The Committee Report on Corbett. The majority report of the senate committee upon the claim of H. W. Corbett to a seat in that body has been printed for the information of the senators. The report was writ ten by Senator Hoar, and after set ting forth the conditions that exist ed in the Oregon legislature last winter, makes the following con clusions: "It is clear, whatever may have been the nature of the organization of the legislature, that it had been dispersed and come to an end before March i, 1897, when the vacancy in the office of senator occurred by the limit of the term to which Mr. Mitchell had been chosen, and which he held for six years. Any choice or appointment after that time must be the choice or appoint ment for less than six years. "It is well settled by the practice which has existed' from the forma tion Of the gCVCluiiiciil, Utal vacau cies so occuring after the beginning of a term may be filled by the legis lature. If that be true they may be filled by the executive of the state during a recess of legislature. The legislature is only authorized by the constitution to fill such va cancies as might be filled by the ex ecutive by temporary appointment until the next meeting of the legis lature. So, if the executive has no power, the legislature has no pow er. The executive may lawfully make a temporary appointment and the legislature fill that vacancy when it assembles, or the office must remain vacant for the rest of the six years." It has been said that a vacancy does not happen when it occurs by reason of the expiration of a certain term, or wnen tne omce nas never been filled, but the report holds that the position is not well takeu and says: "When the terra of a representa tive expires, and the people have failed to elect a successor before hand, which occurred very often when a majority was required for an election, the executive has al ways issued a writ of election to such vacancy as occurs. "We think, therefore, that the governor of Oregon was entitled to make the appointment, and that Mr. Corbett is entitled to a seat." THE SUHMER SCHOOL. A List of the Instructors of the Var ious Departments. Elk City Items. Sea trout have made their ap pearance. M. W. Simpson caught a few yesterday. Miss Ivy Griffith returned from Philomath last night. The organ purchased for the lodges of Elk City arrived last night, and was placed in the hall. Commissioner Godwin was in town today. A crowd of Elk City people are going to Newport camping the last of the week. II. L. Palmer is making arrange ments to move to the Valley with his family. AH are sorry to loose Mr. Palmer from our midst, and wish him the best of success. Capt. Clark, of the steamer Mas cotte, was in town today. The potato crop is making a very rapul growth this weather, and if it continues favorable will be a very large crop. The case of Lottie Palmer vs. School district No. 31 has been settled. A very wise move for all parties. It would be a wise thing for all cases of that kind to be set tled balore they come to court. Battle Axe. June 30, 1807. About 200 students of the Agri: cultural college at Corvallis have addressed a petition to the regents of that institution asking that II. B. Miller be retained as president of that institution. A hard fight will be made by some of the regents to depose Mr. Miller. . The initial number of John Daly's new paper is expected to appear this week at Corvallis. No-To-ttac tor rtftj Cents. Guaranteed tobacco hbtt cure, make weak nicu auoim, blow! pure. We II. All drugtfisu. The Summer School at Newport is going to be a grand success. All doubts as to the erection of the building is now at rest, and it is certain that the building will be completed in plenty of time. The board of educational control consists of the following well-known educators: State Superintendent G. M. Irwin, Salem; President H. B. Miller, Cor vallis; President C. H. Chapman, Eugene; President P. L. Campbell, Monmouth, and County Superin tendent S. G. Irvin, Newport. Following are the various depart ments of the summer school, with the instructors secured for each: Music Prof R. A. Heritage, Salem. Art Miss Alice .Barber, Portland. Household economy Miss Mar garet C. Snell, Corvallis. Geology rrof. Thomas Condon, Eugene. Biology Prof. A. B. Cordley, Corvallis. Pedagogy Prof. H. B. Bucham, Monmouth. History and Economics Prof. F. G. Young, Eugene. Botany Prof. N. P. Hedrick, Corvallis. Language (Latin, Greek, German and French) Prof. F. S. Dunn, Salem. Elocution Prof. Irvin M. Glenn, McMinnville. Physical cultureMiss Anna S. Lane, Monmouth. Teachers' review course (lan guage and reading) Miss Agnes Stowell, Weston. Teachers' review course (number work and geography) Prof. J. H. Burnham, Portland. English literature Prof. I. M. Glenn, McMinnville. Bible study Rev. Dr. G. M. Irwin, state superintendent, Salem. Horticulture Profs. A. B. Cord ley and N. P. Hedrick. Corvallis. Penmanship and bookkeeping Prof. W. A. Wann, Monmouth. United States history and methods Prof. P L. Campbell. Monmouth. Toledo Market Eeport. Eggs, fresh 10c, packed Butter, ranch ...15c to 20c. Potatoes, old, 50c to 60c per bu. Potatoes, new, $1 per bu. Flour, Si. 10 ter sack. Shorts 95c per sack. Oats 60c per bu. Wheat $1 per bu Notice to Delinqent Property Owners. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 assessments made upon the hereinafter de scribed property in the City of Toledo, Oregon, for the improvement of the streets in front of and abutting upon said property, tire now due and delinquent, and uniess payment of such liens be made in the manner by ordinance with in twenty days from the 10th day of June, A. 1). 1K97, a warrant will be issued out of the Record er's court of the city of Toledo. Oregon, com manding and ordering the lew and sale of the property hereinafter descrined, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to satisfy said liens upon such property, together with the , ... j. t : vuninui ici mm naiu. luc nmu iitmieiil, in- niuem pi. 25 per cwi. (tether with the liens thereon, and for whut . street the liens were levied are described as ; follows, towit: N0tICC F0K IMI'BOVEMEST OF SECOND STREET. in me iriuii i oun oi me siaie oi uregou, lor r. (i. topeland, 7 o liraham's 4th ad. c. in. Copeland, 8 5 I C. G. Copeland, 9 5 i,esier o uugu, iu d Lincoln County. Lena R. Jefferis, plaintiff, vs. LeUrhton JetVeris, defendant. To Ilghton Jefteris, the above named defend ant: Lester W'uueh Lester Waugh, T. 1'. Fish, T. P. Fish, R. A. Arnold, II. Owen, C. B. t'rrtsno. C. B. CnVno, J. S. (Jnither, .(. S. Uaither, Jos. Kosebrook Jos. Rosebrook 11 IS THE SAME OF THE STATE OF OREGOS: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint of the abovenamed plain tiff, in the above entitled court now on lile with the clerk of said court, on or before the first day of the regular term of the above enti tled court to be begun and held at the town of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 20th nay oi juiy, ini, anu it vou mil to so appear jos. uoseorooa ii and answei said complaint, as herebv required ! Jos. ROsebrook 12 the plaintill will ask for the relief demanded Jos. Rofcb.ook 13 in her complaint, towit: For a decree of di-1 Jos.'Kosebrook 14 vorce, and for the care, custody and control of i fob impiiovementof fouiith stheet. nazei r.. jeneris, tne minor child of planum "m. t.raqam, 13 a Graham's 4th ad. ana aeienaani, ana such turtherdecreeas mav i a. o. Kroirstau, 4 hC C.(uiluuiu. This summons is published bv order of Hon. J. C. Fullerton, Judge of the above entitled court made at Chambers at Roseburg, Oregon, on iiie ::iiu oav oi April, im, WEATllKKFo: Graham's 4th ud. Gmham's 4tn ad. Graham's 4ih ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Toledo Toledo Toledo Toledo Toledo Toledo Graham's 4th ad. Gmhum's 4lh ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th art. IRD & WYATT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land Oilice at Oregon City, Orcpron. Mav is, 1(W. VOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE a' following-named settler has Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on Julv 10, ISO;, viz: LAVKSIA ALTlil'E; II. E. No. 9,234, for the Lois B and 12, and SE i of X W i,j of sec tion IS, township 11 south, range 10 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hiram Titinan, Albert T. Peterson and Hurley I.tuz, all of Toledo, Ore gon, and David J. Durbie, of Yaquina, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. l, as. A. lluoth 10 ( has. A. Ijooth 11 It. A. Parent 3 Dolph Taylor e'C 2 St. John's ehurohs Grnhum's 4th wd Graham's 4th nd. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ud. Graham's 4th ad. Graham's 4th ad. Grahtnfs4th nd. Graini n g 4t'i ad. Grat.a.n s -iih ad. Summons. In the Circuit Court oi the State of Oregon, for the county of Lincoln: E. A. Swan, Plaintiff, ) vs. ? in Equity. Emma Y. Swan, Defendant.) To Emma Swan, the above-named defendant: TN THE SAMKOFTHIiSTATEOFOKKllilN: on ' '' -' y . :; and '.i. v, r, :i-l l-i.-iH; ag"iii::i ji.i. in ib- o v.: t,t ,.. suit, on or before n o u. .1 1 . . .-u v 1MI7, that Vclng the iii:vi" teii of said cm : :. next aiur t A pnbli. ni summon-, to . e held . oou-t hum City of T inii.lnth) u. . u: v .,- and the St: i - Oregon. a:i i ti -oil fall to ap.n I'V-'Mt ;:s herein requi '. "i court for the i St. Johns ehurch 9 .". 11. McVeil 6 li W'm. Bailey, 6 6 EliznbcjthGrnhum 4 (I A. T. Peterson 8 12 A. T. Peterson 9 12 Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Co., 00 ft. on right of way, sub biv. bk. 13, Gra ham's -ih ad. FOB. IMl'ltOVEMRNT OF OROVE STREET. uwner. i.ot bl'k Ad. or bu b dlv. 12 12 15 15 11 10 111 10 $211.14) 10.00 10.00 13.33 13.3S 7.C0 7.C0 75.110 20.00 12.50 12.50 15.011 15.110 fi.00 f.,',10 5.11 5.00 6.00 25.00 lit (Ml 25.00 25.00 15.00 1(I.1!0 25.00 25.CU 10.00 111.00 10.1 :0 fi.'D C.0J Graham's 5th ad. Graham's 5th toi. Graham's 5tn a.'. Graham's "itr. i-d, Gnilia.n's -I'll a :, Graham s 4th if'. Graham's 5t, ad. Graham's ; Geo. Bethers, 1 A. i . feterson 12 Geo. Betners, 12 Geo. Berhers, 1 Win. Alexander 8 Wm. Alexander 1 M. M. Huff ird, 1 M. M. Mnifi.rd, 12 FOK 1MCKOVEMKNT OF FiM'l! n,l:i. r Owner. Lot Hl'k Aii. nr snl illv ueo. ii.'tners l 12 Geo. Pe:htrs 2 12 ('. G.'aiid 3 12 Geo.lii-iter..',e'.;n 15 Geo. Bothers ' 12 15 ,11 15 10 15 10 15 7 15 8 15 5 12 12 14 14 14 L.l!.Ro?3! v'! and 1' Al Tayluv i'.t w. Goo. iiethors Geo. llcthers 1 Lester Waugh i Lester Waugh I Valentine Thiel ' Valentine Thiel (I Valentine Thiel 8 M. 75.00 Amt $ 15.00 :o.oo 7l '.(Ml fn.iio id; 2 .IK) : . 0 Amt r 'i.oo iM.'JO :.n ) :.'..o 2i..0O l-. ..f t.M.. ! i.i 1.1-. notitiei' said co will ap in sai rlnion tweeii'; for co This Count in u: V i' 1. i towit: That ..' 'age contract nc. id plaintiff I 1 '.lrsements o '.I. published In i-u are ntr. r and answ the plain . f deiiiaiin uds of n: 'xisti'i,: 'j. . .mju, una . suit. :ho Lincoln :.:r 1 '.' nrilur nf Hm llrtii.,..ulilu I l uuerton, Judge of the above-eiillilcd court, bearing date May 29th, lsiii. W. 8. HUFFOKD, Attorney for Pluintiir. Notice for Publication. Land Otlice at Oregon City, Oregon, VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES' ""haT Tlil" following-named settler has tiled notlco of h Is Intention to make llual proof In support of his claim, and that sAid nnmf win i.A u:. i, r , . , . ;w,"' Jiorn 01 i.iucoin t ounty, at History Ot philosophy Course Toledo, Oregon, on August oth, M7, viz- ' J '1'IIIIM i V I L'W'ltJ. It v.. I.. for the southwest K of section 20, townshiu 10 south, range 9 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous lesidenca upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James McDonald, 1. .1. Pepin Edward O. Paine and Dudley Trapp, all of Chitwood, Oregon. HUBERT A. MILLER, Register. President C. H. Chapman, Eugene Lecture Course President H. B. Miller, Corvallis. Electricity and magnetism course Prof. Charles Friedel, Eugene. Lectures will be given two even ings each week by persons of nation al reputations. Reasons Why Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy is the Best. 1 Because it affords instant re lief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never failed in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in cases 01 cuoiera ctioiera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by u. u. Krogstaa, druggist. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon VOTICE Is HEKEEY GIVESIIAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln County at Toledo, Oregon, on August nth, 1I7, viz- JAMES MCDONALD; H. E. No. 10,018, for the lots (I and 7 and southeast i of south west H, of section 19, townshiu 10 south, range v west. He names the following witnesses to prove ..... ..,MllltuuB .come.ivi uiiuii nun cultivation t.i .aiu innu, viz: inouias r . Graham's 5th ad. Graha-i!'- 5th ad. Grah i.'s5th ud. (iraha i:'- 'ii)i n Grah..i.S 5ih ad. (irunam'aathart.l -r Graham's 5th ad. j '"m Graham's 5th ad. Hfl.OO i irahiiin's fith ad. 50.IH) Grahum'ssih ad. fo.ou Graham's 5th ad. 20.00 Graham's 5th ad. 20.00 Graham's 5th ad. 83.33 Graham's 5th ad. 3.i.:i3 (Irnl'.Hin's 5th uH ;. M. iluffurd lot 4 sub dlv bk 13 Graham's nth ad. 50 oo M. M. Hufrord,lot5subdiv bk 13 Graham's 5th ail. 60.00 FOIl IMPROVEMENT OF H1I.L STREET. uwner. i.ot Jik. Ad. or sub dlv. Amt Graham's 4th ad. fjo.oo Graham's 4ih ad. 2'l.i:0 Granam'8 41h ad. 10.00 Graham's 5th ad. 2.50 Giuhaiii's.itha.i. 50.00 Graham's 5th ad. ioo.iki Graham 's 6th ad. j..),iy Graham's 5th ad. 12.fn Graham's 5th ad. 15.00 Graham's 5th ad. 411.1:0 Graham's 5th ad. ro.oo L'onela tad Hr 7 Krogsiad Bros 1 5 Krngstad Bross'.t;7 5 A. T. Peterson ' 7 12 itco. Bothers vm. Klsor. 0 valentine Thiel 1 Valentine Thiel 8 B. y. Jones 7 m. .11. minora 1). Grady 1 Lrosno t:3ttt;it.m, kit ('. run . iv. bu. .. t, ... , . ham's 5th a '. M. M. Tin Cord, paicI m'i suli "iv :. 12 15 14 14 lii 111 17 :' G:a- ;i n :-Ml 15.00 75.00 uci.ry Lewis, iiarcei l.-tm Byprdorof tneC.ii'.Mon CoiiMcil ui i.'.o lty of loledo, made at a :e ;nlar scmI ,.1 tl;ens.,f 011 June ft)-. iS'.'7. ! L.s. J RecordJr ui ih'o City of T iledo. Sheriffs VOTIC!: I:". KKREBY OtVl-N THAT BY VIR-J-t irci-f i,.. rue, executioi. orderofsale issiii'l cut. (,. tho cireuit court of the State of Oregon, 'or ,:ncoln conutv, bearing date thj 4th 1.,-y o: June 1M17, under tho seal oi said court, on a decree and order of sale In favor of Minnie M. Arnold, Harry L.Arnold and Minnie M. Arnold, guardian, and agaiim William Mackay, tor the sum of One Thousand Dollars U. H. Gold coin, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum irom Fubrunrv 2Slh, Wi unt'1 paid; and the further sum of One Hundred and ten dollars attorncvH' fees and tho costs and dii-burieii.ents of said tuit taxed at Twriity-tlve dollars, which decree was an. y entered in said court on the 2Jiih day of January, 197, and duly docketed, in a suit wherein Minnie M. Arnold, Harry L. Arnold MI1"JJ Arnold, guardian, were plain tilts and W illlam Mackay was (iefeiulant : Bald decree, execution and order 01 sale to me (11 reetid and delivered, commanding mens sher 111 of Lincoln county, state of Oregon, to sell in the manner provided bv law fin . -o.,i 1 property on execution, all of the following de scribed real property, towit: Lots fmir and liv 1 111 section eighteen; and lots numbered one. of RHOl IriiH vl. Tl, i...i- , , " i " rcv""" fisoiecil Edward (J. Paine and Dudie? Trapp,- all oi i KZr-taS"J.f!f!!! ""nshlp ...... K, jiiujjuH, iiKisLer. 1 1 Call for County Warrants. nunlv I1iuii..ii i hifii?;? ""f 1 ""SL',her wl,h ,h'e tenement"; lii 1 a"d PPUrtenancea thereunto .. ... .., iimiiinisi appertaining, and In obedience to the command of said decree, exo' Notice is hereby given that I have I m TaSriV lSSS desSrTed:and1ou,H,n funds on hand to pav all warrants I Saturday, the 17th day of July, 1SD7. of Lincoln county, Oregon, drawn I KftSttetSSllf; lmrM t- 1 I . 1 1 iuc gcucrat tuna ana endorsed X" " "Z ,, " , , .VI.oli"le""' lnU "not paid for want of funds" up to ?".' 'XVltTti and including january lst, l8 ffi'I lfffl'a Interest On said warrants will rM. Meaid plalntltl'son said decree. S.o ana order of sale, nnrt c,ot on.i NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: My wife having left my bed and board without just cause, this is to give notice to all parties that I will not tie responsible for any debts which she may contract after this date. June 17, 1897. ' R. C. Taylor. from this date Dated July i, 1897. J. L. Hyde, Treasurer of Lincoln County, Ore. bu ffi:::1.'.: Will run from Toledo to Newport and intermediate points, on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, until further notice. Commencing on Tuesday, June 29th. Parties taken to the Upper or Lower Bay on other days at Special Rates. Passengers taken on at all landings on signal. For Sale Since McKinley is elected I have several fine places for sale cheap Some well improved farms. Some good sheep or goat ranches. If you want good bargains come and se M. J. Allphin, Eddyville, Ore. Ml in. Rllfl Oiial ami 1 nroWded decrc'!' J order of sale Dated June 17, 1S97. . Sheriff of Lincoln county Oregon. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Tropertv. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT IX PPR iY.,?",".? of or,,er h County Court o Mate of Oregon for the county of Lincoln made a a regular term of said court, on the ll'th dv of June, 1W, in the matter of the estate of Vcl er J Ecltman, deceased, the undersigned d Sur'he'relBS'S Vlednrsday. theSSth day of JdIt lmi at the hour of eleven 0 "" Ineuoon of said day at the court house door in he cTtv o Jo ed... Lincoln county, Oregon, all the ri Jht title, interest and estate whirh th ... t . ' 1. Eckman had at the time of hli death in and ft nn'" lowi,nt '""ed real pro,r,y tow?t ruJn.Vr.'i'.'.ill'.te W l Property. the mi.. 7.T:." "" ."' "id.court, to pav I am prepared to rlo all kim!S( Cabinet work and Repairing. Ha die all kinds of Frame and ' Rot! Mouldings; Paper hanger and rJ fitter. Frame making a sptoiail Call on or addiess, R. A. ARNOLD, Toledo. Oregq YATES & YATES, LAWYERS, CORVALLIS, 0REGC1V A FULL LINE OF COOK and HEATING t STOVES.. Sold at tho Lowest Prices. T. W. GORMAN, Yaquina City,- Oregon. The Wonders of Seienc;, Ll'NU rlKHIII.I-.S AM) tOSSfJIl'i'lON CVS U irKi'.u. An fcmliieiil Krw York Iheiulst snJ Krltnlht Maliea a t ree Offer to our lieailers. Tho dlstini.-r.isr.ed New Yurk cti-.i.tsf. T i Plocum, demonstrating his discoveiy oiarai- auie ana ausoiutu cure ior Censuniiiilnii (I'd monary bjrcloslji ami nil i.r.w.'ii..i ti--,i lung and chest distt!es, stul.boru cotiyks, u- larrnui anectl..ns, general uec'.ine and went Ile8, loss of llesh, and all comlitiuns of mii-tiii; away, will send THJILj: FUEi: UOTTLiS dill'erent of his Xew JJit curerlea to any a.llk: ed reader of tho Lincoln Cockiy i.z.iwiit wrii in ior them. His "New Scientific Trealinent" has. ciuvi thousttnd3 permanently by its timely use, awl ne consiuers 11 a si;r, profc: sLnal datytn sullering humanity lo donate a trial of his la fallible cure. Science dally develops new wonders, ana thii great chemist, patiently experimenting for yeais, Iibb produced results as he.ieflcinl us ei.11 bo claimed by any ir.oiiern genius. I!is as: tion that lung troubles and consuin piion tre curable in any climate is proven Ly "heartie l letlers of gratitude," died iu Lis American mil Kuropean labratorics in thousands from tlioi. cured in all parts of the world. Medical exports concede that bronchial, chert and lung troubles lead toCunsuiiiptioii.whicr., uninterrupted, means speedy and certain. Simply write to T. A. S!ocnm, I. C, US l"M street, Now York, giving postclllce and cxiiref address, and the free medicine will be prompt ly sent. Sufferers should take instant ailvsn tage of his generous proposition. Please lell the Doctor that you saw his olfir in tho Lincoln County Lkadkh. M YEAR8, VKDBDIEUne. ..I 1...1 ;-". '",."'",r" "" 'he mortiraire sssr -rni( ir as lated this ifith day of June, isn7. 5edra,r ' " ol'Pe'te'San. TRADE MARKS, 'tl1 DE8ION8, uuriKlliHls mm ouloVi?nSS!!?r. "ketc.h V description ml Drohlh'iJSrtal.n' 'ree, whether an Invention la Kn0dnT.i?,en.t?1"8- Communication, .trlctlr Sn AifH.L i)ui wencT forsecurlng patenui SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Euok D?l!imJ'peclm,, ooplMandUAUB hook oh Patents sent tree. Adureaa MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway. Mew York. FATEPksk fiflHi"".1" to har.u- ,ti-A tiding Physician ffiKZ T'V rrovesgiu?ralhenhSnSa.b,,'"'sa- Ira I -? f'l fflJ? TREATED BY M ' ' . UK. SNYDER "''''Y.m..nii, .1 1. "I-U, Oril!,nl lulim Wanted An Idea -sg