N, cs. s m unit ru.i- :i'Bi- ileal-tiu; all M luil In- hii for . Vny) ANDY D, iNsRKOHSTIPATIOHi JnTflWt V RTIARANTEED ? enr r "' PtIom Catearets are the Ideal Ik.. :SOLUiEiLI UUnftnH 1 uull ti, e. never (rrip or eripe.but canse enn natural rfralu! sT Zlvtttm. Ad. STKItMXfl BKMEDT CO.. Chlc.ro. Montreal. J.Sg I,! F 1 Wttt -THE- YAQUINA CSH STORE, 1 YAQUINA CITY, HAS ON HANDS A JBNERAL MERCHANDISE, I Bents' Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Hats, 3 Shoes, Oil Clothing, Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes, Stationery, 3 GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED. 2 ALL GOODS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES. PETEE TELLEFSON, 3 Proprietor. 3 BO0TSH ! CASH - STORE 6 Yaquina City, Oregon. taple and Fancy Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Etc. roods Sold at San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, IProp., . ;,; YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. THE GEEAT LOSING a -AT- Snow & Now is the time ATS and CAPS, and FURNISHING 00DS. Come right iat can't be beat on the Bay. THE Thrtce-a-week Edition,. 3 Pages a week, 156 papers a Year. vPPeranfi - . one dollar .year. Better than ever, nuit New of in .u. !,-... ... ... Iwnnt "uiru aii we lime. Mf. alr evOfybody. Democratic --mor the . . . . lonn,i. ginsi irusis ana ail PWies. Brilliant lll.,,.H. u..i.. f dlntt'V-''h0r" 'n eVery nnmber- Splendid en,. .'("'omen ,nd other peclal depart f.?0tl'.n.",u"ntere.t. L? w mong"weekly" papers In size !ail nn mi x all0D ana 'rashness, variety tflranh.V jntent- 1 practically. n of nZ"m weekly : "nd " VMt 'Mtor 7 extending to every state and 'aivo7.h ftl1 l'nlon an'1 ,oreln eenntrles, I Im T iQ" ""rnessol Its news columns. Ucoi? i,,nn"nald newspaper and the I, tOUlfTy LEADER tos-ethar one vea l""r2.oo. remi.T ...1 . !Iri u 12.50 IE CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGIST OREGON. FULL LINE OF 3 OUT SALE, Son'S. to buy your SHOES, in and get prices THE 5CCIDEHT8 OF LIFE m VTri'.e to . S. Qrraccv, tW'IV Kravcr ICC, Ch;u.i, Gtcre ;cm;v.:;., iT i ;..;ri:iaMci: Kf.'.nJ:C .ccuicct Issur t.-.r.J. :.:.:r,'.ioa l&j paper. T.T i'5 Ccla; jn c.'.t rsvc membrnsbip f;c, lin jra-I crcr iGOO.t OJ.Oj 'u' accidental iujutiF. Bo you? ova A2;t. 1)00 1 Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maff netic. full of life, norve and vigor, take No-To-Bao. tee winder- worker, that makes weolt men strong. All drupirlsta. Wo or II. Cure truarnn teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Kemedy Co., Cnlcaco or New Yorlt ROSS & RICE, BLACKSMITHS. TOLEDO, OREGON. Roneral Bhoo and Repair work of all kind done iTrenable prices. PUORSESUOEINO a spe cialty. Give us a call. R. C. MILLER, Has opened a shop in Toledo and solicits the patronage of the people. Nine years experience and all work guaranteed first-class in every par ticular. Shop in Grady building next to Copeland's store. Toledo, Oregon. JOB PRINTING! t Of all kinds neatly and promptly executed. Prices reasonable and ail 7- work satisfactory. We make a specialty of printing Z3 Pamphlets, Catalogues. Legal Blanks, aw. letter HeadB, Dill Hearts, (Statements, 3 Envelopes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Z. M. DERRICK, County Surveyor, Solicits all work in his line. Cor rect work and reasonable prices. P. O. Address, Eddyvile, Oregon. IT. BENL1NGER, Attorney-at-Law, TOLEDO, OREGON. D. J. CHITWOOD, Painter and Paperhanger, TOLEDO, OREdON, Will do your work at hard time prices. Give lis a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed. OTTO O. KROGHTAD, Reg. Pharmacist DRUGS, BOOKS Etc. Toledo, - Oregon An Important Change Beginning January ist, 1897, the present weekly edition of the DE TROIT FREE PRESS will be changed to a TWICE-A-WEEK. The Price will remain the same, $1.00 PER YEAR The usual literary and humorous features will be continued, and it will also Contains all the News, Making it an UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. We have just made an arrangement with the publishers ot tbis world Famous paper whereby we can offer you an excellent bargain. We will send The Leader AND THE Detroit Free Press, Both ONE YEAR for Oply $2.00 156 $2.00. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Address, The LEADER, Toledo, Ore g Prices and Estimates furnished on all kinds of printing. ZZ C THE LEADER JOB DEPARTMENT, Toledo, Oregon. ZZ Additional Local. Just Gowell that is the trade center. 0. G. Dalaba and wife and Ernest Dixon were down from Elk City last Monday night to visit the Artisan lodge at this place. R. C. Miller, the barber, expects his family to arrive here from Ilwa co, Washington, within the coming week. They will live in the Bry son house, recently occupied by Mr. Denlinger. Chas. and Frank Tillotson, of this place, received word last week of the serious illness of their father at Mt. Vernon, Missouri. The next mail brought them the sad news of his death. Lee Wade has got the frame of a good big barn up on his farm on the tideland above town. The barn sits on the water front on Depot slough, and will be very convenient for hay and other feed. You may hunt the world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy for bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by 0. O. Krogstad, druggist. . Mr. J. H. Rancourt brought . a sample of ochre to this office last Saturday. The ochre was taken from a ditch which Mr. Rancourt was digging, and is of a dull yellow color. He has tried some of it with oil and states that it works very satisfactory. Mr. Rancourt has a large quantity of it on his place, but does not know whether it has a commercial value or not. The appointment of a postmaster at this place must ' have jumped a cog some way or other. The pres ent incumbent's term expired about the middle of June, but as yet no successor has been named. The hopeful candidates are Renus Ar nold, J. A. Hall, Frank Stanton and T. J. Ewing, but who the fortunate man will be the deponent saith not. It is supposed by some that there will be no appointment made until the local endorsers of weight get together and endorse one candidate. The Leader stirred up a much larger horuets nest than it had any idea of doing, when it made a local item out of the Oglesby road matter on Fall creek. We are in receipt of another communication from that neighborhood, giving the Oglesby side of the matter. The communication is too long to pub lish, but the substance of it is that Mr. Oglesby is afraid that if the road is not opened up at once that it will go by default and become vacated. He thinks if such thing would come to pass then he would not be able to get another road viewed out and located. The social given by the Woman's Relief corps of the place at the opera house last Thursday night was a very successful affair. There was rendered a short literary and musical entertainmenr in the first of the evening. The principal feature of this part of the entertain ment was the flag and gun drills given by fifteen young ladies. This drill was delightful, and re flected great credit upon the young ladies who took part in the drill, their captain, Miss Emma Brooks, and upon Mrs. Carrie Peairs, who drilled them in the marches and Capt. Sturdevant, who drilled them in the manual of arms. After this part of the program was rendered the tables were spread and ice cream, strawberries and cake was served to the crowd. The proceeds of the evening were about $22 00, which will very materially help swell the treasury of the Relief Corps. KdnrataVonr Howels Willi faarareta. Catn'.y I'nthnrilf, c.ir, cnnHtlpiirlon forever. 10c. ST. If C.C.C.IuJ.ilruuiiUn fuuJir.oney. The Same as Robbery. County Treasurer Hyde has re mitted to the State treasurer the sum of $59.35, that being the amount of interest claimed by the state on the state taxes from Lin coln county. This demand for interest on state taxes may have a shadow of law to back it up, but it comes as near being downright legalized robbery as anything we know of. The state demands interest from the first day of March on the state taxes. Under the law the county clerk cannot close up and extend the roll until atter February ist, from the fact that the various school districts and cities may levy a tax any time up to and including the first day of February. This gives the county four weeks lor the clerk to carry out the various levies aud extend the roll and the sheriff to collect the amount of money due the state. It is an absurdity to even imagine that this can be done. In our county the sheriff did not get the roll until learly March ist, and the clerk expedited the work preparing it as last as he could. Out of the first money received the tieasurer paid the state taxes, remitting a part of it in May and the balance in June. And now comes the state with a demand for $59.35 interest. The treasurer paid it, but he ought not to have done it. The state has failed in some instances to enforce a demand for interest, and we do not believe that they should be allowed to collect interest in a case of this kind. It is nothing more nor less than robbery of our county to that amount under guise of the law. Some day, we hope, we will get a legislature of the people, by the people and for the people, instead of by Joe Simon, of Portland, and against the people, and then it may be possible to get these obnoxious laws repealed. The state should be paid the money collected from the state levy, and no more, and it should be paid that from time to time as it is collected, and this should satisfy the state's claim. Proposals for Furnishing Wood. Notice is hereby given that at the next regular session of the county court, to be held at the court house in Lincoln county, on August 4th, 1897, sealed bids will be received for the furnishing of following county supplies: Five cords of dry fir wood, 4 feet in length, and fifteen cords of vine maple and crab apple, 4 feet in length. None of the crab apple or vine maple shall be less than inches in diameter, and all wood shall be of the best quality. To be delivered at the court bouse. Right v reserved to reject any or all bids. J. 0. Stearns, County Judge. The Ohio democratic state plat form has only one plank, free coinage of silver. Is Your Blood Pure II it is, yon will be strong, vigorous, full of lit. and ambition ; y on will have good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood Ispurel How many people are suffering daily from the consequences of impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and That Tired Feeling. Hood's Barssparllla purifies, vitalize, and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is the medicine for yon. It will give yon pore, rich, red blood and strong nerves. It will overcome that tired feeling, create an appetite, give refreshing sleep and make you strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye todsy. HaaH'o Pitta aHar-dlnnM pill aaa UUUU S fills family eatbartle. 3M.