her executor may have an ac tion against the News. The "devil" in a Muskogee printing office "sizes up" the girls of his town as follows; "TheCaW tT" of our town girls are small, tapering and beautiful shaped, their ii are as brilliant as , and they are without a in this or any other ; their frowns are like ftt and their 12.US678QO excite !!! of pleasure. Read thisf closely: do not ? its reliadility and try the situation. To Cora Constipation Forever. Take Oascareti Candy Cathartic. lOo or Bo, If C. C. 0. tall to euro, drugglate refund money.