Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 14, 1897, Image 5

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    Toledo Market Report.
ES&s fresh 30c, packed 25c.
Butter, ranch 15c to 25c.
creamery.; 55 per roll.
Po,atoes. 40c to 50c per bu.
Cabba8e to Ic per lb.
FIour $4.60 per bbl.
Bran $1 per cwt.
Shorts $1.10 per cwt.
0ats 45c per hu.
WheEt $1 per bu.
Parsnips $i per cwt.
Carrots $10 per ton.
Hay $10 per ton.
Cbittem $1.50 per cwt.
One hundred bush
els of good Potatoes
on subscription. Will
allow the highest
market price when
delivered at any rail
road or river point.
Some of the Few Patriots that are
Willing to Sacrifice Thler Time for
the Qood of their Country and
an Incidental Salary.
though, there are enough extra
ones at Toledo to make up for it.
The list of Toledo numbers about
six, as follows: Ed. Stanton, J. A.
Hall, Renus Arnold, Mrs. C. G.
Copeland, with the names of J. H.
McNeil and Wm. Alexander also
mentioned as would-be postmasters.
F01 the postoffices at Elk City,
Morrison and other small places in
the county we have heard of no one
desiring the offices and probably no
changes will be made.
serious mistake bad been made.
Mr. Miller was a good fellow, and
in the saw mill business had done
Reg. Pharmacist.
Toledo, - Oregon
R, A. PARENT, M. D., C. M.,
Special atkntio.11 given to Dis
eases of Women, and Surgery.
firegon Central
v & Eastern JEly.
Connecting at Yinuina Bay with the
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay
Steamship Company
Sails from Yaquina every 8 days
for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port
Orford, Trinidad and Humboldt
Passeneer accommodations unsur
Shortest route between the Willam
ette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to
San Francisco:
Cabin, $6.00
Steerage 4-
To Coos Bay and Port Orford:
Cabin $6.00
To Humboldt Bay:
Cabin $8.o
Round trip good for sixty days
Special. River Division.
Steamers "Albany" and "Wm.
M. Hoag" newly furnished, leaves
Corvallis daily except Saturdays at
7:00 a. m., arriving in Portland at
4:30 p. m. the same day. Return
ing boats leave Portland at p. m. the
same as above at 6:00 a. m., arriv
ing at Corvallis at 9:00 p. m.
EDWrN Stone, Manager.
J. C. Mayo, Supt. River Div.
Wm. Schmidt, Agt.,
Occidental hotel, Corvallis
As March 4th draws near when
the distribution of the loaves and
the fishes, or in other words, the
offices, will begin, the candidates
multiply and it becomes more and
more apparant that the supply of
offices will larcelv exceed the sun-
ply. This will not be the first time The folly of PuttinS a s1uare
that an iiirnminr aHminictrati 111 8 round hole has been Once
has been confronted with that un-1 more demonstrated at Corvallis, in
fortunate circumstance, and we the Agricultural college, as was
fully expect to see the same thing also illustrated the great wrong of
occur when the democrats come mixinS Politics UP in educational
back into power in igoi. But that ' luaUers- When H- B- Miller wa9
does not help the present contiu- elected president of the Agricultural
gency any, and we would not be -uucse K was ,eu many lnal a
surprised if the result will not be
just the same as in years gone by,
one man made harrov and about
ten made mad, for every office. fairly well, but he was not an
The federal patronage in Lincoln educator i.or had he any knowledge
county consists of the Indian Agency of eolle6e work- Tuere could 0,"y
with a salary of $1,200; the custom ,,e one result in ni"ety-nine cases
house, with a salary of $1,000 andlui 01 one nunarea, ana tuts case
fees; the Newport postoffice, worth bas Ptoven t0 be no exception,
about $600; the Waldportrostoffice, T1,athehas Proven a failure is
worth about $300; the Yaquina alteed by the fact that he bas
office, worth about $350; the Toledo been 1,u"& in " ,l,e "'S-staff
postoffice, worth about $700; the of che colIeBe. His election was a
Elk City office worth about $250, P0"1"1 "ward, and it has rade
and several t ther snail effiecs the the u,ual mess whe" Polilics "re
salary of which will not just'.: any ( nuxed in school maUers.
fight being made for them. The The electoral Oregon met at
Indian Agency and Custom house, &lem ,Mt Mondav and cast the
the two best offices, are what electora, vote of 0regou for Wra
bothess local politicians a little. 1 McKinley and q A- Hobart
There is a fear that the powers that; Hon T. T Geer of WaWo ims
be will not classify them in the list Marion C0Ml)t wag , mes.
C 1 1 u.-i. :n
vi .uva. yatiu.mgc, uui wm K senger o cany rctlirilS tO
them along wilth land offices and the Washing,on. Mr Geer wiU prob.
like, and thus throw competition j ably remain ,n vVashington until
open to the whole state. If so, after the inauguration of Mr.
some of the local candidates are , McKil),eyi and while there wil,
more than apt to be disappointed probably exert considerable in
in their hopes for these plums. But flllence upo ,he Fe(,eral int.
that unpleasant contingency does' ments to be mad(J in Oregon-
not dampen their ardor, check ,,,,,, ,
their enthusiasm, nor diminish' Countv Cleik Watters, of Benton
their numbers. For the Indian j county, has completed a statement
Agency the most active local candi- of the financial condition of that
dates are Dr. F. M. Carter, of Elk countv. Thi rnnrt etm,uu iw
City; Silas Howell, of Waldport; Benton has a total outstanding in
H. L. Huffman and J. S. Conklin, ' debtedness of $67,203.81 outside of
of Toledo. The names of F. M. interest, and the interest on these
Stanton and F. M. Wadsworth, ' warrants would probably aggtegate
senior, are also mentioned as candi-1 several thousand dollars more.
dates, but nothing difinite can be Clerk Watters found some glaring
said of them. The latter gentle-1 errors in the books of the past, one
man is chairman of the republican J of them being for $10,000, and
central committee of this county, ' another of $2,000, besides several
and is an able, politician with con-' smaller ones.
siderable influence over the state, j . .
and it is very probable that he In cleaning out an old committee
could secure a much more pleasant room at the capital in Salem the
and remunerative office, should he j other day, a beer keg with a faucet
desire one. It is rumored here that in the place where it would do the
W. S. Linnville, of Corvallis, also! most good was found. It is need
would like to be agent at Siletz, less to say that the keg was empty.
and that Andrew Williams, of '
Philomath, is also said to be a 1
The candidates for custom house
are lying low at present, the only
local ones being mentioned are
R. A. Bensell of Newport, Capt.
Jas. Robertson and J. S. Booth, of
Yaquina, and C. B. Crosno, of;
Toledo. None of these candidates
however, are making an open fight
at present, and the only authority
for their candidacy is Dame Rumor.
There will be candidates a plenty,
in due time, without doubt.
For the postoffice at Newport,
the candidates are not quite as
numerous as the "sands of the sea,"
but there is no shortage in their
numbers. The list that are spoken
of is composed of Mrs. Umphrey,
C. H. Williams, L. W. Williams,
R. F. Baker, A. II. Hampton, and
several others. For the Waldport
postoffice the only name we have
heard mentioned has been that of
Chas. Diven, one of the merchants
of that place. The Yaquina office
does not seem to be a very popular
one, as we have not heard a single
name mentioned as a candidate. If
any shortage exists at Yaquina
50 lbs.
of Coal
A day would keep your rooms
warm in winter. But that
small stove will burn only
twenty-five. Hence, discomfort
and misery.
A certain amount of fat,
burned daily, would keep your
body warm and healthy. But
your digestion is bad, and you
don't get it from ordinary fat
food. Hence you are chilly,
you catch cold easily, you have
coughs and shivers) while
pneumonia, bronchitis, or con
sumption finds you with no re
sistive power.
Do this. Burn better fuel.
of Cod-liver Oil Appetite and
digestive power will revive j
and soon a warm coating of
good flesh will protect the vital
organs against the cold and the
body against disease.
Two rites, 50 eta. and $1X0
Book free for tlx uking.
SCOTT 4 BOWNB, Nrw Yolk.