ARE YOU TO LIVE IN ALASKA? lume Keqnlren""1 That Are Indlapen-able-MIuera Food Mull Be Kight. The universal article of diet in that country, depended upon and indispen wble, is bread or biscuit. And to make tlie bread and biscuit, either in the cauip or upon the trail, yeast can not be used it must be baking pow der; and the powder manufactured by the'processes of the Royal Baking Pow der Company, miners and prospectors have learned, is the only one which will stand in that peculiar climate of cold and dampness and raise the bread and biscuit satisfactorily. These facts are very important for every one proposing to go to Alaska and the Yukon country to know, for should lie be persuaded by some out fitter to take one of the cheap brands of baking powder it will cost just as much to transport it, and then when lie oiions it for use, after all his labor in packing it over tho long and diffi cult route, he will find a solid caked mass or a lot of spoiled powder, with r..-. 3r.rcr.2th and useless. Such a mis- tike might lead to the most serious re mits. Alaska is no place in which to eipermient in food, or try to econo mize with your stomach. For use in inch a climate, and under the trying and fatiguing conditions of life and labor in that conutry, everything must be the best and most useful, and above all it is imperative that all food sup plies shall have perfect keeping quali ties. It is absurd to convey over such difficult and expensive routes an article will deteriorate in transit, or that will be found when required for use to have lost a great part of its value. There is no better guide to follow in these matters than the advice of those who have gone through similar experience. Mr. McQueaten, who is ailed "the father of Alaska," after an of yenrs upon the trail, in the camp, and in the use of every kind of supply, says: "We find in Alaska that the importance of proper kind of baking powder cannot ,be overesti mated. A miner with a can 'of bad baking powder is almost helpless in Alaska. We have tried all sorts, and have been obliged to settle down to use nothing but the Royal. It is stronger and carries further, but above all things, it is the only powder that will endure the severe climatic changes of the arctic region. It is for the same reason that the U. 6. government in its relief expeditions, md Peary, the famous arctic traveler, have curried the Royal Baking Powder ticlusively. The Royal Baking Powder will not cake nor lose its strength either on toard ship or in damp climates, and is me most highly concentrated and effi cient of leavening agents. Hence it is maispensaDie to every Alaskan outnt. It can bo had of the trading oompanies id Alaska, but should the miner pro cure his supplies before leaving, he would resist everv attemnt of the out- Utter to palm off upon him any of the other brands of bakine nowder. for they will spoil and prove the cause of peat disappointment and trouble, American Hunei In Belgium. A Belgium agricultural iournal savs that in Antwerp ih 10 months more than 4,000 American horses were dis posed of, exclusive of those coming by yot England or by transportation vessels calling at that port, and that uiese importations -must not be con Branded with those brought from the sentine Republic some years before. Toe Wild horses known na "nnmnns." I'fta sad souvenir, still remembered b? many persons. Such a mistake oold do a great injustice to the I American horse, whose hitherto dis- i fM qualities are today fully appre Mted at their just value. Joplln Becoming Proaperoua. Jopiin, Miss., which lor the past few Jr has been prominent as a lead and "M producing region, is gradually wuing into the hands of companies "th sufficient capital to operate the "nes in a thoroughly np-to-date man w, instead of the slipshod operations rthTe heretofore prevailed. The " and zino ores form this district during the past year is estimated "have been valued at about $4,600,- Fl -eproof Theater Curtains. fireproof curtaina r nhli ontnrv in V7 European theaters, and are made ot sheet iron or asbestos, com ply cutting off the stage from the uwum, and minimizing the danger "re as well as of the still more de- "'Ve Panic. The first fireproof cur - m Europe was installed in the 7eaie rancaise "Otric com nun by an American r-Mj. Iffnnil. .. . B"ailUS IJOnnpl V trhn ia AH ia ni. Iu" tu "o"an o is oniy xi. 1 "Onnellv WAnla a nifn Tuhn ia tint i 1 'i1 ler opinions that he can't con her that Lord Bacon wrote 'peare. Your Tax for the coming year on baking powder will be Very light if you buy Schilling's Best and use ,0nly one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour. ITEMS OF INTEREST. In a recent work on the birds of CM. orado, "W. W. Cooke brings up the num- uer ui sjjucies ami suu-gpecies found in that state to 863. Trolley car ambulances are to hn in. troduced iu the city of Pittsburg, run ning independently over all the shunt car tracks as called for. Miss Kleanor Ormerod declares that the English cockroach is in danger of extermination before the hordes of im. ported German black beetles. Greater New York consists of 45 islands, just as many as there are stars in our flag. It might be annronriatelv called the Island City. What is probably the largest locomo tive in the world has jnst been com pleted and weighs, with the tender. over 285,000 pounds. It is for use in Mexico. The largest parish in London in point of area is Lewisham, which has 5,773 acres; and the largest in population is Islington, which has now 3130,000 in habitants. A writer in a magazine has made the prophesy that in 300 years from now the world will only know three languages English, Russian and Chi nese. Many collieries in Silesia are pro vided with bombs filled with com pressed oxygen for use in cases of aooi dent or entrance into old galleries where the air is foul. Harvard this year, for the first time, has a colored person as a candidate for the degree of A. B. , in the person of a young colored woman from Miller ton, N. Y. The famous Louis XV drawing-room suite, composed of a sofa and six arm chairs, with old Beauvais tapestry, has been sold in Paris to a London dealer for 170,000. The tramways, omnibuses and un derground railways in and around Lon don, within a radius of five miles, carry ach year, it is calculated, about 453,- 00,000 passengers. At the grape cure establishment in Switzerland, France and Austria, pa tients are usually turned loose in the vineyards and allowed to gorge them selves at pleasure. Before a fire brigade can start for a fire in Berlin the members must all fall in line in military fashion and sa lute their captain. This proceeding wastes at least three minutes. There is an enormous demand in New York for Fifth avenue property facing Central Park. Only the rich can buy, when bare lots are held at from 4,000 to $5,000 a front foot. Timber Bridges. Except in rural districts for crossing small streams, we had thought that timber bridges had long Bince become things of the past. This however, is not the case in those parts of Austro Hungary whore there are forests avail able for this old-time method of con struction. Timber bridges are largely in vogue in Galicia for highway pur poses, a variety of types of construc tion being adopted, the bridges having spans ranging from 80 to 150 feet. AN OPEN LETTER' From Miss May Sachner, of Colum bus, O, to Ailing Women. To all women who are ill: It affords me great pleasure to tell you of the benefit I have derived from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I can hardly find words to for the boon given to Buffering women in mat. exceucm, r .... ,1 1 remedy. Before tak ing the Compound I was thin, Ballow,and nervous. I was trou bled with and my men strual pe- vtnrla wprA VArV Jrrpmilar. I tried three physicians and gradually grew worse. About a year ago I was advised by a friend to try Mrs. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and Vegetable Compound, which I did, a ftr MKinir three bottles of the Vege table Compound and one package of Wash. I am now enjoying bet ter health than I ever did, and attri thA saiAe to Mrs. Pir.kham'a won derful remedies, I cannot find words to express what a Godsend they have been to me. In some parts of China the young women wear their hair in a long single plait, with wbioh ia intertwined hriuht scarlet thread. This style ornamentation denotes that the young lady is marriageable, MAKES A FORTUNE IN EGGS. Everybody I.nuglinil at Thlc Man, But KurcfHg Came to Ilhn. Nearly every man who has come out of Dawson during the past two months or more has had something to say of the "frozen egg man." They tnoUiim at various points between the Chilkoot summit and the Yukon river, trudging along with one companion and four dogs, pulling a cargo of frozen eggs hound for the Klondike. Eggs nt Daw son are worth a dollar or more each and this high price proved such an in centive to a Portland man that he re solved to freeze a lot of thuui and take them in. Tne egg man has been the source of no little amusement for the Klundikers who have come out. They have frequently laughed at his fool hardy speculation and often predicted his failure. He has been a prolific land mark and one of tho stock questions which Klondikers have asked eaoh other here has been, "Where did vou meet the egg man?" The et'ir man lifts snM io.a r0. turned with a sack which nianyaKlon diker might well envy. His name is Charles Vest. Mr. Vest left Portland lust October on the steamor Kldcr. Before leaving he obtained 1,743 dozen eggs. He broke and packed them in tin cans, holding one gallon each, or six dozen. The cans were sealed, frozen and put in ice. They weighed 2,025 pounds in cold storage. 1 tli one man to help and his dogs Mr. Vest hurried the eggs up to Sheep camp and buried them in the snow. Ho put four cans in a sack and tied the sack over the dogs' backs. Each dog carried 28 pounds in this way. Once over the summit the cans were piled on sleds, pulled by the dogs and the jour ney continued. Several adventures befell Mr. Vest and his companion on the way. On December 21 they stopped at a cabin and bought supper and lodging. They bought some moccasins of one of their hosts. In the morning one can of the eggs, now becoming mora and more preoious, was gone. Mr. Vest had his suspicions but had no evidence. He asked his host about the missing can but got no satisfaction, although his suspicious were confirmed. There were others camping at the cabin and from these two or three days luter Vest obtained corroborative evidence as to the guilt of the suspect. The thief had gone towards the coast but Vest followed him and. took him before the police. Confronted with the evidence of his crime the fellow confessed. The police decreed that the man should be punished by giving up Jus outnt to the man he had wronged. This was done and Mr. Vest got $185 per dozen for the can of eggs. At Thirty-Mile river an adventure of different sort overtook the egg man. A raft was built to float down the river. Vest stayed on shore to line the raft down and his companion was aboard the raft. ' The ice at one place was not strong enough to support Mr. Vest's weight and ho was forced to let the line go. The raft wont spin ning down the river at a fearful rate, the anxious owner running along shore to keen ui with it. Suddenly a rock rimmed with ice appeared in the track: of the raft. In a moment the raft had dived under the ice, the rider had jumped for his life to the rock and the cargo had spilled into tlie switt stream. It was bitter cold, but the situation was desperate. Vest did not ponder long upon what to do. tie plunged into the stream and pulled out the sacks one at a time. To do this he had to run along and into the stream for a mile and a half. His clothes froze to him. but be saved his eggs. Then he went back to Mi companion and tnrew out a rope and towed mm asnore. Throe men who happened to be camp- ins near bv cava the two wet men shel ter until they had dried and warmed themselves. Sixty-five miles further down Vest reached the Big Salmon where Major Wiilnh wns camnine. Major Walsh wanted supplies and he bought Mr, VeBt's eggs at 3 per dozen. The eggs yielded $5,311, which, added to the $1,110, amounted to $0,321 as the total product of Mr. vest's unuenuKiiiK Some I.lnea on Alaska. A "lay" on Eldorado creek is worth 110,000. Rope is selling at Dawson for per foot. A lantern is said to be more useful than an overcoat at rangel. Some men are making $125 per day eaoh with a rocker on the Eldorado. Skagway's population is said to be increasing at the rate of 800 per week. Extensive as is the steamship service it is still unable to accommodate the rush. Gulch creek, a tributary of Boulder creek, is exacted to prove as rich as the Klondike. Eighty gamblers from Tacoma went north on the Corona when she sailed. A crude log cabin 20x24, costs $1,000 to construct at Dawson, and readily rents for 125 per mouth. Ordinary dogs will pack from 80 to 80 pounds and stand tlie worn an rignv, day in and day out. A party of 12 from Champaign coun ty, 111., with 40 trained dogs, will sail shortly from Tacoma for the Alas kan mines. THE TEREDBS OF COBSDMPTION REMARKABLE DISCOVERY OF AX HOW EVERY READER MAY OBTAIS AMERICAN' MEDICO-CHEMIST, THREE FREE DOTTLES OF THE AXD ITS GREAT VALUE NEW SYSTEM OF MEDI- TO HUMANITY. CINE THAT CURES. s! r s f&Srur" Llfv o m r 1 '73 v l1 - W3 I 1 1 11 r 1 till ' '' ''I 1 teS I W'W 'V I ''I " I ! C u I f! ,,, mm ijj Z H MM lr ullll Ijfjj' Jtlllll till IIIUIIIIIII IIMM .' " JJJ . BL; ibiju". nr,M. m ijljljr uinltui imni'. mini, l; y Jff K l 11 mil nun inn ';, mm l m LtTOtll fsto u'.l'.i.M'uVtti'.t,) mv, 11 """ "" m , ' Iri' ll njii.ttliini .-. 1, ..if.',i .cm, ,lnii.) ! ! t) ! ,m"- , .J(v ,;! :l. a i wmr M'.mKt, ..iiiii.iii.init tnnn,:ii e.iiiii;in:i W W jii; ifUiUlibii. muiu MIL fa-Mi .. U.-..1.MI.1. kjj tii'.ti'i'.ll'irt.'.i.''i:'' If 4 ( ffl J N sutiMiii a ...u ...u...u ...... h.... frw nui.l flli. tm-. w u t.lili"- I'j'i J ' j .,..J...i..,iriui. OuuJ. stl.wlU tlliliiU wiiuUul, 1,111 11. tilth ..-'.'i 1 f- ' r b II winnMM.tUwl B;j ' ' , "" f; ( . !i ,,j. ... i ' ' " 1 wiiUIHHItiut .'Htiiu ...v,i,. t..- 1 T ""' i-t"'...n.i ni't .,,,,1 i jlij mm j! w.. lui. ..,H,ww IW j tiil' Mfc ',:., ,.1, . w. ,..,,l. ,, ,i....t-t ' I fr' m , I .... mm, VM,hM, w.M,M. V.JU 4 yK ( ( (( ihi(i , h (( , ''j rrj H tmam """" tm ..' ....1".-.!..-.,.,'.... '. iM f" !J1 ;;j K m. ...i, ifli UJ t t M tmwu Ull", ....'... .J MM "' '" """'""' ' S F.lffl.! .,,.. U1,itiiu..m, 01 i. 11 .'uH ff il WU'Wil flMWfcUlifiii.Vi.iti Bk. ; - I mm mmm, mmmm mm UM. mf ,MI Kill 1.1111,111, !: ? if irjiuuuatiiiiiii ma: wax mmum. Bjj 111tt m.;iim,iiMiii f ',i 'I1 illH f.jj UiuillWI miiiirn' tfuditll. IU UUli pft.tli y . L lllj HIW8W timiiiiHuiitu. iiii'u. 4i,ihiii. cn,i,i(i..i iih. : Editor's Notk. All readers of this paper relutives or friends, can have Three Free Hottles of the Doctor's New Discoveries, as represented in the above illustration, with complete directions, by sending full address to Dr. Hlocnni's Laboratory, 08 Tine Street, New York City. . CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Foremost amone the world's ereatcst Medico-Chemists Ktuiids Dr. Blocuin, of New York City. His efforts, which for years had been directed toward the discov ery of a positive cure for consumption, were filially successful, and already his "new system of treatment" has, by ils timely use permanently cured thousands of apparently helpless cases. lie lias dpinonstruteu tne nreaileil disease to be curable beyond a doubt, in any cli mate. Indisputable facts prove that the Doc tor's New Discoveries are an absolute cure for Consumption and all bronchial, throat, ItitiK and chest troubles; stubborn coughs, winter catarrhal affections; scrofula, rheu- mutisin, general decline and weakness, loss Michigan has a law fixing a heavy penalty upon railroad companies for employing persons addicted to the use of intoxicants. In Delaware two brothers lived for 40 years within eight miles of each other, attended the same church and frequently traded with eaoh other with out knowing that they were related. E- LAME 1 BAIL. Weak Kidneys, Lumbago, Rheu matism and Sciatica Are Cured by Dr. Sanden'a Electric Belt. It convey! tteidy, aoothlnir current of elec- trlclty Into the weakened muiclee, living them a healthy nerve power wntcb revlvei them. It make them strong. It la ourlm hundreds health? nerv power wntch rovlvei them every month. Bonk about It Ires, by mail, or at the office. Addrees SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. IBS West Washington St., Portland, Or. P (com nuntlen thi$ Paper. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right. Keep it Right Moore'a ltevUd lleinecly willdolt. Three dosea will make you feel better. Get It from your drugglet or any wholesale drug houae, or from Stewart A Holmee Drug Co., Seattle. MAP OP I.SK-Fndonied by the He partmcnt o( lh Interior and to be ilwd by II n. armr oniira dlallnd to Alanka. The bt and moat detallwl map of Alanka In ltfno. Will be nalliKl uoon rec-lpt of prl. e 11 In ia eUioi, or moni'y onlr, V. O. Boa 111. Portland Or. m inn.1 IfH KHArr, publUber I U h-ed, firdlarrl.- I.lye a ft.r irarlng and lwatln Oold or "liver 1 tlrt. I".t r bnrli-il lr"ur. M. I.. ' ro W LEIli no r.,nouiumaiii,"M zi w. TjT u'tSWHtHl AUlLSc laltS. J EJ Beet Cuui h Bjrup. Taeiea 0id. tea 71 P3 In time. titflrtiml.n. anxious regarding the health of themselves, of flesh, and all wasting conditions; and to better demonstrate its wonderful merits he will send Three Free Dottles (The Dr. Klocum New Hystein of Medicine) with full instructions to all reuders of this pupur who send for them. Simply write to T. A. Hlocuni, Slanufa turing Chemist, HS l'ine street, New York, giving name and full address. There is no cburge for medicine or eorrs-spondence-ud vice strictly confidential. Knowing, as we do, of tlie undoubted ef ficacy, we urgu every sufferer to take ad vantage of this most liberal proposition. l'leuse tell the Doctor, when writing, that you read this generous oiler iu tins puper. In buying Merit 14 rronomr l xiraYcnuRe" because the rant cultivation wmiied on Inferior needs ilwavi )arKIy exceeds the oriirtnal cost of the l2trt and (tesreat set'dn to be hail. The beat la alwar Ibe cheapest i'y irme more fur FERRY'8 SEEDS and atuxiyt get your money'a worth. rive cenia per liapfr everywncre. Alwayn tlie lt. ruma AnnUHl m-e. D.t.FERRYaCO..DotroK, Mich.j FOR 14 CEtlTS We wliih to pAln lW.eW new oea- 1i.mi.rri, aii.l bcni n ulfer 1 Fk. I:ili lu ll.h. l(Vi Pk. Karlr riui Tiiralp, lUo r KarllK't Iteil Hot, 1IM " llimarrk Ououinbur, Kk; " Quiten Victoria Lettuoe, 1 0 Klon'lyke Mrl'.a, j o M .Tumbu tiinnt Onlnn, 1 ' UrllllMitfloHorHeedl, Ui Worth SI.OO, for 14 aeata. n AtloTe 10 pkgn. won h SI 110, we will ill im frott. totfrithor wiUrutit vrttAt runt nod kvuii (;tnJigu uun rnvciot of tliiti nolAc aUirj 4r.. oaLaaru. W'fi Invito four trftrlfi aail know whnn you n? try Halmr'a dsrtu vrHfn'rcrlftlfiiiiltli out ttiam. I'otiiloriaiFI-OM a Hbl.;tUtl.l(.niwc. 1V..U M1LZIB SKXU CO.. LA CnOML WIH. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... M ANtTFACTURED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. irmrrK tub name. WHEAT Mnae nioney by auciiealul Bfeculatlon In ChtfiaKO. W buy and Noll wheal on mar alriB. KorluiifB have beeo made on a amall Winning by trading In Iu. turea. Write for full partlculara. H' ll 1)1 rl- erence given, tieveral yfara' experience on ths Chlcaiio Board of Trade, and a thorough know. ledge 01 the buMiK'na. Menu tor our iree reier ence book. uowNl.Mt, MUi-aifla to., Chicago Board of Trade Broker, orooea in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Waab. ILLUSTRATfO . CATALOGS 0 Buclt co Lambcrson IBOFfiONT 5T Portland. On Vf ol, P. MoVioer a Tiieatra. Cbioago. 1IL S. P. K Mo. 7. trine II KN writing to ad rertiaera, piae) V EoeatloB tbla paper. If; SI. B.-A k2 1 I ut ti , X JUH.1 JL NORTHEftN . L pat folks wra nn u j., u villi1 Ad.lroa if K.