? LEADER S SI -f $ A 4 M $ If you don't J WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY. ifesssssssSasa gJrpll thtixags, Jetral in jNTotfaing. " TLJ TOled0, UnC'n Oreg0n, TUCSdaV Ja"Uary 4t Number 39. LINCOLN COUNT!. joint SeiiBtor -Joint Representative, County Judge Clerk Sheriff Treasurer - School Superintendent Surveyor Assessor Coroner Commissioners J " Tol. Carter E. R. Lake - J. O. Stearns B. F. Jones George Lanclis J. L. Hyde 8. O. Irvin Z. M. Derrick Hurley Lutz T. M. Coombs Onus. Williams F. A. Godwin County Commissioners Court meets on Wed nesday after the llrst Monday In February, April, June, August, October and December. CIRCUIT COURT Hon. J. C. Kullerton .Judge W.ii. IttlOM, TlUB. AllulU Court convenes on 4th Monday in July and fourth Monday in January of each year. CITY OF TOLEDO. 1, F. Jones Mayor i. F. Stewart Recorder K.A. Arnold, Marshal C.B. Crosno, 1 c Ltimvell I C. L. Tillotsou ( Aiaermen IU, Starr, f Aiaermen Lester Waugh, A. T. Peterson J Council meets on the first Monday evening in etch month. TOLEDO PRECINCT. justice of the Teace Constable J. A. Hall J. C.Altrce NEWPORT. I Justice of the Peace Oeo. F. Sylvester (unstable W. H. Crutchileld I YAQUINA. Junieeof the Peace J. 8. Booth I ConsUib'.e W. L. Watkins i ELK CITY. I J:itic' of the Peace A. It. Clark ! lonstable Alex liurkhaltvr LITTLE ELK. Jjsil eufthc Peace Chns. Hendcrwin Constable 't. 8. Derrick NASHVILLE. Mice nf the Peace I. B. Huntington ('notable N. F. Kdwarria MKAVKKCKEKK. .1 Kiii-c of the Peace Sani'l Hill Coiifitaiiie '. U.seph ciourley TII)i:V.Ti:i. .i'itUef,f th Peace N. .1. Goodman ('.instable W. A. ViilUn LOBSTER. .asiicenf the Peacj L. A. leek ('.mutable W. P Taylor LOWER ALSH A and YACHATS. .'upl'.ce nf tr.e Pcsce Win. WakelieM , '''instable John Kaily ' SALMON RIVER, i lustier of the Pence ; t.'hnp. F.ad ionManlu... . - - niee nf the Pef.ce .W. H. Conic i Countable Geo, E. Crnxfnrd OlIUXCHES AND SOCIETIES. yKTHODIST EPIS(;oiALC!in:ai-terTics t at Tol.-doon the firm and third Sabbaths rtiach month at 11 o'clock a. in. Sabbath s-'houl uvery Sabniuh rtiornlm: at li)oc!ock. ilov. C. P.. ELLSWORTH. Poj'tur. T.J(II1N"S Clll'ItCH Protestant liuiswiiwl.l lnvine service Iho third rt.in.lay of every, nonih. at 11 a. in. All nro invited to attend. ev. Chan. Ilonth, Miasionury. liesidcuce, 'liectory." Newport, Or. I 0. O. F. Toledo Irfirtra, No. 10S. .Meet! 'every turduy eve-iing nt their hall In this J. H.TURXIDUE. S.tf. J.T.EA'IN'(i,Kee'T. I (1. 0. P.-Iiay Lodge No. UK, of Yaquina City. meoUeveryUVdiicsdav evening. Visiting irothersarealwavs welcome. B. A. PRUITT, X. V. fc. J. HI' KU0W8, Secretary. : i I .). r.-Xewport satnnlav evening. -oitiie so. i, meets every yiaitfnK brother? are cor. n!lV ilivi'ed to Ullicid. 1.. O. OLS80X, X. i. : Hi.iVKli, Secretary I (I. i. p.Klk Lortire No. 1!M, meets every ?attiri!uvovcniii)(in its hall t Klk City. ilMlinij brotl.er8 alwava n-elconio. c . .1. II. VAN OliDEN, K. . M. layn, Becy. VF. A A. M. Ncwjiort Lodge No. 85, regular fall moo.;. Visiting linithnrn arc cordially i l.iiied. A. II. HAMPTON, M. V. "ilINHPCKLKY.Seey t yaquina liny Council No. 74 fi National I'nion, i Brets on second and fourth Friday nightaot : 'Mnontti. Travelinirii-lendaRrewclwimo. i T. I'lSH, , Sec. N. BNOW. Prea. i J0 (K)1( UllHiK No. 70, Ketiekfth Degree, I V. : ) P.. meets in the Odd Fellows hall in j 'to city on Tuesday evening nf each week. , F.I NICE AKIN, N.U LLA P. STEWART. Secretary. TiviLHiHT RKHEKAH LOIHiE Nn. 90, meets 1 at tno 1 (k i, n 1.-1 1. ..t- nn tii ! . j v.. vr. i . iti,ii nt r.ih uif "ii v" " "a tnird Thnnduv evenings of each month. mtlng members alwavs welcome. i t DO , MK"- MARIE MILLER, N. O. MR8. LILLIE TRPP, Secretary. CI A- It .Abe Lincoln Post No. 08. meets AT.' 'je (iood Templars Hall on the first and oammays of each month. I rinn, Aajutant. 73, na. A 0. IT. W. Western Star Lodee No, " meets in the Odd Fe'lowa' hall, Yaquina, ! """"'"d third Haturdb.. evenings in each , "(unia. V isitini brothers are alwavs welcome. ! Visiting brothers are always welcome. n . 11. K. LLdUtlt, m. n , H- L. TRAVIS, Recorder. Woodmen of the woRLD.-Pocahontus k. o ,mP No- S". Toledo, Oregon, meeta on itHSS Vd tnird Thursdays in each month in iwodd Fellows' hall. Visiting neighbors are "Jy welcome. A. ARNOLD. fIRO. HF.THER8. Consul. Clerk. SV "rove. Woodmen circle, meets on the V and 4th Thursdays of each month at i o'clock P M. H . Mri.jKHNi Abnolo, W. G. Eimici Akin, Clerk. U m JhrtTI8AN9-RIVER DELL A8SEM tna - i 'J2. United Artisans, meets on 2nd "Sic ,"dne"day. nights of each month in thl? llq?" h". Cl'y- Oregon. Visiting id brothers are always welcome. Oor.,. J.C.DIXON.M. A. " Q. DALAB. Secretary. ! I A SURPRISE It is really a Surprise to ourselves as well observers to see the amount of Goods rolled out daily at the Big New Store. The Close, Cash, Cut, Bought right, Sold right Prices are getting in their work. Astonishingly low figures will be made from now till after the Holidays on CLOTHING and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. THE BIGGEST ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS and SHOES. Cal! and See What N0 TROUBLE TO Yours For Bill fa TOLEDO: Look Now is the time to, lay in vour Win ter's supply of Groceries: To reduce stock M. JL V - , n TTliVliP rriOllI TOV up to Janujuy 1st, I will sell Groceries as near cost as it is possible to do. J. S. BOOTH, Yaquina, Oregon. Z. 31. DEHRICK, County Surveyor. ! Solicits all work in his line. Cor- j i rect work and reasonable' prices. O Address, Eddy vile, Oregon. JOB PRINTINOI 5 aw- . , . ,, Of all kinds neatly and promptly aw. executed. Prices reasonable ana au ivnrlr satisfactory. ft: work satisfactory, ... . T We make a specialty in.Y,lilaia rutalniflies. 1 nf crlnting Iegal BlankB, T letter Heads. Bill Heads, statements. . , i -. f Vtn Envelopes, Etc., Etc. prices and Estimates furnished on ft: all kinds of printing. ft7 jhE LEADER JOB DEPARTMENT. 3 ft; Toledo, Oregon. ROSS & RICE, BLACKSMITHS. TOLEDO, OE0ON- j clalty. Give us a call. We can do for You. SHOW GOODS. Ousine u mm. -Read This! r- i i r 1 t ItPIIPI'!! M PVOhiUUnSP j Biggest Offer Yet THE SEMI-WEEKLY LEADER and THF TWIPF-A-WEEK DETROIT FREE PRESS BOTH PAPERS ONE YEAR poi Orly $2.00 THK TWICIf-A-WliKK DKTKOIT PBKK PRKSS needs nn intrndiiction. Iumanr special artl- eles bv noted writers have given it a world- wide reputation. In short, it is one of the cesneB brightest and best papers par pub- nBhed. No pains or expense will be spared in nn li hlirh standard. Remember, that by taking advantage of this combination vou get KM copies of the LEADER and 104 copies of the FREE PRESS, 20a papers, for only !.ou. A 500 PAGE BOOK FREE The f ree tress Annual Year Book and Almanac For 1808. COKRKIT, COMC'INK, UtHPLKTF. IOVFR20.000 COPIES OF 1897 BOOC WERE I r. SSirETC Reference1 ic.fEdenc. 1 Religious Fact, and general Practical Ulrec-: I tU-nson everyday .Hair. of office. Home and j ;MribtPg7m,tXky:nds1nXrMn.,: ! dillonal for mailing expenses, making ll.li in .11 ber '2b 1M17 ropies of the hook will be sent to all taking advantage of this of this offer, as soon after the above date as poaslnle. Address, The LEADER, Toledo Oregon. The ihiok will oe puunsueu aooui ueu m The Corvallis Gazette grieves because the Leader and other pa papers use the word "reform" when speaking of a union of forces in Or egon. The papers of the Gazette kind very naturally object to reform. It has a distasteful discordant sound to them. It means less spoils for politicians, less "pap" of all kinds, and a lessening of the burden of taxation. No wonder the Ga zette objects to it. y A new game called ti lelight" is played In the "Editor's Uengnt is played in this way: Take a sheet of ordinary writing paper, fold it carefully, and enclose a bank note sufficiently large to pay up arrearages and one year in ad vance. Keep an eye on the editor, and if a smile adorns his face, the trick works like a charm. Now is the time to play the joke. Ex. The real difficulty in connection with prospecting at Klondike, is not so much the trouble of staking out good paying claims, as it is to get into the country at all, or to keep from starving to death if you do get in. The narrow mountain passes leading into British Colum bia are so compleatly glutted with human traffic that the overflqw'Sf the foot-hills of hundreds and ihous' ands of men, women, horses, and dogs, and the melee of carts, sleds, and provision in the utmost possible confusion, form a scene absolutely unique in the history of golddiscov eries, a scene appalling in its com bination of misery, pathos, of human ambition and consequent suffering. From "Great Gold Discoveries," in Demorest's Family Magazine for January. The New Year's issue the Ore gonian says: There are indications of a new move in Oregon's railroad affairs' The O. C. & E., successor to the Oregonian Pacific, is likeiy to undergo another change. A nem corporation was launched at Albany the other day, and named the Cor vallis & Eastern. Mr. Hammond who is the head and front of the O. C. & E. and the Astoria & Colum bia River roads, is at the head of new concern, and it is given out that it is the intention to take up the O. C. & E. property, being the railroad now operated from Yaquina bay to Detroit, in the Cascade moun tains, enteving the Willamette at the headwaters of Mary's river, west of Corvallis, and, passing that town and Albany, passes on by way of the forks of the Santiam to the mountains, and to extend it on to the Des chutes and thence across Crook, Harney and Malheur comi ties to an eastern connection' at On tario. The present owners know that in order to make the present properly pay it will be necessary to extend the road into new fields; these can be found in the northeast counties, and there appears no rea son why the bunchgrass soils of the section should not yield as good crops of cereals as the regoins fur ther north. Should this prove the case a large and thrifty population will follow up the building of the road. Some profess to see in this movement the fine Italian hand of the Southern Pacific, and' Fay that it is the purpose of this company to secure an eastern connection, tap all the important wheat sections with 3nd 1)31,1 ll,e Pr('lu Via the Co'vallis & Eastern, to Shel- bur"e. thence Over the S. P. lines tQ porllan(, flnd on ,Q deep water at Astoria via the Astoria & Columbia River road. No-To-Hae for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit core, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c U. All aruggut ADVERTISING APPRECIATED. "The other day when we were driving down town behind our fam ily rhinoceros, we came upon an aged man tearing a bridge to pieces and placing it upon a wagon." writes the editor of a Nebraska pa per. "As the bridge was one that we needed in our business, we asked the ancient mariner what he was doing with it, and, in which case, or why so, or words to that effect. He replied: "My eyesight is poor and I have not my spec tacles with me: I understand that many advertisements are painted upon this bridge, and I am taking it home in order that I may read them and find out where toget bar gains. The long winter evenings are coming, and I want to lay in -i supply of bridges and board fjnees and barn dcors, that I may sit by my fireside and read what the mer chants have to say." We told him him that the newspapers contained more advertising than the bridges and better ones, too; but he said that the print in the newspaper is too fine. We drove away, glad that the bridge and fence advertis ers have av least one regular read er." Another year has gone and a new year is upon us. The year that has cone has marked ; a reasonable' ' progress in Lincoln county. Not so much perhaps, as many would have wished, but still a very marked progress has been made. The county has received a fair share of the im migration to this state, and the class of settlers coming in hns been of an industrious ani progressive nature. In Toledo and vicinitiy there has been a large inflix of hardy and in dustrious Scandinavian people. In Toledo precinct alone the popula ilon has been increased by more than a hundred souls by the incom ing of these people. For the most part they have bought small tracts of laud near town, and have gone onto these tracts and are improving the same. Generally the increased settelment of the county has been satisfactory. Taken altogether the year 1897 has been as satisfac tory as any of the recent years that have gone before, and the new year of 1898 holds out as many promises as the usual new years do. The editor of the Corvallis Union is hardly consistent. He thinks that a Union of the democrats, pop ulists and free silver republicans would be dishonorable to all par ties; but at the same time he thinks that it would be both proper and honorable for the republicans and gold democrats to unite forces. Come, Daly, tell us the difference between tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Last year one firm in Grant's Pass bought and shipped $82,369 worth of gold dust. This is but a small part of the dust thathas been shipped from that place, as many of the mines ship direct. This firm shipped $21,000 more in 1897 than in 1896. - The Corvallis Times says that the annual report of the president of the board of regencs of the agri cultural college shows that the state owes the college about $18, 000 interest on the funds derived from the sale of lands donated by the federal government. Boat Tobacco Spit aad Buoke Tow Lift Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All drugglata,fiOoorll. Cure guaran teed flooklf.t and aample free. Address Sterling Ilc'icdy Co. Chicago' or lit York.