Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 01, 1897, Image 8

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J. V. KTKWAKT.Kditor and Proprietor.
Published! every Thursday at Toledo, Muuo's
County, OreKon.
c , ... T) .
Subscription Rates:
n 1
One year, - - - $1.50
Six months, - - - .75
Three months,
Entered at the postolllce at Toledo, Oregon, as
Kecorid-chitw mail matter.
Advertising rates made known on application
Business lo als will be inserted in these eot -
nmiiH at five reiitaper line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Kvery postmaster In Lincoln county IB authoriz '
ed to act as ajcenl for the Leadek.
Official County Paper,
- - - -- - J
Just at this time we stand in .need (
of a little money, and if those that i
are owing us can spare a Jittle it
will materially aid us. Small
amounts will be thankfully received,
as they will amount to considerable
in the aggregate.
Do you know Gowell?
Did you get fooled today?
What do you want at Gowell's?
Peter Telleison sells sugar and
coffee, tea, bak'ingpovvder, etc.
Judge W. S. Huflord was over
from Corvallis on business yester
day. John Robinson is up from Ya
quina taking a lay off from the
shops for a few days.
We file a motion right here that
the weather clerk make the weather
more definite and certain.
Ladies! If you want a bargain
in Shoes try O'Brien's special sales
he is selling a $3.50 shoe for $2.25.
Peter Tellefson, Yaquina, has a
full line in flour and millfeed, and
best wheat and oats. Call and see
N. Snow and Son have bought a
parcel of land on Hill street from
M. M. HufTbrd, and will erect a
store building thereon this summer.
Prof. Geo. Bethers and family
moved their household goods to
Yaquina, at which place Prof.
Bethers will begin teaching school.
Go to Gorman's, at Yaquina, if
you want to buy lastest improved
Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines,
at wholesale prices.
The prospect for a fruit crop this
year in this county still remains un
injured, except some early pear
trees that came forth and budded
too soon.
Geo. Wadsworth and family ar
rived in this place from Portland
last week, and will make their
home for a time with Mr. Wads
worth's parents, near this city.
Jas. Booth, one of Yaquina's
leading merchants, was up to Toledo
yesterday paying his taxes. Mr.
Booth is one of the heavy tax
payers of the county, and naturally
leels the burden of taxes quite
plainly this year.
A social dance will be held at
the school house in the Parrish
district on the night of Friday,
April 9. The proceeds of the dance
will lie donated to the district for
the purpose of fitting up the school
The Steamer Chilcat will arrive
in at Siletz Bay this week with a
cargo of goods for the Kernville
store of Kern Brothers. It will
consist of a full stock of flour, po
tatoes, all kinds of groceries, gar
den seeds, etc., and the store will
then be prepared to supply all the
wants of the settlers in that part of
the county.
The family of Mr. Young, living
on the Gowell place, is in very
distressing condition. Mr. Young,
his wife and two children are sick,
Mrs. Young being very low, her
life being almost dispaired of last
night. The children are all small,
one of them leing but n babe.
Kind neighbors are caring for the
children, and also doing all they
can to help and care for the parents,
Gowell gives advice free.
Have you anything to sell to
The dance given by the Woodmen
ilast Friday night was quite an
enjoyable affair.
J 3
Hurston Parks, a Big Elk farmer,
was down last Monday adjusting
, his taxes.
L,ee Wade
is staying in
clerk's office this week in the
; c r r i t
sence Ot LOUIlty Clerk Jones,
! M ..
! Peter Tellefsou is still at
quina with a full line of General
Merchandise. Call and see him.
Henry Burns, of this place, has
been granted an original pension,
but for what amount we have not
j Mr- w v Graves and family
moved over from the Siletz last
Tuesday, and will stop in this place
for a time.
There is prospect of considerable
building being done in Toledo this
summer. Some very good improve
ments will be made.
The steamer Richardson took a
scow load of fine building stone
from the Rochester quarry down
last Sunday. The rock is for the
San Francisco market.
For the benefit of an anxious
inquirer we would say that there is
no close season on book agents.
There is no bounty on their scalps,
hence it hardly pays to kill them.
We are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horse-shoeing, and all kinds of
repairing. Give us a call.
Ross & Rick, Toledo.
M. J. Allphin, of Little Elk, was
in town Monday night. Jack re
plenished the county treasury to
the extent of his own and five of
his neighbors taxes. He returned
home on Tuesday's train.
Two years ago R. J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y.,
bought a small supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
word." It is the same in hundreds
of communities. Where ever the
good qualities of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy become known the
people will have nothing else. For
sale by O. O. Krogstad, duggist.
Speaking 01" walking, Harr.y
Porter and N. F. Edwards, of
Nortons, are not bad walkers them
selves. They left their home yes
terday morning at 7 o'clock, and
walked to Toledo, arriving here at
11:40, covering the distance of 24
miles in four hours and forty
minutes. This is at the rate of
about five miles an hour, which is
pretty good, considering the way
the roads are.
B. F. Jones went to Alsea the
first of the week, where he will try
to secure water privileges and loca
tion for a salmon cannery on the
salmon cannery on the Waldport
side of the river. We understand
that some Astoria parties are con
nected with Mr. Jones in this
enterprise, and that if satisfactory
arrangements can be made that
Alsea Bay will have a second con
nery before another fishing season
Mr. F. J. McIIenry lectured to a
good sized audience at the court
house last Thursday night iu the
interest of the Woodmen's lodge.
His lecture was interesting and full
ot wisdom. In addition to the
lecture a short program had been
prepared, which was successfully
rendered. The main feature of the
ci cuing omsitie 01 tue lecture was
a pie eating contest by several of
the boys.
The prize was won by
Merrel Van Cleve. This contest
afforded considerable amusement,
but it was just like running in a
cold duck to allow the members of
an editor's family to compete in a
contest of that kind. In such con-
tests in the future editors or the
members of their families should be
Call on Gowell for anything.
Dr. Carter was down from Elk
City last Tuesday.
Tally one for today.' The suu
shone for a good part of the day.
Ira Wade will begin a three
month's term of school in the Stan
ton district next Monday.
Among the Yaquina people who
weie in Toledo today were W. L.
Smith, J. F. Huntsucker and B. F.
We are informed that the Roches
ter quarry has secured a good con
tract to furnish stone in San Fran -
Cisco. This is good news, if true,
iur uic operating ui a muuc quarry
means a large amount of money
paid out for labor. ,
Do you know that if you neglect
catarrh in the head it will bring on
other troubles that often terminate
fatally. Clup il now and be cured
from that disagreeable disease, by
using Prescription No. 1. For sale
at Krogstad 's drug store.'
The county clerk has received
from the supreme court the man-!
date in the Grady road case.
county will be called upon to pay
the costs in this case, which are
taxed at $379.95. To this can be
added about $100 already paid by
tounty to its own witnesses and it
can be readily seen that lawsuits
are expensive luxuries that few
people can afford to indulge in.
A degree of Rebekah lodge was
instituted at Elk City last Thursday
night. Mrs. Anna Turnidge was
instituting officer, and was assisted
by a staff of grand officers form Do
Good Lodge No. 70, of Toledo.
Ten charter members formed the
nucleus of the new lodge, but after
the lodge was instituted the beauti
ful degree of Rebekah was conferred
upon fifteen applicants. After the
election of officers and conferring
the degrees a recess was taken to
the lower room of the building
where the assembled brothers and
sisters partook of a most bountiful
repast, spread by the estimable
sisters of Elk, in honor of the oc
casion. After doine full iustice to
the excellent supper, the brothers
and sisters again reassembled in the
lodge room, where the newly
elected officers were installed into
their respective chairs. The fol
lowing were the officers installed:
Mrs. Marie Miller, N. G.; Mrs.
Olive Van Orden, V. G.; Mrs.
Lillie Trapp, secretary; Mrs. Bla
lock, treasurer; Miss Maud Deyoe,
warden: Mrs Deyoe, chaplain;
Mrs. Blair, R.S.V.G.; Mrs. King,
L. S. V. G.; P. A. Miller, R. S.
N. G.
Last Monday a complaint was
sworn out by Ira Wade charging
J. Long, a settler living about two
miles from the Wade ranch, with
killing a cow and a steer belonging
to Mr. Wade. A warrant was is
sued and placed in the hands of
Deputy Sheriff Ross, who brought
Mr. Long before Justice Hall's
court. Mr. Long's son accompanied
him to town and he was also ' ar
rested after arriving here upon the
same charge. The preliminary
examination of the father occurred
first, being continued until two
o'clock p. m. yesterday. The state
was represented by District Attorney
Yates and his deputy F. D. Carson,
the former coming over from Cor
vallis Tuesday evening ?n response
to an urgent telegram. The defense
was represented by Judge Hufford,
of Corvallis, and W. H. Alexander,
01 tnis place. 1 ne testimony was
somewhat vague, but was deemed
sufficient by the justice to warrant
i him in binding the prisoner over to
1 await the action of the grand jury
at the July term of court. The
bond was set at $100 which was
promptly furnished and the defend-
I ant allowed to go free. The case
against the son was dismissed upon
I the motion of the district attorney.
Do you trade at Gowell's?
The steamer Farallon departed
for San Francisco last Tuesday,
and the Scotia arrived in after a
load of stone for the 'Frisco mar
ket. Considerable complaint is made
of sheepkilling dogs, among the
sheep owners around through the
country. It is one of the most
aggravating things on eartli for a
man to love a lot of sheep by the
ravages of worthless cur. Dogs
ought to !e kept cltv"? Hack of,
particularly at ihis time rf the vear
j A l;lv,,, ra iding nt 70 i
j Henrv c;. Al!ni In llfrered j
: .: Tiie!, .,,,,:,, r.
TiiC'iuiaii-.m lor over
eight uiciv.'iis. She doctored for it
nearly the whole of this time, using
various remedies recommended by
friends, and was treated by the
physicians, but received no relief.
She then used one and a half bottles
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which
effected a complete cure. This is
published at her request, as she
wants others similarly afflicted to
know what cured her. The 25 and
50 ce,lt s'zes or sa'e ky O- O- Krog-
jstad, druggist.
! Ben Jones is quite a secret so-
ciety man. He belongs to nearly
enough to keep hirn busy every
night in the week, and his mind is
full of grips, signs and passwords, 1
but he took a degree last Sunday '.
mm was auiueiiimg new to Uim.
It seems as (hough his boys took
up a young steer that was nearly
dead a couple of weeks ago, and
shut it up in the barn, where they
have since been feeding it. As the
steer got strong the boys trained it j
to fight All this was unknown to:
Ben, and when his wife asked him
to go to the barn last Sunday for
some potatoes, he walked right into
the part where the steer was shut j
up, and closed the door without
even seeing his steership, which
was laying down in a dark corner.
The steer was astonished and at!
once proceeded to make himself
known and felt. The first round
ended with Ben on. his back on the
floor, and the steer in his own
corner not even touched. By that
time Ben had decided that it was
not an earthquake nor a cyclone he !
had got mixed up with, and so he
began to put up a defense. On the i
second round both sparred for an
opening, but the opening that Ben
so ardently desired was on the
other side of the steer. After a
little preliminary work they clinched
and at the call of time Ben retired
to the manger, from which place he
managed to escape through the hay
loft. The referee decided the con
test in favor of the steer, but Ben
claims it on a foul, claiming that
the steer struck him several times
below the belt, particularly when
he was trying to climb into the
high manger.
PARENT. To the family of Dr.
R. A. Parent, of this city, on
Sunday, March 28, 1S97,
daughter. Mother and child both
doing well.
KING RADER. In this city on I
Sunday, March 28, 1897, Grant !
King and Miss Maud Rader, both '
of this place. 'Squire Hall of-!
ficiating. I
WHITE. At his home neat Mill'
Four, on Tuesday, March -jo, I
1897, Wru. White.
"Bill" White, as he was com-!
, .unij. V.OHCU, wets uuc 01 me eariv
..instil.. tsnWtiA ...... r . 1 .
, settlers on the Bay, coming here in
1870. For many years he carried
the mail on the river from Newport
to Pioneer, carrying it in a small
boat and making the round trip
each day. He will be well remem
bered by all the old settlers, and
his death only too surely recalls the
fact that these old pioneers are
passing away.
Spring Hillinery Opening.
I will have my grand opening
Spring Millinery goods and Spr,
Hats, at my store 111 Toled
Saturday, April 10, 1807.
fTion .K ,-..1 n f., 11 1 .' r ....
mapiajr a lull UUC OI nilljjrjp.
goods and hats of all the latest shi
and shapes. Call and see thetna-i
get prices.
Yours to serve,'
Mrs. T. P. Fish.
H. N. Foster, of Chitwood, Vi.
in Toledo yesserday.
Mrs. T. E. Parker and Mrs.
Millan were up from Oneatta tod
Three new homestead filinrrsir
government land on Drift cW
this week.
Wool OUffht tn hritior a rrA -J
o e,vw putt-'
this year, not less than 15 cents
pound at any rate.
District Attorney Yates cam.f'
over trom Corvallis Tuesday i
answer to a telegram, to assist it!
the prosecution of the state ca
tried before 'Squire Hall yesterdav
He returned this morning.
"Under Both Flags," is the titl
ot a took tor which Mrs. W. H.
Alexander, of this place, has se
cured the agency for Lincoln coun
ty. The book is a handsome, well-
printed volume of about 500 pages
and is profusely illustrated. It is
a series of incidents of the late war-
as observed by participants on both I
side. It is a verv interestimr hnnt t
and is sold at a low price.
. .
Warrants for Taxes.
Comity warrants of small de
nominations suitable to apply on
taxes. Inquire at this office.
County Warrants Wanted.
Cash paid for county, city and
school warrants.
J. F. Stewart.
Estray Notice.
1 nave taken up at my place out
me oueiz, one orinaie cow, about
3 years old, marked with split and
underbit on left ear. Owner is
notified to prove propeity and pay
charges on same.
H. C. Calahan'.
Siletz, Or., Feby. 20, 1897.
Hogs for Sale.
Good hogs for sale cheap
cash. Inquire ot or address
Al. Watjgh,
Toledo, Or.
Toledo Market Report.
Eggs, fresh I24c, packed 10c
Butter, ranch 15c to 25c.
creamery 55 per roll.
Potatoes 45c to 50c per bu.
Cabbage A to ic per lb.
Flour : $4.60 per bbl.
Bran $1 perewt.
Shorts $1.10 perewt.
Oats ' 50c per bu.
Wheat $1 perbn.
Parsnips per cwU
Carrots $r0 per ton.
Hay, j0 per ton.
Chit tem $1.50 per cwt
A Qood Thing;.
The publishers of the world
famous Twice-A-Week Detroit
Free Press desire to introduce their
paper to new readers, and are mak
ing the following very liberal offer:
They, will send the paper twice
each week for leu weeks. ftJtbe
small sum of TEN CEN't
think of it Twenty papers for
only ten cents. One-half cent a
copy. Do not fail ;o take ndvH -tage
of this wonderful offer. W
Free Press needs no recommenda
tion. Send 10c in stamps or silver
to The Detroit Free Press, Detroit.