Free Course of Study by Correspon dence. To meet the needs of large num bers of people both old and young who live in remote sections of the country or in places where the schools are not advanced, the Uni versity of Oregon has made arrange ments to conduct a four year s course of study by correspondence. The plan is to make this course en tirely free, except a small charge which will cover the actual ex penses. This charge will be in the form of a small sum for each lesson sent out. It will not exceed what is actually paid out for postage and clerical work in conducting the course. Students will be expected to order their text-books either through local dealers or from Port land book stores. It is hoped that large numbers of people will avail themselves of this opportunity to do this kiny of work under compe tent guidance. It is also hoped to interest the press of the state in the undertaking so that it may be come widely known. The course will be divided into five departments of study English literature, Latin, history and civics; mathematics and science. Four years of work have been planned in each of these de partments. Any person may take up one or all the departments, as he chooses. The course will be conducted as And now the Mitchell organ at Salem has the names of Carter and Lake on its list of holdups. For Sale. Since McKinley is elected I have several fine places for sale cheap. Some well improved farms. Some good sheep or goat ranches. If you want good bargains come and see M. J. Allphin, Eddyville, Ore.1 Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be receied at this office up to noon, February 18, 1897, for cutting, peeling and erecting a line of telephone poles from Toledo to Yaquina City. Bids will be received on furnishing poles alone, or on furnishing and setting poles. All information can be obtained at this office. The right reserved to reject any and all bids. Lincoln County Leader, By J. F. Stewart. Toledo, Or., Feby. 3, 1897. Tired Feeling Makes you seem "all broken up." with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. follows: Anv nersnn wkr, wiW f rt ! xt to 0,t,n tne forerunner of serious ill- . , , , ,. I ness, or the accompaniment of nervous take one or more of the studies may troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, send in his name. to the Uuiversity ' weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. The ! rIc,I red' vUalu'e'i anl vigorous, it in words "Extension Department" Notice for (Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, jRniinrv 6. IhDi. VTICE IS HEREBY CilVEN' THAT THE ll followlng-nunied settler has filed notice of h! intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln County, at loieao, ireiron, on reuruary z", imi, viz; MARTIN LI THER GLASS. II . E. No. 9.517. for the north $ of southeast i, southwest of northeast and northeast '4 of southwest yt of section u, town rj, soutn, range , west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Irvin Magee, Marion Hunt William F. Hyde, of Eddyville, Oregon, ;and George Kehl, of Harlan, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, January 21, 1S97. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on March 8tb, 1897, viz: JOHN O'CONNOR; H. E. 11,238, for the lots 1, 2, 3, and northeast 'i of south west i of section 7, town 13, south, range 10, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William E. Dobson and Pave W. Gay, of Lin ville, Oregon, and John C.Jiarnes, and William L. Tullock, of Val(lp-rt, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Xotite of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tbc f'nnntv of Tfticnln" In the matter of the estate of George W. Jack son. Sr., deceased: KOTK'K IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Georpe V. Jackson, Hr.f deceased, has filed his final account of said administration in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln, and said court has fixed Tuesday, February and, 1897, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m at the Court House 'hi Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, for hearing objections thereto, and' for the settle ment thereof. Dated this 9th day of December, 18!tfi. F. M. STANTON, Administrator of the estate of George W. Jackson, Sr., deceased. LOOK HERE gI am closing out several lines of mv o-norls anil will make nrif'os flint to sell tnem.- For Groceries- A call will convince you that I am selling Groceries cheaper than anv otner Jiouse m tne County T. W. GORMAN, YAQUINA CITY. should be written on the envelope. He should also state clearly what lines of study he wishes to take up. Directions will be sent to him at once for procuring text books and instructions concerning the details of the course. Vuestions will be mailed to stu dents covering definite portions of of the textbooks from time to time as they are needed. These should hi carefully answered and the an swers mailed to the Extension De partment of the University. They will be corrected and returned, to gether with a new set of questions. This is, in brief, the scheme of the course. The university has been carrying on this work in a limited way for two years, but it is now hoped to make it much more ex , tensive and more generally useful to the people of the state. The ex perience of the past, however, places the extension department in a posi tion to manage the practical details of the course accurately and prompt ly. The only charge which will be made will be for the lists of ques tions and for marking the answers which are sent in. It is thought that this can be reduced to ten cents for each set of questions . and ten cents for examining each set of an swers. This small fee will proba bly cover the actual expenses of the course and nothing further is desir ed by the department. It is to lie noted that this course is open to all persons who desire to engage in study. It will cover the ground of the usual good high school course, and the questions and suggestions which will be sent out may often be used with profit in re views and examinations in city high schools. No person should feel that a course of this kind is a complete substitute for a good school, but if the school is not avail able for any reason, then much ad vancement in sound learning may be made by taking a correspondence course. Full outlines of the course will be sent free upon application. C. II. Chapman. parra lire ana energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity ot taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do yon Is equally beyond question. Remember Notice for Publication. Land Oflice at Roseburg, Oregon, January il, 10117. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, V, S. I.nnd Office at Roseburg, Oregon, on March lit. 1SU7, viz: WESLEY HIXTON, on H. E. No. 7,15(1. for the lots 2, 3 and 4, section 1, town 15 south, range 10 west, and southwest of southwest K. section 8f, town M south, range lowest. lie names the follmving witnesses to prove his continuous reldenc upon and cultivation of. said land, via: Pennctt Olsen, Martin Johnson,. fohn I.aison and Noise Larson, all of fisher, Oregon. R. M. VEATCH, Register. Moods Notice for Publication. l and Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, Jannarv 11, 1S!7. -OTKR IS HERUBY OIVKS THAT THK il follow settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi'l bo ma'le be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on l-ebruarv 2( ls!7 , viz: JOHN !'. ALI.KX, II. K.SMfkS, for the southeast of mmhcii't north i of S tnthcAst I., nnrrhenur S ii cmiihi-.., Hnrvl 'o Dille cureliverllls.easytotake, section 4, town II. s uuh, rnueo s. wmt. I1UUU I111S eusy tooiicrute. SceM He names the following witness to prove : his contlnii'ins rolii"ticMipnn and cultivation , ! of said land, viz: ('. II. Young, Delhert H. Kel- " ton and f. A. (iodwln, of Nashville, Oregon, mm 1.. j, .,ui urn, 111 .morion. 1 .rejn 1. HOIIKKT A. MII.LKR, Register. Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. C. B. CEOSNO & CO, Bal Agenis sai AMisb, HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. Abstret of Title to any property in Lmeolii Cowii furnished on demand. Toledo - 0 BO YEARS' BXPERIENOI. The democrats have gone in and participated in the joint convention to the extent of answering to their names on roll call. They have cast no vote yet for anyone for U. S. senator. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. COPYRICMTB Ao. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quicklr ucertaln, free, whetber ail invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential, oldest aceuc; for securing patent In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Muum Co. receive peclal notice lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautiful!? Illustrated, largest circulation of jut scientific Journal, weekly, terms $3.0(1 a yean 1.50slx months. Specimen copies and Uakd Hook on aticnt8 aentfree. Aduresa MUNN A CO., 301 Broadway, New York. D. J. CH1TWOOD, Painter and Paper-hanger, t TOLEDO, OREdON, Will do your work at hard time prices. Give us a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed. "Save Mv Child f" is the cry of many an agonized mother who se little one writhes in croup or whoop ing cough. In such cases, Dr. Acker's English Rem edy proves a blessing and a godsend. Mrs. M. A. Burke, of 309 E. 105th St., New York, writes: " Dr. Acker's English Remedy cured my baby of bronchi tis, and also gave instant relief in a severe case of croup." I An Important Change i Beginning January 1st, 1S97, the i present weeklv edition of the DR iTROIT FREE PRESS will be I changed to a 1 i TWICE-A-WEEK. ' The Price will remain the same, $1.00 PER YEAR The ftsual literarv and blimnrniie features will be continued, and it will also Contains all the Xews, Making it an UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. We have just made an arrangement with the publishers of this World Famous paper ' whereby we can offer you an excellent bargain. We will send The Leader AND THE Detroit Free Press, Both ONE YEAR for Orjly $2.00 156 $2.00 Less than one cent a copy. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Address, The LEADER, Toledo, Ore. I TOO LATE ! TOO LATE ! ! & It is tw late to get an Abstract of Title to a piece of I land after you have bought it and found out that there are: Sj judgement and tax liens against it. The roper thing to ,? do is to have the $ 8 Vi m m M M m m ' M 1 M W r -w-r rn w M r m . . -- . m of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing your money. A business man now days never buys real J I estate without first obtaining; evidence of a good title. 15 We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address. Crosno & Pcairs. i 1 rim. Ik.t SfK.i ?. All Tmrrl 111" IIidicim Co., 1-U Ctmnber- St e ot irti. YATES & YATES, LAWYERS, CORVALLIS, OREGON II. DEXLIXGER, Attorney-at-Law, TOLEDO, OREGON. CASH - STORE Yaquina City, Oregon. Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Etc. G-oocls Sold at San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, Txop YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. PETER TELLEFSON, DEALER IN ' General :-: Merchandise, m nuur ana eeu, staple and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hat. Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothine. BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE- Cigars and Tobacco, Fru'ts and Confectionery. Yaquina City, Oregon.