Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 14, 1897, Image 10

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J. r. STEWAKT.Kdltoraid Proprietor.
Published every Thursday at Toledo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Hates:
One year, - - - $1.50
Six months, - - . .75
Three months, - - .50
Entered at the poatoftice at Toledo, Oregou, as
ovt.v)iu-i;ioBa iijmi waiter.
Advertising ratea made known on application
RnsltiAM Intali ulll v.. . a i.. .1 " :
, , , iiibcikiu in bUCBV 1(11-
umna at Ave cents per line per week, and will
ww.uu uuvil urilcrCU UlSL-UUlinUeU
Every postmaster in Lincoln county Is authorli
lui but, UB1UBB,
Official County Paper,
M. L,. Glass was down from Big
Elk last Tuesday.
Mrs. A. E. Ammerman and two
children are quite seriously ill.
A social dance was held in the
new bakery buildiug last Monday
Capt Wicklund, of the life-saving
t?.t?on, was up to Toledo last
Wm. Alexander returned from
Kings Valley and Corvallis
Hood's pills are the best family
cathartic and liver medicine. Geu
tle, reliable, sure.
Hon. Beal Gaither, accompanied
by his wife, visited in this city a
coude of days this week.
Flour and feed will be sold at a
low price at the store of Peter Tel
lef.son, Yaquina.
For the best groceries and fresh
fruit call at Peter Tellefson's, Ya
quina City.
The saw mill has, been running
lately planing some lumber. They
expect to start sawing soon.
H. E. Collins, of Pioneer, re
turned from a trip to Coos and
Curry counties last Saturday.
A special school nippiino- imo
been called to vote upon a tax for
school purposes, in this district.
Ladies! Ii you want a bargain
in Shoes try O'Brien's special sales
he is selling a $3.50 shoe for $2.25.
It is probable that the coming
session of district court will not
t- .
nave more man one or two jury
Pres ripiion No. 1 is not a patent
medicine, but a scientific com
pound lately discovered, which acts
as a specific in nasal catarrh.
Miss Lizzie Graham has had an
addition built onto her residence
next door to Snow's, store, and
will use it for a bakery and restaurant.
We are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horseshoeing, and all kinds of
repairing. Give us a call.
Ross & Ricr, Toledo.
M. E. Peairs went to Salem
Saturday, and will try for a clerk
ship during the session. Mr.
Peairs is a fine penman and would
make a good committee clerk.
C. B. Crosno was elected sar-geaut-at-arms
of the state senate
last Monday. John Daly who was
a candidate for a position as read
ing clerk of the house failed to get
the coveted place.
Quarterly conference of the M.
E. church of this place was held
last Saturday, Rev. John Parsons
presiding. Rev. Parsons preached
Saturday night and Sunday morn
ing, rendering two very able dis
courses. Toledo is short a marshal, that
very necessary officer, Col. Chas.
Ruhl, having offered his resignation
to the common council last Tuesday
night, and that body having ac
cented it. The council will prob
ably appoint his successor at its
meeting next Monday nignt. The
- - vui 01 me
candidates for the office are not way of the tides during low tide to
numerous for the honors and keen the flumes rnnn, a..
6 unu
Miss Maude Deycc, of Elk City,
is visiting in this place.
County Clerk Tones went to the
Valley on business last Monday.
August Fischer, of the Corvallis
Flouring Mills, was in the city last
D. J. Chitwood, the painter, has
a fine line of samples ot wall paper
at bed-rock prices.
Mrs. N. P. Stevens, who had the
misfortune to fracture her leg the
other day, is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Davis, of
Pioneer, have been in Salem on a
combined business and pleasure
The Salem Statesman gives R.
A. Bensell and C. B. Crosno as
members of the third house from
Lincoln county.
A marriage license was issued
this week to Albert Burbanks, of
Polk county, and Miss Anna
Henderson, of this county
V'. A. Fash, of Woodburn, has
purched a lot on Hill street and
will erect a building thereon in the
spring and engage in the furniture
T 1 C. .
rreu oianion DrougHt some
samples of the Rock creek granite
down last week. A sample of it is
at this office, and it is a fine looking
specimen of stone.
A. E. Ammerman retuiiied from
Baker City, where he has been
working in the mines, last night.
Being called borne by the sickne.-s
of his family here
Rheumatism is a foe which gives
no quaiter. It torments its victims
day and night. Hood's Sarsapa
mm ranuesiae 0100a and cures
the aches and pains of rheumatism.
Chas. Miller, the pliotoerapher.
came down from Elk Citv. last
night. He will go to the Atrencv
soon, where he will engage in the
picture taking business for a few
Mrs. D. J. Chitwood and child
came down from Chitwood Monday
evening and joined D. J. at this
place. Mr. and Mrs. Chitwood
will reside permanently in this
in tne notice- of the dance at the
court house on Washington's birth
day in our last issue, the type made
us say Monday the 23rd, when it
should have been 22nd. A natural
consequence is, that we have re
ceived considerable "joshing" about
not knowing the date of Washing.
ton's birthday.
Rev. Levi Ruhl TPtlirnoH frnr.
his extended stay in Pennsylvania
on Thursday last. He did not get
the estate fullv settlerl. T anAa
very much depressed iu value in
icnusyivania and it may take some
time to dispose of all
advantageously. Brother Ruhl is
looking finely and enjoyed his trip
and visit anion? his nlii frit,,ia
We acknowledge favors from
Hon. Jas. Ball, of Newport, this
Stop that catarrh in your head
before it reaches your throat, by
using Prescription No. 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
Thos. Coombs, county coroner,
was up to Toledo on business
yesterday. He reports everything
quiet on the Beaver.
Deputy Sheriff Ross has returned
from the south part of the county
where he has been subpoenaing:
jurors for the coming torm of court.
A positive cure is attained in all
cases of ratarrh hv tisirnr Prpsorin-
tion No. i. Try it and be con- county'
vinced. tor sale at Krogstad s
drug store.
Do you know that if you neglect
catarrh in the head it will bring on
other troubles that often terminate
fatally. Stop it now and be cured
from that disagreeable disease, by
using ricacripiion No, 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
Prescription No. 1 U not a cure-
all remedy. It is a scientific com
pound for the cure of catarrh only,
which it does. You will say so
yourself if you have catarrh and try
it. For sale at Krogstad's drug
Hj.v often consumption has been
traced to its starting point catarrh,
and how many people are now
suffering with nasal catarrh, and
how many can be cured by using
Prescription No. 1. Inquire about
it at the drug store. Far sale at
Krogstad's drug store.
Now Assembled at Salem, and are En
gaged In a Dead-Lock.
The 1 8th biennial session of the
Oregon legislature convened at
Salem last Monday. The senate
speedily organized by electing Toe
bimon president; t. L. Moorehead,
chief clerk; J. E. Blundell, door
keeper and C. B. Crosno, sargeant
at-arms. This was all according to
program, and was done without
The house, when it attempted to
organize found themselves in trouble
in short order. Davis of Umatilla
was elected temporary
speaker, and a committee on ere
dentials was appointed, and they
have "never done anything since."
After being out nearly two days the
committee finally made three separ
ate reports, none of which were
adopted. Filibustering tactics have
been emnloved bv a faction cf the
republicans present, assisted by
some of the populists and democrats,
and the house finds itself powerless
to organize for business.
The whole fight, of course, is on
the senatorial squabble. The fight
is anything to beat Mitchell, and it
looks a like they have it accomplish
ed. How long the squabble will keep
up no man knoweth.
In the lower house of the legis
lature there are forty-three republi
cans and four democrats. Never
the less Somers, a republican repre
sentative from Linn county, solemn
Notice nf Sr,:
Perty under
1 ut
nd .ale rendered ,nanVc"
In a suit wherein a 0 g".
and Harlot t. .' "Pextnk r"'
v-uuiiiy ot Lincoln ""OniT.T
eal of said t .' MtnuaM
jeal ofaaid couri and "Sto
fuit wherein Aoi"wkVi1
gainst Kid Mi""' tid .. M
ty-nve cent., with lnterei .k'-l
"'fen Wr cent per Tl!
Juiy MSB, and lor Yt mtWJ
the further aura of $7
urea this writ. The87d.'.,nd M,
reeled and coramaSa. i "eco!l(lS?k
decree and execution, towu'0
ol the southwest V. Z! i 5 "wiK,
aoutn. range 11, west, 7on,.i,' ". 1
Lincoln county Stat. fXIS? M 1
tore, in compliance with sail Z. . i
said day, at the frm, W? .'?.." f.J
in the City of Toledo Tin. i" 2
said defendants In 7 ,'.i.,ni1 J
scribed riwl rm,..' ' ttlj iu.1
subiect to mSiii Kiw."" ").PPnm:l
cution and the amount i tbTSS .! -J
eurJ??St,ner wl n cost, and ZZT"
Kouemoer mh, im "n
"iSalMl! ??"rt 01 " St.0i W
The Oregon Central tod Euuh. t ,
Company, plaintiff, mn
Wm. M Hnno AaiA I
To Wm M IT,.- .w- i . I
entitled " ue'eMiitk.,J
appear andanawe r SffimfiK 2Z2SI
aDove entitled auit, now on nla iTi ! t
the Clerk of said OmVrtTon Slo
day of Janimrv mo7 .k.. i... .Jor5 51
the next regufar term of ld Ktt S
hereby noUnedVhlfyoVrrpC;
RI1RWAF Sfllrl AnnihUln. .. 1 WI'PI?
relief nr.v.H .' I"?. ? J 4
to-wit, X decree of the.reK
aim aujuuging mat yon have no emit S
or intereat whatsoever of, In, or to
the tide and nvnpfl..iuuH i ,?','
teen, Tiventv-two. Twnt.i nSSSL1"-
and Thlrty-five in Township' No ' Z
Kai.gell weat, in Lincoln Cuunty Su5
Orfflron. anil thai "T
therein Is good and valid; and decrMlEl
you be forever enjoined and debinM
Valentine Ball.
There will be a grand Valentine
ball in the Terwilliger hall, Elk
City, on Monday evening, February
15. 1897. Good music and the
best of order is assured. The com
mittee oti invitation are J. E. Dixon,
0. C. Simpson and Lester Waueh.
Tickets for dance and supper, $1.00.
Everybody invited to attend.
;.r.rni .zi .1.,"'... "
ly introduced a resolution arraienine 1 5 ff.BfHi,"nJ.vemt'lll
w ..... ... .v.. w10 vuoir. uu uiBuuraemeoiioiu.
A 1 r . I suit ft(rninit vnn
uMu.moers lor meir Th. T Summons I. published i. He to
revolutionary actions in holding up j!lS
the organization of the legislature. Rrbur'.'on.rd?.
CAMAM 1. a. 1 1 m 10th. IRQti
v.umc.s uugm io nave a aose 01 j . bryson nnd w b
paregoric administered at once to Attorneys ioi Piiuiu 1
quiet his nerves.
On The Sand.
The little schooner, Edith, owned
and commanded by Joe Gideon, of
VValdport. lies on the sands of the
south beach of Alsea Bay entrance.
The schooner was loaded with
i i v
mmoer ior xaqiuna Bay, and on
BUCKLEY. At Newport, Janu-;w n "u
' .J . . I last Krirlav pminiiiir Onnl O J
13.1097. me io-montlis-old I I . ' v.Fiyulumu
nf Mr a.iH Mro TU and the Crew Set Sail for thp vnvoiro
j All went well till the vessel reached
the , the bar where she was met bv
child of Mr. and Mrs
Tlrsisa terrible blow to
I "T " J
fond pa. tnts, and their manv friends . trary winds, and ita short time the
sincerely sympathize with them in vessel was drivetr on the sands.
their deep affliction. 1 he schooner inot damaged and
McDONALD At Siletz, Friday, ' the lumber is probably all taken off
Tnn R iflnl T-Tutif. Mnll- A : hr tUiu .Im TU T. .
j 1 v.iij Mxxyuijaiu, "j uiuc, j. tie trew waiKeu
aged about 18 years
The deceased was buried Satur
day. Rev. Silas Howell, of Alsea.
conducting the ceremonies.
Jury PanelJanuary Term.
greatly.' The Union, Belle
Flame, Iowa The eentleman re
ferred to above is a brother of c
H. Rhul, of this place, and the
property is the estate of which
Mr. Ruhl is one of the heirs.
Messrs. Armstrone and Cox. the
gentlemen who have had the Cros-
no-jones beach mine near Otter
Rock leased, have been compelled
to surrender their lease, owing to
the sickness of Mr. Armstrong,
who has been compelled to return
to the Valley. The mine has again
been leased to Mr. Cox and Mr. S.
A. Logan. Messrs. Logan and
Cox agree by the terms of their
lease to work the mine day and
night. Heretofore the working of
the sand has been seriously inter
fered with by the high tides, but
that trouble is now overcome by
hauling the sand upon a point of
land out of reach of the high tides
with a team and scraper. Enough
sana can oe taken up out of the
emoluments of the office consist
principally of the former.
nigut, and the work can be
going regardless of the tides.
The following is the panel of
jiiors drawn for the January, 1897,
term of district court:
Jas McDonald, Little Elk, farmer
Jno Steel, Toledo,
D J Durbie, "
B Morrison, Elk City, capitalist
Valentine Thiel, Newport, "
August Goble, Alsea, farmer
w C Copeland, Toledo, "
J F Huntsucker, Yaquina, carpenter
Arnold Hurley, 1 Toledo, farmer
Wm McWillis, Alsea, "
LWDeyoe, Elk City, merchant
W A Ridenour, Big Elk, farmer
Dan'l Howery, Elk City,
Z S Derrick, Little Elk, "
E W Council, Tidewater "
Fred Joss, Alsea,
W M Wilson, Little Elk, b'ksmith
H W Vader, Alsea, farmer
Jas Robertson, Yaq., real est. agt.
J J Jennings, Newport, dentist
Dan'l Murphy, Big Elk, farmer
Wm Grant, Newport. "
Jno McCullum, "
M W Simpson. Elk Citv.
Josiah Reynolds, Alsea, farmer
J R Harlan, Big Elk, "
Karl Kroeger, Beaver creek, "
SJWilhoit, Drift creek, "
P N Lathrop, Elk Citv.
C J Bishop, Tidewater. '
ashore at low tide.
Later. The schooner was got
safely into deep water yesterday,
and is not seriously damaged. The
cargo of lumber was taken off and
sold on the beach to Josiah
Try the new remedy for catarrh
prescription No. 1. Price 75 cts.
a bottle, at Krogstad's drug store.
The Oregon Stateama Till March iithOt l
15 Cents.
Every taxpayer should read s Salem Mr
this winter. She Oiegon Weekly 8tVui
tne blKKea, brightest, cheaoeat and bat air
published at the capital. The legislate J
In Janhary. Needed laws are to bepuxdui
a U. S. senator is to be elected. Everybody j
want to read a rood taner this wlntu Imsfe
seat ot war and to all we cheeilnll? nw
mend the Statesman. It ia fearleuud lis
spoken. It nrges economy alonf all Uu
state government, and is waglni war loin
tereat of the taxnavnm. TuTRtlnn mart kit
duced by abolishing all useleaa ronrala
ar.a correcting abuses. The Ststeimin u u
only reliably republican Associated Pimp
in Oreiriin. Tt Rnnnlsta nf twAlrA niMlVMkll
Itssuqscrlption price ia $1.60 per yen, batlfi
ftnnHfl.1 Kpranirainonr with tha nnhlllhUI l(
tlAVO IimdwuI tlx innnl. tt tn MIF anhtfrM
from this date until tbe adjournment ol
legislature three months good Rtdln-
only 26 cents. Forward all aubscrlptlomtois
ders light away the sooner yon nd,thti'
Painter and Paperhanger,
Will do your work at hard time
prices. Give us a call and save
money. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Reg. Pharmacist.
An Important Chang
Beginning January ist, 1897, tk
nresenr wtlv edition of the DE'
changed to a
The Price will remain the same,
S1.00 PE YEAR.
The usual literary and humorois
features will be continued, and n
will also
Contains all the News,
Making it an
We have just made an arrangenit
with tbe publishers ot mis
Famous paper whereby we ci
... . . kn.nalfl.
oner you an exceiiem uo.s
We will send
The Leader
ivn THB
Detroit Free Press, J
Both ONE YEAR for
O9IY $2.00
156Lrp.r $2.00
T 11 a flODT
Toledo, Oi
III a 11.. W
waniea-An iaea sx&
AD Shipley, Big Elk, '
Toledo, . Ore iron
Mltol ot two tatt&4fa lartauotf