Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 18, 1897, Image 3

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    Review of Business Trans
acted at the Capital.
rhe Fifth Session or the Washington
Legislature Adjourns Sine Die. After
Sixty Days' Continuous Session.
Tlie fifth session of the Washington
legislature adjourned sine die early Fri
day morning. The closing Bcenes were
unusually interesting and at times ex
citing. Both branches of the legisla
ture worked hard all day Thursday.
The lobbies were packed with specta-
. .. .
f tors, and the sergeant-at-arms was
! often ordered to clear the floor Bpace of
lobbyists within the bar of each house,
j to give room to move about.
I Conference committees were the or
L ier of the day, and accomplished im
f portant work in bringing the houses to The most important were
those having on hand the freight-rate
.reduction bill and the general appro
priation bill. The former finally effect-f-cd
an agreement during the afternoon,
1 1 ... ,;n ..,n..4- t
kilo iirigiib-itibo Ulll oviuu niib tu
1 the governor. The appropriations bill
whs not so easily Bottled, and it was
long after midnight when any kind of
an agreement was readied.
The clock was stopped at midnight,
and it was near sunrise when final ad
journment was effected. The cause of
delay was the contest over the appro
priation bill, and the time given enroll
ing clerks to prepare the billH for tho
signatures of the presiding officers cf
each body. Some members protested
against continuing after midnight, but
to no avail.
The resolution to investigate the
.penitentiary was lost in the senate.
Kesume of the Work.
Below is a summary of the import
ant bills that have passed both houses
of the legislature during the fifth ses
sion: Fixing order of payment of debts of
decedents. Approved by the governor.
Regarding assignment and cancella
tion of mortgages. Approved.
Reducing saluries of warden and clerk
of the state penitentiary to $1,400 and
$1,000 per annum, respectively. Ap
proved. Defining the crime of rape, and fixing
the age of consent at 18 years. Ap
""oved. fixing the duties of coroner when
sheriff is incapacitated. Approved.
-electing manufacturers, Bottlers
irlraiiti !,?" bounty for production of
Vni-, Kill 1
to pay 1 cent per pound, as bounty, to
manufacturers, for all sugar manufac
tured within the state.
Providing that property assessed for
street improvement purposes may be
sold on ten days' notice after the assess
ment falls due, without foreclosure pro
ceedings. Providing for suing the sureties on
bonds by laborers or others, on con
tracts for street or other municipal im
provements. Providing prior liens for employes
against the real or personal property of
employers of labor.
Authorizing bringing of suits for dis
tribution of funds of insolvent insur
ance companies.
Providing for incorporation of ceme
tery associations.
To prevent unauthorized interference
with electric wires, meters and cables.
Making all debts payable in lawful
money or currency of the United States.
Protecting trade-makrs, labels and
The anti-option deficiency judgment
law, providing that in all proceedings
for the foreclosure of mortgages here
after executed, or on judgments ren
dered upon the debt therehv spcnrpd.
. .iio ...v iJiutim:n iur tilo Btuiu
the mortgagee or assignee shall be lim
ited to the property included in .the
Exempting from execution and at
tachment to householders and freehold
ers personal property to the amount of
$1,000. When any person dies seized
of exempt property, leaving heirs, such
property shall be set aside for the use
of such heirs, free from all claims
against the deceased.
Submitting an amendment to the
constitution to the voters of the state,
t the next general election, embodying
the right of woman suffrage.
living the owners of lands abutting
upon tidelands the prior right for sixty
days to apply for the purchase of said
Relating to admission of attorneys
and counsellors-at-law. Approved.
Defining motions and orders.
Relating to removal of attorneys.
Approved. '
Relating to new trials. Approved.
To prevent attorneys advertising for
divorce caBes. Approved.
Prohibiting the discharge of ballast
in bays.
Relating to the duration of judg
ments, and providing that after tbe ex
piration of six years from the rendition
' any -judgment if shall oo v.. .
- - o - WiWO w m
lien or char ire ao-.iinaf -
son of the judgment dobtor.
Providing a new revenue and taxation
"w, in which many important changes
' made.
To 'prevent the introduction or spread
of disease among sheep.
Allowing farmers and glide iers to
peddle their products in cities without
Allowing married women to act as
administratrix or executrix of deceased
For the protection of honey bees.
To protect the cheese and milk in
dustry by compelling proper marking
of cheese imported into the state. Ap
proved. Making if compulsory to record all
deeds, mortgages and assignments of
mortgages in county where property is
located. Approved.
Extending the right of eminent do
main to mining corporations, for the
purpose of building tramroads, etc.
Fixing the fees to he paid to the sec
retary of state by corporations. For
filing articles of incorporation, $10;
filing amendatory or supplemental ar
ticles, $10; certified copy of articles,
$5; annual license fee, to be paid be
fore July 1 each year, $10, for all cor
porations incorporated before or after
the passage of this act.
Providing for the reservation and im
provement of a portion of the public
highways for bicycles and foot passen
gers. Providing for dissolution of the mu
nicipal corporations of the third and
fourth class.
Authorizing cities to acquire and
maintain water works and waterpower,
gas and electric light plants.
Providing a method for collecting as
sessments for local improvements, es
pecially for Seattle.
Providing for voting on constitution
al amendment relative to taxation.
Fixing the maximum railroad freight
rate at $4.25 a ton for distances of 850
miles for grain, etc., and other reduc
tions. Authorizing cities to sell water
works, gas or electric light works upon
a vote of the people.
Appropriating $10,000 for a wagon
road from Lyle, in Klickitat county, to
Washougal, in Clark county.
Appropriating $20,000 for the com
pletion of the state road from Marcus
to Marble Mount.
Appropriating $10,000 for a state
road from King county to Yakima, via
Natchez pass.
Appropriating $10,000 for a state
road from Gaud Forks to La Push.
Aprropriating $2,500 for a Btate road
from Montesano to Brookfield.
Abolihsing boards of control for the
Eeastern and Western insane ayshim,
for the penitentiary, the Soldiers' Home
and the reform school, and providing
for a board of five citizens, one of whom
shall be commissioner of public institu
tions and auditor of accounts, at a sal
ary of $1,500.
Authorizing the commissioner of
state lands to lease mineral lands owned
by the state, original locators having a
preference for ninety days.
Providing that, as to all negotiable
paper, the time intervening between
Saturday noon and Sunday midnight
j be declared a legal holiday,
j Granting debtors the right of posses
i sion of real property during the period
of redemption.
; To prevent destruction of miners' lo-
cation stakes or notices, and providing
! a penalty.
j Abolishing municipal courts in the
j cities of Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma
j on January 1, 1898, and giving justices
; of the peace jurisdiction to perform the
! work of municipal courts.
; Creating a board of forest comniis
; sioners, consisting of the governor.
treasurer, commissioner of public lands
and the professors of forestry in the
state university and agricultural col
lege. Providing for the disorganization of
irrigation districts.
Requiring street cars to be provided
with pilots, fenders or aprons.
Providing for the service of summons
and complaints upon corporations in
the hands of receivers.
For the protection of sturgeon in the
Providing that at the general election
to be held in November, 1898, there
shall be but one justice of the peace and
one constable eleotod in cities of the
first class. The salary of justices is
fixed at $1,000, and of constables at
$i20 per annum.
Amending the laws relative to fish
ing with view to the protection of
salmon, and increasing tho license for
Defining the boundaries of Chehalis
Relating to estates of insane and in
competent persons.
Providing for a current expense fund
in cities of the third class.
Relating to the settlement of estates
of decedents. '
Relating to arid land, and creating a
commission for the reclamation of arid
land and appropriating $30,000 therefor.
Allowing corporations to become
sureties on bonds of officials, and regu
lating such corporations.
To regulate insurance companies, re
quiring that policies be written by local
agents; that a license be secured from
the state, and that 2 per cent on all
policies be paid to the state; that state
ments be published in two daily papers
each year; that in case of a total loss
the full amount of the policy be paid,
and prohibiting insurance combina
tions. Allowing road fnnds collected in city
limits to be turned over to the municipality.
The National Senate Adjourned the
Extra Session Sine Die.
Washington, March 13. There was
an unusually large attendance of sena
tors when Vice-President llobart called
the senate to order at noon'today. The
first business was the reading of a let
ter from Governor Bradley, of Ken
tucky, announcing the appointment of
Andrew T. Wood as senator to succeed
Blackburn. Hoar at once moved that
the senator-elect be sworn in. Gorman
moved that his credentials be referred
; to the committee on privileges and eleo
tions. Hoar said he would not object,
I and the credentials were referred.
Then Hoar presented a written notice
, of two proposed amendments to the
I rules of the senate of a radical nature.
! The most important was according to
i Hoar's written notice "To enable the
senate to act on legislation when it de
sires after a reasonable debate. " It
S provides that when any bill or resolu-
: tion had been under consideration for
more than one day, any senator could
demand that the debate be closed. If
' a majority of the senators desired, there
should be a vote without further delay,
and no motion should be in order, pend-
; ing a vote, but one to adjourn or take
i The other amendment proposed was
, to prevent interruption of members of
I the senate. It provides that when a
senator makes a point of no quorum,
j there shall be a roll call, and if the
, presence of a quorum is disclosed busi
ness should proceed.
A memorial was presented by Shoup
from the Idaho legislature, asking for
the annexation of a part of Wyoming.
It was not read. Warren said if the
Wyoming legislature had been informed,
of the memorial, it would have taken
It was decided on motion of Hoar
that when the senate adjourned, it
; should be until Monday at 11:30, but
, in executive session the senate recon
sidered its action and agreed that ad-
' joumment would be sine die. This
waB found expedient, as no business
could be transacted in half an hour
Monday, and the nominations made in
that half hour would fail if not imme
diately confirmed.
At 12:40 the special session ad
journed. Without Amendment
Washington, March 12. The senate
I committee on foreign relations today
j agreed to report the Alaskan boundary
j treaty with Great Britain without
1 amendment or change. The arbitra-
tion treaty will be taken up at a special
i meeting of the committee.
Tariff Legislation Rumors Caused a
General Alarm
New York, March 12. The World
says: .
The dispatch from Washington pre
dicting that congress at its special ses
sion will at onoe increase the revenue
by adding from 10 to 85 per cent to the
schedules of the Wilson bill, hasoreated
a small panio among importers, and an
! almoBt unprecedented rusli to get bond
1 ed goods out of the warehouses before
. the increase takes effect,
j The proposed summary action of con
gress has taken morchants completely
I by surprise. While they were prepared
: for a special session to pass a new tariff
; bill, they expected that the new bill
j would occupy the attention of congress
i for at least six months, which would
I give them ample time to withdraw the
' $19,500,000 of goods which were in
' bond on January 81. It had never oc
curred to them that congress might
adopt a temporary measure for increas
ing the revenue, and the possibility of
such a thing, with only about ten days
to get their goods out of bond, at the
present rate of duty, caused a genuine
sensation. It is understood that But
terfield & Co., and other importers of
dress goods are among the heaviest
In banking circles there is a greatly
! increased demand for loans on call pa
j per. One bank made a loan of $500,
! 000 to a big importing firm for the pur
pose of withdrawing goods from bond,
! and the payment of duties thereon.
Idaho Legislature Has Adjourned.
BoiBe, Idaho, March 12. The Idaho
legislature adjourned at 2 o'clock this
morning. Before adjournment a joint
resolution was adopted providing for
a commission of the governor, secretary
of state and attorney-general to inves
tigate the management of the state
offioes from the beginning of the state
government. Five thousand dollars
was appropriated to defray the expense.
The bill to reduce tbe salaries of state
officers and judges of the supreme and
district courts was passed with a num
ber of amendments, the salaries of the
justices being put back to $8,000, and
those of tbe district judges being fixed
at $2,600.
The bill to create the county of Clear
water was passed by the senate withont
Amendment. Two irrigation bills were
worked through in amended form, after
very stubborn fight.
Great Northern's Betterment
Chicago, March 12. The Great
Northern is about to expend $100,000
on the improvement of the equipment
of its passenger trains. These are all
to be veatibnled according to latest and
most improved methods, and new equip
ment will be added.
Be Introduced Soon After Con-
I eress Assembles.
I Washington, March 11. Chairman
! Dingley, of the ways and means com
: mittee, today said that he expected that
the new tariff bill will be ready to in
: troduce very soon after congress assero
I bles. Speaking of the report that the
law might provide that the duties as
sessed should go into effect immediately
on the introduction of the bill, Mr.
Dingley said it would be impossible,
under the constitution of the United
States, to make a law retroactive. In
the United States, he said, imports
must be assessed acording to the law on
the statute books at the time the goods
were jmported. The law could provide
that goods still in bond should pay the
new duty if they had not been with
drawn from bond at the time the law
went into effect.
The committee had under consider
ation the sugar schedule, but reached
no conclusion regarding it.
The free-list scehdule was completed.
Nearly all the remaining articles which
had not been disposed of, and which
were dutiable under the McKinloy law,
had been restored to the dutiable list
at rates somewhat less than the McKin
ley rates. Theso additions to the dutia
ble list include some chemicals used in
the manufacture of soaps, and it may
be necessary to increase the duty which
had been placed on soapB in the first
draft of the bill, to make up for this
change as to raw materials.
The pottery schedule has not yet
been completed, and there is considera
ble question whether the ad valorem
rates of the McKinley law Bhall be re
stored, or specilio duties imposed.
A Kuinnr That the Short Line Will Soon
Open It.
Omaha, March 11. Consternation
was caused in Union Pacifio circles this
morning by the receipt of a rumor from.
Salt Lake City to the effect that it was
definitely known that the Ogden gate
way to the Utah, Idaho, Montana and
Oregon territory, now controlled by the
Union Pacific, would be opened to other
railroads soon after the Short Line com
menced to transaot business on its own
account. The news was most joyfully
received by the Burlington, the Rock
Island and the Missouri Pacific roads.
General Manager Dickinson, of the
Union Pacific, said:
"I have no information on the mat
ter. Even should action be taken later,
the announcement at this time, while
the Oregon Short Line is a part of the
Union Pacifio system, is premature, to
say the least."
General Passenger Agent Lomax, of
the Union Paoifio, said:
"The question of opening the Ogden
gateway to other roads is one that prob
ably will not be decided by the Short
Line, management for several months
yet. I doubt if the policy of tho road
on that point has as yet been considered.
The Sliort Line is a part of the Union
Pacific, and that is about all I can say."
General Manager Iloldrege, ot the
Burlington & Missouri, said:
"This is good news. I hope jt is
true. It would be a good thing for the
Burlington, as well as other lines, for
it would let them all into a territory
where they desier very much to carry
on business."
Concerns Exportation of Beef to Euro
pean Ports.
Washington, March 11. The first
official order issued by Secretary Wil
son, of the department of agriculture,
made its appearance today. It concerns
the exportation of beef to foreign coun
tries, and provides:
"That from and after March 15,
1897, all beef offered for transportation
to European ports, whether fresh, salted,
canned, corned or packed, being the
meat of cattle killed after the passage
of the act under which this order is
made, shall be accompanied by a cer
tificate issued by an inspector of this
department, showing that the cattle
from which it was produced were free
from disease, and the meat sound and
wholesome. Until otherwise ordered,
certificates will not be required with
beef exported to other than European
The original order of the socretary,
of August 28, 1895, for carrying out the
provisions of section 2 of the act under
which the order is made, is postponed
to the date set out in Secretary Wilson's
Th Lexow Iteport.
Albany, N. Y., March 11. The reso
lution of the Joint committee on trust a
which held several sessions in New
York city last month, was submitted to
the legislature today. It notes the fact
that the decision of Judge Swayne on
the federal constitution forbids action
on the part of individual states to abso
lutely repress trusts, but expresses the
belief that the attorney-general can, by
brincrincr action before thn
court judge. The bill which accom-
panics the report grants immunity to
witnesses who incriminate themselves.
and gives tbe supreme court subpoena
power. A bill may be introduced to
stop tne factory system as used by the
sugar trust.
Senator McCarren filed a minority re
port exonerating the sugar trust and
saying the trust tins made possible
lower prices lor trie commodity.
The Worst Railroad Accident
in Years.
The 'Cannon-nail' Passenger Train
Wrecked In Indiana Engine and
Two Cars Went Over Embankment
Princeton, Ind., March 12. One of
the worst railroad wrecks that has oc
curred in this vicinity for many years
happened today at 3 o'clock to the
Pittsburg and Nashville limited, north
bound over the Evansvillo & Terre
Haute road, one mile north of Hazelton.
The engine went over the embankment,
falling a distance of fifteen feet, into
six feet of water. The smoker was'
telescoped by the baggage car, and the
ladies' car and sleeper remained on the
track. The engineer says he was run
ning twenty-five miles an hour, and
wjiuii he, approached the) washout saw
nothing but a small holo. The engine
passed over it and went down the em
bankment. The dead are: George A.
Seers, conductor; Joseph Bowman, fire
man; three passengers, nameB unknown.
Two were wounded seriously and sev
eral slightly.
All the passengers in the smoker are
supposed to have been killed. Four
bodies besides Conductor Seers were
seen in the smoker as it broke loose and
rolled down the embankment und
floated off in the current.
Harry J. Hill, the baggageman, was
tho only member of tho train crew that
escaped unhurt.
Set a Dog Upon the Officer.
Chicago, March 12. In order to
avoid arrest, J. J. Duff turned a vicious
dog loose on Officer Erickson yesterday,
and as a result both are now in a hospi
tal and it is feared the policeman may
Duff went home drunk, quarreled
with his wife, and, after beating her
severely, turned her from the house.
She complained to the police, and
Erickson was sent to arrest Duff. He
found the doors locked, but was ad
mitted by a small boy. Duff unloosed
the big dog and the animal leaped at
the officer, dragging him to the floor.
He bit him several times in the face,
lacerating the flesh. The poliouman
succeeded in getting his revolver from"
I his pocket and fired, the bullet taking
! effect in the lower part of Duff's abdo-.
I men. The wounded man attempted
1 to seize the officer's weapon und was
himself attacked by tho dog. Both
I men were lacerated by the dog's teeth,
i and when other officers arrived Erick
son was unoonscious. The men were
removed to the hospital and the dog
! killed. ,,
j Secretary Shermun's Plan.
Washington, March 12. Mr. Sher
I man has announced to his associates
i that he is in a fair way to make ar
I rangoments with Spain that will re
i move the great cause of irritation in
1 Cuba. He has submitted to tho Span
I ish government through Minister Tay
! lor a proposition that American citizens
j who are suspected or convicted of com-
plicity with the insurgents shall be im
I mediately expelled from tho island
without imprisonment or prosecution,
unless they shall voluntarily return and
place themselves in jeopardy. The ar
rangement would not apply, however,
to persons engaged in activo hostilities
or who have been taken with arms.
Mr. Sherman is also proposing to ne
gotiate a treaty with Spain, by which
tho rights of naturalized citizens shall
be defined.
Three Were Killed.
Colon, March 12. A serious dispute
occurred among tho Jamaicans em
ployed as laborers on the Culebra sec
tion of the Panama canal and others
of the canal employes. Tho men finally
became engaged in a fight which tho
police were unable to quell. Tho mili
tary authorities were called on for as
sistance, and a detachment of troops
was sent to the scene of the disturb
ance. Their presence had tho effect of
restoring order. During the fighting
three laborers were killpd and several
wounded. The Jamaicans are dissatis
fied with the conditions under which
they work, and numbers of them are
applying to be sent back to their homes.
Easy Enough When You Know How:
Washington, Maroh 12. Just at
time when photographers had- aban
doned hope of discovering a really prac
ticable process of color photography, a
report to the state department from.
Consul-General Mason, at Frankfort,
gives a description of a means of doing
this in a manner so simple and inex
pensive as to be available to every pho
tographer, thus opening a new era in
reproductive art Tho process is the
discovery of Chasagne, a Persian savant,
and is purely chemical.
Many Turks Were Killed.
Berlin, March 12. A dispatch to the
Cologne Gazette from Candia says in a
fight between bashi bazouks and a do-
tachment of insurgents before the gates
of the town, sixty of the Turks wore
killed or wounded. The dispatch fur
ther announces that firing between the
opposing forces continues, and the town
is wreaienou witli incendiarism.