Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 25, 1897, Image 8

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i. Y. STKWAUT.Kdlfair and Proprietor.
Published every Thursday at Toledo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Bates:
One year.
Six months,
Three months,
Entered at the postomce ai Toledo, .Oregon, as
econd-class mail matter.
Advertising rates made known on application
Business lo:als will be inserted in these col
umns at five cents per line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmaster in Lincoln county is authorlt
ed to act as agent for the Leader.
Official County Paper.
You can live better and for less
money, by trading with Gowell.
Peter Tellefsoh sells sugar and
coffee, tea, bakingpowder, etc.
The volume of business done by
Gowell enables him to live and meet
all competition.
The warm days that come now
makes one feel like spring time has
J. H. Maine, of Newport, was a
visitor: at Toledo last Monday, re
turning home on Tuesday.
R. P. Raines, living west of
town, has been ill all winter,, but is
reported now to be slightly gaiuing.
Ladies,! If you want a bargain
in Shoes; try O'Brien's special sales
he is selling a $'shoe for $2.25.
Peter Tellefson, Yaquina, has a
full line in flour and millfeed, anJ
best wheat and ori'ts.
Lall and see
, 1:.-: v.
1 . - I say that he is ready-for an expert
H. Denlinger.Sr,, has moved at anytime.,: , r ..
from the farm to town with his son The bidding for pruning asses
Harry. ; TbeJarm .now ,is in full sor'ir blanks last Tuesday was quite
possession of Mr. szynski. , j close and spirited. The stipulation
Chapin Wadsw brth, Geo. Mc- called for 2,000 sixteen page blanks.
Cluskey and Ira Wade were Toledo ! The lowest bid was; that of the
candidates that were among ...the
successful applicants for teacher's
certificates at the...recent examina
tion. . .t ; ; . ,
Do you know-that if you neglect j
catarrh in the head it will-bring on
other troubles that often .-'.terminate
fatally. Stop it now and be cured
from that disagreeable disease, by j
using Prescription jcd, 1, For sale j
at Krogstad's drug store.
. The storms of last week caused 1
some severe losses to stockmen,, in '
our county, particularly where the
stock of feed was a little short. . J.
S. Copeland lost eight head of
cattle, Frank Stanton lost some,
and several other . losses are re
ported. It seems that there is less
nutriment in the outside feed this
winter than ever before, probably
by reason of the rainy season.
M. T. Whitney, the postmaster
and; merchant of Chitwood, has
invented a gopher exterminator
that promises to be a success. It
is simple and inexpensive, being
only a little piece of fuse with an
explosive at the end that generates
carbonic acid gas when it explodes.
This fuse is inserted in the gopher
hole, set fire and the hole covered
so that the gas caunot escape.
Soon there is an explosion, the
hole is filled with gas generated
thereby, and all the squirrels,
gophers and anything else alive
in that hole is soon sleeping the
long, long sleep.
- County Superintendent Irvin de
seives much credit for his energy
and progressiveness in securing the
creation of a summer school for
teachers at Newport, mention of
which is made elsewhere. The
work is a grand one and one that
the county may well be proud of.
Mr. Irvin has succeeded in interest
ing prominent educators in the
.movement, and thus the success of
the school is guaranteed. With
State Supirintendent Irwin, Prof.
Chapman, Prof. Campbell, Presi
dent Miller, and other energetic
and progressive educators pushing
the matter, the summer school is
ibound to be a success.
Gowell buys and sells everything.
Crosby Matthews was up from
Newport Saturday.
Mrs. Ida Patterson, of Yaquina,
visited in Toledo Tuesday.
For largest variety, best quality,
lowest prices, Gowell fills the bill.
After nearly a month's stay at
Otter Rock Chas. Ruhl is again in
Miss Ivy Griffith, of Elk City,
visited Miss Lou Burt the first of
the week.
Miss Ruth and Eli Gaither were
over from the Agency and attended
the dance. Monday night.
The dance at the court house
last Monday night was quite suc
cess) ul, there being a good crowd
in attendance.
M. L. Glass, of Big' Elk, and
John P. Allen, of Nashville, made
proof before County Clerk Jones
last Saturday.
Chas. Ruhl has been appointed
administrator of the. estate of Dope
Spencer, deceased,' and has duly
qualified and filed his bond.
Frank Hyde, Marion Hunt and
Irvin Magee were down from the
Little Elk country last Saturday .as
witnesses for M. L. Glass,, in his
homestead proof.
While Santa Claus Van Cleve has
his experting clothes on - he has
concluded to expert the city books
also. Good. Will he have Judge
Fullerton take the lead, cr will he
give the order himself. Speaking
for one of the city officers, we etui
Leader, it being $19.75. The
highest bid was that of the Newport
News, being $100. That's . one
contract the-'LEADEK got by a very
dose margin
The Western Transportation
Company have' purchased -the'
Steamer T. M. Richardson and will
put her on the 'Newport-Yacfuina
run. This will make but one boat
on the run this summer, and gives'
the Richardson the run again after
a long lay-off. The Richardson is
a good boat for that run, being!
comfortable, roomy and fast.
These hard times even brings oui
the old pocket piece that people
have possessed for some time.
One of fheui found its way into
Lester Waugh's hands last Friday.
It is a silver piece, a little larger
than a dollar. It bears date of
1855, and the side of the date is the
inscriptions "1 R. Sp.," "Rattoch
Sauning" and on the obverse side
a part of the inscriptions are worn
out, but the words "Veriges Norr.
Goth. Och. Kuning," can be
deciphered. The edge is not
milled, but instead some letters
have been stamped thereon. Mr.
Waugh got the silver piece from an
Indian in payment for a meal, and
where the Indian ' got it no one
An idea of what may be done
with bees in this country can be
gleaned from the following ex
perience of Mr. J'.-W. O'Neel, liv
ing on Mr. Wade's place, last
year. He started in with four
hives of bees in the spring. Dur
ing the summer seven new swarms
were cast from these, and in ad
dition thereto Mr. O'Neel took
from the bees and sold 180 pounds
of good honey for which he re
ceived about an average of 14 cents
per pound. His total outlay out
side of his work caring for the bees
was about three dollars, while the
income was about $25, leaving a
net gain of $22, besides the in
crease of seven new swarms, of a
reasonable value of $14. This was
in one of the worst seasons for bees
that we have had for years.
For bee supplies call on Gowell.
Do vou know a cood thing? If
you do, go to Gowell's to buy or
Gowell has everything in the seed
line at Portlond and San Francisco
Peter Tellefson is still at Ya
quina with a full line of General
Merchandise. Call and see him.
Go to Gorman's, at Yaquina, if
you want to buy lastest improved
Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines,
at wholesale prices. . '.;
We are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horse-shoeing,JJi and all kinds of
repairing. Give us a call.
1 Ross & Rice, Toledo.
Eight out of the fifteen applicants
at the recent teachers' examination
were successful and secured cer
tificates. They were as follows:
Miss Anna Wright, of Yaquina,
first grade; Miss Wilson, of Ya
quina, and Geo. B. McCluskey, of
Toledo, second grades; Miss Clara
Crawford, of Elk City, Ira Wade,
T. C. Wadswoithyiof. Toledo, and
Claude Wilson, of Chit wood, third
grade. " Mis& Hosford, of. Wald
port, also received a certificate, but
we did not learn her grade.
Realizing the benefits that the
summer schools' have been to other , house of Alfred Peats, of Chicago,
states, and the power they are in ' and is taking orders tor that firm,
awakening the' interest of the j He has a full line of samples of all
people of the state in educational ' the latest styles and patterns of pa
training, upon which the safety of,' per and .borders. The patterns are
our country depends; The persons ' all late designs, being all'., for this
at the head of the several educa- year, Valid are sold very cheap, if
tional- departments of the ' state you want wall paper it will pay
have decided to establish one in you to see Mr. Hoskins, at New
Oregon. With that end in view port. . ..
State Superentendent G. M. Irwin,
Presidents C: H. Chapman, H. B.
Miller and P. L. Campbell spent
several days this week in Newport,
cotisMe'riiig'Hhe advantages of that
place for itSijtocation, and; evidently
they .were wpM pleased, as they have
made a formal proposition to., the
people of this county: 'That they
will act as a "board of educational
control" witU Superintendent S.
G. Iryin'as an advisory member.
Provided, the business and finan
cial management will be directed
oy tne pcopifi t.iflncoln county,,
and. that the business management
furnish suitable " buildings. The
course will include in its several
departments, music, art, household
economy, geology, biology, history
and economics, botany, language,
elocution, physical culture, teachers
review, English literature, peda
gogy, bible study, mathametics,
astronomy, etc. These several
departments will be , 'taught by
specialists in their work, selected
from all parts of the state. What
is asked by these gentlemen is so
insignificant, in. comparison to the
benefits, the school will be to the
people of our county, that we feel
that the school is already our insti
tution, bringing to our children and
our people a degree of intelligence
and refinement that could . be se
cured to us in no other way. The
thousands of people that it will
attract are all consumers of the
products of our county, furnishing
a high cash market for all first
class produce. It is estimated that
the cost of the buildings required
will be about $2,500. The land
will be donated no doubt. The
amount of money expended by the
patrons of this v institution every
year in our county will amount to
$10,000 or $12,000. This will be
a sure cure for much of the reported
hard times. This will be a great
step in making Lincoln county an
educational center of which Oregon
and the Pacific coast will be proud.
Every person in the county should
assist this enterprise, and we are
confident they will.
Albert Hoskins was up from
Newport today, looking after the
piles that will be used to put in
the new dock at that place.
The flood and the Oregon legis
lature were both billed for the
same length of time forty days.
The legislature held over four days.
Outside of fha.t it-was all in favor
of the flood.
The Salem Journal has: had the
following original recipe contributed
to its columns. The . writer says:
"I see you have a woman's depart
ment in your paper. I.wanttogive
you a recipe which a friend sent me
from Missouri, where he says it is
now very fashionable. It is ,. called
"confidence, pudding." 1 For the
benefit of my unemployed brothers
I will give them the following re
cipe: Take three gallons of confidence,
one peck of international agreement,
one qnart of gold standard seven
tablespoonsful of prosperity, two
quarts of sound money, and one
pound of protection. Boil it with
twelve months of no-work, and eat
while hot."
COOK. To the family of W. N.
Cook, of Chitwood, on Saturday.
Feby. 20, 1897, a son.
Wall Paper.
Albert Hoskins, of Newport, is
agent for the famous wall paper
My wife, Mrs. Emma Paraent,
has left by bed and board without
just cause or provocation, and I
will not. be responsible for any
debts which she may contract from
this date.
H. H. PamenT.
Nashville, Or,. Jan. 18, 1897.
Estray Notice.
I have taken up at my place on
the SiletjE, one brindle cow, about
3 years.old marked with split and
unde'rbit on left ear. Owner is
notified to-prove propetty and pay
charges on same.
H". C. Calahan. .
Siletz, Or., Feby. '20, 1897.
A stray cow. Color red and
white. Mark upper slope off of
both ears. Owner please call and
pay for feed and advertising.
E. C. Painb,
Chitwood. Ore.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of thi State of Oregon, for
the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of the estate of Dope Spencer, de-
11 undersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Lincoln, administrator of the estate
of Dope Spencer, late of Lincoln County, Ore
gon, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby, not! Ilea to pre
sent same, duly verified according to law to ma
at Toledo, Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof, or the same will not be allowed.
. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, t eoy. 24, 1897.
Admlnlstiatorof the estate of Dope Spencer,
Toledo Market Report.
Eggs fresh 15c, packed 12c.
Butter, ranch 15c to 25c.
" . creamery.... 55 per roll.
Potatoes,.."!'..v...45c to 50c per bu.
Cabbage... i to ic per lb.
Flour..;..'.'... $4.60 per bbl.
Bran....... .$1 perewt.
Shorts, $1.10 perewt.
Oats... socperbu.
Wheat.,,.. $1 per bu.
Parsnips $1 per cwt.
Carrots $10 per ton.
Hay, $10 per ton.
Chittem $1.50 per cwt.
COOK and
Sold at the Lowest
Yaquina i ty,- Oregon.
1 I am prepared to do ail. kinds of.
Cabinet work and Repairing. Han
dle all kinds of Frame and Room
Mouldings; Paper hanger and room
fitter. Frame making a specialty.
Call oh or addiess, . .
, Toledo, Oregon.
An Important Change
Beginning January 1st, 1897,
present weekly edition of the DE
changed to a
The Price will remain the same,
$1.00 PER YEAR
The usual literary and humorous
features will be continued, and it
will also
Contains all the News,
l ' "'.Making it an .
We have just made an jrranjrenient
with the publishers of this World
Famous paper whereby we can
offer you an excellent bargain.
We will send
The Leader;
Detroit Free Press,:,,
Both ONE YEAR for ,
Oijly $2.00
156 $2.
Less than, one cent a copy.
Addiess, The LEADER,
Toledo, Ore.
Of- all kinds neatly and promptly -
executea. . trices reasouauie iuu
work satisfactory.
g- Prices and Estimates furnished on
fc: all kinds of printing.
ZZ z -tt
Toledo, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
January 21, WW
Notice is hereby given that the follow
named settler has filed notice of his inwnuoj
to male final proof in support of his el';",
that Bald proof will be made before the tounij
Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on
March 8th, 1897, vis:
JOHN O'CONNOR; H. E. 11.23S, . h
for the lots 1, 2, 8, and northeast of sou""
vest t
He' names the following witnesses to pW
his continuous residence upon and cultn,
"of said land, viz: , ,.
William E. Dobson and Dave Vi . Gay. ' V"L
vllle, Oregon, and John C. Barnes, and Vi lliian
L. Tullock, of Waldport, Oregon. ,.,.,
C We make .a specialty ol printing
fc- Pamphlets, Catalogues. Legal Blanks, r3
JCZ Letter Heads, Hill Heads, statement,
y Envelopes, Etc., Etc., Etc.
" ' ' Reg. Pharmacist
Toledo, - Oregon