(Continued on 8th page.) IN EASTERN OREdON. ited. was provided with all the lat est pnd most modern machinery. Leaving this mine we were rapidly driven to the Virtue mine two miles distant, where, after again feasting the inner man, we were shown through the world renowned Vir- tue mine, said to be one of the Oregon are many and varied, greatest goia producers in tne west. At this mine they were working on the 800 feet level, but as they had but recently experienced an acci dent the printers were not allowed j waste basket traveler that a rich harvest has been gathered into the granaries; away to the foothills, and farther even to the snow-capped mountains, whose rock-ribbed sides are being tunneled, blowed, cut and robbed of their treasures, the eolden nugget which is being fashioned into the almighty dollar; all these things bring to my mind the fact that the resources of and were we to attempt to describe the resources of one Oregon's thirty-two counties in one article, we fear the office devil would cast it all into the to visit this level none but the devil. Next a walk of a quarter of a mile brought us to the Consolidated Virginia. This property is adjoin ing the Virtue, and they hope to strike the same vein. Here we again dined, and we are compelled in candor to say that we never saw a more bountiful spread, or one more elegant in all respects. This dinner must have cost the owners of the mine several hundred dollars. We had always heard that miners were hospitable, but we never sup posed that a feed of the kind we re ceived could be gotten up at a mo ment's notice in a miuing camp. We noted that in all mines we vis ited that the company have provid ed good, warm, comfortable quar ters for their employes; and we will say that we never met a more gen tlemanly set of men than the super intendents of these Eastern Oregon mines. Returning to Baker City, on Monday morning those who desir ed were shown over Baker City. We visited the court house and met the county officers, who, of course, treated us well, as it is well known that all the county officers are not ed for their hospitality. At the the bank we were shown some fine specimens, and were informed that about $250,000 in gold was the out B. F. Jones. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a severe cold that caused him to be in a most raiser able condition. It was undoubted ly a bad case of lagrippe and recog nizing it as dangerous he took im mediate steps to bring about a speed cure. From the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and the many good recommen dations included therein, we con cluded to make a first ttial of the medicine. To say that it was sat isfactory in its results is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have 110 hesitancy in recommending this ex cellent cough remedy to anyone af flicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty. Lib ertytown, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by O. O. Krogstad, druggist. AGENTS WANTED FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND Standard Subscription Books. By the W. B. Conkiy Company, the lantost pub Ushers and inanuiai'tnrers of hooks in the United State". Finest tin" of new holiday and otner sutipcripunn uoiiki nn inn mvraei. Also agent wanted tor "THK8ILVKR SIDE," the lateot and best text book on the silver ques tion by the great .silver ItHdei. LAROEST TERRITORY. LARGEST COMMISSIONS. PRICES BELOW COMPETITION. Write at once (or circular and special terms, stating your choice of territory, W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, 341, 343, 845, 347, 349, S51 Dearborn St., Chicago. Drs. Bayley, Carter and Parent, who were appointed members of the new board of pension examiners some time since, met at this place last Monday and organized the board, as follows: Dr. Bayley, pres ident; Dr. Parent, secretary, and Dr. Carter, treasurer. The regular meetings of the board will be held at Dr. Darnell's drug store in tli 10 aLsuui jp$Kjtjw in gum was ine out- j - put of the mines tributary to Baker j place on the first and third Wednes- At ten o'clock a business meeting the third Wednewav in Noenber. of the Association was held at the ' Dn Parent tendered his resignation K. P. hall, and the committees for !to the board and recommended the ensuing year were appointed by the appointment of Dr. Darnell, who president, as follows: Executive I wiU doubtless be appointed. The committee, E. L. E. White, C. C. I Board wil1 a Sreat helP a"d con-, Doughty, H. L. Heath; Finance ' venience t0 the old soldiers of this I committee, F. C. Baker, J. S. Del-Part tlie country, as many of linger, B. F. Jones; Legislative them are unable to bear the expense j committee, Col. Allev. Col. Eddv iof SoinS to Albany for examination. I J. S. Stewart; Committee on Reso lutions, Ira Campbell, Rose Mar shall. Baker City is a lively, prosperous town of about 6,000 inhabitants. Her citizens are industrious, law- abiding, hospitable and progressive. YATES & YATES, LAWYERS, CORVALLIS, OREGON An Important Change Beginning January 1st, 1897, the present weekly edition of the DE TROIT FREE PRESS will be changed to a TWICE-A-WEEK. The Price will remain the same, $1.00 PER YEAR The usual literary and humorous features will be continued, and it will also Contains all the News, Making it an UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. We have just made an arrangement with the publishers of this World Famous paper whereby we can offer you an excellent bargain. We will send Tlie Leader -AND THE Detroit Free Press, Both ONE YEAR for Orly $2.00 156 $2.00. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Addiess, The LEADER, Toledo, Ore All lines of business are well repre-' T3 rO O o n-rT-i ' sented. That there is a bright fu- i J-UOO tfc JKJaJ 1i, ! BLACKSMITHS. TOLEDO, OREGON. ture for tins inland city there can be no question. With a rich min- j ing country in every direction, only ill iU itlfatlCV. but wniiflprfiillv rioli , " ' I as far as explored, it is but fail to 0.e,,elsh"P!lReptrwnrkotall kind done " ' 11 " 1 la" 10 at reasonable prices. II0KSE8110EIN0 a spe- utcsurae mat uaicer uitv win tnnn i. be a second Denver. All too soon, at three o'clock we bid farewell to our Eastern Oregon friends and again boarded the O. R. & N. train, homeward bound. " Living, as we do, at the farther most point west in Oregon, and traveling east a distance of 600 miles, but still within the borders of our own great state; feasting our eyes upon the thousands of acres of fertile lands in the great Willamette valley; gliding by the great falls at Oregon City that are to furnish power for a hundred different man ufactories yet to come; on down to Portland, the richest city in the United States according to popula tion; up the grand old Columbia, whose waters are floating the com merce of the Inland Empire, and whose scenery rivals any in the old world; passing through the great grain, stock and wool producing country of Eastern Oregon, where the yellow stubble brownine with the Autumn winds indicate to the No Air, No Life. Pneumonia suffocates, because the swollen tubes get solid, and keep air from the luno-s. TV Acker's English Remedy reduces the inflammation, so the patient breathes freely, and is soon well. MissR.Ray,354W.9adSt,N.Y., soy: "When threatened with pneumonia, I took one bottle of Dr Acker's English Remedy, and the pain and cough disappeared." lalna, 2Jc.S0c.!$I. AUBrmctfats. AcaiaMuicnaCo., u-UCbub.it St.. K.r. "I Takarw 8flt tmi KaMke Tm Un .,, "V"' fc"0 nd forever, be ma Jle. luU oc lite, norre and Yiiror, lake No-Tc-bm. thewnndervorker, that makes weak men ed Booklet and sample tree. IdirJa Bterllnf Kewedj Co, CWcw oTlI.w Vi? R. C. MILLER, Has opened a shop in Toledo and solicits the patronagejof the people. Nine years experience nnd all work guaranteed first-class in every par ticular. Shop in Grady building next to Copeland's store. Toledo, Oregon. 11. DENLlXGEIt, Attorney-at-Law, TOLEDO, OREGON. D. J. CHITWOOD, Painter and Paperhanger, TOLEDO, OREOON, Will do your work at hard time prices. Give us a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed. PnlWa.ohl,I.?r-- H ?1 aklana and irtSTTiHS J?u,,!l" enmpkntoB. I PATIENTS TREATED By""Eaii enolWrotlalu i? iSif . ,fcl? B " "All. UK. SNYDER. I'al?L?":v",""", I YAQUINA CASH STORE, YAQUINA CITY, OREGON ' HAS ON HANDS A FULL LINE OF ' I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Underwear, flats g Shoes, Oil Clothing, Ladies' aid ' Children' Shoes, Stationery. E GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED.- ALL GOODS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES. E PETER TELLEFSON, fc Proprietor. BOOTH'S CASH - STORED Yaquina City, Oregon. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. ALL GOODS SOLD AT San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, Proprietor, YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. FURNITURE! We HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF FUSWTURE, STOVES, AND - house: furnishings Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supplie! Call and See my stock. FASH & GAAK, Toledo, Oi ANDY CATHARTIC NSvRUOnSTIPATIOjrV f 10 f M I III 1 nil altaajlaaoalKfm. id. 8TKRI,llfl RKJIKDT CO.. CkleamTBofltnal. g....rr"T r""t AU DRUGGISTS Don't ' Go To Klondike ViYrwoorTXKiNO Alono a r"Ort gg TO SO THIY ARB THfe IVVYORITE tfferrarem AMMunmrn, use d by If You want the countv new Subscribe for the LEADEll. Volt ktSCTI i Kepi l-arer 41 ; .evor Itsor aer i.e. late rtroi Jonei Arnc Otosi iowe Tillol Stan r Wa Peier .Mill moul Me Mi, oil (Oil ilk. if '.1 1 Mi. I'R EH!