Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 07, 1897, Image 8

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J. P. STKWAHT.Kdltor aid Proprietor.
Published every Thursday at Toledo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Kates:
One year, ... $1.50
Six months, .75
Three months, - - .50
Entered at the postofllee at Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mall matter.
Advertising rates made known on application
Business locals will be inserted in these cot
umns at five cents per line per week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
Every postmaster in Lincoln connty Is authorlz
ed to act as agent for the Leadeb.
Official County Paper.
Gowell's stock and prices are all
Are you all right? Yes, of you
trade at Gowell's.
A couple of Al. Taylor's children,
near Yaquina, have been down sick.
S. A. Logan, the Newport mer
cl'ant, was up from that place to
day. Flour and feed will be sold at a
low price at the store of Peter Tel
lefson, Yaquina.
Now is a good time to make your
wants known, and trade with
For the best groceries and fresh
fruit call at Peter Tellefson's, Ya
quina City.
County court was in session yes
terday. Drawing the jury list was
the principal business done.
Ladies! If you want a bargain
in Shoes try O'Brien's special sales
he is selling a $3.50 shoe for $2.25.
The steamers Tillamook, Homer,
Farallon and Robarts arrived, un
loaded, reloaded and departed from
this port since New Year's.
Prescription No. 1 is not a patent
medicine, but a scientific com
pound lately discovered, which acts
as a specific in nasal catarrh.
Don't be disappointed if you
iail to get an appointment, for
Gowell will make it easy for you
to live, if you buy goods of him.
There was a pleasant taffy-pulling
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Wade last night. A good
time was enjoyed by all.
A New Years dance was held in
the school house in the Parrish
district New Years eve. A good
time is reported by those who at
tended. The suit of Murphy vs. Gorman
which was tried in the county court
a short time ago, has been appealed,
and will be given another hearing
in the district court.
We are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horse-shoeing, and all kinds of
repairing. Give us a call.
Ross & Rick, Toledo.
Jas. Eglin, a liveryman of Cor
vallis, mysteriously disappeared
last Friday night. The evidence
and circumstances seem to warrant
the belief that he was drowned in
the Willamette.
Do you know that if you neglect
catarrh in the head it will bring on
other troubles that otten terminate
fatally. Stop it now and be cured
from that disagreeable disease, by
using Prescription No, 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
Wm. Boone brought a curiosity
to this office last Monday, iu the
shape of a petriefied foot of some
animal, which he discovered in one
of the old shell beds near Oyster
ville. The foot has eight claws, all
of which can be plainly discerned.
In other respects it resembles a
bear's foot.
A lot of the young tolks, and
some of the old ones, danced the
old year out and the new year in
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
II. L. Huffman, north of town. A
jolly good time is reported by all
who attended, and especial men
tiou was made of the excellent
supper served.
Gowell's all right.
R. A. Miller came down from
Big Elk yesterday.
Judge Wm. Alexander went out
to the valley on business last Mon
day. E. F. Gaar, the butcher, returned
from a business and pleasure trip
to Philomath Tuesday night.
Gowell will not send anyone to
Salem this year, but be sells gro
ceries for spot cash at knock-down
A telegram from Yaquina called
Dr. Parent to that place last Satur
day to give medical aid to Luke
O'Brien, who was quite seriously
ill. At last accounts he was on the
road to recovery.
A positive cure is attained in all
cases of catarrh by using Prescrip
tion No. 1. Try it and be con
vinced. For sale at Krogstad's
drug store.
These extra warm days should
be looked on with considerable sus
picion. They U' liable Lo Stall
out fruit buds that will "meet up"
with a keen and nipping frost before
the spring time comes.
Prescription No. 1 is not a cure
all remedy. It is a scientific com
pound for the cure of catarrh only,
which it does. You will say so
yourself if you have catarrh and try
it. For sale at Krogstad's drug
A little scrap occurred on the
reservation last Friday, between
Capt. Geo. Harney and Fred
Harney, a cousin of the former.
According to our information clubs
and a hatchet figured in the scrap,
but no real serious injury was
The New Year's dance at Elk
City is reported to have been a
complete success. A large crowd
was in attendance, and the occasion
was greatly enjoyed by all present.
The elegant supper served at the
Elk City hotel was also a very
pleasant feature of the evening.
The wave of prosperity must
have struck Attorney Denlinger,
judging from the amount' of im
provements and renovations he has 1
made in his office lately
He has
had the room repainted and re
nanered. and fivpri nn VipquW arl.
din several ii
law library.
If your wife's aunt's second
cousin by her step daughter knew
the third cousin to the great-grandfather
of the step-uncle of Mrs.
McKinley's washerwoman, you are
a pretty important personage and
can afford to put on airs over it.
You stand right in line to give out
good solid endorsements for fat
federal positions.
A delicate surgical operation was
performed on J. R. Bryson at the
Good Samaritan hospital in Pott
land last Saturday. The operation
consisted in the removal of a tumor
as large as a man's hand from the
lower intestines. The news late
yesterday afternoon was to the
effect that the patient was doing
nicely and, as the danger period
was almost passed, it was expected
that the operation would prove en
tirely successful.
Over across the Olalla, where the
new settlers have been buying land,
things begin to take on a more
prosperous aspect. Mr. Ratche
has just completed a new residence
on his new farm there, and Mr.
Peterson has about got his new
residence completed. These men
have worked bravely on through
storm and sunshine, and already
their efforts are beginning to tell.
Mr. Muszynski, the gentleman who
bought the Denlinger home place,
has gone to work with a vim and
vigor that is bound to tell. Each
one of these new comers are well
pleased with the country and say
that several more of their country
men will come and locate in this
I country during, the present year.
Rev. Wm. Snow has concluded
not to return to the east this
Hood's pills are easy to take,
easy to operate. Cure indigestion,
headache. 25c.
M. S. Woodcock, the Corvallis
banker and attorney was over on
business last Tuesday.
G. T. Smith is trying ranch life
for a time, having recently moved
up onto his excellent farm near
Larkey Logan was sued in the
justice court at Newport last Mon
day by holders of claims against
the estate of Wm. Megetfnson,
City Council failed to convene
last Monday night, that being the
regular meeting night. The new
council will hold its first meeting
next Tuesday night.
You can be well when your blood
is rich, pure and nourishing.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the
blood rich and pure and cures all
blood diseases, restor'ng heal.h and
Hon. J. K. V.'eatherford, the
Albany attorney, was ov?r on
business last Saturday. Mr. Weath
erford was a prominent figure ii
the free silver fight in Oregon dur
ing the last campaign.
To the allegation that the dogs
got after him while up the river on
New Year's day Henry Lewis sets
up a vigorous and general denial,
claiming that he just happened to
pass along there just as the dogs
run a deer to the river. And we
believe Henry is telling the truth.
The meetings continue with
interest. Presiding Elder John
Parsons will preach for us Friday
evening at 7:30 o'clock; Saturday
at 7:30 p. m., and Sunday at 11 a.
m. Quarterly conference Saturday
at 2:30 p. m. A cordial invitation
to all to attend these meetings.
W. H. Myers, Pastor.
A lodge of the Knights of the
Maccabees was instituted at Wald
port last Saturday night. Dr.
Carter went down and acted in the
' caPac'tv medical examiner. We
aid not learn trie particulars, and
wish that some of our friends down
there would send us name, number
of lodge, the officers and the regular
night of meeting.
There will be a grand dance
given at the court house Monday
evening, February 23, 1897, Wash
ington's birthday, under the auspices
of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. of
this place, the proceeds to go to the
relief funds of these two worthy
orders. These orders have been
extending help to the families of
some of their members who have
been visited by sickness, and their
funds have become exhausted.
The object of the dance is a worthy
one, and we believe will be liberally
patronized by our people. Further
particulars will be given later on.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. of
this place had a joint installation of
officers for the ensuing term last
Saturday. Comrade Thos. Stakely
acted as installing officer, and the
following officers were installed
G. A. R.: H. R. Sturdevant, post
commander; T. J. Ewing, senior
vice commander; Thos. Stakely,
junior vice commander; Chas. Dick,
quartermaster; v. m. vjarter, sur
geon; J. S. Conklin, chaplain; C,
C. Kubler, officer of the day; C. M
Brown, officer of the guard. The
W. R. C. officers were, Mrs. Eliza
Ewing, president; Mrs. Ina Sturde
vant, senior vice-president; Mrs.
Judith Vincent, junior vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Nellie Campbell, treas
urer; Mrs. Elma Hyde, chaplain;
Mrs. Matilda Espey, conductor;
Mrs. Rebecca Dick, assistant con
ductor; Mrs. Mary Arnold, guard,
aim imss iiva uwing, assistant
guard. The ceremonies were public
to the members' families.
Try the new remedy for catarrh
prescription No. 1. Price 75 cts.
a bottle, at Krogstad's drug store.
Stop that catarrh in your head
before it reaches your throat, by
using Prescription No. 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
Agent Gaither, of Siletz, stopped
over night in Toledo last Tuesday
night while enroute home from
Newport where he had been as a
witness in the Logan case.
How often consumption has been
traced to its starting point catarrh,
and how many people are now
suffering with nasal catarrh, and
how many can be cured by using
Prescription No. 1.. Inquire about
it at the drug store. Far sale at
Krogstad's drug store.
A letter from J. H. Kern, written
from Portland, informs us that the
tug Tonquin is expected to go into
the Siletz next week after the last
load of salmon, at the Kernville
cannery, about 900 cases. The
season's pack has been all sold and
the business for the year has been
satisfactory, all things considered.
He is somewhat discouraged over
the fact that the summer was al
lowed to close without opening the
trail to Kernville from Toledo.
This was a mistake, but we have
full confidence that the trail will be
opened up early next summer.
Mrs. N. P. Stevens met with a
very serious misfortune last Wed
nesday night, a week ago. She
was standing before the fire on a
rug, and was bathing one of her
legs with some liniment for some
slight ailment, when all at once her I
limbs gave way under her and she '
fell to the floor, falling on one of j
her legs in some way as to fracture
it a short distance above the knee.
Drs. Parent and Carter were sum
moned and reduced the fracture.
The chances of recovery are not the
best owing to the patient's age and
general ill health.
Ones by ones and twos by twos
members of the three houses of the
Oregon legislative assembly are
beginning to arrive in Salem, pre
paratory to the grand opening on
Monday of next week. Senators
ana representatives are engaging
quarters for the session, as are also
members of the lobby and laborers
in the vineyard senatorial. Appli
cants for every position from clerk
and janitorship to United States
senator and minister to Turkey
not emitting the railroad and sundry
othei commissions are prominent
among the number. The Willam
ette lobby is as yet enjoying a calm
but it is one of those peculiar
calms that preceds a certain storm.
Salem Statesman.
Why the Lily Didn't Bloom.
Mr. George Stirapson, the ac
commodating driver of Wells,
Fargo & Co's express, has been
carelully nurturing a plant which
he supposed was a Chinese lily.
It was presented to him by Mr. W.
M. Toner, express messenger on
the Yaquina train, and looked like
a fine specimen. But in fact Mr.
Toner had peeled a big Oregon
onion and nestled it aitistilally
among some pebbles in a glass
bowl. The plant, under George's
lender care, acquired a splendid
growth, but it refused to show any
sign of blooming. A critical ex
amination revealed the true state of
facts, and now George is laying
awake nights to invent a plan for
getting even. Albany Herald.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, of Portland,
specialist for refraction and defects
of the eye, will be in Toledo on
January 7, and will remain four
davs. Dr. Vogel comes highly
recommended as an oculist, and all
suffering from weakness, or any
disease of the eye, should consult
him while here. At the Blake
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of RM.
i-i an execution and order of sal. SNDtt
the Circuit Court ot theState of oJE?1.0W l
oiDecembei MUM on T dece oT?e24til S
lvUt,,u uu entered in UI"
ln i '""wherein A. G. Spexarth wL i?fort
Hundred and Twenty-seven DdllsT.
ty-five cents, with interest T thereon .uh?1'-'
of ten percent per annum from the Sift?
July 1896, and for 125 attorneys' fL. hliV0V
the further sum of $7 costs, aid fe.!nd ,or
upom this writ. The said execution i, t'm
rected and commands ma ri i.,,!;?.11" li
luwiug uesurioea real property to sit sr.
decree and execution, towlt' the a,?. ' m
of the southwest of'seotion S'JM
south, range 11, west, containing TO ft
Lincoln county, State of Oregon. Now ff' io
torn,ll,..i.r.-' " "Wre.
der of sale, t, as such sheriff, will on m or
Saturday, the 3rd day of Jonu.ry, i8o,
at the hour of ten o'clock in th fnm. .
said day. at the front door of the Court
offer for sale and sell' at public " aSon 2fS?'
h KheBt bidder for V. s r.nirt P
scribed real property, with the appVtS
subject to redemption, to satisfy the said JSt
cution and the amounts thereon asatM,.,it
Dated December 23th, 1896.
Sheriff of Lincoln CointF E
By J. H.RoH.Dipui,,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor
Lincoln County. "fu ior
Tho Oroauu Cojitial aud Lantern Kallroid
Company,-plaiutiff, urow
Wm. M. Hoag, defendant.
To Wm. M. Hoag, the defendant in the show
entitled suit:
you are hereby summoned and required tt
appear andanswe r plainti It' s complaint In the
above entitled suit, now on Hie in the office of
the Clerk of said Court, on or before the 25th
day of January, 1897, that being the flret dai of
the next regular term of said Court, to be held
at the court house, in the town of Toledo Is
Lincoln County, State of Oregon; and you ire
hereby notified that if you fail so to app-arsnd
answer said complaint as herein required the
plaintiffwill take a decree against you for the
relief prayed for In the complaint in said roll
to-wit: A decree of the said Cot rt decreeing
and adjudging that you have no estate, eliln
or Interest whatsoever of, in, or to all or but ol
the tide and overflowed lands in Sectioni fif
teen, Twenty-two, Twenty-six, Twentj-nvto
and Thirty-five in Township No. 11 south
Kauge 11 west, in Lincoln County, State of
Oregon, and that the title of the plaintiff
therein Is good and valid ; and decreeing thil
you be forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any claim whatever In or to the Mid
tide and overflowed lands adverse to the plain
tilt', and for the costs and disbursement! of this ,
suit against you.
This Summons is published ln the Lincoln
County leader for six successive weeks, br
order of Hon. J. C. Fullerton, judge of the tald
Court, which order was made at Chamber! it
Tioseburg, Oregon, and bears date December
loth, 1896.
J. R. BRYSON and W. 8. McFADDEN,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Oregon Statesma Till March ist for Only
as Cents.
Every taxpayer should read a Salem paper
this winter. She Otegon Weekly Statesman ti
the higges, brightest, cheapest and best paper
published at the capital. The legislature meeti
In Janhary. Needed laws are to be passed and
a U . S. senator Is to be elected. Everybody will
want to read a good paper this winter from the
seat of war and to all we cheeifully recom
mend the Statesman. . It is fearless and free
spoken. It urges economy along all lines ol'
state government, and Is waging war in tke In
terest of the taxpayers. Taxation must ben
duued by abolishing all useless commissions
and correcting abuses. The Statesman Is the
only reliably republican Associated Press papet
ln Oregon. It consists of twelve pages weekly
Itssuqscrlption price is 11.50 per yeat, but by I
special arrangement with the publishers we
have arranged to supply it to our subscribers
from this date until the adjournment of the
legislature three months good readlnj-to'
only 25 cents. Forward all subscriptions to the
STATESMAN, SALEM, OR. Send in your or
dersiight away the sooner you send, the mora
An Important
ret- 1S07. the
present weekly edition of tne DE
changed to a
The Price will remain the same,
$1.00 PER YEAR.
The usual literary and humorous
features will be continued, and it
will also
Contains all the News,
Making it an
We have just made an arrangement
with the publishers of this World
Famous paper whereby we can
offer you an excellent bargain.
We will send
The Leader j
Detroit Free Press,
Both ONE YEAR for
OQly $2.00
156 ?ZZ $2.00
Less than one cent a copy
Addiess, The LEADER.
Toledo, Ore.
Wanted-An Idea S5g
Protect 1 your Ideas; they may bring J "JS
jars. Washington. D C. for their !. P "
ad Ust ol two hundred InTaatlona waiilM-
. " -"vu-mvi DMU DlHrihs II,