SB a? i u Ufa- " "1 It, the -Sis; tt "ft .If6 "Mi. '"'"I e '" So, , ass ""a,,. ' .' low, 'M Com ii tic aurtlon tol,illi:i IV. Ir.ciepend.ent Volume things, nTe-Lxtr-al in bottling. DIRECTORY. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, January 28, 1897. LINCOLN COUNT!. nil Mill e Hid .1. t'fyihuijj "nnii.fji,. e of Orep, "stem tt 'it la to, rK OFOE and if,,;. in tie it 'Wore ii lAtax 'oun.u-u of Wrf 1: nd t, 'otoiroc n re,n: iistfu p 'it in iii 01 tI aV ) te, 'li,!.. THeniy.. mi, u r 'iimr, -i! : ike n Jtlitrrdi or to ft; ' to thf : mm II to t: re !. iSeolH- I'llttlJlifl ?F.iIK (url'lt: Tol. Carter E. K. Lake J. 0. Stearns B. F. Jones George Landis J. L. Hyde 8. G. Irvin Z. M. Derrick Hurley Lutz T. M. Oonmbg Chm. William. iminlonera j . . F.A.Godwin LmtTCommiBsloners Court meets on Wed S.r after the first Monday In February, Ei' jnM, August, October and December. f CIKCl'IT COURT. L j.c.Fullerton ...Judge ?E Vte Pro- Attonmy Kurt convenes on 4th Monday in July and irth Monday In January of each year. It senator ;KereMntatlve, nr8pCTntendent rverot aeaof uaer , CITY OF TOLEDO. Recorder .MarBhal pf F.Jones, i.siewn .feaf. Bubl.... iTn irmuRtAd I ii. Alexander I 1,1 Kwtad I Aldermen IT. Peterson, lliedridt, tier Waugn, J Council meets on the first Monday evening in arb month. TOLEDO I'KECINCT. uMofthe Peace J. A. Hall .stable j.L.Aitive NEWPORT. tire of the Peace Geo. F. Sylvester uuble, W. H. Crutchtield YAQUINA. Hot rf the Peace, J. S. Booth iiuiAbie . . . .V. L. Watkins ELK CITY. i.llreof the Peace A. B. Clark tollable Alex Burkhalter I LITTLE ELK. uil'e of the Peace Chas. Henderson uutaole L. b. Derrick XASIIVILLK. jtlce of the Teace I. S. Huntington 'oiutable N. F. Edwards BKAVER CREEK. tatlreof the Peace Pam'l Hill instable Joseph Gourley TIDEWATER. istlce of the Tcaco N. .1. Goodman jMtable V. A. Vidito LOBSTER. ilastlceof the Peace L. A. reek omtable . v. PTaylor LOWER ALSE.l and Y ACHATS. Justice of tho Peace Wni. Vakfleld instable John Early SALMON RIVER. luitlce of the Pence ...Chan. Rrail mutable M. Uerton ROSS. atlceof the Pence W. H. Coot turntable Geo. E. Croxford CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. UETHOMST EPISCOPAL CHURCII-Pervices - at loledoon the nrsl and s- coml Sulilmth ( each month, morningand evening; servlcfs atsilattun third and fourth Kabtath of each Month. Kev. W. II. MYERS, Pastor. yT. JOHN'S CM I'HC II (Protestant Epin-opal. livlne servloe the third Snndav of everv month, nl 11 a. m. All are invited to attend. ill. ( has. Booth, Missionary. I'.esideuce, .icv) tun, ur, !l 0. 0. F.-Toledo Lodge, No. 108, Meet 'very Saturday evening at their hall in this town. IJ.T.EWING.Sec'v. J. II. TCRSIDOE, S. G. 1 0. 0. F.-Ilnv Lodge No. 118, of Yaqnlna City 1 meets evervWedneFdav evening. Visitlnj brothers are always welcome. , , S. A. PRUITT, N. G. E. J. BURROWS, Secretary. Number 46. I ?' J Newport Lodge No. 89, meets every J "tnrdayevening. visiting brothers are cor "ally invited to attend, L. 0. OLSSON, X. G. 'W.OLIVKK, Secretary. I ? - H. Elk Lodge No. in, meets every Saturday evening in its hall at Elk City, "siting brothers always welcome. n , .i, o p- A- MILLER, N. 0. 0. Bolfkill, Secy. i f A. M. Newport Lodge No. R, regular " convocation cn Saturday on or before each rail moo.i. Visiting brothers are cordially ft XI U ft l UTnV XI JOHN BUCKLEY, Secy' ' W. Vqulna Bay Council No. 745 National Union. meets on second and fourth Friday nlghtsof tneimmih. Traveling friends are wlcome. h. PhAIRS, Sec. B. F. JONES, Pres. DO GOOD LODGE No. 70, Kenekah Degree, mil city on Tuesday evening of each week. ,. ALICE WAUGH, N. G. ANNETTE KROGSTAD.Secretary. (1 A. R. Abe Lincoln Post No. M, meets in ikiV?e0oo1 Templars Hall on the Bret and "Ird Saturdays of each month. T d ,". R.STURDEVANT, Post Com. " P. FISH, Adjutant. 0. U. W. Western Star Lodge No. 73, . in me uua reuows nan, hmjuihb, monlh "i"11 third Saturday evenings in each iBiiinK oroinm are aiwavs weiwjni. n . H. K. LUGGER, M. W. L. TRAVIS, Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Pocahontas ikli i V" ,niM Thursdays In each monm in .12? Feiiows1 hall. Visiting neighbors are xm w c A. ARNOLD, Consnl. GEO. BETHERS, Clerk. firrtnga Grove. Woodmen circle', meets on the ,.. 1 and 4th Thursdays of each month at o'clock r m. u Mrs. JlKKIl ABXOLO, W. 0. Eciticx Aim, Clerk. D. J. CHITWOOD, Painter and Paperhanger, TOLEDO, OREOON, Will do your work at bard time Prices. Give ns.a call and save money. Satisfaction guaranteed. O'BRIEN'S, 4,000,000 women wear Warner's Corsets 4,000,000 living witnesses to their superior Fit i -Stvle Comfort ' General Excellence AGENT FOR WARNER'S Perfect Fitting, Latest Styles CORSETS. ALSO 'CjB Ala Spirits,' DISTRICT COURT. A Short Docket, With Litigation. but Little The Best French Corset ti Market. the Price, $1.50 JUST ARRIVED: A LARGE LINE OF The Latest Styles in SHOES. District court for the regular January term convened last Mon day. The docket was not a very lengthy one and the court cleared up the business in two days and adjourned for the term. Not a jury trial was had. and the expense of securing a jury and the mileage and attendance of the jury was of no avail. The grand jury after being in session two days returned one true bill and one not li uc uills. The true bill was the State of Oregon vs. Geo. Crowder, on the charge of burglary. The defendant, which was a boy only a little under fifteen years of age, plead guilty and on Tuesday was sentenced to one year in the reform school. The grand jury made a final report as follows: To the Honorable J. C. Fuller ton, Judge: The grand jury would submit the following report: That in accordance with the law and your instructions to us we have examined into all cases held for ap pearance before.this grand jury and made due report thereof to the court; that we have been in session the past two days and have given due attention to all ether business pre sented to us, reporting when neces sary; that as per instruction of the court the grand jury have cons"der- Men's French Calf T rrvAr.o'ed the matter of the sale of intoxi L(ULC Ul UVUiyi COO 'eating liquor to Indians, and.we or Toe arid Tip, Price, $4.00 1: Meri'sBestFrericri Calf Bals, Triple Sole, Scotch, edge, Hand seved. Best iritrje MarKet Price, $4.50 T-J-r rA coxAlQr-1 T? n 7 would recommend that liquor deal -Li.tai.iu. ovu, ers from this date discontinue all sales of liquors to these people, al though there may be some doudt as to the law governing the sale of li- . quors to such persons. We have visited and examined a'l the county offices, and frcm the s lort investigation given v.e found e erthing in good order, but inas ! much as several citizens and tax I payers have so requested, we would recommend that all the books of the : county officers be examined by an expert accountant and report thereof I made, the expense of the same to ! not cost more than $150 or $200. Having finished all business pre sented, we respectfully submit this our final report, and ask to be excused from further attendance. W. C. Copelaxd, Foreman, 1 I Men's Fine Calf, Lace and Congress, Genuine Hand; Welt, Bon Ton toe and tips. The very latest Price, $4.00 MEN'S Fine Calf, Lace and Congress, Genuine Hand Welt, Harvard Toe and Tip. PRICE, 33-5 and 4- AN UNLIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S and BOYS CLOTHING, FUR NISHING GOODS, HATS and PAPS DRY GOODS, FANCY" GOODS.MEAlexander;rec LiYJ-O, -LM.VA " ! judgment for plaiuti and xWliurss. CUSTOM TAILORING A SPECIALTY. Mail and Express Orders Promptly Filled O'BRIEN'S YAQUINA. ONE PRICE CASH STORE. J. C. Reynolds, B. Morrison, Jno. Steel, Valentine Thiel, Fred Joss, P. N. Lathrop. The other cases were disposed of as follows: 1. W S Hufford vs. T P Fish: recovery of money; settled. 2. S L Kline vs. F M Stanton; recovery of money; demurrer over ruled; decree. 3. C G Copsland vs. R F Eaker, 1 t al fnrwlrwiiref rfertf- of fore closure and order of sale of attached property. 4. Arthur Rochester vs. T II Horning; foreclosure: decree and order of sale. 5. C G Copeland vs. Anna Hand Thos E Parkw; recovery of money; motion to set aside deiault; motion : overruled. 6. C G Copeland vs. Win H and recoery ot money; ff. 7. H Broders vs. T II Horning; recovery of money; judgment for 'plaintiff and order ol sale of aiuchei i property I 8. E A Chapman vs J J Whitney, et a!.; return of service set aside, j 9. Jno McCullum vs. Mary Fitz ' Patrick et al.: continued for service, ! 10. E U Will vs. Matilda Hamar; ! recovery of money; continued for 1 service. j 11. Board of schoolfund com vs. Addie Whitney et al.; foreclos ire: decree. 12. S A Wright vs. Anna Wright etal.; equity; continued for term. 13. Nellie Campbell vs. Thos B Cahill, division of property; com missioners appointed to make par tition. 14. State of Oregon vs. Z Job; indictment; dismissed. 15. F M Carter vs. Geo Bamford; foreclosure; decree. 16. Currance Shepard vs. R F Baker etal; equity, continued for term. 17. Peter Tellefson vs. T M Coombs; recovery of money; judg ment. 18. Peter Tellefson vs. Ira A Miller et al; dismissed. 19. J C Altree vs. M M Hufford and Valentine Thiel; referred to E L Bryan to take testimony. 20. Allen Parker vs. Peek & Russell; recovery of money; con tinued for term. 21. W P Murphy vs. T W Ger man; appeal; settled. 22. M S Woodcock vs. Lafayette Wilson; recovery of money; judg ment for $703 and $61 attorney fees. 23. Anna Maria Matthews vs. G A Landis, sheriff; injunction; re ferred to R A Bensell to report the testimony at next term. 24. K O Krogslad vs. Vaquina Bay Creamery Co.; sale confirmed. 25. Geo A Landis, sheriff, vs. Lincoln county et al; niandamu-:; ten days to answer; to be heard at chambers in Albany. 26. Tillman &Bendellvs. Claude and Kate Warren; confirmation of sale; sale confirmed. 27. M S Woodcock vs. J R Bay ley et al; sale confiimed. 28. The Oregon Central & Eas tern R R vs. Wra 1 eg: ca.-e removed to U S district court. 29. John Stimpson vs. L Logan; 1 - . ! 1 I appcai; cuimnucu. 30. Milton Hunt vs. B F Jones; foreclosure; settled. 31. JJ Bullus vs. J H Collins; continued for service. 32. Adolph Taylor vs. Allen Parker; appeal; order for justice court to send up transcript. 33. A E Laws vs. F M Johnson; sale confirmed. . 34. J J Bullus vs. Jno McCullum; sale confirmed. 35. J R Bayley vs. Thos Ferr; writ of review; order for justice to furnish transcript. 36. State of Oregon vs. George Crowder; indictment found on Monday; plead guilty and sentenced to one year in reform school. 37. Minnie Arnold vs. Wm. Mackay; default. 38. State of Oregon vs. Oscar Brown; not a true bill. " Merit tatfkiVtba BH intriofie TtUo of I I Iff Q Hood'iBajMfartUa. Merit in mcdiciae mean tb power to van. Hood't Befperill f on win ctoI and oDeqatUJed cnrtlvt power tad there fore It aaa troa merit. When yo boy Hood'a Benepaiiila, and take it according to direetlona, to ptuifr jemt Mood, or core any ot the man blood diaeaaea, jam era morally certain to receive benefit. The power to core la there. Toa are not tryinf an experiment. It will make yoor Mood para, rich and Doariahin(, and tboa drire oat tbe ferme of dleeeet, trt-nrthea the Darren and bmUd ptbawboleeyaUm. Blood's Sarsaparilla It the aeat, ta faet-tbe One Tree Want farlaer. rteaaiad earr by C L Hood a Caw LoveO. Maee, Hood's Pills