AID FOR BEETGROWERS. A DESERT OF WORDS. THE FRUIT OUTLOOK. Thejjp Four Days' General j Debate Is Ended. - i SEVERAL SPEECHES WERE MADE The New Tariff Bill Will Now lie 2 Discussed In Five-Minute Speeches j The New Senator From Florida. Washington, March 27. The fuur days' general deabte in the house on the Dingley tariff bill closed tonight. The hill will now be open for debate under the five-minute rule for five days, when the vote will be taken. Bailey, the opposition leader, who (' was to have closed the general debate for his side today, was unable to make ins speecn, owing to a sore tnroat, ana a mutual arrangement was made for an hour's debate on each side just before the final vote is taken. wTuu tjpeeh-liiiilvilig tuuuy Wao liul of a very lively order, but the crowds in the galleries continued. :5Five members of the ways and means committee spoke today Tawney, Dal zell, Russell, Payne and Stone. The other speakers at the session were Tal bert, Clark, Maguire, Gunn, Cox, Mc Rae, Grow, Simpson, Curtis, Burke, Lentz, Colson, Hawley, De Armond and tzgerald. The Routine Report. Washington, March 27. This was toe last day of the general debate on -the tariff bill in the house. Talbert, Democrat, of South Carolina, in the presence of a scant audience, opened the debate. The house rapidly filled. Talbert talked a great deal about robber barons. j Champ Clark, Democrat, of Missouri, followed. He said as a Democartie politician he rejoiced in the passage of the pending bill, because after it had become a law every storekeeper would be obliged to make a Democratio speech very time he made sale. The pass age of this bill, he said, would give the Democrats a hundred majority in the next congressional election. After brief remarks by Maguire, Dem ocrat, of California, and Gunn, Popu list, of Idaho, Tawney, Republican, of Minnesota, member of the ways and means committee, took the floor for twenty minutes. Tawney defended the lead schedule, which had been attacked by Gunn. The latter said he had no oi-iticism to make of the rates. He only asked that they be collected. 1 Tawney asserted the classification of , tjiis schedule was such that the duties obuld not be evaded. The purpose of Uie framers of the schedule was to give -American labor employment in smelt- g Mexican and Canadian ores, and at e same time fully protect the Ameri- n lead miner. Simpson, Populist, of Kansas, enter tained the house for five minutes. He ead from McKiuley's speech at the Minneapolis convention a declaration that the foreigner paid the tax, wliLh Jo ridiculed. The last congress, he -iid increased the appropriation $50, $00,000, and now, according to Mc Kinley's theory, taxes on foreigners ere to be increased to pay for extrava gance. The foreigner should be glad, io said that the last congress had not teen a two-billion-dollar congress. If the taxes of the foreigner could be suffi ciently increased, he observed sarcastic ally, the surplus could be distributed fmong our people and every day would e Sunday here. (Laughter.) Simpson said he was himself a farmer ho farmed farms, not farmers. If the Kepublioans had desired to do some ihing practical for the farmers, why, e asked, had they left hides on the free list? Simpson announced himself i free-trader. I Cox and McRae of Arkansas followed. The latter ridiculed the idea that pros perity had existed under the McKinley Jaw, or would exist under the Dingley vill, if it became law. Grow, the venerable ex-speaker, made general speech in favor of the theory pf protection. The lateBt Democratic fry of more money and less taxes, he aid, was preposterous. ualzell reviewed the Wilson onrl fnVinU. 1 j 1 .ivuiutcj luwa unu ue- iiounced the ad valorem system as giv- g opportunity lor immense underval uation. The Senate Proceedings. Washin . o ri. Alio BtTIlHlO P&U ft half-hnnr niun oooo.Vn An.i 1 ovnomu COl I J ill Sufi flftV flnd trian ntn. f,... - I - j . - ,v tt o luur injurs in e foutive session on the arbitration treaty f rwumea tne open session to go on ne bankruptcy bill. The latter meas ure, generally known as the Torrey tankruptcv bill, was read at length and iwouu uii ,;ea a suostitute differing in numlj R & artioulars from the com- ittee-tm T''hn rtnhatn 'Pened. """" Amendp(J rr.vlanr.aia .A.A nn-tj n behalf 0f John W. Henderson, ap xnnted Vitf tv. -i tT,, , . su'w "r ui xionaato jthe Beat vacated by Call. It brought j--. a oiuwrnent irom Hoar, acting chair pjan of the committee on privileges and f lections, that action on the pending flection oases was delayed by the un certainty as to the committee organiza tion in the senate. The revised cre dentials were referred to the elections fommittee. An Added Duty on llei-t Sugar Will Be Asked of Congress. Chicago, March 26. Congress will in all probability be called on at an early date by a committee representing the sugar-beet growers of the country, and asked to give some measure of pro tection and encouragement to this new and profitable industry. Nothing would suit the AVestern farmers who have al ready engaged in this form of agricul ture better than the creation of a tariff, if not less than 1 cents a pound on all sugars and a reciprocal policy with other sugar-producing countries. This is the opinion of C. H. Dietrioh, president of the National bank of Hast ings, Neb., who is here and is one of the most enthusiastic promotoers of the sugar beet industry. Mr. Dietrich points to the fact that more than one half of the world's sugar crop is now being produced Irom beets as an indica tion of the tremendous size of the in dustry and the right that it has to de mand consideration from the govern ment. He notes that there is not a single sugar-produoing country in the world that lias not been aided by its government in development of the sugar beet industry. The countries which have made special advancement in this line aire Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, New Zeland, Denmark and Argentina. Tariff Argument In the House. Washington, March 26. The third day of the tariff debate in the house was almost as dull as the first two. There were two notable speeohes, one by Grosvenor and the other by McMil lin, but the rest of the speeches, with the possible exception of Walker's, hardly created a ripple in the monoton ous sea of speechmaking. Grosvenor and McMillin were dis tinctively the orators of the day. The other speakers at the day session were Fox, Simms, Williams, Terry, Sayers, Johnson, Evans, Maddox and Adams. In the Senate. Washington, March 26. The senate session lasted only half an hour today, and no business was done beyond the introduction of bills. Among these was one by Allen to repeal the civil service laws and to do away with edu cational tests as a preliminary to enter ing the publio service. Hoar presented a bill prohibiting vitascope and kindred exhibitions of prizefights in the District of Columbia and the territories, and forbidding the shipment of pictures for these exhibits by' mail or through any interstate means. The bill is aimed against vita scope exhibitions of the recent CarBon fight, although general in its nature. Allen's bill proposes to repeal the civil service law and all supplementary acts, also the annual executive orders based on these laws. The bill further directs the head of every government department to establish rules relative to appointment with reference to the special fitness of applicants for the serv ices' requirements, and not with refer ence to educational standards. It is expressly provided that lack of uni versity, college or academic education shall in no case disqualify the applicant. The bill expresses the purpose of restor ing to all United States citizens equal rights to appointment. The first of the appropriation bills the agricultural was reported by Cul lom of Illinois, who gave notice that he would ask the senate to take it up at an early day. Senator Jones of Arkansas intro duced a resolution providing that the committee on commerce be direoted to ascertain to what extent the disastrous flood in the eastern part of Arkansas is the result of the government improve ments along the eastern bank of the Mississippi river. MURDER AND ARSON. Diabolical Crime of Some Unknown Tennessee Fiend. Nashville, March 26. Last night, on Paradise ridge, this county, where there is quite a settlement of thrifty Ger mans, the house of Jacob Ade was dis covered on fire and was in ruins before help could reach the place. In the ruins were found the almost consumed bodies of Jacob Ade, his wife, Lizzie, aged 20; Henry Ado, aged 13, and Rosa Moier, aged 10 years. All day a crowd has been at the scene of the tragedy, neighbors, people from this city and officers of the law, all in vestigating and surmising, but tonight it is uncertain whether the family were accidentally burned to death or whether they were murdered. The murder theory is most generally believed. It is based by some on rob bery, as Ade waa known to keep money on hand and to have had several hun dred dollars in the house. But if rob bery was the motive, the robbers failed, for in the ruins today was found tin can containing the remains of a large roll of bills. There is no evi dence to show that Ade bad any ene mies. Important Insurgent Capture. Havana, March 26. The insurgents have captured Holguin, in Santiago de Cuba. The town is a very important one, and the news of its loss has cast a gloom over official circles. It is report ed that the victorious insurgent forces were those under the command of Cat ixto Garcia, who has been operating with great rigor in Eastern Cuba. Dolliver's Speech the Only Ouis In the Tariff Debate. Washington, March 25. Although several paseages-at-arms enlivened the tariff debate in the house today, the brilliant speech of-Dolliver was dis tinctly the overshadowing feature of the day. It shone out through the weary, monotonous gloom which has so far pervaded the debate like a locomo tive headlight in a fog. Dolliver is a finished orator, and his speech today was a masterpiece of forensic eloquence. Replete with wit and glowing periods, it alternately aroused his Republican colleagues to unbounded enthusiasm and convulsed the house with laughter. Dolliver is quick and adroit in the use of the foils, and the Democrats refrained from interrupting him. McLaurin, a Democratic member of the ways and means committee, created a mild sensation by boldly proclaiming himself in favor of a duty on cotton, and it was noticeable that when he re pudiated the free raw material doctrines of Cleveland and Carlisle "und those who had prostituted the name of Dem ocracy," iuily three-fourths of the i Democrats on the floor sustained him with hand and voice. The other speakers during the day session were: Gibson, Dockery, New lands, Lacey, Swanson and Cochran. Civil Service Debate in the Senate. Washington, March 25. The senate was unexpectedly precipitated into a civil service debate today. It proceeded for two hours on the civil service act, the commission being under fire most of the time. The debate assumed added significance, owing to the recent change of administration and the attendant demand for offices. Gorman called at tention to the presence in Washington of the horde of hungry placehunters, and expressed profound sympathy for his Republican associates over the restrictions of the civil service system. The discussion came up on a resolu tion to investigate federal removals at the South Omaha, Neb., office. Gallinger characterized the civil service system as a humbug, and de clared that he would be glad to cast his vote to blot out the system. There was continued applause in the galleries at this statement. Allen called the oivil service a "monumental humbug," and Wilson said it was a "humbug, a delusion, a snare and a fraud." Hawley, while defending the princi ple of civil service, said its practices had ever been attended with glaring incompetence. Stewart regarded the civil service commission as an "office breaking estab lishment." Hoar and Lodge defended the bill. The resolution directing the oivil ser vice committee of the senate to investi gate the South Omaha removals was broadened by an amendment instruct ing the committee to inquire into the general operation of the law and to re port whether it should be continued, amended or repealed. ARMENIANS SLAUGHTERED. Turks Killed One Hundred While at Church. Constantinople, March 25. Authen tic details of the outbreak on Sunday at Tokat, Asia Minor, where the Turks at tacked the Armenians while the latter were in church, showed that 100 Chris tians were massacred. The Armenians' houses were given over to pillage. The representations of the ambassa dors of the foreign powers regarding the condition of Anatolia have made little impression upon the sultan, who, relying upon the support of Russia, is convinced he has nothing to fear from the so-called concert of powers, which is continually harped upon, although it is believed little or no concert beyond a desire in some quarters to postpone war really exists. Diplomats here are said to be once more turning their attention to the con duot of the sultan. It is semi-officially intimated they are again of the opinion the system of friendly representations on the subject of Armenia, which have hitherto been followed, must be changed for sterner methods dealing with the evils oomplained of. The sultan, how ever, consoles himself with the belief that he will survive this new fit of righteous indignation, as he has tided over others of a much more serious character. De Chlmay Created a Sensation. London, March 23. At the Scala music hall, according to the Mail's Paris correspondent, Princess de Chi may and her lover, Janos Rigo, the Hungarian gypsy musioian, were pres ent in a box, prompted by curiosity to witness a dramatic sketch founded upon their escapades. The audience recog nized them and called to them by name. At the crisis of the play a great sensation was caused by the princess, who leaped upon the stage and enthus iastically kissed the actress who repre sented the princess. Tremendous ex citement ensued, and when the couple left the theater, the crush was so great about their carriage that they were compelled to invoke an escort of police. Georgia Cyclone's Victims. Atlanta, Ga., March 25. Professor Wilkes was so badly injured by the cy clone yesterday that he is dying. Four children cannot survive throughout the day. Later reports from Blakely say no deaths are reported to have resulted there. A UtMirml Survey of rrcnt'iit Conditions in the Norlhwctt. A correspondent writing from Salem, Or., in regard to the fruit outlook in the Northwest, says: All are looking anxiously to see the fruit trees of our wide reigon' pass through the ordeal of springtime, for that is the critical period with orchards. It is not often that any severe injury is done in the fall and winter, and if fruit trees are in good condition at the mid dle of May there is no reason to fear harm while the fruit is being perfected. The past fall was exceptional in re spect to damage done, for the heavy freeze that occurred late in November was quite disastrous in nuiny localities. While this is no doubt true, it will not be possible to trace the extent of the injury until the growing season comes, for while in the dormant state it can not easily be known how much harm was done. It was said at the time that the Ital ian prune was especially affected, which appears to have been true at The Dalles rei'inn: nl w Hood River. Mr. D. J. Cooper, of Wasco county, told mo that much harm had been done in that dis trict, lie thought it was chiefly duo to overmuch and too late cultivation and irrigation, for he says ho had noticed that where there was light cultivation and irrigation was not continued late, the wood ripened early and trees are all right. Mr. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, who is a very close observer, says much harm was done in that country to young apple trees, and the Spitzenborgs were especially suffering, tho heavy freeze having in many instances, killed tho tops, as it occurred when the sap was flowing. In many cases tho bark had split on the trunk, but he doubted if the damage would all show until spring came. Mr. Smith thought the excessive rain fall in the mountains made it worse there than out in the open country. The Hood river valley is in tho very heart of the Cascade range, and when there were light rains west of the ranges, there was constant, heavy rain there last fall, and the effect was to keep the sap flowing and the trees grow ing. At the time the freeze came, late in November, the leaves were all on and held their dark green color, so the effect of the cold Biiap was more disas trons than if it had occurred in a normal season, as the sap was frozen, and much , tender young wood was killed. We i expected to hear of harm done wherever ; people had plowed or cutivated late. I and bo kept sap flowing but condi- , tions at Hood River were exceptional, and the damage seems to have been ! general. There seems to have been damage (lone in many parts of the country. 1 Clark county, Wash., was said at the time to have suffered loss in tho Italian prune, which is planted largely there. As to orchards iu this valley (the Wil hnnette), it is not probable that much ; harm was done where they hud not too 1 much ami too late cultivation. People ; had to learn that there can he too niU'di of a good thing. There has been too much pruning, us well as too much ! cultivation. What is needed is to ob- ; sist nature, not to take tho job too much out of her hands. Only a few days bo- fore that freeze, one of those very en- , tliusiastic orchard men told me he had kept on plowing and cultivating up to ! date. I asked him where he would be when a freeze came, and thought of him the first thing when it did come. I hear of some damage (to Italian prnns especially) done to orchards near hero on prairie land, and to some ex tent in the lulls. The Oregon Land Company has 8,000 acres of trees on high hill land a few miles south of Sa- lum, that they cultivated lute, and I bear some harm was done there. The lesson to fruitgrowers is that there is a tune when trees should mature their wood, as well as their fruit, and if we ignore the laws of nature, we are apt to pay neavny lor it. A gentleman who is engaged in fruitgrowing reports that he was in Southern Idaho after the freeze, and young orchards along DiiaKe river were almost destroyed by it. They were, no doubt, forcing growth by irrigation, and overdid it; bo suffer as a cosequeneo. It was a warm No vember up to the freeze, and the change camo suddenly and was disastrous. While this miiBt be true of nianv. it is safe to say that the older orchards of the Pacific Northwest are in good condi tion to produce well, and that we may hope for the largest yield for tho season of 1897 that ever wbb known. The short crop of 1896 leaves the trees well rested, and with vigorous growth of .Jruit buds. We are almost at the end of March, and yet the trees are not in bloom, when they often are in full bloom before this time. There is more danger from late spring rains than from winter freezes. If we have a lute bloom time, and no cold rains later, we may looK lor an exceptional fruit year all over this Western Oregon, as well as the Indland Empire. We have hud so much to learn that it has been a school of experience up date, and henceforth we should reap some of the practical results. The Hill Killed. Springflold, 111., March 29. The senate anti-department store bill came up in the house toduy on first reading, and was ordered laid on the table. This action practicully kills the meas ure. A. Resume of Events in Northwest. the EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH News Gathered In All the Towns of Our Neighboring Ktntes Improve ment Noted in All Industries Oregon. About forty tons of corn are being shipped from Nebraska to Dallas. The principal of the Jacksonville public schools is paid $1,000 a year. Eleven hundred sacks of potatoes were shipped south by the latest steamer out of Coos bay. An eagle was shot on the Siuslaw last week that measured seven feet from tip to tip and weighed ten pounds. The grand jury in Douglas county re ported that tho county jail in Rosebnrg is insecure, for the safe custody of pris oners. Frosts in Umatilla county have in places taken off the tops of the grain a little, but no serious damage has been sustained. Farmers in Sherman county have about finished plowing and are now waiting for the ground to dry enough to begin seeding. A boy living near Centerville, in Washington county, a few days ago shot a hawk on the wing that measured four feet six inches from tip to tip. Lambing has begun on some of the sheep ranches in Sherman county, and, in spite of unfavorable weather, a good percentage of the lambs is being saved. Commissioner Lee, of Fremont, Neb., who at one time made annual purchases of sheep in Grant county, has returned again this year, and will buy a band. The sheriff of Crook county prevent ed a jail break last week by discovering in tmie a hole in the jail wall that one of the prisoners had dug out with a case-knife. Coyotes are increasing so fast near Hayes' hill, in Josephine county, that the number of quail, largo gray squir rel and other small game is rapidly dis appearing. The county court of Harney, at its recent session, ordered the new Burns road opened. The road is to extend straight westward from tho bridge near Saver's mill, to the south end of the town of Burns. It ooBts tRe city of Pendleton about $ 50 every time a fire alarm is turned in, whether the fire amounts to any thing or not, and it is suggested that some more economical arrangement should be made with tho firemon. Joseph Hall, who was found dead near Medford lust week, with a bullet hole in his heud, having been shot from behind, was a bachelor, and about 45 years of ago. Ho had lived on Elk creek, where he was killed, about two years. Washington. A warm wave brought relief to the stockraisors in Adams county last week. The plan of spreading disease among the squirrels by inoculating some of them and turning thorn .loose will be tried in Adams county. The severe weather und a lack of feed was the cause of several hundred head of stock dying, one man losing at the rate of seven head a day. Scarcely any plowing has been done around Oukesdale, but as the snow is now rapidly melting, and the ground is not frozen, a largo acreage will be put to wheat. The commissioners sent to North Yakima to treat with tho Yakima In dians for the sale of their lands have left for Montana, being . unable to ac complish anything. The Indians along the Sans Poil are busy pulling up the locution stakes that were driven on the Colville reservation bars by tho locators that expected to see the reservation opened. A band of horses and cattle has been started from Rock creek valley for the bald hills of the St. Mary's! where there is plenty of feed. The farmers in Rock creek valley have run out of feed. Taxes are being paid into the county treasury in Spokane at a rate that may make it unnecessary for the county to negotiate a loan for $36,000 with which to pay interest on the county's funding bonds. The hunters of Pierce county will meet to the number of about 100, and drive Fox island, from end to end, on April 17, for the purpose of slaughter ing coons and othor "varmints" on the island. Gin Pon, a Chinese, who was con victed of murdering Lee Tong in Spo kane, has been denied a rehearing by the supreme court, and will now be re sentenced to hang, unless there should be an appeal to the United States su preme court. A sawmill and box factory is being erected near the Great Northern depot in Wenatohee. This location will be convenient for fruit shippers this season they can unload their fruit, and, without going out of the way, take on load of boxes for the return trip.