Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 04, 1897, Image 5

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Is coming on and you
will want
Toledo Market Report.
ES, fresh 20c, packed 15c.
Butter, ranch i5C to 25c.
creamery 55 per roll.
Potatoes 40c to 50c per bu.
Cabbage y3 to ic per lb'.
Flour $4-60 per bbl.
Bran $1 percwt.
Shorts $1.10 percwt.
-)ats 45c per bu.
Whe $! per bu.
Parsnips $t per cwt.
Carrts $10 per ton.
Hav $10 per ton.
Chittem $1.50 per cwt.
One hundred hush
els of good Potatoes
CT oil It covin -r4-i rn T! 1 I
XI;HUilt M lxl
allow the highest
market price when
delivered at any rail
road or river point.
regon Central
& Eastern Ry.
To read during the long
Winter evenings. You can
get any
Connecting at Yaqntna Bay with the
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay
Steamship Company
Sails from Yaquina every Sxlays
for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port
Orford, Trinidad and Humboldt
bar. !
Or Magazine of any note in
the United States at reduced
rates when clubbed with the
Passenger accommodations unsur
passed. Shortest route between the Willam
ette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to
San Francisco:
Cabin, .... $6.o'i
Steerage 4.00
To Coos Bay and Port Orford:
Cabin, . ' $
To Humboldt Bay:
Cabin, $S.oc
Round trip good for sixty days
Special. River Division.
Steamers "Albany" and '-'Vm.
M. Hoag" newly furnished, leaves
Corvallis daily except Saturdays at
7:00 a. m., arriving in Portland at
4:10 o. m. the same day. Return
ing boats leave Portland at p. m. the
same as above at 6:00 a. m., arriv
ing at Corvallis at 9:00 p. m.
Edwtn Stone, Manager.
J. C. Mayo, Supt. River Div.
Wm. Schmidt, Agt.,
Occidental hotel, Co rvallis
For the past three terms of dis
trict court of this county there has
been a small faction of men, urging
and asking the grand jury to
order an investigation of the books
and records of the county officers.
They succeeded in getting the
grand jury of the last session to
make the following somewhat
ambiguous report relative to this
matter: "We have visited and
examined all the county offices,
and from the short investigation
given we found everything in
good order, but inasmuch asseveral
citizens and taxpayers have so
requested, we would recommend
that all the books of the county
officers be examined by an expert
accountant and report thereof made,
the expense of the same to not cost
more than $150 or $200." As far
as an investigation of the books of
the county officers are concerned
we feel no further interest in the
matter lliau any olhei ta&paci,
and that is that the county be not
put to needless expense. We do
have these objections to offer,
however, in all sincerity and hon
esty : We do not believe that the
sum mentioned above would come
anyways near covering an honest
and thorough going over of the
kounty books by a competent and
disinterested accountant, and we
do not believe that there would be
anything right or just in making a
superficial examination of the books
of the county.
Our rrrpatpct r1-il linn Jo Vini.
evei, is the manner' in which this . constable did not know just what
matter has been worked up. It has style and make the doctor's shirt,
been based wholly on hints and ' pants, socks and handkerchiefs
innuendos. We have heard no were, and hence could not identify
! man make any direct charge that ! them ue came back home without
any officer, or officers have been searching, and now threatens to
unfaithful or dishonest in the dis-1 resign his office. If Mr. Young
charge of their duties, or that the j ever wore the doctor's shirt and
county has been wronged to the pants, they would be easily ideuti
ex'ent of anything by these servants fied, as he is a man that weighs
of the people. The demand for about 1 30, and the doctor weighs
this investigation seems to come about twice that.
"Dr." Larisch, a gentleman hold
ing down a homestead near Eddy
ville, returned to his cabin on his
claim after an absence of some
time recently, and made the pain
ful discovery that during his
absence some thief or thieves had
entered his dwelling surreptitiously
and carried of goods, wares, and
chattels, belonging to the aforesaid
Dr. Larisch, said goods and wares
being more specifically enumerated
as one shirt, one pair of pants, a
sack of flour, four pounds of coffee,
several knives and forks, several
socks and several handkerchiefs.
Dr. Larisch at once appeared before
the district judge, the district at
torney and the justice of peace and
demanded that the just retribution
of an outraged law return to him
his goods, wares and merchandise,
and punish the wrongful taker. So
p.ipcrs were made out by Deputy
District Attorney Carson and a
search warrant issued from 'Squire
Hall's court authorizing Constable
Altree to search the premises of
one E. D. Young, of Eddyville, a
quiet and peaceable rancher that
has heretofore borne a good name.
Accordingly on Friday morning
Constable Altree boarded the early
train and duly arrived at Chitwood,
where Dr. Larisch was to meet him
and they would proceed to search
the premises of the aforesaid Young.
The doctor Jailed to keep his ap
pointment, however, and as the
one source,.
parties who are agitating the mat
ter seem to want to dodge behind
the cover of a grand jury report.
The fact of the matter is simply
thin: It is not entirely necessary
for a grand jury to father this mat
ter, for, as the grand jury well
saMd in its final leport, it had not
time to give the offices a fair in-
I Lincoln county, in common with
more than half of the counties of
I the state, cannot afford to nay
salaries commensurate with the
labor and responsibility of the clerk
and sheriff. The whole dispute in
salaries in Lincoln county covers
only the sum of $800 per year for
both clerk and sheriff. The fact of
1 the matter is that no small county
vestieation. But of anv taxDaver
f c;i j.,.. : i,!u ' can afford to pay salaries at
mere is too mucn iree work cone
Reg. Pharmacist.
Toledo, - Oregon
1 z??ri
-r. --. : 1
"Save My Uiiiar'
is the cry 01
many an
1 -
fZu. Uttle one
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy proves a blessing and
J a godsend. Mrs. M. A.
th Sl
um K-C, Ul J --.,
New York, writes: "Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured my baby of bronchi
tis, and also gave insiani
relief in a severe case of
i croup."
j fizet, 25c.; Soe.i II. All Dnicrtrti
AcimlltuiuSE Co.. 1-1 Cluunbtl. St.. !
an countv officer has failed to- do
his dutv. or has falsified his books, i ,or PeoPIe hy lhe "" "m,er the
or even incompetently kept them. ! Presel,t lavv- A si"Sle case of
then let the person who has this , foreclosure in the July and January
knowledge make a direct charge terras of col,rl Just Past cost the
and bold accusation. Or if the coun,y no less ,han $,0 in the
county court feels that an investi- actual ePlses of se"'ice.
needed, then let them ,-., auu yci u.c irouuiy "a yuiu
gation is
take the responsibility in the matter
and order an investigation made.
But if such investigation be
made, let it stsrt from the first day
of the first session of county court
ever held in Lincoln county and I
come down to the present time.
Give us a full, fair and impartial
investigation of all of the acts and 1
all of the records of the county j
officers. Don't try to make fish of
one and foul of another. If these j
parties are after the sheriff and I
clerk, it is barely possible that a'
careful and complete investigation
will discover that these officers are
all right. At all events if the con
dition of the county books warrant
the expense and notoriety of an
experting, then let it be a full, fair
and complete investigation 6fevery
thing by an unbiased and dis
interested person. As far as the
officers are concerned they univer
sally announce themselves as ready
for the expert at any time.
But it is but fair to say that with
such an investigation water may
not fall on the wheel expected. .
the munificent sum of $16. The
county can't stand it. The only
relief is a letum to the fee system,
and a judicious and wise regulating
of the fees leceived.
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons prize
fight will be held in Nevada in
March, that state having recently
passed a law legalizing such con-
For more than twenty years
we have been telling; how
Scott's Emulsion overcomes the
excessive waste of the system,
puts on flesh, nourishes and
builds up the body, making; it
the remedy for all wasting; di
seases of adults and children,
but it isn't possible for us to
tcH the story in a mere stick
ful of newspaper type.
"We have had prepared for
us by a physician a little book,
telling; in easy words how and
why Scott's Emulsion benefits,
and a postal card request will
be enoug;h to have it sent to
you free. To-day would be a
g;ood time to send for it.
SCOTT ft BOWNR, New York.
(ICS 13