Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 18, 1897, Image 2

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Lincoln County Leader
J. F. HTKWAKT. Puhl Uher.
Comprehend Review of the Import
ant Happening of the Put Week
Culled From the Telegraph Column!,
A bill has been introduced in the
New York legislature providing for the
placing of all the newspapers in the
state under the censorship or supervi
sion of state authorities.
Captain-General Weyler's latest edict
is said to be an order that all women
arrested in Cuba as "suspicious" shall
be tried by court-martial. W'cyler says
that women are harder to subdue than
men, and that if he had his way he
would kill them first and try them af
terward. ,
Agent Randlett, of the Uintah and
Ouray Indian agency, telegraphed
Washington authorities there were fif
teen men who iiad made locations on
the lands of the TJncompaghre reserve;
that they had refused to leave and that
there would be trouble unless troops
were sent to eject them.
The expense of the Oregon Soldiers'
Home for February was $1,038, as
shown by bills audited by the executive
committee. The board estimates the
government fund will keep the house
six months. The termB of Galloway,
Robertson and Rust, as trustees, have
expired, and their successors will be ap
pointed soon.
Mrs. Thomas Driscoll attempted sui
cide at Heppner. She firet tried to take
carbolic acid, but was preveunted by
her husband, and directly afterward
took a quantity of rough on rats. A
physician was immediately summoned,
and, by a vigorous use of the stomach
pump, her life was saved. Domestic
troubles are said to be the cause.
A Swedish officer committed suicide
at the Astor house, New York city, un
der remarkably sensational conditions.
He shot himself while detectives were
breaking into his room to arrest him
for embezzlement. His assumed name
was G. Anderson, and his real name
was Gustav Rinnblad. Ho was married
and came from a good family. He was
paymaster ot a battalion of the Swedish
Greece has replied to the identical
note of the powers and it is regarded as
of a most favorable nature. It is be
lieved the crisiB will soon be past, as
the Greek note at least furnishes a basis
upDn which a compromise satisfactory
to all concerned can be speedily reached.
Thomas Condt, of Beloit, Wis., died,
ged 00 years. From 18!!(! to 1850 he
was missionary to the Hawaiian islands.
Ho was tho last of a company of thirty
missionarires who left for the islands
in 18!)0. He was the first white person
the natives of Maui island ever saw.
The well-known pioneer anil his
torian, Hon. Ninoveh Ford, died in
Walla Walla last week. The cause of
his death was old ago. He was 81
years and 8 months old. His was the
first wagon to drive into the Grande
Rondo, ami the second across the
At a St. Patrick's day convention,
held in Sun Francisco last night, reso
lutions were passed urging all truo
Irishmen to unite in discountenancing
the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight, which
will tako place at Carson on tho day
made sacred to the memory of Ireland's
patron saint.
Tho navy department has issued ad
vertisements calling for over 8,000 tons
of llarveyizt'd steel armor for the throo
battle-ships now building. Tho law
fixes tho maximum price to be paid at
:!00 tier ton. nnil the .,m..i,.l. ,f
IMIU lib
department aro now sanguine of returns
to their advertisements.
, . ,,. , . ,. .
Mrs. Henry anl Beecher died at
ner noma in Mamiont, l onn, on the
tenth anniversary of the death of her
famous husband, and she was 85 years
of ago. Mrs. Beecher passed away
peacefully, surrounded by her children
and friends. Her Hfo "had been de
spaired of for several weeks preceding
her demise.
Representative Kruse, of Clackamas
county, died at the hospital in Salem,
where lie went to attend tho session of
the late attempted legislature.
lie had
been confined to his bed with tvuhoid
fever for three weeks.
Kruse was sent to the legislature by
the Populist party, and was a member
of tho Davis house.
legislature by
Joseph N.Dolph. ex-United State,
senator irom Oregon, passed away at
his residence in Portland. His left leg
was amputated about four inches above
the knee a hemic course that ofTered
the only possibility of saving his lifo
from blood poisoning from a gangrened
soro in his left foot. Owing to his ad
vanced years, tho shock proved too
great nnd ho lived but a short while.
From llavaua comes word that tho
Santa Clara court having jurisdiction
of the charges against Sylvester Scovel,
the New York World correspondent
who was urresieii in tne early part of r-'""""',"".. ueurey, who is a pow
Febmary.while traveling In a train be- : cr"Jl ninn choked his victim and
tween Tunas and Sanoti Spiritns, has i f0"1'01' of 40 cents
xmdered a division releasing him from I A vi-.TTTI
.ustodv. Mr. Scovel is now at liberty. I Smith ha." Cn IS
Al-Kl Left Port Townaend Crowded to
, the Guard.
Port Townsend, Wash., March 15.
The steamer Al-Ki sailed this morning
for Alaska with 245 Yukon prospectors,
80 dogs for sledging and 80 packhorses.
The using of the packhorses over the
divide to the Yukon country has never
before been tried, and old miners who
have repeatedly made the trip are of
the opinion that horses cannot be of
any service.
The Al-Ki was so crowded with pros
pectors and their outfits that she was
forced to leave 600 tons of freight on
the wharf here. Never before, at any
season, has the rush to Alaska been so
great. .
The steamers Willapa ami City of
Topeka both arrived this morning from
Alaska with a few passengers and a
little freight. Just now nearly every
thing is going in and almost nothing
coming from Alaska. Among the To
peka's passengers was C. S. Johnson,
ex-United States district attorney for
Alaska, who is on his way to Washing
ton to ask President McKinley to ap
point him governor, of the district.'' He
goes well recommended.
Wjll Meet at Ellensburg.
Olympia, Wash., March 15. State
Superintendent Brown has designated
Tuesday, April 27, as the day for hold
ing the regular biennial convention of
county superintendents. This conven
tion, which is required by law, will
convene at Ellensburg. Each county
superintendent will come prepared to
discuss any question, which, in his
opinion, concerns the administration of
his office and the welfare of tho public
schools of the state.
The state board of education will also
meet at Ellensburg on Saturday, April
24, to outline plans for reading-circle
work and to make necessary regulations
for examinations according to tho re
cent laws of the state.
Patent Convention With Japan.
Washington, March 15. In response
to very many inquiries that are being
received at tho state department from
American manufacturers who are con
templating the introduction of their
wares, now protected by patents, into
Japan, a notice has been prepared stat
ing that tho president has proclaimed
the patent convention recently negoti
ated with Japan, the exchange of rati
fications having taken place at Tokio
on the 8th ultimo. Consequently, the
convention goeB into immediate opera
tion and it is now possible for Ameri
cans to patent their inventions in Japan
in conformity with the provisions of
their law.
Floods on the MUslsiilppl.
Memphis, Tenn., March 15. The
"Father of Waters" continues booming.
The levee on the Neely cotton planta
tion, ten miles above here, has failed
to resist the powerful current. At
Memphis 1,000 acres and the bar is
completely under water.
Two great side-wheelers, capable of
carrying a thousand passengers each,
this afternoon issued a notico of excur
sions into Eastern Arkansas, giving a
View of tho overflowed country and sub
merged plantations. This moans a trip
fifty miles due west from Memphis,
through the tops of trees and over
cabins, farms and small villages. Past
high water has offered no such oppor
tunity. Not the Orlglnnl John
St. John, N. B. , March 15. John L.
Sullivan was hanged today at Dorches
ter, N. B. His crime was tho murdei
of Mrs. Eliza Dutcher and son, 6 voars
old, at Mcudowbrook, on the night of I
September 11, 18U0. Mrs. Dutcher
kept a small tavern. Sullivan entered
for tho purpose of robbery. Mrs.
Dutcher made an outcry, and the robber '
killed her with an ax. lie then as-1
sanltcd the children, killing the hov I
. . . . . . " "
I """ """'J injuring tne girl. Sullivan
X , '"V"? 'V11,1
rm:mM the littlegirl. The charred re-
'mains of the other two were found in
! ti... .,
Kplilt'iiilo of Kpldcmlca.
Denver, Colo., March 15. A special
to tho News from tho City of Mexico
says: The republic of Mexico appears
to ho having an epidemic of enidomics.
! Three have already been reported,
which are currying ott hundreds of peo
I pie, in various parts of tho country, and
now comes news of two more. At
! Japan, in the state of Vera Cruz, nn
1 0l'i,ll'mic of ix-'arlet fever is raging to
I " "u'nl tluU ,M" l,00Pl8 nr0 fl
- msf Tir Butiitf n h ;.. .....
t l'y Tlll'mio ,,f typhoid fever, whicl
i a " p1'"''h-or typhoid fever, which
, r,'w,ml,ll' to yellow fovor,
iVla br"kl, t in a most virulent form.
8ill Uar disee " .-T.?
, , " I i o wil-IU; UIUI U1U
physicians predict an epidoiuio of yel
low fever, as they say this is always a
forerunner of that disease.
A Robber's Heavy Sentence.
White Plains, N. Y., March 15
lor robbing a man of 40 cents William
Jeffrey was taken to Sing Sing to serve
.. nivmo oi twenty years' imprison
i "iiiiwwi uvan li i m bv
uiion him lr i '.!...
Judgo Lent. Jeff rev was in
I a m,,l'th ajo, and while in a restaurant
1 a',llU't,,' " H. Harrison for the pur
Possible Solution of the In
dustrial Question. .
The San Francisco ISrumh I Doing a
Large Wholesale Business Wholly
Without the i'xe of Legal Tender.,
By 11. E. Kelumjo, Vancouver, Wash.
While the various political parties
and the people generally are wrangling
over the financial and labor questions,
there is being established in our midst
an organization, known as the Labor
Exchange, which claims to be able to
transact business without legal tender
money by basing its medium of ex
change on the products of labor, and
eventually to furnish employment to
the idle by supplying a market for the
products of their labor
This is not an entirely new organiza
tion. Though it has been operating
successfully in several cities, no sys
tematic effort has been made to extend
its workingsuntil within the last year
or two. Now, however, since a number
of branches have proven the practicabil
ity of the plan by actual business
operations, the idea iB being taken up
in every state in the. Union and over
200 branches have been established.
As an example of what is being done
in this line we would call attention to
the San Francisco branch, located at
No. 822 Davis street, which has done a
wholesale business of 128,000 within
the last eight months, wholly without
money. The manager, Mr. Henry
Warfield, has complied a labor ex
change directory of the different busi
ness houses that have investigated the
plan and now accept "labor cheoks" at
their face value, as being as good as
money. Every business nearly is repre
sented, and the list completes the cir
cuit of necessities of man, so that the
holders of labor exchange checks are in
a position to supply their wantB with
out regard to money.
Any useful article may be deposited
with the exchange, and the depositor
receives therefor a deposit check which
is "not redeemable in legal tender, but
receivable by the Labor Exchange Asso
ciation in payment for merchandise, for
all services and for all debts and dues
to the same; and it is based upon and
secured by the real and personal prop
erty in the keeping of the association."
The property held for the redemption
of certificates cannot, as per charter, be
mortgaged nor pledged for debts, nor
can it be withdrawn, but may be ex
"changed by the association for other
property of equal value.
The branches in different sections of
tho country exchange surplus products
with each other. For example, there
are such things as socks and cigars from
as distant a point as Reading, Pa., at
the San Francisco exchange, broom
handles from New Whatcom, Wash.,
fruit extracts from Fresno, as well as
fruit from as far south us San Diego.
A consignment of shirts and overalls is
being negotiated for with a branch in
Ohio; a lot of dried fruit was recently
shipped to Idaho Falls, Idaho, in ex
change for pork; and groceries were
sent to Armona in exchange for dried
fruit. The branch at Los Angeles is
putting up a shoe factory; Forest
Grove, Or., has a tannery; Olathe,
Kan., a grist mill; Red Bluff, Cal., a
spice mill; Salem, Or., has a brick
yard, warehouse und wharf; Vancouver,
Wash., proposes to make coffins, and
the Oregon City, (Jr., branch will
operate a rock crusher.
To make the subject more clear to the
reader, an illustration of its workings
is given: Some farmer owning timber
land might cut somo logs ami deposit
them in tho exchange, taking labor
checks in receipt therefor; the owner
of an idle sawmill would rent his outfit
to the branch and accept "checks" as
rental; some men, now idle, would
work the logs into lumber; unmployed
carpenters would manufacture the lum
her into coffins, furniture, etc., and re
ceive "checks" for their labor. The
articles thus made would be sold on the
market or exchanged with other
branches for provisions, clothing, etc.,
which wonld be again exchanged to the
farmer, mill-man and mechanics for
their, "checks." It must be remem
bered that no "check" can be'put into
circulation until somo labor or the
product of labor has been deposited
with tho brunch, and whenever the
"checks" are redeemed the value goes
I out and the checks aro canceled.
It will be seen that all branches of
business will soon be represented, and
I when tho producers can market their
products and supply their wants (with
out tho use of legal ten.ler) by a me
dium of exchange based upon, and ut
I all times equal to the wealth produced
a grand step will have been taken to
! ward the solution of the greatest prob
( lem of the ago.
Under this sytera, farmers would
; not be clothed in rags while tailors and
weavers starved; weavers would not go
i barefooted while shoemakers and tan
; tiers needed clothes; and carpenters,
painters, bricklayers and plasterers
would not be idle while people suffered
for shelter.
Every American citizen should in
vestigate this.
A. New Branch of Learning for Chicago
Chicago, March 15. Chicago child
ren are to receive instructions in the
theory and practice of politics. Men
of advanced thought assert that a move
ment of this kind is necessary to insure
the perpetuity of the republican form
of government, and it is to be attempt
ed in a systematic manner. No defi
nite programme has been arranged, but
the work will probably be undertaken,
or at least begun by the Civic , Federa
tion's committee on education.
Richard Waterman, jr., secretary of
the committee; W. A. Giles, principal
of the Watt Graham school, and others
interested in the subject have been dis
cussing the preliminaries for sometime
past.. So far as planned, the movement
contemplates the addition of a thor
ough and complete course of civics in
the public school curriculum, with the
object of drilling pupils in the theory
of politics and good citizenship, while
the practical part will be imparted by
voluntary participation in auxiliary so
cieties. The Woman's Club, of Englewood,
and similar organizations have become
intoi'Oclud in Uie movement and are
studying the subject with a view of
being able to assist the Civic Federa
tion's committee with practical sugges
tions for giving the matter effective
Statement for February and the Paet
Eight Month.
Washington, March 15. The month
ly statement of the principal articles of
domestic exports for the month of Feb
ruary and for the eight months ending
February 28, last, issued by the bureau
of statstios, shows that during Febru
ary the exports were:
Breadstuffs, $15,006,657, a decrease,
as compared with January, of about
$2,700,000; cotton, $17,190,788, a de
crease of about $11,250,000; mineral
oils, $4,561,148, an increase of $500,
000; provisions, including cattle and
hogs, $12,408,811, a decrease of about
For the eight months, the exports of
breadstuffs are given at $136,951,789,
as compared with $94,224,249 for the
same period last year, cotton, $186,668,
701, as compared with $140,824,625
for the corresponding period last year;
mineral oils, $41,784,865, a compara
tive gain of about $500,000; provisions,
including cattle and hogs, $18,778,164,
a comparative loss of about $500,000.
The total exports of these four arti
cles during February amounted to $49,
167,354, a net loss, as compared with
January, of about $13,000.
For the eight months the gains were
about $85,220,000.
Fire on a Cruiser.
New York, March 15. Fire invaded
tho cruiser New York on Tuesday
while the vessel was lying off Tomp
kinsville. The forward magazine is
surrounded by coal bunkers. In it were
2,000 pounds of guncotton and 6,000
pounds of powder. Smoke poured from
the magazine and an alarm was given.
For the first time in the history of the
ship the automatio fire alarm had
failed to work.
Water was turned into the coal bunk
ers and there was no stint in the quan
tity, so that before the cruiser had
passed Governor's island it had taken
into the hold such a weight of water
that it gained three feet in draught and
had to be sailed with great caution.
Arriving at the navy-yard the New
York was pumped out.
An examination was made, when it
was found that the fire had not origi
nated in the magazine, but in the coal
bunkers adjoining.
The Railway Mall Clerk.
San Francisco, March 15. Local pos
tal employes are perfecting their plans
for the twenty-second annual conven
tion of postal clerks, which will meet
here Tuesday. Postal Inspector Irwin
lias leit tor Kedding, where he will
meet the Eastern delegates and escort
them to this city. At the opening ses
sion of the convention, addresses will
be delivered by Mayor Phelan, Super
intendent of Mails Flint and President
Waring, of the convention. In the
evening a promenade concert will be
givef, after the business session, and on
the Mlowing day the delegates will be
guestion a trip around the bay on the
steamer Ukiah. On Friday an excur
sion Jfl Santa Cruz and the big trees
will V Wade, and on Saturday evening
a recti lion will be given at the Baldwin
hotel. EBusiness sessions will be sand-wicheir-tween
the junketing trips.
rn for India Sufferer.
Chicn, March 15. The movement
to securefcorn for India's relief, hereto
fore in clfrge of Dr. R. G. Holibs, of
JacksonviUj:, and Dr. J. P. Bousing
ham, appointed to represent the Chi
cago MiniAprs' Association, was today
consolidateilwith the Chicago commit
tee appointor in connection with the
board of triide. Hon. C. C. Bonney is
president and E. C. Keith, of the Met
ropolitan bank, is treasurer of the com
mittee. All these forces will co-operate with
the mayor and others of San Francisco
in loading the ship furnished by the
secretary of the navy to carry grain
free to India. The corn will also be
carried free to the Pacilio by the rail-roads.
Bill Will Be Debated at L
in the Senate.
House Committee Complete
llcy of ScmuV,
led Membern.1
15. The tari
Wool Schedule Policy
Kpgurillng Appointed
Washington, March
situation is giving the Republicai
some concern. They feel sure that the
bill can pass, but it is now believe
that the debate is going to be extendi
in the senate. It is known the inte
tion of tho Democrats is to talk
every subject in the bill. After,
schedules of the bill become knov
is believed there will be a gre:
crease in imports. After the n
goes into effect," there will be a
Bion of imports for several mon
a consequent falling off in reci
the bill, which was designe
crease tho l'uVuauua, limy say,
ter of fact, will cause a decrease
view is tuKen. Dy quire a numiivs
Democrats, who say it is their pol(
to have the bill passed, but not nnti
after it has been thoroughly discussed.
Without an active majority in the sen
ate, the Republicans will not be able
to hurry the measure along. The Re-SX
publican silverites have indicated tint
they will not prevent a tariff bill from
passing, and are not opposed to the
polioy of delay.
Republican senators now feel that
the new bill will have to be amended
materially by the committee on finance
of the senate. It is known that sev
eral of the schedules have been submit
ted to the members of the finance com
mittee, one being the chemical sched
ule. Without making a close exami
nation, it is believed that senators
think the rates are in some cases high
er than the law of 1890. As soon as
the new bill is presented, the Republi
can members of the finance committee
will begin consideration of it, even be
fore it passes the house, in order to
have it before the senate at an early
There was some talk that Republican
members of the finance committee
would be consulted by the ways and
means committee while the latter was
at work on the tariff, in order that a
measure might be framed which would
require as little amendment by the sen
ate as possible. This has not b'
done, nor was it expected by the
8, t
tors. U'cM
At nresent the onlv definite n' ..
the nroirraininn of lvfavSR-f-1-ir:
l a - --r j 1' I
tors is to bring the tari bill befo'rK"!
senate as soon as possible,, and press -with
all possible speed. '
The Wool Schedule.
Washington, March 15. The Repub
lican members of the ways and means
committee devoted today to the consid
eration of the wool schedule of the
tariff, resulting in the practical re
adoption of the McKinley rates on
wool. Raw wools of class 1, whicli in
clude merino 'down to clothing wools
and other soft qualities, are made du
tiable at 11 cents a pound; wool of
class 2, which includes Leicester, Cots'
wold and Lincolnshire, are made duti
able at 12 centB a pound, and the
washed wools of these classes at 22 and
24 cents and scoured at 83 and 86 cents
a pound. The McKinley rate of 32
per cent ad valorem on woois of the
third class, or carpet wools, is retained.
The classification of wools was some
what changed by raising a few varieties
formerly classed as carpet wools, to the
clothing wool classes. Among them
are China lamb's wool, Egyptian and
Tho American Woolgrowers' Associ
ation has asked for a 12-cent duty'on
wools of class 1, but the committee has
not approved their request.
The Appointed Senators.
Washington, March 15. As a result
of the several conferences which have
been held, not only by Republicans,
but by Democrats, it may be definitely
said that men who have been appointed
by the governors in states where the
legislatures have hnrl nn rmnnrtiinlt-c tn
elect will not be admitted. The Re
publican waste of time to bring the.
case before the senate, as even after de
bate, of which no one could predict the
ending, it is not at all likely .that a
favorable vote could be expected. Tho
men who come to Washington with ap
pointments from governors will be ad
vised that they cannot be given time to
discuss their cases, and the legislatures
which have failed to elect must be re
sponsible for the vacancies in the
state's representation.
Oakland Grocery Store Robbed.
Roseburg, Or., March 15. Medley's
grocery store, at Oakland, was entered
last night, the safe blown open with
dynamite, the money-drawer broken,
and from $75 to $100 and the records
of the Woodmen and other business pa
pers in the safe taken. The robbery
was the work of an expert. A sledge,
monkey-wrench and chisel from the
blacksmith shop were used to pry open
xne iront door of the store. A mS'n
who was hanging around Oakland yeW
teruay, ana who had a lot of posta',o
stamps he was trying to sell, is suspected.
h ...