'V The Newport News of last week, in commenting on a notice placed by County Clerk Jones on his door, endeavors lo make a case by quoting a part of it only. The notice on the door reads as follows: "To the a : payers of Lincoln .Couniy, O.o on: Toe records will ' show that in eve. instance die County Court 1'ave dawn every i..nt of tl-e'r xs: At present this Courtis y, chin; : . ict economy only in ''it- er o." C trie's fees, '.which'. ' :7 p.r-c ;e i in all thin s. Now if the County Court ' :s rot '-'V..i i j for ihe galleiy anl means economy in all h'nj-s, here is a pr si ion to save the County .several thousand dollars: II ihe County Court will . ,;ition the I -gislalure ;ng' that there sal aries be lowered one-half I will a pefuion asking that the .salary of clerk be fi::ed at a sum one-half 1n hat the Clerk has . been receiving;. Second. I vv'1' J-.n an agree ment with the Coun:y CYmrt Ihnt all fees due us .'or ...vices per formed by the Court and the Clerk for Lii.L ln coutily, during: our lerm 01 omce, , , ;ik 1 imo n:e , Col. J. B. Eddy, the state rail- j Notice for Publication. road commissioner, has purchased i i.and omce at 0rc"l"1j.J'(i,w"' the interest of W. F. Benjamin in ! .."f,1, the Roseburg piaindealer, and has ( SISSX-HViVSy.' ne..mA lf nrethenmmy flt'rk of Lino.. In County, at 01,,u """&-"-".- : I-,,.,,.!,, oiei.il . nil February 9, J7, viz: MAIiTI.S Ll'TIIKK cM.ASS, II. K. No. .ili, of snlltneast .4. wminxesi Tol I ......K 1 TIia Atnrinn civs that Clinton ' northciKt ' , and northcHst '4 ..1 souinwc 1 .4 - "- - " i Bection 12, lown 1J, souin, rnnae ;. w . & Sons, who have the contract for j "l" tVip trpstlp work on the railroad ' In"'1. viz: lrvi" Miwe, -Marion Hunt tne tresue worn on me rdiiro.tu wmilm ,, ;,V(le f K.i.iyviiic, oreson, :nd from Astoria to Knappa. Monday cut the wages of all their men lrora $2 to $1.75 per day, and that all of the men struck work. f;r..n,p khl.of Hiirlin O-i'iron. IiollKKT A.Jl.D.t.' For Sale. Xofice for PuWcil'o . Ijinil Ollicc at Oregon City, Oregon, j.Miutiry J1, I'.t7. Xnllce is nercl.v trhpn ttint the fii'low"n nanie.i c.iier '.ia filed . e ; U. inteiu.oii to ...akp i'.ual ..loo' 'ii sunnolt of bisplaun, and tn i a'.l t.rool nl'l oe nia.ie n.c . uun,. Since McKiuley is elected I have I 'ei of up..iii conmy. at'iu: J 1 Vn-phRih. 1W7. viz: several fine places for sale cheap. , W& Vfft Soth- Some well improved farms. Some ' west u of Mwtiuuii, town k, south, range 10, If lie n:iroes the following witnesses to owe li b ('onitilil.tus r.'l.icnce 0..011 iiuu riMmm-uu good sheep or goat ranches. vnii want cnod bargains come and of snid land, vz: j - c o .ni;o..i sec M. J. Allpiiix, Eddyville, Ore. William K. Dobsou and Pave W. Cay, of Lin ville, Oregon, and John C. llarncs, and William L. Tullock. of Wnldport, Oregon. KOIlh'KT A. MILI.KR, l.Lgistcr. I notice. Notice of Final Settlement. LOOK HERE etsrj -1 i n i . . 4 gooas ana vni mane prices that will be to sell tbem.- For Grocer ies-J A call will convince you that T sening groceries cheaper than otliev house in the County. T. W. GORMAN YAQUINA CITY. I of Lincoln ur. 1 nt'u Ore;, on. ; This offer is gi r..i for ten days. .. .. ,B. F. Jones, v. -County Clerk." If the News wan's lo ki?ow wh i In the County Coi'H of the State of Oregon, for 1 .he Comitv'of Lincoln: Of Ju t'.ie iniiller ..; the tsuitc ofCpnrgr-W. Jack- M.n.sr., deceased: V-OTICK IS HKIIKIIY CIVEN TIIA"' ii i,.,.Ui.:,m.,l .wltliil. 1 pn .., nf 1 iip p! n .r o." countv. coua'.v warrants, ana pay casli tor cpm-ow. .iHekw.n, c, cum - .1,,.,. f L.,,1.1 ,wl,i, :.,1. ml f.n In ihe snine. We have a small amount money on hand with which to buy J. F. Stewart. t the clerk has been receiving ail l e has to do is to look at the files of the Leader, or psk the county court, vbo have audited all of his claims, or examine the records. Mr. Jones has clone just 4ike any other man would have done. He has presented his bill's lo the court, every one itemized, and the court have in every instance allowed his claims in full, without protest. The court has ihe law on their table and are supposed to know what the clerk's fees are and if he claims too much it is their duty not to allow it. Tired Feeling hat Con.Hv (Vii.t ot the stale of Orewn, for the t o- nv o" U'!"o'.t. fr.id s:ii.l court ha.. 11::. 1 I ' Tuesday, Pet'rgirv and, 107, I at the hour of len o'.-lorK. 11. in.,nt the Court j lloue i.i Toledo, Li itohi couniv, Oregon, .'or j he.iriits oi.jecik'iiM thereto, a, id for the reitle ' iue.it Ibereo". 1 Dated h'slKh davof Dcce.iilier IWi".. I K. M. STANTON, ! AdiTih.NJ.ator of the estate of George W. I ,iac'..scn, Sr., deceased. C. B. CROSNO & CO, ml mm m st ai italsn, Noliee for ruLlication. Most of Ihe papers that ate cry ing that Mitchell should go to Washington to attend to his duties, said not a word when J. N. Dolph haunted the capitol until the last ('ay of the session until 11:30 at night, delaying all legislation in his selfish smuggle for persoi::i! triumph. Portland Tribune. This legislature has shown itself to be a mass of incompetence, to say nothing worse of them. It seems peculiar that the people will continue to treat the office of representative with so little con sideration. The usual method of farming these offices out by locality or to pacify some faction is wrong, smuI the state reaps a terrible har vest rom such practice. A Collection of Celebrities. Land Oflice at Uosebnrir, Oregon, January 'i'J. 1K07. Xottce Is hereby given that the following named wtll-r has liled notli'e of his intention to make linal i.ro.tf in supiMtriof his claim, and 1 ha. said pro:., will lienmde 1. 'fore the Uoiript'-r n.id Kccetver, I'. S. Land office at Hoi-clurg, Oregon, on March l'l 1MI7, viz: r.si.r.v lll.N m.N.on 11. AO. (,!.;!, Makes you seem "all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It is often the forerunner of serious ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a nositive nroof of thin. weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is iIi' tlWi rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im- !.,,eeiion (own 11 south, rauve iiiwet. TiRrts lifo and pnercro tn otroru nomro Me Helm's the iollowinii witnesses to prove pans ine ana energy to every nerve, h,, ,.Ii:;mll-s r(..i,ienc iii...nand cultivation Organ and tissue Of the body. The of, said land, viz: llpnutt olsen, Martin necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaporllla k' orelil'aiS:,n a'"1 S"" Ur0"' ftUOf for that tired feeling is therefore apparent ' II. M. VF.ATCII, llcglster. to every one, and the good it will do you - ' Is equally beyond question. Bemember Kotice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Orecon, an. tirv i:, 117. V-OTICK IS IIKHKI1Y (IIVLN tl'VTTtlR follow ini-iiatnd sci-'or has tiled notice of h!s iiuenilnn to mal.e I'nnl prnof in Riiiiirt of h;';e!niin. and ihni hiM p-nof will bo niad be fore the County clerk of Line. In cHi'ily, at '..'oledo. Oretrnn, 011 I ebruarv l?o, 1-V7, viz: ' JOilX 1'. Al.t I X, II. K. B'-'iVI, 10- the southeast i.,'of no.-thea-t 1 ,', north ', ofsnuhcast ',. northeast '.i of southwest u! , sefllon 1, vn 11. souin, rairc w.-si. H,i, n:n , ciirellverills.ensytoUiUe, . He names the followim.- witnesses 1 lo prove MOOd S FlllS easy to operate. ;ceW r" '!:",', "i" '.n!' j 1 "-v.iw 01 stn 1 lend, viz: C. 11. ( up-;, ll'dbert S. 1-el- tnii an.i V. . .iodwin, of Nashville, Oivjron, r,'id L. C. Norton, of Norton. Oregon. i l(o:u:i(T A. M1LI.K1!, licsis'er. SarsaparilSa Is the best In fact the One True ninod Purifier. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. mm There is probably no other iniblt uitloii in America so successful as The Youth's Companion in securing the services of famous men and women. Think what a collection this is, for a single year: Ian Maclaren, Uudyard Kipling, lion. Tqcodore Roosevelt, Stephen Crane, Andrew Carnegie, Dr. Lyman Abbott, Madame Lillian Nordica, Hon. Carl Schurz, Charles Dudley Warner, Mrs. liurton Harrison, Dr. Kdward Kvegitt Hale, the daughter of Longfellow, the son of Kmerson, three members of Presi dent Cleveland's cabinet, a Speaker of the House of representatives and half a hundred other men and women equally well known! The value of such a list of writers lies in the fact that each deseriles or discusses the work with he is identified the wotk that has made him famous. Subscribers to the paper for 1897 receive free The Companion's Art Calendar for 1897, the most costly gift of its kind The Companion has ever offered. An Illustrated Prospectus will be sent free to those who address Tuk Yovth's Companion, 205 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 1 ft 1 11 rfMiMrl i TRADE MARKS, DESICNS, COPYRICHT8 Ac. Anyone pending a sketch and description may quickly uncertain, free, whether no Invention la prol.ithly imteuttihlc. Coiniuunlcatlnng tttrictly confidential. OMest agency forsccuriiiK patent 111 America. Wo have a Washington office. Patents taken thruuxu iluuu A Co. rccolve spuciul notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, . beautifully lllustrntod, largest clrculatlatl of any seleutltlc journal, weekly, tcrnistu.ui a yeari f 1.20 six luoufhs. Hpeclincn copies and llAxo Boon on I'atknth sent free. Addresa MUNN & CO., 301 lirondway, New York. D. J. CHITWOOD, Painter and Paperhanger, TOLEDO, OREGON, Will do your work at hard time prices. Give us a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed. HAVE EARGAINS IN T?ln--- T rl.-wlo 'TJlA T m-wlri ix.l T .1. rtl jl tn 111 uiuma, xiuu utuiuij, vi;ui JjilUUS, iOVI Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln ( furnished on demand. l -Jscio - - - - 0re2.nl I. r 1 u iiA jfS "uave my cnsiu i" is the cry of many anv agonized mother VP--- w 11 o s e r -.tin writhes in croup or whoop ing cough. In such cases, Dr. Acker's English Rem edr proves a blessing and ja codsend. Mrs. M. A. ) Burke, of t,oq E. xosth St., New York, writes : " Dr. Acker's English Remedy cured my baby of bronchi tis, and also gave instant relief in a severe case of croup." jau.-a, ix.t soc.l SI. All DniBxista. Ac.ku Mkiucink Co.. 1ft-IS t I..IU.U r- M.. N An Tni)ovtsant Change! EeKiituiiirr January 1st, 1S97, the present weeklv edition of the DE TROIT FREE PRESS will be changed to a TWICE-A-WEEK. The Trice will remain the same, $1.00 PER YEAR (The usual literarv and humorous features will be continued, and it will also j Contains all the ws, Making it an I UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER. We have iust made an arrantrement with the publishers of this World Famous paper whereby we can offer you an excellent bargain. We will send The Leader AND THE Detroit Free Press, Both ONE YEAR for Oily $2.00 156?y.f $2.00 Less than one cent a copy. iSAMTLE COPIES SENT FREE.' jAddtess, Tlie LEADER, Toledo, Ore '8 ' Iq It is t jo late to get tin Abstract of Title to-a piece of land after you have bought it and tound out tlu.t there are judgements and tax liens against it. The ropcr tliinj; to v fj do is to have the v 1 LINCOLN COTJXTY ABSTRACT COmlXY, ;o , : !v of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing H your money. A business man now days never bms reah estate without first obtaining, evidence of a good' title. 1 jj We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address. ri ). t. s YATES & YATES, LAWYERS, CORVALLIS, Jt CASH - STORE Yaquii j a City, Oregon. Stable and- Fancy Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Etc. G-oo'cls Sold at San Francisco Prices tT. S. BOOTH, Frop. YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. - OREGON J if. DEXLIXGLIi, Attoruey-at-Law, TOLEDO, OREGON. PETER TELLEFSON, DEALER IN . General :-: Merchandise, Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Bat Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinz. BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Cigars and Tobacco, Fru'ts and Confectionery. Yaqnlna City, Oregon. i'L