Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 10, 1897, Image 4

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J. P. KTKWAKT.Kclitor and Proprietor.
Subscription Rates:
One year, ... $1.50
Six months, - - - .75
Three months, - - .50
Entered at the postolllce at Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mail matter.
Advertising rates made known on application
Business locals will be inserted in these eoi
umns at five cents per line per week, und will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmasterin Lincoln county Is authoriz
ed to act as agent for the Leader.
Official County Paper.
Holiday goods at Gowell's.
New full cream cheese at Lewis.
Go to H. Lewis for Oil and Rub
ber goods at lowest prices.
Just received, a new stock ot
.Gents' furnishing goods; also a new
stock of men's pants, hats and caps,
at Lewis.'
When looking for suitable Christ
mas presents call and inspect our
big stock ot well selected goods.
Krogstad, The Druggist.
You can not afford to let Christ
mas pass without returning a kind
favor by making sombody a pres
ent. Krogstad, the Druggist, has
what you want.
The storm of the 8th did a great
deal of damage to the bulkhead and
the streets of Newport. It will take
several hundred dollars to repair
j the damages. It also did consider
j eble damage to the railroad riprap-
ng at Yaquina.
The supreme court of this state
Pure cider vinegar at H. Lewis.
We want a few bushels of apples
and potatoes on subscription.
Gowell pays cash for hides.
Gowell has what you want.
Every thing marked down
Booth's. Write for prices.
The high winds of Tuesday j got a dose ot its own this week
took the storm doors off of the front j has been reversing the decisions of
of the court house. j district courts for years, and have
Schillings neoner at Booth's I2cts. ' become accustomed to think its de-
o 111 '
Arm & Hammer soda at Booth's cisiotls final
7 cents.
Tf vnn Hnn'i traAf at
, ti . , . , c 1 iou of the supreme court m the
you don't get the best goods for : r
, . ; county salary case. The supreme
the least money.
court said the clerk and sheriff were
Jas. E. Dixon has been appoint- Qn fees but the C0(m dedarS that
ep administrator ot the estate ot
Jas. Hamar, deceased.
T. P. Fish is out for the first time
It was brought to a
round turn this week by our coun-
r . ii'a ty court reversing the recent decis-
today, after being laid up for near
ly a week with neuralgia and a se
vere cold.
To reduce stock and save invoic
ing Gowell is offering special bar-
tbey are still on salaries.
The county court has been in ses
sion since last Wednesday, They
have transacted the usual routine '
business, and a full report of their
proceedings will be given in our
next issue. The matter of the sher
iff's and clerk's fees were continued
gains in all lines and will continue until January, when an adjourned
from now until Jan. 1st, 1898. term will be held. Judge Stearns
. . , ... will go to Portland tomorrow to
Fortysix persons at Corvall.s JuJge pipes regarding
v.-f-re recently poisened by eating the effect of the recent supreme
Lead c'eese. The source of the court decision in the salary case.
ooison has not been ascertained
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Wade, of this place on Wednes
day, December 8th, 1897, Ora
Copeland and Miss Lola Vinoent,
Rev. Chas. Booth, officiating.
The ceremony that united these
There will be a grand opening of ;
Christmas Novelties at the store of ;
Mrs. T. P. Fish, on Wednesday, j
December 15. It will be the finest j
display of these goods ever brought
. . t. j
y. ! young people was private, being
Good advice: Don't postpone till witnessed only by a few close rela
the last minute the selecting of your , tives. Both the yonng people are
Christmas presents, thereby missing well and favorably known here,
yrhat you most desire. Come early and the Leader joins with their
and look over the fine assortment ' many friends in extending congrat
at Krogstad's, the druggist. ulations.
The Elk City Artisans held a so- SHOOTlNa MATCH.
cial meeting last Wednesday night.
Mrs. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Starr, Al. Waugh, of this place, an
Hurley Lutzand J. S. Gaither wete "ounces a big shooting match at
visiting members from this place, ' Toledo on Friday, December 24th.
and report a very enjoyable eve- The oot will be for turkeys,
I chickens, geese and ducks, and it
m,lf' i will be arranged so that everybody
The Toledo Tent of Maccabees i fin have a chance. The judges
completed their organization last shofot "'P60- S'lve?n'
. ,1 . of Newport, R. F. Simpson, of Elk
night, and are now fully equipped 1 City, and J. A. Hall of Toledo,
for service. The officers for the j Eveiybody is invited to come out
term are, Wm. Alexander, Past and enjoy an old time shoot.
Com; B. F. Jones, Com; O. R. Al- .....
tree, Lieuc. Com; J. II. Ross, Rec- Tetter, Salt-Khcuiu and Eczema,
rml Wphpi-. r r v,iMr T?;o! ,The intense itching nndsraartinp.incJ
onl Keeper, C. C. Kubler, Finance! dent to these tliapaw8,isinstnntly allayed
Keeper; J. F. Stewart, Chaplain; by applying Chiimberliiin's Eve nnd
Dr Darnell Phvsirian- Halnh Vin. u n i?intment- Mllny very b,ul ca8es
vt. jjainen, t nysician, Kaipu van-1 huve been permanently cured by it. It
Cleve, Seargent; Z. C. Copeland, j is equally efficient for itching piles and
Mier-nr -xrmv ft M TinrrV. rt I a, fllvolJt? remedy for Bore nipples,, U. K. liurcn, 1st. chupped hands, chilblains, frost bites
M. of G.; A. Calon, 2nd. M. of G; a,ul chronic sore eyes. 23 cts.per box.
C. G. Altree, Picket
They will J),. ra(tvg Condition VnwnVro. nr
meet for the present on the 1st and JU8t what a horse needs when in bad
3rd Thursday evenings of each
Yesterday Walter Ben, of New
port, an Indian, was arrested for
stealing goods from the store of
John Loomis, of that place. The
goods were small articles that had
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
ents per package.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have
taken up seven head of cattle as es-
been taken from time to time by the fi
snop-nttmg ruethou. Hen has been lows: Two cows, two calves, one
staying at Rev. Ellsworth's, and ! yearling heifer, one yearling ' steer
the latter's suspicion was first di- j and 0,le black steer about 3 years
rected toward him. A search of his
room was made and a great number
of articles were found which were
oiu. iney are marked with two
swallow forks and a piece of tin in
the left ear, and the two cows are
kl-n.1.4 (T P ,1 .
"" jA3. ine cwner
identified by Mr. Loomis as articles! or owners are notified to claim the
takeu from his store. Ben was tak
en into custody and his preliminary
examination was had before Justice
Sylvester today.
the same and for keeping and ad
vertising mem, or they will be sold
according to law.
Abraham Beix.
Siletz, Oregon, Dec. 7, 1897.
Allen Logan Indicted for Murder In
The First Degree.
The grand jury of Polk County
has returned an indictment against
Allen Logan for the killing of
Enoch Sylvester, charging him
with the crime of murder in the
fiist degree.
The indictment was returned
last Tuesday evening, after the
grand jury had examined about
twenty difierent witnesses. The
defendant was arraigned and took
his day to plead. He entered a plea
of not guilty, and the trial begun
For the defense subpoenas were
telegraphed to Sheriff Landis on
Wednesday, for the following wit
nesses: C. B. Crosno, Chas. Altree,
Mrs. Emma Burns, Geo. Chambers,
Ralph and Merle Vancleve of this
place, and Geo. Bethers, of New-!
port. Mr. Crosno and Mr. Bethers
were subpoenaed to testify as to the
previous good character of the de
fendant, the former having known
him almost all his life, and the lat
ter having been his teacher for some
time. The other wituesees were at
the hopyard when the fight oc
cured. The trial is now in progress and
will be hotly contested. The State
is represented by S. L. Haydeu, a
son of Ben Hayden, and he has the
reputation of being a vigorous pros
ecutor, and is undoubtedly a very
able one. The defendant is defen
ded by Judge McFadden, of Cor
vallis, Judge Weatherford, of Al
bauy, and Messrs. Butler & Town
send, of Independence.
The outcome of the trial will be
watched for with great interest by
a great many people of this county,
who have known and respected
the boy defendant's lather and fam
ily for years.
Gowell is not undersold.
Gowell buys and sells everything.
Rolled oats at Booths y2 cents
per pound.
Rolled wheat at Booth's 3 cts.
per pound.
Three lb package gold dust at
Booth's only 23 cents.
Dr. Carter and R. A. Bensell are
Toledo visitors today.
1 lb Schillings Baking Powder at
Booth's 43 cents.
Go to Gorman's, at Yaquina, if
you want to buy lastest improved
Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines,
at wholesale prices.
Don't be persuaded into buying
liniments without reputation or
merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm
costs no more, and its merits have
been proven by a test of many years.
Such letters as the following from
L. G. Bagley, Huneme, Cal., are
constantly being received: "The
best remedy for pain I have ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
and I say so after having used it in
my family for years." It cures
rheumatism, lame back, sprains and
swellings. For sale bv O. O. Krno-.
stad, druggist.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I
have taken up an estray animal at
my place at the Ona postoffice on
Beaver creek. The said animal is
described as follows: One roan steer
two years old, one drooping horn,
no visible marks or brands. The
owner of said animal is notified to
claim the same, and pay costs and
expenses of keeping and advertis
ing the same. J. Blaser,
Ona, Oregon, Dec. 6, 1897.
The robbers that broke into Gor
man's store at Yaquina have not
been apprehended as yet. The
guns that were stolen have been re
covered, having been found tinder
the school house building at Ya
quina. Deputy sheriff Ross and
Mr. Gorman found the guns last
Wednesday. The sheriff informs
us that their former theory regard
ing the robbery has been exploded.
They are still working on the case
and may yet apprehend the guilty
A Call to All!
IN ORDER 10 meet my a'l"es. I will in ,he A
A . rjAVS CLOSE OTTT th c. . . I
. . ol0(;K QfQ
. r I 1 ' T 1. .L VTTrT?C?'T A TT TITr. ... 1 VJCDp.
Mercuanaise. i oave iuc iutwi n.isu rs,d l L,INE of G00T1!
the Bay, and a Full Stock. The whole lot of Goods
Before the year is out, as I must have monev to settle un m.. i .
or rVio fircr nf Tannarif rSr.S V ' DUS1H
And come and get a BARGAIN. Don't loose th
Will please call and make a settlement within the next 30 dm
or their accounts will be placed in the hands of an attorney
liUill 14.1 tl t L- ss v - llvii
Dated at YAQUINA, this 1st (lay of Dec. 1891
The subscription price
reduced to $i a year.
Dtmorcxt's Family Magazine l more than Fiihln
Magazine, although it gives the very latest home vA
foreign lushloiiB each month; this In only one oi in
inniij Yuiunuie lemures. w snmetnnig lor each
member of the I'amllv. for evrv (Immrtttimit m ,k.
household, and its varied contents ore of the ilghtit
, of I he World. It furnishes the bet thoughts ol the
most interesting and most progressive wrltem of th
day, and it Is abreast of the tunes in evervthing.-Art.
Literature, Science and Society Affairs, Fiction. Hon
hold Matters, Sports, etc. a single number Iiequemij
contains from 200 to S00 tine engravings, mnking it tbe
TKATEI) of the Great Monthlies.
Itemorest'n Magazine Fashion Department is in rorj
way far ahead of that contained In any olhor publlci
tion. Subscribers are .entitled each month to patterns of the latest fashions in (w
ping 8 ' Bt DO '8t " tilem olhor tnn" lnftt uecessary for posting ami nu
than a year's subscription to Itemorest'a Magazine can be made, lly) mtotrib
'ng A r OM'h yon can get the magazine at the reduced price, and will am re
ceive the handsome 25-cent Xnias number with its beautiful panel picture nip
piemen t. '
Kemit 1.00 by money order, registered letter or check to the
DEI10REST PUBLISHING CO., no Fifth Ave., New York City,
Great Special Clublring offer for Cash Subscribers!
i 3Lineln Coimty Leader
Send your subscriptions to this office.
The President's Message
not its business lo interfere i:
matter lv anv resolti'io'.i re
niziup: tbe ljattliiitr patriots is
How different in tbe Hw
matter. Plere he is urging tb--
The message transmitted to con
gress by President McKinley last
Monday is one of the weakest mes
sages upon vital points ever sent
from the White house. It is vicil-
lating and uncertain, having tbe ; nexation of a government tk
tone of a man sure of nothing. On majority- of the people areu
the currency question the message ' ly to our s stem, and wliico
satisfies nobody. Whi'e giving ! bring us debt, trouble and '
assurances to the extreme gold lion without any adequate re"
standard men, it seeks at the same The message is a huge disapf
time to dally and coquet with the 1 ment on all vital questions.
silver people under the guise of the I
nternational agreement bubble
that has already been pricked and
I After heanns some irienas
f tinually praising Chamberlain's
: ic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerr.
hiifL'fa T. 1.. j .v .
bonds is only a question of time : ' Purcna!? J , .w
Mil., tii. own use and is now afeentw
i over its wonderful work as an?
-.. ..:i... . ! can be. The 2.s and 50 cent
n Bw"' ,anc"- S1lebv0.0. Krogstad, dn?
uui iuc piniiieni wnony laiis to
point out any method of currency j ,
retorm, but hints at the retirement lmm - nttft
of tbe greenbacks as the panacea lfV,W Y jhK WW
for this evil. His tone is uncertain 1 1 4i I) i WH "C"'
upon this, as though he were speak
ing sentiments forced upon him,
but not his honest convictions.
Upon the great question of free
Cuba, however, is where the mes
sage is the most disappointing ; to
the people. His administration was
pledged in advance to a speedy ter
mination of the horrible butchery,
called war. in Cuba. After nearly
a year's waiting the people are told
through his message that it is the
policy of the United States not to
interfere, but to allow Spain a free
hand to continue the murder of
helpless and peaceable men, women
women and children under the
guise of a pacifying war. At the
same time congress is told that it is
Thrlee-a-ieeelt EMM
1ft no crna o WPpk.
nr. miners1
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A paper bk useful to you a f
for only one dollar a year. Be""
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It standi flrtmong"'r W
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list of subscribers, extending ! -"
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The regular suoscnii"""
paper isJ.W. r