Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 04, 1897, Image 4

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    The Books Will Be Experted.
Judge Fullerton has acted upon j
the petition of the county court in
the matter of appointing an expert j
to go over the books of the various
officers of Lincoln county. The
expert named is a Mr. McKenzie,
of Portland, and he is said to be a
first-class accountant. The wages
to be paid him by the county will
be $5 per day in cash, or itsequiva- j
1ttif ' 'TiirVi mni tic tli tit vrvrt firm 't !
take county warrants unless they
count in the discount. What other
instructions the expert will work Boss Simon gave it up as a bad job
under is not known at this time, and the senate "dissohed." (There
We hope that this experting will be seems to be a vast difference be
thorough and complete. If there tween "dissolving" and adjotim-
i smvtliimr rmotpfl with the books. I
show them up and let the guilty
man suffer. If, after all, it is
only extravagance of our courts
thsir is nt the bottom "f vir lirg?
expenditures of money, then, of
course, the responsibility will fall
nowheres and the county taxpayers
will have the bill to pay. But let
us have a full and complete expert
ing of the books from the first
county officer to the last.
Wild Parsnip Root Is Poison.
The root of wild parsnip is a
deadly poison. It will kill cattle
that eat it. They fed some to a
calf out at college Thursday morn
ing and the calf is as dead as a
doruick. It lived less than three
hours after the plant was admin
istered, and died almost before the
experimenters had time to admin
ister remedies. Yesterday morning
another test was made. All the
favorite antidotes were in readiness,
anil as soon as the effects of the
poison were manifest, the remedies
were applied. They did no good
aud the calf, a second sacrifice to
science, expired in a little over, two
and a half hours after swallowing
the hull).
In each case a bulb the shape of
an apple and the size of and ordin
ary tloor knob was fed. The root
was a dark reddish brown, brittle,
and with a strong smell of parsnip.
A third of the bottom of each bulb
was covered with fleshy rootlets.
The first call was fed at eight
o'clock in the morning, ami at 10:45
the animal was dead. The root
was subsequently found in the first
aud second stomachs. The second
animal ate the root at ten minutes
past nine in the morning. Evi
dences of the poison became mani
fest at 10:40, and the animal died
at 11:45. The symptoms closely
resembled the etTects of strychnine
jvisoning. The calf staggered
about and ran backwards, the eye-:
rolled, the ears twitched, and the
muscles of the neck were rigid.
The body swelled and foam issued
from ihe mouth. A tro-car in
serted 111 the stomach allowed the
1 scape of gas that suu-lled strongly
of the parsnip. Amongtheantidotes
applied in the latter ease were a
drenching of milk and turpentine, a
hypodermic injection of nitro
glycerine aud a dose of aconite.
The tests were made to determ
ine the question of whether or not
w ild parsnip bulbs were poisonous.
They were thoroughly aud scienti
fically successful, and dissipate any
doubts that may have existed. The
bulbs came from the western por
tion of the county, where a mttulier
of cattle that tried the diet prompt
ly died. It is the purpose of the
college authorities to experiment
further with the bulbs in the hope
of finding the best antidote, but no
more calves will U-sacrificed. Cor-
vallis Times.
It is stated that Gov. Lord will
call a special session of the legisla
ture within the next sixty days.
If the governor ever assembles that
gang of land pirates at Salem again
he should be sent to Cuba for
Weyler to practice on.
The legislative session wound UP
about like a toper swearing off, by
tapering off a little at a time
When the senate voted last weeK .
to adjourn Joe Simon held that
could not do so without a concur-!
rent resolution irom the Davis j
thought the v could, however, and'
went home. Little Joe with a lew
faithful followers, tried to meet a
while longer, but the attempt was
too dismal and so last Tuesday
inc.) When last heard from the
Davis house was meeting and ad
Ijournmg from day to day with the
regularity of a grandfather's clock.
The first party of settlers from
Illinois who are about to locate:
near the town of McCoy, in the;T. Y , GORMAN,
Willamette valley, aud other points;
in the state, assembled st the union ! Yaquina ity, Oregon.
passenger depot at Chicago Satur-!
day, February 27th, to leave forj
the West. Special arrangements!
have been made with the railway ;
companies, so that the settlers will
. . .rf
cars, and will be able to come!
through to Ihe I'acificcoast without j
change. All arrangements fori
their comfort and convenience have1
been made, and they will lie met
at the depot by V. C. Powell, of
McCoy, who will assist them in Hfc. ;
curing their tkkels. Just how i
many there will be in the first1
party is somewhat uncertain, but,'
as specially favorable rates have
been made to Oregon, it is be-:
iii ,i,, ., .
lieved that the party will include
, 1 ;
mote settlers than was at fir.t ex-
,, ...
peeled. I his is only the advance,
guard of what is predicted will be
a large influx of emigrants to Ore-!
gon this spring. vSalem Statesman. ;
Carnegie sell armor plate to" the ,
United States Cot $450 per ton.!
He sells the same kind of armor
plate to the Russian government1
for 5200 per
There is
h9 . , j
Perhaps as near as this century
will see perpetual motion, is in the
action of the Davis house
Salem. It can't adjourn and can't
keep on.
Weather Report. I
gisa summary 'of
ine ioiiowiug is a summary
eauier lor tne month ot
I'elmiarv, 1S97, at Toledo station::
IClevation alove sea level. a.o feet1
mean temperature, S5; maximum
temperature, 56, date 3rd; mini-
mum temperature, 25, date, 19th;
mean of maxiinuin temperature, 50;
mean ot minimum temperature, 35. ;
Vot:ll frM,Mtit'iti,i.. c 1 t ....!
i''ii'iuiinii, 10 j
greatest precipitation in 24eoiisecu-
live hours, and date, 6. inches
15th; total depth of uumelted snow -
tall, 1 tneli. Prevailing direction
of wind, south; total movement of
wind, 35 miles. Xumher of clear
days, 3; nunJier of partly cloudy
days, a; number of cloudy days, 2;
number of days 011 which .01 ors,.f, in
more of precipitation fell, 21; mini-
ber of days on which .04 or more of
precipitation tell, 18.
which snow fell, loth.
iAites on
Dr. II. V. Vincent,
Wall rapcr.
Albert lloskins, of Newport, is
agent for the famous wall paper
House ot Altred Peats, of Chicago,
year, and are sold very cheap.
you want wall raner it will ,v,v'
you to see Mr. lloskins, at Newport.
he e Icl Wa'm-anWin Portlandat fUl A 9 , 'ntter.,, the esta-eo,
lie laks st ks and patterns of pa-; 4;30 p. ra. the sanle d Retum. I I f&S. M XTI1.E Is IIEREBV (iIVKN
iw and borders 1 he patterns are ing boats leave Portland at p. m. the LfU 000 J& ' """" " & l
UU late UCSHrns. IXMUir nil br same :1S illmvt? :it iS-rn-, n m , miir ( oumynf Lincoln. fulinliilmrHtnr ..f I'hn
t, .... .UIO -... h, , 111 1 1 -
1 W 1 1 nfH
vVV'jT'-. . .
at the Lowest
iiiiportaiit ui;aii!e i
.ii:g January ist, 1-97, the
nresent wvA-lv edition of the DE
'i'daiv i.-i'Ifu tjtjt.cq .:n v
, . w " I
The Price will remain the same,
The usual literary and humorous
features will be continued, and it
will also
Contains all the News,
Making it an
We have just made an .irrangement
with ths publishers of this World
Famous paper whereby we can
n- 1 . r
ofler you an excellent bargain,
-,i ,
U e will send
t-t-ti -r
J ne -Uea.cier
Detroit Free Press,
Both ONE YEAR for
OqIv $2.00
KL Papers QJ
lor...... uytW
Less than one cent a copy.
Addiess, The LEADER,
Toledo, Ore,
AvoOl 1 Of!
roeron Central
11 Ev.
C'oiiiiuiUing at Yaqnlna liny with the
Sim Francisco ami Yaquiiia Bay
Steamship Company
C:t.. r. 1' v .
viau.- nuni 1 atpjuiii every a days
fr Sail Francisco, Coos Hay, Tort
urlonl. Innulad and Humboldt
; UJ '
Passenger accommodations unsur-
Shortest route between the Willam -
ette Valley and California.
.San Francisco-
p-i,:,, ' ' ' 6r
Meerage 4.00
io woos uay aim l'ort urioru:
Cabin $6.0o'
To Humboldt Bay: j
Cabi. 53-OC I
Round triD (rood forsixtv davs i
RiviiR Division'.
Steamers "Albany" and "Wm
jf ing at Corvallis at 9:00 p. m.
tonk, .Manager
J. C. MAYO, Supt. River Div
W'M ScilMllvr Vt
ai. c iiiMim , Agt.,
Occidental hotel, Corvallk.
Mm an
T om nrpnarprl to rin all kinds of
1 am preparea IO no ail Kinob 01 1
Cabinet work and Repairing. Han- :
,, ,, , j r r in 1
die all kinds Of t"rame and KOOtn I
f nnlHino-Q. Pqnpr hanwr and room !
Mouldings, laper nan,erauu room
fitter. Frame making a specialty.
Call on or addiess,
Toledo, Oregon.
it nnixiTimf! i !
JZ "" !
Oi all kinds neatly and promptly 25 J
executed. Prices reason ai)le and all I
work satisfactory. j
5 !
1 I
e make a specially of printing 2 j
Pamphlets, Catalogues. Legal Hlanks, ZZ
We make a siecialtv of printing 1
I'aniphlets, Catalogues. Legal Hlanks,
I ottoK Una. la 11(11 lloiwltl StiltOlMPIltM. j5
01 l.llcr lietutn, Dili iicmm, a1111v111t.11 i.r-( ,
gri Envelopes, lite., Kte., Etc rJ
Prices and Estimates furnished on
it LiiiiU .f uriiiif nir "e i
jpl 1 i
Ti.ln Hroirnn
Z loieao, urcgon. (
5111 HI J 1 L 111 HL JU 111 HI 111 JH MIPS '
iluvitfMJ4au4tttCtt V i
Write to T. S. Quincey,
Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre
tary cf tne Staii Accident
Company, for information
regarding Accident Insur
ance. Mention this paper.
By eo doinjj you can 6ave
membership fee. Hao paid over $GOO,C03.03 for
cciienui fajurie
Be your own Agent.
Standard Seed and Plant Catalog.
Contaim all that's New and Good.
Always Reliable.
and Your Choice
One na:l:ct either Wonderful
Branching Astor, Japanese
IV'orning Glory, or Pansy
CJioico JUlieii, for
2.3 ots.
TWO packets 25 c., tlireo pnrkets 30c,
lull rtuiil tu-ke 4ictg.
Vick's Illustrated
Monthly Magazine
which tells how to grow Plants
Flowers and Vegetables, and
Is up to date on these subjects,
for 3 months, the Guide
and One packet of
Seeds (named above) for
25 cents.
When ordprlnjrutate where yon
SI.W tola nlv. ami we will send a
packet of Flower Seeds free.
lii 1'haiT.uu'isi
Toledo, - Oregon
One hundred bush
els of good Potatoes
on subscription. Will
allow the
ilrHvoTfil 'it mv roil.'
Vlv.llCICU tlL till ltlll -
1 T
j MM-
"Merit talks" the
,ntrin9ic value Df
Merit in medioiae menus the power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
Bn1 unequalled curative power and there-
'ore it ha. true merit. When you buy
Sa"Parni.,and take it according
lo Q1Ie"ons, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, yon
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure Is there. You are not ;
trying an experiment. It will make yonr j
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thua !
drive out the germ ot disease, strengthen
! JIT 5 10 tact-ft 0ne Tn Blood Purifier.
Prepared only by C 1. Hood & Co., Lowell Mass.
jsme best, tafact-theone True Bioc4 Purmer.
llOOd'S Pills rrVAirarBaS!
- mm
. Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
i- tue of an execution issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Lincoln, bearing date of February 1st. 1mi7.
"P" a Judgment rendered in the justice court
0T(,le(J preempt, Benton county (now tin.
coin county), Oregon, on the JKth day of April,
1MW, which judgment was tiled and docketed
n the County Clerk's office of said Kenton
" Lincoln) county on the :Mth day of April,
jB!l0 liidjudlllent 1)eill(1,ln HVor of w
Vincent, plaintiff, and against. M. A. Em brae.
5-1(10 Dollars, (fwi.u.'i) and interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per rent per milium from the 2Mh day,
ui April, ijwu, it) me im uuy oi reunmry iw...
amounting to f'ni.rni, and Hccruiug interval, a.1"
of April, 1.HK0, to
amountinir to IT
h e
i tllll
jr.lf costs; which execution is to me direr
ami delivered, and eoniinands me to make ttul
aid suniB of money with coetH and accruing i
costn, out of the personal property of the said
k. r,moree, ana tor want tnereoi men out of
real nronertv helomrinif to the paid M. A.
hut lire
imbree on the JMh duv of Anril. 1KD0. and be-
ing v
ttii 0j
ing unable to tind any iersonal property in my
am on mo 1st aay ot feornary, 1x117, levy on
all of the right, title and interest of the said
hmbree in and to the hereinafter de
scrilicd real property, and in pursuance there-
01 8ttia snenn 01 Lincoln couniy, win on
L 8ttid sheriff of Lincoln county, w
Saturday, the 27th ay of flarch, 1
I Saturday, the 27th ay of Harch, 1897,
Lwl. . t .
ni ine iiuiir 01 10 u ciock a. ni., 01 nam nay, ai
the court house door in the city of Toledo, in
said Lincoln county, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the
ngni, ii lie ami liuercsi oi me Ham .u. a. r-m-
bree, said detendant, in and to the lollowlng-
described real property, taken and levied upon
us the projrerty of, and belonging to the said
A- Kmhree on the iMth dav of April, isi'0, tn-
wit:.Thti(llllh half of the southwest quarter.
1111(1 tne H(,mh hHlf of th iinth'nr nii.irfor ni
si'i tion m, township In, south, of range in, west
oi me iiiuinciie uieriuiaii, suuaieo in i.iucoiu
county, Oregon, together with all the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances, and
all oi the right, title, interest and estate of the
said M. A. liinbree in and to the said real prop
erty, or so much thereof as snail be necessary
to sati.-fy said Judgment execution and the
severul amounts due therein as above set forth
with costs and accruing rusts.
Dated this 2-lth day of February, 1W7.
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
tue of nn execution and onlur of suleisRiied
out m thfir'Ult court of the Slnto of OruKon,
for the county of Lincoln, tn-tirinff date of
March 1M, iM7, and under the sat of mU
c )Ui t, upon a ileeree and ord r of alo duly
r 'tid.-rt d and emered in said court on the 'Jttth
day of January. A. !., Ih'.i?, In a nult therein
Arthur Knchcsier was plaintiir, atid T. 11.
Horning, M. K. HorniiiKand Kdwatd Uarwick
w- re do .'tnlants, in favor of Arthur ItoeiOKter,
plaint UK. and a raiiiKt mill def ndnntH, for the
sum of Three Hundred and Kh:htv-two and
n-lD Dullnra, wlih ini. rest therecn'at the rate
of s KT(ent perauninii fnuu the liiith dy of
January, lMt7, and f:f aaorney k lee, and ?l'iU0
costs and disiuirseiiieiits, aud't'or ti o foreclos
ure of ir.iprtiiKe und sale cf the hereinafter de
scribed rerti i.rnterty to mtiiy the m vera I
amounts a)iovc-siut d, which execution is to
me directed and delivered and commands ine
tni:. ake the said sr. inn (if money, with costs
and accruing n Kt, ! y sale oi the r.-al property
herdna:t-r described, and in pursuance there
of, I, us shorift'uf Lincoln county, Oregon, will
on Saturday, tli :trd day or Apr! 1, 1S!)7,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m,, of said dav, a t
tic Court house door in the City of Toledo, In
huh Lincoln county, ndl at public auction to
tne liijfhest bidd'T t'. r cash in hand, sulijeot to
redemption, all of the tollowiuK de-cribed real
property, towit: P.e:inning at u point on th-j
ritxhl hank of Yanuina hav Ji.s'i cMiins south,
and 11.1,") chains east from the ouarter se-tion
corner b-twecn sections 17 and IS, townsinit U,
south, ni'iec H) west; n: no ing- liu.-ne.i soaih Mi
licgrecH east li).Jt chains t talinaho
twe n .1. l. 'I. T. Morgan; the-u-c
south :? chains to tVe st uthcast corner of .1.
T. iiucut's laud; thence ti'rtli- Ml degree
west to bimW of Vaoitina Hay; titence
north Jl'.j dctrrees weKf chatn.4 1
t" place oi lieiiurdiig, con
taiul ng hx and 7ViO0 acres, more or less, sit
unte l i i l.tncoln county, Oiegon, toKeihur with
the tneincnts, hereilitiiicms n"d rtppuru-u-auce
and all of th ritht, title, lute rest, and ea
mt'.M'f the iaid doiendauts, and a.l peisoi.s
(Maiming through r under them since the aith
dny of .Linunry, 1-H7, oi. in ami to the sn:;m f
satisfy the suid fUcrce. cxtci.tion und oid. rof
sale and the vevcrcl an. cuius due thereon an
above et forth, with costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, March 2, 1k 7.
;ko. A. i ANDIs,
Sheritrof Mnoidn County, Oregon.
Notice for rublication.
I.nml Olllce at Uosel-nrc, Orcpun,
Jiimmi-v 'J'', if!t7.
Xutlfe l bcri'liy Riven that l).c. f.i!l.,wiii
niuiLc-'l hcMl, r 1-aK tiled notice if I u t.-i.ti ti
to nuikc II nal rn.. in Kiipi'MMof Msc'.altn, and
t.lnt sHicl iirod will 11 'tore the liexlHt. r
and lit'itilver, I'. s. land (illlce at Knreimru.
Oretn.i.n March Hi viz:
WII.KY 1IIN ION, mi U. K. No. 7,MH,
fur thv liits . Band 4, tueilun 1, town l."i ninth.
raiiK Ui wut, mid suuthweit of Monti. west
wction town U sonih. ranj,-; In e- t.
lie l-iiniOK tho foll iwinit ttlllicssen to jirnvi-
" ' t i re-ldenci npoti and cnltivatloii
of, piiid land, viz: Dennett (dacii, Jlnrti.i
.lohnson,,lohn,m and .Seine l.iir.-nii, ailoi
l isher, Oregon.
It. M. VE.VTCII, Keaisti.r.
! IVotlCO
for Publication.
LandOllleeatOrepmclty, OreRon,
Kebruary is, lwi7.
nillowlni.'-niiiiied vet Her ha tiled notice ol
! hin
nin intention to niakp nnal iiroof in hniin-rt i
hiKi'laiin, and that aid i.roof will lie ii'ails lie
: tore the ('utility clerk of i.iiniilli Cminiv. hi
Toledo, Oret'oti, on April ii, Wi;, viz:
alkxaxukk ih'kkii.u.tkii, h. k.,
, west.
lie iiBtnca tho following witnesses to prove
n)'','t"""i""'i'ddencenpon and cultivation
of said land, vi: S.veit Audernm, civile Van
: Onlen, deoree Van onion ami 1 1" t'i,.,r
I all of l;lk city, Oreiron.
I liOliLItT A. Jill I.KR. licslster.
Xotice for Publication.
Land olllce at Oregon city, Oreiron,
... . JHiniarv . isii.
Notice is herein l'lvpn thm th 'r.,u,...M.,.
named settler has tilednotice of his Intention
i" mane mini nroot in sntiport ot r
thnl said tiroot will be niaile li'oi
hisolaim, and
.r h. I
! Mareh ith Z " "''''. "'n,ii
' ,, .-"'"N' 'K'N'XOU: h. k. l,r.
j uiS "mlt 'LTm
j Xnamest he fow,nK wltnes-es to prove
nt eontlnuonn residence uiH..n and enltlvation
of paid Intnl. vl-
W llliam K. Dobson and Pave W. Gay, of
t n'T'"; ?.'"! ;'"bn 1 ""'e. d William
L. Itilloek. ot Waldiiort, Oregon.
KOI1KKT A. MII.I.EU, Register.
I ot Hoi Spencer, late oi Lincoln Countv. ore-
j gon, ileot ased. All iwrsons having claims
against said esiate are hereby notiiled to pre-
! aTTZ.'
; t Toiedo.'oregon. i(hln si, ; nmnih. ,fi
d",'.!.ne,r'".'Ul.r '"" will not be alio
, Hated at Toledo, Oregon. Feby. 'Jl, lwc
ii not be allowed.
Febv.'.u. lh'iT
Ad-t0''e estate of 1," Spencer,
i Anmfnisiratnn'ii WU..
- UVA KkWA a a. u uuci