WHO WILL BE OUR TOR? NEXT SENA- What will the Legislature Do on , Joint Ballot Next Monday? The legislature of Oregon con vened in its regular Bi-ennial ses sion last Monday. There is a great field of labor open to thetn, but at present there is one subject that overtops and hides every other one, and that is the election of a senator to succeed Senator John H. Mitch ell. The situation is a most peculiar one in many respects. Senator Mitchell is a candidate for re-election and so far there has not appeared an avowed candidate against him. Ordinarily this would presage an easy victory for the candidate for re-election, but it is not so in this case, as the admission is most general that Mitchell will be de feated. Another thing out of the ordinary is that at the June election when thf Vtrislntnre was elected it was generally known that Senator Mitchell was a candidate for re election, and republican members of the legislature were elected with that understanding. But things change as time flies. The campaign of 1896 was made sharply on the silver issue, and Senator Mitchell got en'angled av.d will probably meet his Waterloo thereby. The republicans declared for a gold standard; Senator Mitchell was an ope 1 and avowed free Silverman up If you have frequent headaches, dizziness and fainting spells, ac companied with chills, . chilblains, epilepsy and jaundice, it is a sign that you are not well, and likely to die at any minute. Pay your sub scription a year in advance, and thus make yourself solid for a good obituarv notice. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, January 6, JS97. KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-namtd settler has filed notloe of hiB Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on February 20, 1897, viz: JOHN P. ALLKN, H. E.9,458, for the southeast 'A of northeast 14, north 'A of of southeast Vt, northeast Hot southwest of section 4, town 11, south, range 8, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. H. Young, Delbert 8. Fel ton and F. A. Godwin, of Nashville, Oregon, and L. C. Norton, of Norton. Oregon. KOliEKT A. MILLER, Register. The state tax levy for 1897 has been made. It is 4 mills this year as against 4.8 mills last year, or not quite one mill lighter. Iri reality it is greater than last year as tbe taxable property in the State! his claim, and that said proof will be made be r r . . . I fore the County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on February a), HOT, viz: Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, January 6, 1897. K0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to. make final proof in support of amounts to more this year than last. The net valuation of Lincolti county is $864,197, and the state tax amounts to $3,456.79, or about $3 state tax for every voter in the couutv. MARTIN I.ITHKR GLASS. II. E. No. 9.517. for the north i of southeast i, southwest i of northeast yt and northeast i of southwest J4 of section 12. town 12. south, range 9. west. I He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous resilience upon anu uuiuvaiiuii of said land, viz: Irvln Magee, Marion Hunt, William F. Hyde, of EcMyville, Oregon, and George Kehl, of Harlan, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. The mere rumor that President elect McKiiiley has stated that, in making his appointments, he would not favor any one who held office under the Harrison adminis tration has started the cold stivers down the back of more than one office-seeker in Oregon. Colonel Milton Weid'.er wants his old place as collector of internal revenue, and has now his agents out securing names to his petition. John P. Ward, who served as appraiser under the Harrison and Arthur regimes, expects to get his old place back soon after McKinley's inauguration. I.on Cleaver wants his land office back, and, in fact, to the dav of therenublirnn n.ntirmnl convention. After the adoption of! there w har,lly an excePtion amoS , .1 .r ! ineex-oiiice-holi'ers who are williiis Hot lee of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln: In the matter of the estate of George W. Jack son, Sr., deceased: VOTICE IS HKKF.BY GIVEN THAT TIIK undersigned, administrator of the estate of George V. Jackson, Sr., deceased, has filed his timil account of said administration in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincrln, end said court has Jix-.-d fri''6j:ty, h!,rua;y and, 1N07, a' l".ii'.r ji tun o'clock, a. n.., ut til" V.tv.vt llou,e in 'ioio.:c, Lincoln cuonly, Oreirmi. tor hearing objections thereto, uiui lor iho seitle ment tnr-T..f. Dated li i.;9lh dayo: I'ecember, WM. r. M. STANTOX, Admli.i liator of the estate vi George W. Jackson, Sr., deceased. Summons the gold plank in the platform Senator Mitchell apparently sub scribed to it and made a vigorous campaign on that line. The re- j suit was that he then and there lost 1 the support of the free silver men, both outside and inside of his party, ! and it looks like he will also lose j the support of the gold standard i republicans. Elk City Items. All kii:ds of weather. Willie Powers is home from Mc Minnville on a visit. Mrs. R. A. Abbey went to Cor- ivallis the last of the week. In t!.? Circuit ' curt of the Elate of Oregon, for I.inrt'i ri Cctiii'v. Minni M. Am., Id, Harry L.l Arnold and Minnie M. Ar-1 nold, guardian, plaintiff. Suit in Equity vs. to foreclose I mortgage. William Mackny, defendant.; To William Mackay, the above-named defendant: ut, j TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; - You arc hereby summoned and reoulred tn to sacrifice themselves on the altar , fffirfRlu.T.Twi,..tfSi !rn,pJfInt ol $e lUUntiti8 in trie annvfi antftlpi unit nnw nn Hio ot the federal treasury. Uregonian . ' ?'lb JJ "1terk.lLf S!16 "'"'ve-'iamcd court, on or I J . before the fourth Monday, the 25th day of Jan- ""'j, icw, ii uuiu utu nrsi uuy 01 me next reg ular term of the said court, to be h-ld at the court room in the court house at Toledo, in Lin coln county, Oregon; and you are hereby noti fied that if vou tail so to Am-.pnr fltirl an. I swer as heiein required, the l'iaiiitiil's will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in I their said complaint, namely: for a decree j against you, the said William Mackay foi the ; sum i.f One Thousand Dollars in IT. 8. gold coin, with Interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of itn er c-.-nt per annum from the 2HIh I day of February, 18H5, until paid, and for t llo.au us attorney a fees, besides the costs and dis- I litirnt, O'ltDnf thto D,,lt. .in.l tW... .1 . ith this complication of affairs i Col. F. J. Parker is expected out in the complaint be foreclosed and that mii. iiiiiuuurcu -i hiki o in section In, and 1 ols numbered 1, 2 ami II In section 19, in town ship 11 south, ranee 10 west, in Lincoln couutv, ()r;,'ou, and containing 1 r). t2 acres, be sold by the sluritl'i.f Lincoln County, Oregon In the lu'iiner prescriuitl Ly law for the sale of real property und-r execution, and that the pro ceeds ai Ling from such sale be appli .d, first to the i.i'.yn.ent oi the costs and expenses of such ml and of this suii, nndocxt to the pavnient i f ih amount decreed to be duo the pluintilts herein Including their said attorney's fees, and that If the s.vno does not sell for enough to sat is y plaliiilflV djinands In full thai, they may have execution against any other prop rty for thoucliceiivy, and that the sheriff put the pur chaser rt ml. fakir.to in n if late possession of the said premises, and that tho deiondant and all pors .ns cSnLi.injr under him since the 28th day of February, I:, Le forever debarred and foreclosed of all i lain, title, interest and estate of, in and to said premises, and that the p.aintift have the right to become the purchas er at such sale: and lor such othor rule, order, or relief as the Court mnyse.'in meet andequit- Tills summons Is publish -d In the Lincoln County Leader, for six successive and consec utive weeks, Immediately prior to the 2rth day of January, 1897, under and in iiursimiico n( .... the legislature is confronted. It is down soon advance agent arrived asserted by men who have carefully : 1;IS' uight. canvassed the subject, that the free! Miss Iva Griffith is home from sih-er republicans, the democrats; Philomath, where she has been vis and the populists outnumber the j it:ng her mother, gold republicans on the joint ballot. County Commissioner Godwin by cue. If this be true, there is made Elk Citv a call on bis wav every chance for a deadlock in the election of a senator. To be Settled in Court. lienton county, it seems, is also destined to have its day in cour!, tl'.e trouble bein,-j over the accounts of Kx-Sheriff 1). A. O.sbor.i. The following is taken from the Times: "Utnlon county is to have a law suit with Kx-S!'.e:iffOsborii. Ever Miice last Oemher, when J. H. Wil ton ex pei ted the sheriffs books and submitted to the county court ii report claiming that Mr. Osburn was still indebted to the couutv in t!ie sum of $8,608.73, l"e matter !is been the subject of speculation and comment. Sheriff Osburn has i.l a ays claimed that Mr. Wilson's findings were incorrec t, and out of .ho difference in Ihe figuring the public has been much at sea. The .clermiuaiion to settle the matter in a court of justice, where all the details can be thoroughly sifted, is generally accepted as a wise course. The order is as follows: 'In the matter of claims due lienton county from D. A: Osburn, it is ordered by the court that legal proceedings be commenced against I). A. Osburn and his bondsmen as sheriff and tax collector to recover whatever amount there is due the said county from D. A. Osburn, and W. S. Hufford, county judge, is author ized and instructed to employ couu- 1 1 1 sei anu proceed at once, and cause legal proceedings to be brought against D. A. Osburn and his bonds men, as sheriff and tax collector, to recover whatever amount there is due the said comity from D. A. Osburn.'" home from court. A. Rochester has a small force at wotk in his quarry. School opened Monday after a week's vacation, with the usual large attendance. Prof. Bethers seems to give general satisfaction.- All are commencing to look to the Capital city now for news and umvrior ine puoncallon ot said summons made bvthe1 Hon. J. C. Kllllnrri.n Aa nrui.l Court, at ltoseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, at to wonder what this legislature will : ''"cenK' ioth f$'Kdle"eee...bor9th, m. accomplish. Ich Dien. J. It. I1RYSON. Attorney for l'laiutltl's. January 13, 1897. ; Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Heal l'roperty under Execution. I VOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER an execution and order of sale Issued out of I the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the I ( ountv of Lincoln, dulv attested nnder the soal of said court and bearing date December 2tth I89., on a decree of foreclosure and sale rendor : ""d entered In the said courtinasuitwheie I !'.' f"1 V,', ,R"a "'""le l eo wero plaintiffs and settle J. llakei and R. F. Maker were defend ants, in favor of said plaintiffs and against said . defendants Nettie J. llaker and R. F. Baker, for I the sum of Thirteen Hundred and Seventy-live I and Mi-UM Dollars, with inteiest thereon at the , rate of ten per cent r annum, and One ilun i d red Dollars attorneys' fees, and the further sum of seven dollars cost, and furthor c.-, this writ. Tbe aforesaid execution and' Merit ' Merit talks" the KljSi Intrinsic value ot H fe I lQ Hood'BSaruaparilla. H C4lt9 Merit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there tore It has true merit. When yon buy TTrwt'a narcann.llTa nn It- . II to directions, to purify your blood, or jMluttu are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. Yon are not trying an experiment. It wlU make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs ot disease, strengthen the nerves and buUd up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best, In tact the One True Blood Partner. Prepared only by a I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. LOOK HERE t&T nm olnsinff out sfivprnl linn. ggg o "UCS 01 my or.nrl nnil will mnlrfi nrioos tnnf wrJli l. " 1 xai oe sure to sen tnem.- t For Groceries A call will convince you that I am coll in v rji'nnni'ins rilin v 1 other house m tlie (Jounty. T. W. GORMAN, YAQUINA CITY. Shiit ofl tbe salary system and put county officers on fees. Don't tax men to pay for some other persons' litigation or work. Under fees county officers get . pay for what they do, aud their pay from the persons for whom they do their HoOd'S Pills AlFi'riCa or 26c For Sale. Since McKinley is elected I have several fine places for sale cheap. borne well improved farms. Some good sheep or goat ranches. If you want good bargains come aud see M. J. Allphin, Eddyville, Ore. ; . .nusiy shhi uecree aim execution, towit: llaker s riace, containing eight and 68.100 acres; also llloclts N umber 6, 7, 8. 9. 10? 11 and 12, all in llaker's 1st addition to the Cilv of Ncr.rt;also Lot8No. 1, 2 llandl-2 in Hiock No. 1.1; and Uits No. 4,5,6, V, 8 and 9, in Block 14; and Lots No. 8, 4, S, rt, 7, 8 9 and 10 in Block No. U and Ixts No. 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 8, fl, 11 nd 12 in Block No Hi, in Itiiford.s Jnd addition to Alcx anrtria. Now, therefore, in compliance with .herl"wll,l o!!andUrder ' " "uch Saturday, the ajrd day of January, 1807, rtlSAh r.0' ,0'!lock.,ln the forenoon of said rWr' Ji t f a0",1?01", 01 ,he l o"rt "ouse in the t ity of Toledo. Lincoln county, Oregon, oiler 'or sale and sel at public auction to the hlnh- Sihi'V St.'.i1 ? nM coln casn in hnd all of the right, title. Interest and estate of the said defendants in and to the said above described real property, with the appurtenances, subject to redemption, to satisfy the said execution and amounts due thereon as above stated, to gethcr w ith costs and accruing costs, l'ated liecember 24, 161W. G. A. LAJfniB, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon, By J. II. Ross, Deputy. II. DEHLlHGEIt, Attorney-at-Law, UKJKJ 1 n CASH - STORE Yaquina City, Oregon. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. Goods Sold at San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, Frop., YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. PETER TELLEFSON, DEALER IN O-eneral Merchandise, Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing. BOOTS AND SHOES,- -CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Cigars and Tobacco, Fru'ts and Confectionery. Yaquina City, Oregon. TOO LATE ! TOO LATE ! ! a piece of V . Tf t AL.i r niAPP (i 1a laic lu KCl Ull AUbtiaLl Ul 1IL1C ivj a i.v.v- 5 land after you have bought it aud found out that there are I judgements and tax liens against it. The roper thing to 6 do is to have the ' I LIHCOLH COUHTY ABSTRACT COMPANY,) of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing pi your money. A business man now days never buys real h; S estate without first obtaining evidence of a good title. I We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address. I Crosno & Peairs. C. B. CROSNO & CO, Heal IM& Agents d HAVE BARGAINS IN Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, To Property in single Lots or Blocks IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. AbstrctofTitleto any property in Lincoln Com" furnished on demand. work. TOLEDO, OREGON. Toledo Oret0