Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 04, 1898, Image 3

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Xotice for Publication.
Land Office at Rosiburg, Oregon,
February 7th, 1898.
j-i following-named settler has filed notice of ti.tantion to nmke final nroof in gunnort of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
Iffre It. l' Jones, County Clerk of Lincoln coun
''!' Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, ou March '2iith,
C vi. :
J Johon H. Doysen, on H. E. No. 8,030,
for lot s. section 8; lots 4 and 5, section 2; lots 3
and 4, ai'tri a of northwest i section 11,
wush ff 0' range u, west.
.. - , Vowing witnesses to prove
rienre upon and cultivation
lines k. r.vans, of 1a1a
nzl Iiieckhotr, Andrew J.
hottl, of Tidewater, Ore-
f. VEATOII, Register.
kor'8 Notice.
he Stile of Oregon, for
-Ae estate of James Hamar, j
M.llUl. . . J 1
K.ti,.A is hnrei.v ilven that th- undersigned
us been appointeu nainiuisiraioi-
te nf ibkim nniiinr. dace sed. All nersons
having olainisagninsntsaid estate will present
them, with proper vouchers thereof, duly veri
fied, within six mouths from the date of this
notice at mv ollice in Elk City, Oregon.
Dated this 22nd day of December, 1H'J7.
Slioi-iff's Sale.
J- tue o an execution antl order ot sale ssuea
out of the Circuit Courlfof the state ofjorogon,
lor fnff county of I incoln, bearing dale of Feb
ruary 5, iws, and attested by the seal fc'of said
court and the clerk thereof, on a decree and
judgment rendered in said court on the 21th
diiv of January, 1S98, which judgment was dock
eted ill the clerk's ollice of said
court in said county on the
28th, day of January, lfW, in a suit therein
pending wherein Isabella Creasy was plalntiir,
and Mary J. Drake, Nettie Shipley and Calvin
R. Ellsworth were defendants, tn favor 'of Isa
bella! Tessv. plaintiff, and against Mary J.
Drake, Nettie Shipley and Calvin
R. Ellsworth, defendants, for the sum of Six
Hundred and sixty-seven and -18-100 (ii('.7.4S)
Dollars, with interest thereon from the2!thdny
of January 18'JS, at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, and Fifty Dollar" (fn.i.nn) attorney's
f.e, and the further sum of $11. 10 costs and for
the sale of the herelmifter descrilied real prop
erty: which execution and order of sale is to
me directed and delivered, and commands rue
as sherill of said Lincoln county, Oretfon, to
satisfy the said sums of money by sale of the
hereinafter described real property. And in
obedience to the commands of said execution
and order of sale, I will, on
Monday, the 14th day if March, 1808,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
dav, at the front door of the Court house In the
Citv of Toledo, in said county of Lincoln and
Suite of Oregon, sell at public unction to the
hi 'h' st bidder for cash in hand, ad of the right
title and interest of mid delendants Mary J.
Drnke, Net'le Khlolev and Calvin R. Hlsworth,
n sod to the following neseriueo. real property, i lllock Number
tne origii'ai lownsue 01
'onnty, ftre'gon, torjitisfy
i.with Interest thereon at
fc;nl.pcr annum from the
itvftna f;io aitiorney r
1 VostB of and upon till
'M vostB of and upon ti
' '. J'ebruarv, 1R08.
"Syko. A. LANDIS,
11 County, Oregon,
inrg. Ore .run,
T'l'liruarv 7. 1HP8.
.ufc ' '! ..ffKHY OIVRX THAT THE
ii.iiiiwl'ig-namcdjsi-tt'er has . '"d notice of
inli nlioi: to make final proof in suomirt of
and that said oronf will be inmle l,.
F. Jones, County Clerk of Lincoln coun
cil, at leledo, Oregon, cm April 4, lt-'.W,
J.". H. Allen, tin K. P Nn P.,-
ior the 2. 3,4. Sand ii, of section 6, town
sb'o". , " th, rnn-jo 11, west.
lie my ibiMollowing witnesses lo prove
Ms contn Viis u'M'ifcfne'frfion and culttvai-fl
! wW I'M, John l'r tivTT.'enry K f Vol"', '
AMtUf!fWfi: soil S. I). Weiib, allot Waldoort.
- ' H. M. VI5ATCH, Kei'ister. ,
the Jubilee Court for Toledo a:ii OrtftCreeK
I'rc.Mui t No. I I, County cl I.lueoin, State i f
Oregon. - ,
1. F. .Stewart, Plaintiff,) !
vs. 1
I mie in. sttnatiMi '
S?lson, Dcfetidant.i I
lo o. Ncls m, the abovenaif'ed deVudaut 1
. A You are hereby summoned and re. lUired to
appearand answer the eomplulnt of the plai'n-
till' In the above entitled court, iinwonfilein
ssid court, on or before the iith dav of March,
IKH, at the boor ol 111 o'clock of sni'd dav, It be
ing the dnj nud time set lor hiring said causo '
and to be held at the oi!b of the justice of the
pjsce of said precinct above mentioned. And
you nr-hei-eov n-tiliio if yon fall to so.
appearand a-.sner as . herein required, tho :
plaintiff wi'S imlv 10 li e .nn for a Judgment
i' Ka'i o -I you, lie uid o. N,.i-oii, for tr.o sum of
f; im. mi'i ,'r.r the ci.-s.s and disbursements of
Oils action.
"i rifi''' above t'l'iinons U publl-.hed bv order of '
"VIn'!, ji:s,ice tr.e a. in and for Tole
" " ' rViil' ''rk P'ei'luct No. M, I incoln i
. t. iHdJ this 15th dav of Feb
.1. A. H.M.F.,
Justice ' Him t'es.';.;..
?'&x Sale.
: ' ' ' : ' .:Y1IVES THAT
11 Y VI H-
- Altyofan altachmeut execn-
a'T va'e. issued out of the circuit
irTiffJ state of Oregon, for the couniv of
. besrlng date of I'ebruarv liith. lf.'.lK.
under tho seal of said court and attested bv the
clork thttieof, uiKiti a juiltfment ami ordur of
jftl" duly reiulorod nml docketed In snid court
hv 2 th d.y jf .huumry, lyw, In a unit there
in pcHdiiig wht roin J. K. Heukle and J. A. .
llonkle, p'utittiil', recovered juilrfinent BKalnst
f. W. Hnaue and J. L. IL.jnit;, diendant, for,
ihcMim of On. Hundred and Four and 7Hi0 ;
Dollars, with intercut them n tit tho rate of I
eitfiit Kr nen r.'r unuum from the '2i'th dav of !
Innuary, lwif. and the further sum of Twelve !
Dollars attorney fetM, nd IVenty DollarA I
cosis and diHhur.ouients, and ftr the mile
tin herciimftor described real protterty
-",-th several an(.unt due an a hove I
" ; . ,t:xet'iition i to me directed and !
' ri.wandn me to make the said
jfioy with fit.x and arcrutnn costH,
ihe property hereinafter described.
; .fti piirsgfnu-e there i ! ,as nheritl'uf Lin- ;
, iJT county. Oregou, will, on i
the hour of to o'clock a. m. of wild dnv. at '
front door of tlw court houe In the rftv of
'roledtt in iata i.uu:)in cotiutv, lrejron, well at
mi hi It auction Torcish In hand, all of the fol
lowing Um'rited real proeriy heretofore at-
tached, lowit: Hepimii.Kr at a toint where the
hcetion line btwcon yis ja and Jl. town-'
fthip it, wmth, raiiire-li), iieft tf Willamette
meridian, erowitbeo. r. R. K. on the
wmth side of said virht of way ,v thence north- !
wenterly along -id riuht-of-wayNue rod and
thirteen and one half fioi: thoaoo iuth HUmi !
;17 dejtrew wet W thU lo ih? north hank of the
Yai(Mia river; thence, aonth easterly at ight '
an Hie with last iimiloued Hue and on the 1
hank of the river nnln and a'3 lvt fco the in- :
terection of fltd line with the said sexton ltne 1
between said MM'tlon'JOandl; thence north
4i riMlt 9', (t. on fa id section lineto place of be- :
Tinning, containing in all about three and one
daH acres of tiddland, and all in Lincoln coun
ty, oretron. together with the tenements,
hereditament and appurtenances thereunto,
telotigiug. a well as all of the rUht, title, I n
Hrvst and estKte of the said defendants, and
It lrsns elatmiug throuirh or under them,
since the Attn day of January. 1KW, of, in and
to th same U satisfy the said judgment, exe-.
eulon and order of xale and the several'
a. -Hinuts due thereon a above set forth, with
c .s attfl accruing cofta.
Hateil Kel ruarv 17, 1M8. 1
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
C. L. Gowell has made an assignment for
the benefit of his creditors. The
!stock 0f
Must be sold. Call early and secare bar-
Assignee! of C. L. Gowell.
I am offering BAllGAINS in all kinds
of WINTEll and RUBBER Goods to
close out the stocks. Call and see for
At Bottom Prices at ah Times
Biggest Offer YetL
V " I
lioni l'Al'EUS ONE YEAR
Foi Orjly $2.00
nee- s no introduction. Itsmunv special arti
oles hy noted writers havo given it a world
wide reputation, hi short, It is one of the
cleanest, brightest and lest papers pagiers pub
lished. No imlns or expense will be spared in
keeping up lis nigh standard.
Ilemombor, that by taking ndvantngo of this
combination you get lol copies of the 1.KAHCK
Mid liu copies of the l'ltl li I'KiS.svs papeis,
for only it.w.
The Free Press
Animal Year Hook and Almanac
For 188.
OVI'H 10.m t OI'IKS OK IK17 lioot; WERE
80 M) AT A") OUSTS EACH. i
An accurate pud rupc.-Ior Hook of Tleference I
that le'ls you all you want to know. A pnirti-
rai r.,iucator sn'i nana Hook of Knevclopedic
inl'i.rinatiou on subJectsStatisllcal.Ol'llclal, Po
litical and Agricultural; likewise a Hook of
Helinlous Fact, and irc'icral Practical Direc
tions on eeryday allttirs of olIiCD, Home und
A copy of this book will be sent to all Sub
scrililnir immediately and .Sending 15 f.'ents au
ditlonal for mailing exiwnses. maklnir f 1.15 ill
all. 'lhe book will he published about Uee m
ber W, ISO". Copiesof lhe book wi'.l be sent lo
all takinv advantage of this of this oiler, as
soon afler the above date es oo'sinle.
t Address, The LEADER, Toledo Oregon.'
V. S. Land Office, Oregon f'itv, Oregon.
March 1, 1M.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by l.miwig I.. Hang against B. P. liiock for
abandoning his llomesiead enlry No. 8,0-1 f.
dated June 17, 1MS1, uHn the southeast 't of
section o'i, township 11, south, ran;re 10, west,
in Lincoln t'ounly, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry, the said parties ore
hereby summoned to appear liefore lhe founty
clerk of Lincoln countv. at Toledo, Oregon, on
the joth day of April, is'.ts, at 10 o'clock a. ni..
to respond and furnish testimony eolrrerni-g
said alleged abandonment, and oil lhe '2.i,
day of April, lswt, at too'clock, a. m., tue testi
mony then taken will be passed iifion by the
Register and Receiver at this olllco.
I'll AS. H. MonKK s, Register. -VM.
GALLOWAY, lieeelver.
J'otice of Assignment.
In the ."Ireult Court of the State of Oregon, for
Lincoln County.
In the matter of the estate of C. L. Howell, an
Insolvent de'itor.
i." derslgned has Wen duly appointed a.-slguee
of the estate of the above-named insolvent
debtor nndei and by virtue of an act of the leg
islative assembly of the State of Oregon entl-
nea "An act Insecure to creditors a Just dl-i
vision of the estates of debtors who convey to I
alienees tor the oenetlt of creditors." approved i
Uctolr lt. IsTS, and amendments thereto. j
All fiersons having cliains against said estate l
are hereby notliled to present the same to me I
at Toledo, Oregon, duly vermeil as required by j
law, within three mouths from the date hereof. I
loieoo, uregon, Jiarcn lib, itm.
C. E. HAWKINS, Attorney for Assignee!""' '
Railroad Ingmeer
Testifies ti' Benefits Received From
h Talcs' Remedies.
v. :-:.-t
'-vV'''' '.-; V
-' r'--'tv t
:-.vv'sX.'' 6EV
4Vr:KS is to more retpoui;lul6 poi,iUca
t, oaetirtu than lLatofa railroad 3ticia.
cer. On liia stendy nenres, clear brain,
!;rliht eye and perfect self. coinuKirtd, do
pt. j'l tho safety of the train r.nd the lives
; l 113 iTiSiieneru. Dr. Miles' Korviuo and
c'.hor rercJIes aro especially adapted to
icoridtis tlie nerves stuady, the bruin clear
ur.d tlie mental faculties unimpaired.
Ea0-lneer F. V. McCoy, formerly cf 1333
!;"af. Council liluffs, but now rnsldi.'is
:.i 3111 HunirioMt St., Dourer, writes that ho
"sne:i: years f roni consUpatlori, cnus
i:.7 :!. k, !ic. voa und bilious headaches and
fully rv3tnrcd to health by Dr. Jlllts'
t&Liverl'll'.s. I Loartily rccouimeud
!.. I'll" ' RootCdles." fT.pWSXfBJprjm
IT. i:i!c.i' KeLiedlesfei rL'Wl
:th told i;y all drus-K .
told i;y all drut;-J
5!:;U under a positives!
lU .K'J
ftuaranteo, first liot i lo Sf ii
S" -a
'.jniied. nook nn d-Ssr toro ,VJ
tiasosof tho henrt ad?K Health v1
nerves free. Addre., 551!
vM44 60 YEARS'
T. .
4tS DlIGN8
.... - VDPTnlQHTI AC.
qairklr Ascertain onr ontniim fr 1
"iifnier an
V'"11 ' "auiuii. llnnribonk i
a njit on 1
- , inruuKn Munn A
'Z-."rnmv".",vwl "lunn &
Co. recolve
wyrjwnoiK witnoutchnrna, lutbo
c.enmic iimencan.
A tmndsnmplr 111 nut rat d wwklr
ttlllltliin nf am ..lamiM. 4 " .
MIINN & Co.38,B-.,. York
Puxb. -Oaaceiit adoM.' At all UruggUu.
John Robertson Writes From That
Northern City.
Editor Leadfr: 1 making my
old friends would like to hear from
Skaguay I write a few lines.
This is quite a city to be built in
such a short time, it being seven
months since its foundation was
laid. It has three steamer docks,
and the fourth under way. Quite
a number of business houses are
complete and others are under con
struction. The dwellings are most
ly rude affairs, 12x14 with one win
dow. There are also many tents
and log cabins. The present pop
ulation is estimated to be 7,000.
The people here are constantly
on the move over the White Pass,
which is the most favorable winter
route. It requires about twenty
days to get 1,000 pounds of provis
ions through to the lakes with the
help of aiorse, which is the least
one man is allowed to take into
British territory. When I see the
splendid outfits leaving here for the
gold fields I wonder how they will
look on their return. I imagine
some will find that it is not all gold
that glitters.
There has been quite a specula
tion here in real eslale since the be
ginning of the town. Lots that
were had at first for mere nothing
are now held at from $2,000 to
$3,000. The only title to land is a
squatter's right.
A man with means can do well
heie, but without it he had
stay away. Right here I
say that a man with weak
had better stav awav also.
I have
been in bed with a cold ever since
I arrived; never saw so many peo -
j pie with colds as here. Take the
Igold from this country and I wo 11 Id
not exchange Lincoln county for
all Alaska.
Yours Truly,
J. W. Robertson,
Skaguay, Alaska, Feb. 14, 1898.
From the Grant County Gold Mines.
George Chambers has received a
letter from Fred Chambers, who is
( at present at Canyon City, in Grant and spent Wednesday and Thurs
. county. From what he writes all ' day in inspecting the work and also
j the gold is not in Klondike by any ' the stone quarries in this county,
means. We are permitted to take The specifications will soon be made
I the following extracts from his let-; and bids called for.
iter: "I am getting' along all rigiit, -.-.
; am helping in the kitchen with four j Harvey Scott is mad. It is no
girls, and they are all good looking, j weak mild sort of mad, but a gen
: The mine here beats anything I ! "ine rip-roariug-Harvey-Scott mad.
ever heard of. .Just think of one 11 seems to be over the failure of
' man taking his pocket- knife and H- w- Coibett to secure his seat
gouging out from one to two hun- j the senate that he bought and
dred nuggets, and three or four j Pa'J for- In bis madness Harvey
; hundred dollars worth of gold in j hils over at several points, but his
ten or twenty minutes. That is greatest wrath seems to be direct
j what I saw Guker do, and the mine ed at Hon. Geo. C. Brownell, state
is getting richer. It is something senator from Clackamas county and
wonderful. Ed Chambers is doing ' Senator Geo. W. McBride. He
panning for the mine and pans out ' ca,ls Brownell several kinds of a
about $400 or $500 in two or three liar and sa-vs tnat McBride "sneak
jhours. It is running abont $100 to, ed' int0 ,he senate. Judging
the pan at present. They melt snow ( frora Harvey's wildly worded edi
to get water. There is no use in ; l"als tne air around the Oregon
getting excited over it. There is ' an tower must be a deep, deep,
lots of work here but it is mostly . blue-
mining and they hire experienced! n , "Tn
miners. Th will K .,1f
; work here in the summer, and I am
j satisfied that I can get a job
i for you, but there is no use of your
i coming at the present time. I
! think I will run an ice cream stand
;inr,aliH,.cmm. m r
j have picked me out a good claim.
I There is only one between mine and
i the rich one. Ed Chambers prom -
; ised to help me stake it off Sunday,
I can't do it and he hasn't got time
now. Kole will get one too. The
weather is beautiful here.
Your Brother,
Fred W. Chambers,
Dr. Miles' Pm iwi....i...
ucuwiinc iuiv miQuies. uue cent a 1
j p v,,,ir j; ,,. , )4 yV.;, 1
i I- f
There seems to be a good deal
of misunderstanding regarding the
status of the appropriation for the
government work for the improve
ment of Yaquina harbor. The re
port has been circulated that the
project had met with adverse fate
in the house iu regard to the money
being appropriated to carry on the
work. The true condition is as
follows: When the estimates for
river and harbor work was made
for the current year the contract
for Yaquina had not been approved
by the secretary of war, and so no
estimate was made for this work.
After the project been approved by
the secretary of war an estimate
for $150,000 was made and was at
tached as a rider to the sundry
civil bill. When this bill came be
foie the house this item was at
tacked by Cannon, the chairman ot
the appropriation committee on the
ground that this contract had not
yet been let, and that it would be
early enough to make an appropil
ation for this work next December.
This will not prevent the secretary
of war from going ahead and letting
the contract. The following from
the Oregonian gives information as
to what steps the department is
taking in the matter:
"Lieutenant Potter, United States
engineers, who a short time since
received orders to prepare specifica
tions 011 which to secure bids for
the proposed improvement, or, rath
er, the extension of the present im-
i i,, . H A tn fl, mi. ui
will investigate various quarries to
see which furnishes the best rock,
as the proposed extension of the
present jetties, about 2,000 feet, will
1 ronmfo oria T - i-rr f Atie rf v-tl-
: Thle fact that m win be ,0
1 propriatioii for this work this vear
1 cuts no figure in the preparing of
specifications, as it is possible to go
, aa ana iec a contract ior tne
i made, as was done at San Pedro,
'California. The proposed iraprove
: ment contemplates the extension of
'. the jetties and the removal of any
: projections of rocks above the gen
' eral surface of the channel. The
work is estimated at $1,000,000."
' Engineers Potter and Polhemus
went to Newport Tuesday evening
v """""'S"!"".".'!
i I was sick with rheun.ati.srii and
lay iu bed until May 21S1, wheu I
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Pol. tm. c i 1; S... r
, "- w"v
i !fllCVe.d me 1'n'M eti"V fl
luc Valn a" l8 "Onfl aHOrtieu
complete relief,
was able to i c
A. T. Moreau
! Q V 1 Kxvf '
j t,'d by ' - Kj
j While the prS
mg the ManufaJ
in New York
output of nine
ilars, and partJ
Ut. Miles'