YOUNQ MEN'S BEST CHANCES. "Business conditions of the great ciiies are not favoJable to young ' men," writes Edwatd W. Bok inj the October Ladies' Home Journal, ' ad vising young men about to begin their careers against going to the, big cities. "Itiss-aid," he con-i timies, "that competition develops, men. It dyes, unquestionably. , But to cope with present corupe-j tition as it exists in the centres, calls lor a vast amount of experi ence. That experience a man must have back of him before he can enter tlie competing arena. 'But how can I better acquire that experience than where there is constant need of it?' How better, my young friend? By serving a long apprenticeship in some city smaller than the greatest. The large ciiies are today poor places in which to learn the rudiments of business competition, for while the I young man is learning, the ex-'j perienced man swallows him up. 'But that is experience,' persists the young man. It is, but a more severe kind than there is need of: a kind which, once indulged in, does not leave a pleasant remembrance. Competition in a smaller city may lie just as keen, proportionately, but, what is all-important to the a full use of j AGENTS WANTED COOK and HEATING STOVES.. i ! FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY ! AND i Standard Subscription Boois. i i:y the W. I), ,'onk.y Coin puny, the target pub i Ushers ami iiiimutneiiirerH of books In the I niied simcs. Finest line of new holiday nnd i other cMtiscription hooka on the n.Brlu't. II Ii'l'll l' l I I I. Lf CI IkfT 't the iulesiaiiil best text book on the silver nuu't tioti by the great silver leaders. LARGEST TERRITORY, LAKGGST COflMISSIONS, PftiCE.S BELOW COMPETITION. Write at once lor circulars and special ti-rms, stating your choice of territory. V. B. CONKEV COMPANY, 8-11, M), SMS, :i47, :u9, 3"d Dearborn St., Chicago. Sold A A S V nt tne .Lowest Prices. T. W. GORMAN, Yaquina City,- Oregon. An Important Change Besinninp: January ist. 1807. the nc rre-?nt weekly edition of the IiK. TROIT FREE PRESS will be changed to a I am prepared to do all kinds of vnunni ui unci ivcuun my, nan- young man starling out, tlie risks die all kinds of Frame and Room are not sogreai: tne experience is not apt to be so costly should he fail to succeed. It is a true saying that a man before he succeeds in business must expect to measure his height on the ground a time or two. But it is not necessary that in his first knock-down he should be knocked out. "But there is another and more important fact which the young man away from the large cities does not realize. It is that the number of possible positions in the large cities is not increasing, despite the reiterated assertions constantly made to the contrary. The very opposite is the truth. Various causes ex plain this: higher taxes, higher prices of lots, or lack of building room, labor strikes, and lower cost of production. The manufacturing interests of this country are con stantly tending toward the smaller cities and away from the ceitfres. All this means fewer positions, since only in rare instances does the executive branch of a business call fv r a larger number of employees than does the manufacturing side. Strange as the change of current may seem, it is, nevertheless, a fact that the young man who today leaves a good-sized city of actual manufacturing advantages, turns his back on what in a few years will be one of the industrial bee hives of America." Oflnprill Shunauil lfni.nlc ii'nl. f 1( i.f.. js . ni.iniii mi KlimUlllltl at reasonable prices. 1101WK.SUuKI.Nci a spe cialty, liivo us a call. ..4t, 80 YEARS' Notice to property Owners. Notice is hereby given to all t wners of abutting prperty on the w est side of Hill street from inter section of Hill and Fifth streets to intersection of Hill ami Second streets, that the common council of the city of Toledo proposes to enact an ordinance providing for the building of a sidewalk in the man ner and kind as provided by the city ordinances, on the west side of Hill street from the intesection of Hill and Fifth streets to the inter section of Hill and Second streets. All property owners objecting there to must file their written objection with the city recorder within ten clays from the date of this notice. Toledo, Ore., September 16, 1807. J. F. Stkwaut, L.S City Recorder. Evert-hotly Fay 80. j t-'iiseurot I'muh- Cutlmi'lii tlu most won ilci'l uudii'.d d;s.'oorv of Uio iire, p tits, not und rofivulnnir to 1A10 tnslu, net ci'iitly 11. ol posillvi ly 011 kldiicH, liver mid hinvols, Wi-nniln-r tl. (.mini KVHbm, illKnrl colds, cii:- 'H-ud!iclio, fevor. liiibHuul cotmtlpmlon lllld o. licisi.i'-fl. Pit oo bnv ntwl Irvn Imv 01 v . i . u toilay; 10, a.-,, Ml cents, fckdiln jTi'uruiuecu (0 cure by all drupeUM. in! ii? Work TWICE-A-WEEK. The Price will remain the same, $1.00 PER YEAR The usual literary and humorous eatures will be continued, and it ill also Mouldings; Paper hanger and room ntier. i-rame making a specialty Call 011 or addiess, R. A. ARNOLD, - Toledo. Oregon. OTTO O. KllOGSTAD, Hog-. Pharmacist. DRUGS. BOOKS Etc. Toledo, - Orecron. YATES a YATES, LAWYERS, CORVALLIS, OREGON HOSS & RICE, BLACKSMITHS. TOI.KDO, OKEUOS. KXPERIENOE. Contains ail the Tcws, Making it an UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. We have just made an arrangement with the publishers of this World Famous paper whereby we can offer you an excellent bargain. We will send The Leader AND THE Detroit Free Press, Both ONE YEAR for Oi1y $2.00 156 fe? $2.00. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Addiess, The LEADER, Toledo, Ore rrta4 designs, COPYRIGHTS 4o. Anrone "ending a sketch and description may tt .iHM"0" Invention Is pro Mbl) ' patentable. Communications strictly coullilBntlal. oldest ageucj rorsecurtiiK patent In America. We have a Wulilniitnn office. 1 atoms taken tlirouttll Muuu & Co. receive lawial uotlce In the " SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ?!,i'1.,..u.!!rHil!,1",rat.od' mf circulation of 1a lysclontlno Jourunl, weekly, terms 13.0) a yean n''h- Hpeclmen copies and iilSo MUNN & CO., 301 liroadKuy, New York. THE ilCGDE!!rr C5 ,A, v:.. i v. ?.. caM-..i"i !,.; ?. ".:: '-' .-"'if. no mkuica'. :"; 1 . ."j.'.. v.- Call for Comity Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have money on hands to pay all warrants drawn on the General Fund and endorsed "not paid for want of funds," up to and including March ist, 1895. Interest on said war rants will cease from the date of this notice. Dated September 16, 1897. J. L. Hydk, Treasurer of Lincoln county, Oregon. 11. C. MILLER, Has opened a shop in Toledo and solicits the patronage of the people. June years experience and all work guaranteed first-class in every par ticular. Shop in Grady buildinir next to Copeland's store. Toledo, Oregon. 11. DXXLlXGEIi, Attorney-at-Law, TOLEDO, OREGON. D. J. CHITWOOD, Painter and Paperhanger, TOLEDO, OREGON, Will do your work at hard time Prices. Give us a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed fe. Sate aTtSlto' if Clw '2-Ail V-invn ifenlralheSlth ZT-'.T.. lm 1 c..nffi,!Nl? I ATEI BY WAIi. Oil 1 UC't. u, r r. '"' "'' ""--'I '"trj. Hrn..'.,,M j, ltj f3 cm ANDY CATHARTIC 1C0H&TIPATI0N i. 'a,.fti'-jrfflri'aiig'-i' nBiic,,l ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED SMSSSffir nlo anil hoolMrt Tree. Ad. S'mtl.lNfl IIKMKDV rO.hirarVMont! ""'l"" THE- f YAQUINA CASH STORE, jg YAQUINA CITY, OREGON ' X HAS ON IIANI1S A T-'ITT T tit nt. I GENERAL MERCHANDISE (JeHts' FnmfKiihig Goods, Uixlcnvear.iiafci g Shoes, Oil Clothing. Ladies' anil " E Ch II droits' Shoes. Slat ion rry. -GROCERIES, ELOUU and FEE5).v- ALL GOODS SOU) AT REASONABLE PRICHS. frhesubsi Wuccdt i:n a yes AT "N tiu'i-b Irom-ietox'. BOOTH 9 Yaquina City, Oregon. Stapl Hardware, Tinware, Etc. ALL GOODS SOLD AT San Francisco JPrice. J. S. BOOTH, Proprietor, YAQUINA CITY, OUEGOII. LEWIS, T0JiE3IZ)0. HAS JUST RECEIVE! L A LARGE INVOICE OF DRY GOODS, Furnishing Goods. Undent All New goods and Low Prices. We have also Received a Large Shipment of Chinaware, Glassware & Crocker) Toledo. FURNITURE! We HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF FUtITUSE, STOVES, -AND- HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supple Call and See my stock. 1 ASH & GAAR, Toledo, Ore stlBS'li' lie lyan; pie tr, ianv d I .urate t ;atu : .alilc fiite ic h'uk Ler.?r I; the fist Irtti