Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 01, 1897, Image 4

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Still Firing Away.
All Important Cliaiisc
! Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
fw3 XT . x-r . ..,1 . ! me of an execution a1:-! ordernf salelisued
1 tie JNewport JSews is still alter Beginnm" January ist, 1S97, the outof thecir.uitcomt f toe state of onon,
r . t 1 . 1 r .1 c '1 1 ?i r ,1 r. Tr forlhn county of Lincoln, hearine dale of
Carter, Lake, etal., for the failure present weekly edition of the DE- Marea it, r.f. ami n-i i. r tiio seal of said
of the legislature lo re-elect Mitchell jTROIT FREE PRESS will be entd Si' .. ":iu,"S. SVfi
CUanCrea tO a ay i January, A. 11.
to the U. S. senate. Some of its
articles are quite pointed and take j
the gentlemen referred to to task in j
articles take on new interest in the! $1.00 PER YEAR
1 The usual hterarv
The Price will remain the same,
light of the rumor that they are!
features will be continue), anil ii
i.n7. in a suit therein
A r tftur lit. (!.?.-' r wim ! in 'if!, nwl T. I!.
Homing, M. V. Horning ml Km waul linrwirfc
w.-ru iie.oii'lnnts, i.t favir , -thur Itnchester,
Itlnintifl". tnl tr.'Jiiijst miM ltJ'-vnitints. forth.
vui" of Three Humlri'd t'ti't hty-uvo owl
"Vloo Dollars, vi h int-ri! tli-iomut the rule
L-f s per ecu I'cr HVTHi.ii fruni te i!tlih day of
January, i:-i7. titnl a' torneyV 'ee. and ?I9.V0
(!(i:k Hilil ilixiiKr.-Kvi'ur.y. rnl icr the fort'dns-
atl(l ill! morons of ironware :mi-1 -hUs i i iw-reinafter (3c-
:Ti.nja real intiioriy m mu:s y tnc nev-;ir,
Ei! I
s i-j;l
ft. J Ji i
penned by Hon. R. A. Bensell, of i wjjj as0
Pvewport. Mr. Bensell was at i
Salem during the entire session and Coiltai'llS all tllC XCWS,
should have acquired a knowledge
of what was going on there. His j Making it an
letters show that the whole business UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER.
was rotten to core. But that the j
rottenness was all on one side we' We have just made an ..irramrenietit
are not ready believe. We do not
think that money, promises and
combinations were confined to one
side only. In fact this is a case j
where we do not believe that the i
pot can call the kettle black with !
n"y degree of coii.-i.iieiiey. j
As far as Mr. Lake is concerned, j
Mr. Bensell was one of the delegates ,
to the state convention that "dis-j
covered" him, and helped to give;
him the republican nomination, and j
it looks pretty tough to see ,him
desert him now.
amounts n;inve-sta:-n, ,. no- p.'ieciUion i to!
ii.e iliroctcii ami dolivciV!1. en,! c imniands ro j
: to n,a'.e the , Hlil suiii -r ti...iH'y, vt'.!i coio:
and urevtiin 't:s. i,y rale or I iie r- ttl prnn-iry I
l.crcitui:i-r "lost riiif'i. and in ;.ijtimiii'o ti.r.-, - ;
: of, 1, an si.oriil'uf l.iaenin i'i.hii ;;, o.-e :nn, vili 1
j on Saturday, 1'te "nl i!aj ofApili, 1S97, j
. at theliourin 10 o'clock a. ni.,ot r;iM ilay, i I
t.c t'ouri hc.ue !' or in t-.nV'ity : T'oii'-. in !
Haiti'it;n ''.i:tiiy. v,-' i.t .AiV.t: ,. c:i,(ti to
I tke 1" i;fht;st iiiiiil. :- ...t ji n a'i nit: jM ttu
; r.-iit'in i:i 'it, ali o-" : i e 'o;!ou i (:-rt t!i)
i proi.Tly, ;.ivil : !'.', ini'i.' j j .". i'''i,T- T! ti.
ritrWt i f. jL oi 'rtqn '. Ila. ; ' : i. s s-
an'l !!.'.") ' t'.itilH t'.ir: ;n tl; s 'U.
with the publishers of this World , .w.VVnuiV ZZ
we c;i :t , 'it're''K t!'lit I' ;f " m Hi t: lie-1
!' itilh -Vj;i i-) ains ii t.'-e voi-iKt-n- t t:,-r ;i- r t f ,l.
T. i'ii!its 1,'ti '; t.Tt'!!-.! ii".''.'. Hiii1;.'
vcvt lo ri I.r bi'.ir. ij t::.i;n i'fy; i;.i).t ;
lu.'i'lA i "u f-;rt:cH wi1: r ;.
t i r'-.-A u ii t-o. hi li'i;;, f
talni i'): tlx u n-l 7"-HM it'-res, tp- i.r 'cs-, -uuic-.l
1 i lvpi.!ii(-i;i:uy,.j't-;..i ,:'ti,: .v't i
jti,t 1 1. no.,. :,. i. .. . ; a,; ,,,( : .
h;ii'o nr.ii ii.lditf 'r.l ,ii.:.'.
tUt-; 1 I rilt- i'CiI -;t:.i!'l . I I. .1 i-.! Tt i
r:nl-iii.-i;- ;r.r.'u;.'h : : i . r ' -o 1 ! f 'f.' ;
ilny i( .ii'iiiiii" V-7, i. i i ('.m! N . ; ;
satist;-" I r-iM i- t.. . .-: i-i-.i i. .". : . .
a:ni -ev. i ;'1 ii'i ii;:: ''tt-i':-r ..n , :
i:!n-V.-M'i fiit.i , wit , I'us.N f.Ti.1 . ;r: i; ;. i. ; ..
' I' I A. :l " ' ' ,
Farm Lands, Tide L-tiids. (X
Property h single Lot?
i 01' ;). ;
.("".L'i .
i.. L
pVOJIPl'Vy 33
.tit ,.i ; i ;
Famous paper whereby
offer you an excellent bargain.
We will send
Th. Leader
-AXD Trn;-
Dotroit Free Press,
Both ONE YEAR for
Or)ly $2.O0
lu)i!-r 'Jo Vi
oroeu, wno was a senator "yi-flKft Papers CSfS fCS l
appointment once before, is said to , ! 4? l"or...... oVJd !.:
have made the office pay in a SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRKI.. i
linanciai way. it seems that a new ,
tariff bill, raising the duties on iron ; A(j(llesSi TJle LEADEIi,
and steel, had been prepared and ; Toledo Ore
was certain of passage through ; '
congress, and Corbett concluded o 23? K
profit by his knowledge of its provi-; tr J0 PkiNTiNii i
SlOllS. Ppn.lillo llio nncwirn r,l'f1,n '- " - r
" 1'.-.- of nil kind neatly
bill he invested all the funds he had 2 i'nw r.-
' utirit KaLlsfatrlory.
or couki uorrow in iron, and alter 'Ti
the measure became a law that com
modity went up with a
Corbett doubling his money, thus rSr: -trv
laying the foundation for his present an!sof i;inti
enormous fortune
! In the ('"!
i fnrM'.KY'.
; lii tr-.c : tt
t'o a-''.:
! ynTlcr. 1
i niiV:.i W:
I Insist on
I ana labels. JS
Of Imitation
irauo marka lf
MfllH IiKaIm If it
iv.r -'-.i iii ji
ro ii i '. v si-o, ;
v re '.-I i. o in 1
LI i":-1.:!, ' tr- w
I'il'.O't .It VeiV.v.f
Costs no more than ir.'crior package soda
W ;, yl. . rt. . .
fiicvcr spuui me lisur, ;:ec;s soit, and is k;u
ficknovlcSseJ purest in the world.
' Write for Arm anil Hamr; Em'c ci vilrablo Rrl-Trorm
:iai;le u
Xl,ti' - ';.
I ii i , .1 i :;!(, ,'t (;re:T
i'.o-oliy :
XZZ We tnae a sfteclal'.y of )i! fn'.Ipit
l'ii:nihl:;s. Ca'a ncn. I.i-.'.t! I;;ii: i -:.
llOOJl, uj-- Kavcloiic.-, i:tu., K'..:.
t.n i , i
f. I
i ..: lit ,.
nt-Ti k- li
-Salem States- I- Tf,u leaoiv.! .icu'cnPAHT.v.r.r;
i i.i
Toic.Io, Oivfron.
a. :
:i f.t,'
. '.) n V. lii'
i .!.;.;:. ;
mm ,
. VIM .
: ''-I
D. J. CH1TW00D,
Perhaps one ofthe best indications !
of the power which is behind Mr. i
Ilamniond, and the foundation upon i
whitdi the Astoria railroad is to be Painter am! Pao;rhaV)
builded is furnished in that portion !
of the ninety-nine year contract be-i TOLEDO, ORnGCN
tween the Astoria & Columbia !
Kivcr railroad and the Northern
Pacific for the use of the hitter's
track between Coble and Portland
It appears that one ofthe conditions
is that the Northern Pacific shall
immediately relay that portion of
Us system with
Heaviest nianutacture. Statesman
I:"' i 'or try v.if. i-i h; 'ii'.'i! c Ori '.-i 1, . .
:i. , mil.,. , i i i , ., .
I. (;,
Will do your work at bar ! ti've
prices, (live us a call ni:d ;-ne
money. SatisiaoUon nuarautc-ei!.
i : 1 1 , ! rl' lo'.l J-ii -. i,
foi'Miy ' -itr f t .-!, . f (i
(',,; iry , iiiv, !i , a,,'i:t::s: t: ,
f.1!!. ii rl , il i.
a, t. i; t 'i-I ' i :,. 'i (O y !
i -ii -a ; v. ii y . :-i ,t , i
i.i 'I V , i i t Ki.'i , w '.( .' in i.c -
t i't.' ?.o . I. i,v I (I 1.. ,- u ; r,
Ji i.ii'i :U io f.J . wi.-. ... v
;iT -;r
Jt a. i
,,'r o. :
ay that portion cf veo-on CMlllNll
steel rails of the J 0 . ,
tcture.-Statosm,,, Jiff IS t;i L
I Ri;,' t
Aceortlitig to tiie Oregouian the
Contiectini! at Vaittlpit l:y with th
ii '.I1..V
1 K Ino-i:
I.i.'. 'Li, .
i. -i ii,,- t;
'I'.-liiiir, In
A i. !:.:
sugar schedule in the new tariff bill :
will put $5,000,01:0 additional profits San Francisco ami Yaqiihia lv,
Slcauiship Company
annually into the pockets of the
sugar trusts. This means just that
much money taken out of the
pockets of the people w ho cotiMuue
the sugar.
1 iv. r. y :" n mm r "'
11 . t' I V'.Mtli-" hti- !'.l,:i". iiu't
' !' J; I !.:v,-.' I i- .i ,,, ;
i. . !:: 1; i t -I'M j...- ' ' !V . II !
!' '. (.!, I I I I !.. tr..;,n-...
', dr.. tii, 1 . ..rV ", w.7.
AN'.isi: I fSiKHAlYKI.. il. 1". 1-.
f. 1 Lot No. 1. of ,w 1 ! ', wv.i U..-HU:.' .
il. .!.
l':o 0 IN' t, l!('vl;i.f ir;i ',.;.J
VJsivjillin'im-- ri i'1,'! n iv,.nn U'hl I'I'ttI'..
1 f 'noi Ian vlrr ;,: r i o-
M",rli, '.( in',, V11". l.-t'u.i f. ..I V. n: '
til. of lXi t'i'.v, I' c
UOUliUT A. Mil I.IU:, Hoi!l. '.t
"If o -'y ere mar.nne cat. f v.ft! :: the
r. cp Ji.vt : r: 1 : than
e"-'l!rrti-.rr-.". - - ..; J ... jacrs
ot .;tiV Ilumpshirc, i -
rfJ:Z masasla is, in i'..-, : : ". '' f! -.?ntal
f-aiures, what Ks rcr. '..: .'3 f -, -v.: noted
r.crro3 of the Z ; ' ' t call
"absofctily u? lo .-.: -r.rv.-;' . 1 v . :.; of t' t ti nes,"
"iRvcJaiKe," and "l..-..'.!.t:cri.:,..'.:.;." i: i.; :.':,;rt-Et2d
with tfcxly portraits, views, a-..:'. c.v.S: .:. ; - c.''.-. '. a.-'.lc'.cs
are of tntmsdiate Interest, by t.: Ha i. ,.' ' ,- i v. ;-,--.-eot-We
subjects. The Editor's 'Tic. i ; c;vss a
char, r!.'-.iiy projortlcasd v'cv 'f t'...i ' :v:c ..' t 5 :.u--an
race icrir.j the enrrort r.-,c; 1't. T..c " I :.-A-:".!-j t the
Montli" rri:3r.t the i:-.v:..-:c:-t r:-. la c: 1 -;;. J3
that have been written in cvj-y ; u n vr. i . 7.; r.ivi3t
and r.cst tar.t Lii 3 a. 0 (...'.'..:'.'. '. i 1 ':.;-.:3,
chrov.;.".; --'.-al records, tr:.'. of zr is co.... Ala t..e
co.:.'.'.,i t at the rsat'er cf to I :'.-.;
or r.:v:.3 will iv.iss ncthirg of peat j
S'" C tt issaia cr Wi-ittsa or L0..e T.i .i.r
t.iO'jj ov.i t! e world. . S : .tut --i py
9-r-' ' 7"- i.---v-:.:r7;.:--:---h.
Sails from Vatiuiua every ':ts ; Xoticefor Ptil! irrttioii.
tor San 1'railClsi.o, Coc.s r!;iv. Ptirt ami Olllce at Oremn t'Ur, Oregon.
Orford, Trini,!ad am! Ilumb.Ult ! SolW h.,rc,.y F,,. than'rJS:,!S. !
bav. , ei' outlier has iu.:i his Intontioa 01 tnaltimr .in- j
I nl liroof InstipiHirt. of I.i.n-inl 11, and r-at ' mill
- ' pi.'of will liu made Iiiov.r..' tn Conntv c.prs of
In dm my, utToluilo, OicKiin.oii Ajuil IT,
WII.I.I.VM WAKE riKMl, II. K. No. S.'r-J, !
i Tltr Itin Hl,l1t hu-i.ut I .' i.r a.n.lha.dl I ' .. t
school and their places uiven to a Shortest route between the Willam-! "'.t'iot ', ami south, as'c , f ii'iru'.woMi 1, '
. 1 n'"-" 1 . , i-r ; BiTiloti 12, town 11. wjttih, tan -c 9 wen!.
Marion county politician ami lii.s. eite alley and ulitonua. ; ik nan.s the fotiowiuK i;ai-nso to i.-,iv.
' r 1 'hlscontlimotiar.'Kiilcio'-tiooii ami cnl'lva'ion
Wile. i of nam land, vn: Irvin Maw, WI1M-t:n V.
Oreat is' Marion conntv. T. T ' -
lluford and wife were deprived of Passenger accommodations ti:isttr-; is'V.'vu
their positions at the state reform ' passeu.
THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 Astof Place, New Yorlu
J Single Cops, ?5c.t Trial (five month). Si. DO 1 Year, $2.50.
t r 111 . iiyoi-, aim nro 11 ttnn kins of r.di'.vv K. Dr..
. - ... v - ,,'iit niiuoiiliil 1.. inil-.U! l .."U,, 1 irOgoll,
San Fraucio:
$6.o'i 1
5llirfivTf , (V 1
tile 'I',, C,,i llo,. o,l Pn.l n, fnr.
A V- .VJU., , I1V4 Jk V, IV'lll, I
More beef cattle have been ship- i
ned from P.avnllo ttiiu .1 : Cabin
" ...i.t oi.iinuu llltlll
any preceding winter, says
Lakeview Examiner. About 7oo Calin
carloads have gone since Septem-' To Humboldt Bay:
ber. ! Cabin $S.oc
Round trip good for sixty days
UOllKUT A. Mll.U.KK, i.eistet.
Notice for Publication.
Land O!!!) at Oregon city. Orison,
l-flirlli'.ry 111, isiiT.
Uk and
Senator Mitchell hobnobbing SPcclal
with President McKinley gives'
some of the Oregon politicians cold I Rivisr Division
chills. 1 Steamers
,1 folloivitiK-naiio.d s.'ttli'r has tiled iiothoof
his Intontton to make final proof In sunii irt of ;
nimnattn, ami that said proof w ill In) n,adi In'- I
fore the County i lork of conntv,
loivoo, wri'Kon, on .iav li'tti. isi.T, viz-
fllAKl.KS II. KVKKKI'T: II. K. !.!l
for the northwest i4 of section 10, to nshiu It)
south, ranee i west. F 1
lie names the following w ltnes--ei lo prove 1
Ms continuous residvnee tiion and cultivaili.n
of said land, viz: Charles A. llenson. .I,,hn f
1 oonson and John r. llamar, all of Xsshviti
Albany aiUt " m. J rcuon.aml Llndfred T. Skinner, of .Nortons,
I M. Hoag" newly furnished, leaves
ROBEHT A. JIH.I.ER, Register.
I nit! p-.-t.p:.!-,;-,
C-H.i'te: -' ) I; r.v I
i:le ail ki;!.!s n:' t'r,.
Mouldinvs; Pi..;'r :
litter. Kj.-uik.' n..i.:
C.ill r: or aUt:i . ,
For Sale.
Look out for the biggest fruit ; 7:oo a. anving'i,, Portland at!
crop ever seen in Oregon this year. 1 4:1.0 p. m. the same dav. Return-!
The orchards will make up for lost : .: Iwats leave Portland at p. m. the I Since McKinley is elected I have '
time. ! same as above at 6:00 a. m., arriv-1 several fine places for sale cheap, i
jiugat Corvallis at 9:1x1 p. m. j Some well improved farms. Some'
The chances for Corbett to be KnwrN Stonk, Manager. good sheep or goat, ranches. If1
seated as U. S. senator seem to be J C lAY0) Sullt River Div- you want 00, barga" come and 1 .
' Wm SfHMinT Acrf see r t in,,,.,,. ,
getuug better. "X". " - ... J 1!m :'nL I ,..,V V
at the Lowest
Trices. i rA ttijrt
, tlrliifr chHir!iin . , .
Nnuiuniuj, u rcri.tvi . , ,: .
BlCl.ltlSJUiJt...',.,j K'tlv -i,.
! 1 i auunia itv. iiro-nn r . '