'Resume of Events in the Northwest. Tf-i .-EVlCtl NCE OF STEADY GROWTH . Gathered In All the Town of Our NihboriiiB Stte Improve ment Noted in All Industries Oregon. The John Day flouring mill, having nound op all the wheat in sight, is iuow idle. Marion oounty's assessment lor 1890 hit already cost $7,000, and the end is not yet, says the Statesman. A colony of Illinois people will leave that state in Maroh or April, to settle in the southern part ol Yamhill county and the southern part of Polk county. Fred Kemper, of Pendleton, who won , oayose at a raffle the other day, gave the beast back to its original owner and .u.iKft him for takins the cavuae off j liva.vw - w . ihia hands. Engineer Dillman, of the Astoria railway, says that there are 400 men it work near Rainier and the Clats- kaiiie, and that two big dredgers are being ran night and day. Henry Bnoobolz. a prominent citizen of Tamarack, Uamtilla county, is burn ing chaicoal. It takes five days to burn a pit, and he has to watch it ,1a; and night, and camps by the pit. The Wallowa stage was wrecked lift week by an accident on Wallowa bill. There were three passengers that day, but they got out to walk just be fore the stage started down the bill, so that nobody was injured. G, W. McKinney, of Brownsville, last week butchered a bog that dressed 622 ponndB, from wbioh he rendered ISO pounds of lard, and the Browns rille Times asks if any Willamette farmer can beat the record. Mrs. James Crosby, of Monmouth, Or., has a family Bible,' printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, that has been i banded down in the family for several generations; crossed the ocean to America, and now lies on the center table of Mrs. Crosby. It is prized very highly, and is still in a state of good ; preservation. The body of a white man washed ashore on the beaoh about half a mile srath of the mouth of Banter's creek, inCnrry county recently. The coro ner's jury was unable to identify the body, and found a verdict of death by drowning. The body was that of a man about six feet tall, with very mall hands and feet, and weighing about 180 pounds. During the storm in November, Otto Kohler shipped 8,500 sheep from The Dalles to Columbus, Neb., and arrived there in due time, losing only four sheep on the trip. Mr. Kohler writes back that he is feeding bis sheep at the farm of Nie Blazer, an nncle of John Blazer, of The Dalles, near Co lumbus, where he gets shelled corn for twelve cents a bushel, and other feed at corresponding low prices. tt tuning-ton. Jabez Cowles, an old citizen of Clark connty, died at his home near Wood land last week. The Ellensburg city council has made a reduction in the salaries of city officials that will amount to 30. The Spokane street car company's receipts during the year have averaged $30 a day more than last year, says the opoKane Chronicle. A farmer of Cow City lost 1,000 bushels of potatoes by the November freeze, and a Toledo man lost 1,000 bushels. There seems to have been henry lou all over Lewis county. Blackleg is making its appearance imong the cattle in Kittitas county. Mr. Otis Hyer, stockman and farmer, Jys that three of bis neighbors have lost from six to ten head of cattle, each nsed by this disease. The state treasurer baa issued a call 'or state warrant on the general fond, limbered 13,491 to 1S.T35 inclusive, mounting in the aggregate to 21, 51.49. Interest on these warrant will ceate after January 7. The Washinstcn State Historical So- c,y st Tacoma has filed article cf in corporation. Their purpose is the col lection and preservation in substantial win oi objtcu of traditional and bit toricl interest to the state. Their main headqaaters will be in Tacoma. Alfred Snyder, 70 y-an of age. and le of Seattle's pioneer residents, a'ed the other night at Port Blakely. where he went oa tim ago to act tallyman at the big mill. Mr. sojder has alwiy. ton held in high J"ea by the older residents who ew him wen, and hia death it row. fa "gretted. Harry Paxlin, a fcrakeman on tie O. N, wis taken to toe borp.ul it Walla W1U lan week, rsffenng from scalp woxcd indicted ly a cockling-Pu- He was standing tr-d tot draw "ead when the cxrt canv together in jco a manner ti to iz.t.-m tat pia in ' ita great f.orae. To pin Jrock hia a glancing blow on tt and Vsaded tea feet bigger. "d " struck kirn so. rarely it pro-tab! oslo" tar, km4 kja, tnttantiy. ARMS FOR CUBA. Bto.mer. n,,tlr Brt ,,,,. Apply for tlrarmiu I'Hpnnt. Washington, Jun. I. For the first time since the present struggle in Cuba began this government has given per mission to customs officials to clear for Cuba a vessel loaded, according ti manifest, with munitions of war, pro sumably for the insurgent army. Yesterday the secretary of the treas ury reoeived a telegram from the owo ers of the Dauntles4 at Jacksonville stating that they would apply to tin oollector of customs at Jacksonville for a clearance to a Cuban port with i. cargo of arms, but the oaths require-! by the statutes would not be taken. The question was asked whether undei these circumstances papers would b? issued. Later a telegram was receive' from the oolleotor at Jacksonville stat ing an application to clear the Dauut less for Neuvius, Cuba, with a cargi of arms, had been made, and asking instructions. This morning the secretary replied substantially as follows: "If the master of the vessel and thr owners, shippers and consigners of the cargo comply fully with the laws and regulations concerning the manifest and take the oaths renrrir von ttirv grant a clearance to Neuvitas, Cuba". Oaths must be taken and subscribed in writing, as required by section 4I&7. 4198 and 4200 of the revised statutes." The port named as the destination is on the northern coast of Cuba and is occupied by Spanish forces. Treas ury offioials therefore are of the opinion that the oaths required will not be taken. Late this afternoon the collector of customs at Jacksonville wired the sec retary of the treasury that the steamer Commodore had applied for clearance papers upon practically the same state ment of facts as in the case of the Dauntless. In response the secretary wired permission to issue papers to the Commodore in substantially the same terms as were named in the former case. Up to the bour of closing the department no information bad been received as to the movements of either vessel, or whether the conditions im posed bad been accepted. FIFTY YEARS IN OFFICE. The Long Service of a PenDtrlta&ia foitnuter. Philadelphia, Jan. 1. Joseph Strode, of Mifflin county, is the oldest poet master in the United States; that is to say, the oldest in continccua service, for he has held the position of postmas ter at Strode's Mills since IS 45, despite changes of adminisrrati'.ni, political upheavals, the war and the silver agi tation. Strode's Mills is a pretty little vil lage in the central portion of the state, surrounded by rich farming lands and valuable ore and sand mine. Joseph Strode is in bis 2d jai, and it is believed he will hold the ;:b until he is too old to fill it. He is the pride and joy of the postof&ce depameot in Washington, which placed his p'.rtar in the government display tt the world's fair. The Strodts are an old noble family. Tbey came from England in ii and settled in the valley of Virginia. In 179 Joseph Strode, the prei.t rxet master's grandfather, came to PenLiyi vania and settled in the vidcitr of what is now Strode's Mill. The oldest postmsfter is a KyV lican and has never mitseJ votiig i.-:e be was allowed to. He has never teen ill, and U po tessed of all bis faculties. Hi wu ap pointed during the adm:o;jtriU'.a rf President Pcii- A Vilit ISufc I- 14. St. Louis, Jan. 14 sji-:Ut.v ti Post-DijpaKh fr .ro M Ii-. says: Word couei frcs Sj'..y. a small f.wn near 1l-.-v.-3.. t-us r.:-n looted the tiLk at titpl- U.s:it. The tank was inor.rji-.rated :2 m itb cipiui cf t r..Wi- I'- "i?-- were aiioct -i- S. S:va is president and L. A. Sher2 a.h:er. lAstaiU cf the r.biery i i-i : tain, became tie v.-n iu cv te grapbia er.x,i.tctica. It it rr-xri ti robbers entered the bar. 'V the safe wi'a dyn if cr-fi away an as'.cit cf eiii txzsiuifi at from Vj.Wi V' VWi- Kill-4 mm l inm Mmm. ' Saa. Int. Ji I iiv I StxvA d Iwi-ty J- Er-.-sT, ci J Lccirrille, y., reonveri Lii:rruTi-JS that Eichard fcrxis, a vex-A yr cxer facta L-.iijT-.J. w at lit i--"3 cf Eiciarf Lai, t.ir - and went to toe fi.-.tt- Laii. '' tis TArrv wsi ari. critrri i jrwi man, J'-'in i-WS?. v. ft a ia ail repel th itsaci. At ts.Jt th 'j5-.era ovsjA in ai-i f Z-,iT- JaiL Err-iJ w -'- aaa. ii Laxii Saa Fraiinaso, Wood, a ecntoc a V-i--i J"-" -o, who recently :iir.j; a licTnt IJ-HCO froes XM vm' Csx.r ciUi-.tjirt- ss - taas4 w.r.t :i 3f Biit. aaf hf f-m-.Cv rra-.-ref Hi tx rwitsr arjital. Li a ti- fcis reject r fi- '"-sl th crxarxiiit an-iti rn .n tzsAZ ia ts jec-yjJ-T J f aui h taai-ry. THE BOILER EXPLODED. "Iranian PotMll, Hr, .t II.. Mrtlrl l.ftk ARylutu. Medical Lake, Wah., Dec. 31 At i o clock tins morning this tov shaken i.v u i , , w, . bvnfan. ih. v "'''".""'"j 'lci of an Hr,hn J." X" wi"" were verv 1 r , , , t,t"11'1""4 wind7r.l V, ,W' Jfl. n4 their ZTlTJ.l ?LUhlj: "" W ri W!is KBiierllv k V . ' ii, iraon that one of the tMllera at the hospital for the insane had exploded. There were four boilers in use, g'-nerally for steam and heating purposes, all in- closed in a brick house at the rear of wjo no puai, tint immediately adjoin- w,t'h If? ,he,wb01,!"h'"1"pMed ; uniiij oeinoi.rn it, tnrowing fragments in every direc- tion. A large section of it was driven backward against the head of one of the other boilers, driving the latter from its foundation and partly into the rear wall of the house. fritz Iheilman, the night fireman, was standing near the boiler at the .u-.Luvub ins ezpioRiou, ana was blown out into the yard along with the flying bricks, pieces of boiler, timbers, etc., and so badly scalded and internal- ly iRjw? that hii life sir-A ; lie says everything was in proper shape with the boilers, and he cannot acxunt for the explosion. The boiler-house will have to be entirely rebuilt and the remaining boilers reset on their founda tions. A DESPERATE SUIC'DE. (Vf,man Throw Herlf lndftr llu-bjud'a Locomotive. Her New Haven, Conn., Dec. .51. Ella Eager, whose body, torn and dismem bered, was found on the road of the Shore Line in this city, committed sui cide by throwing herself under the wheels of the locomotive which her husband, Engineer Fred Ejger, was running. The couple bad quarreled two weeks before and bad separated. The wife grew moody over her miifor tune, and the neighbors say that she often remarked that she wished she At 6 o'clock in the evening she put on her things and went out. She went to tie station and her faoiband saw her there jnat as he bad come on for duty, ready to make bis run to .Vew London. He did not appear anxi'.-us to see his wife, and it is supposed that Mrs. Eager. noticing hU iadifferen, be- medwrit.n-lrr,:TMM.nirrirf. Toe woman w'.ied away from the depot and followed a route al'.xg the raiircad traok. Hrr tit-and s train started at f,:'l. At that hour sne was a few biiidred yards from the depot. The train case or with in creaiirg speed asd aobered rapid mo mentum wnen it case to V.tt, Etger. To carry CTit her resolve w the work cf an instant. After being killed her boiy was car ried aloi.g tor I.CX yar'is waen it waa acght in a frog cf the trv.ir. and thrown to cl siie. Tie htsoasd sped away on bis ecguvt, htt.e Ui.r.x:.-;g cf wiat the matinvery c-ir bis ft nad d-.te MAINTAJNS H'S INNOCENCE aaierl'. frUwwr is J(iJ4, Clst t 1 J'tla tA t rtyln J. Sa Digo. CaL, Lee 11. Ax-eri-iMia throtg-ct Mexitr. are wjv.hmg w-.i3 jrtat livreait tie cvo-veavetji of the tz'Jy.r.Mf in ti oate cf Carlos A. Mier. an Asterican tit-zee ax4 cf Csa.iin:lain, vu-A :i 'iverrert He is fce.:xa -rjf.-a, C.tyof XexiW. eiargtd w:ta th asir- ier of a lUiiSin er.g:ieT t4 Eis- ario 2jia, at h-vrr. oc Oavcer i. ci:ers at Oi-t"ec ail is h.i '.-vs hai 5UV..V. v. ir-ig a sirover .iarg iji.z,n lis. aii ecrxciiiai i..t rs:a ai yjm.M- c I IZy iirtCCTT of th ai-i '--tt, nJ&itA siier g-iaH, to tzzz-ta of a wivie sooj- tj .n,rj is tii rute of 'ivwrero sion ccly ii away w-ta i -ui, iat w o fcsii ti g-.'recmnt t of a larg 43,-.ui-u ji-!a'i je"-7- of ut bum f-.rwtrii V. ti g-.Tenxat ssai-swc-b f jr-i tit K.it -j all r.it. ail is ti -?aAtA vi-jra of eotaijes ia jiiiit aff Ti. H'KHUrB EiCOfiT. Will SLer 1 MMrt. C-.ao, rc II lfj.e x ay ux.es ri oti of oCa Xtji 4, iu ;erirjii wxri wi J J'.r3ii o th Cijitr- iwert fc-6-uiirooi ait tut Gwluil feyt fjiii -aot OTUiZiMi-JX- Tj i-naatrs wee ktiurt uut jr-jn.Ji 1 a-fii Ji a ii? iwbv ur M st 'rrts 5unMra i-AB. v. St flejl! ii-.ni-i C til SB. aua-aw w vjsniini vtr'.y iy Y t y frnr wtr seiHrjUBt Ti fiara i-jn-Vii. aart sua rsiwf a w -.ulf i u ra tiiig r. a.-rj si x-iiMaJt v, tiuj si tvry v.oi iMin. si zteaiers if i v.n wl. i tr.ioa oa TT't-r-i f sj. t.wijuy. Ti triwusrf w- tv.rj f er ia ti wiy i-jo sa 5rw T ar l r in ty ojf jer- p a Itiirv "Mul THE SULTAN 13 OBDURATE. ,lllr lftt In I'eriiilt I ntf ffirntit;,. CoiiMantiiiupln. Deo. SO. Thn Kus- I Mluti u t. . I, . .... U..a I ..il t. ' rul,"""' ""K w.th represenumo, of Ureal ,,r""'"' ''""'" ""'J. r-nj .'! , A""rl". ul with the sul- tan, AlMul iU.ni.l, .., of many suoh "iterviewH wlthli. the p year, on tin, ' ' ''"n, t '"D"'iltii"" ; b.j .ii i n in me i urkinn umpire The I'.UMian diplomat bKn by warning the sultan ami the Turkish government that if the revenues oefled for payment of the Turkish debt were touched, European control of the finances of the empire would become inevitable M. de Nell-loff, the Ku- ; nan ariiMjiiaor, lurther inrormed me sultan that the czar guaranteed bin per- sonal safety and engaged himself to maitain the sultan's supremacy in the eve.it of severe ueusures being neces- sary upon the part of the powers. The sultan, however, remained obdurate, retailing to consent to any measure of control, financial or otherwise, by the powers. The Kussian ambassador said the rmdition of the Turkish empire placed ihe throne and the caliphate in iinml- .-v. --". Thr'i AMnl HarnM remarked impressively: "I maybe the lnat--jf the caliphs. but I will never bcorne a second k he due," in addition to them; warnings, M. da Nelidoff sent a note to theTurkUh gov. eminent and to the palace. The ut most significance is attached to it in diplomatic circles. lie pointed out in pre'iiM! terms the neoemiity for the sul tan following the advice of the powers n'1 '-'ting in complete agreement with their pUns for improving the situ- tion, warning them once more that the sultan's refusal to do so involves the rnoitt disagreeable consequence. The ambassadors of the powers will meet again to discuss the situation, and will reaitaeroble in future twiue a week until they complete their recom mendations to the sultan and bis ad visers. The envovs acting together will henceforth maintain the strictest secrecy regarding their deliberations "a Ui con taken or Cntemnateo a?d mt the envoys ot V" of the decisions reached, These latest steps upon the part of b V Vv bT. P'" pr"found imureaaion " Kl"' D'1 io tb is- nce of an amnesty decree the A r- mI,!4n pn"ners lo Asia Minw and this city and vicinity are being released daily in batches of fifteen. JUSTICE IN CHINA. flrala and Caiitrfeltrs mrm Vremytli San Francisco, Dec. 20. According to the lateal advux from the Orient Li Ka Chuck, soperintendent of the Cinvn rJice, on Notero; it, seized a large namtAT of eouoterfeit coin. The cnief coiner, Tse hang, and others, were arretted. An imperial decree from Pexing ciommanded toe immediate decap.ution of ta three named offend ers, and enjoins the vicerroy to deal with toe others as be thinks neceaaary t-r. .i'..:.? to Law, as a warning to toe pei-.-plt. Ite Calais who effected the seizure were all promoted in raok. The C'jLton rvxi'.-j fr.tvA in an other cseaiorial tae cap'tore of two no torious y.itvi jsnks. In effecting u etsre oiie m:l:ury oftoer IrAt hi life. A decree was ii:td on the IVta cf K-.Tenher asihoir.z:r.g tae execstio-n of i-.e ca-iive and orderir-jr th cfruls vAtxrisA in t-v eajtar to be jtoovjt- ed ja riJi tzA tiat t.oe r&arur of ft riiliury ofltr wao tad lo aU life referred to u-e tVrd rrxsTLA lt frmttit id isjtv.zwjv fco&ovs. !ie York, Deis. V. rie-reral Lfe ii.-.7io vxijiie Lav aued Coro ser Tiu:..i to cuxe a tafA'npi tnveai! jir.t as to u tavae cf tc deatii cf Dv4 fcjxeey, aazjger of feco s hail, iV en-.rd rVvVt.y la i-t -.Ct ia tis e;ty ia SoTemher Ti Viy is to i li-.aTTrS ia oirer v. 4vraii wi(r rx.a rvx ia a C&fcz' ex'z& tsor.szat vjetyutj a i 1j'5, fc-e-.y aarr..-.g suf fer I a ae-rere it 170! .v.o.or.t aom weeau r .v V. i J -iea ta. ! CUM ftr &a Iyrg-.. Lw t-V. Ti Jtcn-tiera 'Ja-iforao Jfoni--ui 'iaa Cooivray irerj t lare ivjrf at If ores aii sa K i jwvry of ti ra.. Ti taivul of rock juoa;J w lf,,Vt fjut. jrxt iA iijrt jc-woer m xt All, ti frtyjttta of y.vlmt wiorta wer f -aoert ia t-is! at eat j-riiS S ti i.-J wen erjUAOtert ecicrji w-. wivta erjsi'iert a artrt, a St. (riww Crvnuti, H. Ti ara-sr yuaer 'tirjmx, of U.lbV V.c f jjiu hhji, u lissrfenr veme, ct ura turj, visji ri 00. a i 'Jiz ca to tfi-r of y -.Teal vw aai SjM W trana ia s ic, i ia J. js.i afve l?ry-!n of ii-.snsnat !- ansa msa w iraTt. I-jaiy. It- ti Ti Viica-jt j j 4-1 as sineaiiui, ir lar.af i VU -jmk turf S tt te-ii frtioa Su -anw v sv fust Ti exvti Jrw 13 f r.a.Tj.ie. aa ta artrns r;e Siewfleamt wjsi jjoi law saaw 617 v-.ni-.e- --1 Su aaa-ary v- iaanav WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. '. Ilowlilng, iiitpkhiB a . TrNitn. Itevlew (if Ti. wi1(,Ht .....rl,,,. m M-ttlil down Into otiu or a Holiday cihiiriuilf r. anil .entiment which fre,,ei,tlv dominate p. largely bourl.h. MoNt of )lt Umnxn 1MVH nraoinii oonvinoe.l tlmt Very H... tl, prion for May K.t. ,,,, H00 it l a aaf .!., for a . 1 p. .. . and whon it lrk l.olow Unit flgnro It la a puri:linn for ,') to la ailvamm. Tim iualilllty of the bulls to main tain thn advantage with thn news gen erally In their favor has inmlo trailers rather skeptical as to thn proapimt of a niHterliil advance before thn clone of tM(, yeil.( HU,i o,HT 1H, ,,,, Km..ral taking of profits by small holdura, while a few of thn large ones have either boon out of thn market entirely or are trading in small lines. The market ia without loaders on either side, and the trade Is drifting with the idea that them can be no permanent good in thn tnutket until after thn holidays. Thn Argentina situation it Hl much of v. pu..ln as over. Huppllna in this country srn decreasing, anil thn flour tarda Is irregular. The NorthweHtern mills report a large Western demand, and l'lllnoury Rnrir.nnr.M thut IViey wtll trtrid Oil Nil average of 40,000 barrels per day for some time. The niHrket Is in a position where buying is mora exeiitinl to steady prices than an sluii'lance of bull imws. The trada has tired of toe combined rehanh of the reports about small re ceipts, the probabla scarcity of auppllna, the dependence of Kuropean countries upon America, and the continued talk sOout wheat going fill. Homething new is mavmtj f stimulate trade. The situation Is all right, but mora speculation Is necessary. Tba sh'rit interest, although the largest In sixty days, is easily scared, and an advance of a few cents drives most of them in. The bulls on the whole have also grown m 're tlrnid, and a decline of n shake out thowi who buy whenever the mar ket geU strong. At present there ia little in the market except a scalp. GENERAL MARKETS. I'0KH.ASf, Or., Jan. 1, Fr;a I'ortland, Halem, 'laJcalta and liyton, 14 WJ; liiUm iiouiy ao I White Lily, 1-1.40: graham, .i.76 ; jrllne, 12 l) per lrrel. Whkst Walla Walia. MWln; Val ley, r4' Wjc per bonhel. Oath Cloice wtiite.Krtper bush el : i boice gray, 'M'n Vy-, Hr 'limotny, iert.n; r:Pve, tHMya '.; oat, HMtmU; l,at, -1 04 10 per f,r. Eaacar fee1 larley, !?!.') pr yo; brewing, M ri.urrc rr fcf an. IIS.'); snorts, urMhui. .:.. Hcrtau l-ancv ereaomry is at O; (aiK.-y dairy, .V; fair to gwi, l'oitoM. Oregon l!'irinks, V)'t 7'e: OarnetCf ife ;0HVKj Karly 1, fi'n'Mt fer k ; Calrria river lior oar.ks, t per eo'.i; , Tm2 fi tj-.uXaX lor Merced, 2J5J (or i-ivy M. iovs V per a k. foci-Tar Chx.keos. rosxeJ. IZ.'i' bToi.ers, II-v4i!'; . Vi.Vis tote7s. live, doc, iX&iJt per (Vze. iov Oresrvn, 22; per dozeo. Uimi-Oreyo,lli 'i'ni.i ktutrti ca, 12c per rrivi. 7aj r"r..e, per yntA, 1tr.?.; Ji'j. 2 a.d jr.', J 'i'x'.. "fit a, Va-xrv. iae, yrtul; VakU sara Oreym, 4-? 00. ilo- .'e eroo. Ve. isa 'ro, U srr, I2.7S; eon, 12 v'2.2V; O'wwd ceef, 4 ', fv yrtuA. M cr7' jr', het w.ov, e-ae, 2.; Cimum u.'iVsr,' Vir!"! nv-a-1, fe; lage, 4;- per ysiiA. luxt 'rrvet, wyjt, heavy, ?.X,s Wi; ..jp.t aoJ ieerrt, U i; i;V. cgtZl t e-t fztry; a, "tiiat.., ta. 1, 1.W. ryrt 'voiA4f, f-..t eceinvt, 5-e.:T t, Ca..xa.a crai4 Im', fcv.?V, it.t, oi?; waaie! si, Ir1.'; ev cwt, r-'v-aua, t4 er JiV-jv eaca., i.y jr cat; re Sy-., '..' pe ita; le-.i tax. jvct; r acjea, H-S i cot; jev et, tii'; V-Vc it '..; eraert ia.v, Vt.'A; scoot .'jet. IT! JT ; v ft.vi iaJt t2U v eat; w. cAy, jr .ii iv wu, UAi 3fc ot-v eoeiate., jeuva, v . 1 wa; I.JiV; i., js, ii'js, tX; ixMi v&.tr, sv e. -'.ijMa lee, rV V. Ot?v Cuut, liA't.'A yrt sa.--j., VZl ytt v; raevri . erS sue., tii. i-'-7- r r i. fl4.' jr v; HCSJTA., !.'. tai .its,'fA leeif, I .' ' v Va, 3uOi0..ir, tir ; IVUAM SMau.. It :! r--pes avint. 'a, fcSjliV; jatnera HawrVA. t.ji. 'a-j. O at vol, -t t'-v; srxVaC V.. O.'l -.v..ver5 J va, V; o, Vi1?; yvawei. iort sy. r imu-i aury aa. ee.m7Vir . ; aeye-?, j:. ; t. v r. ; raA. .A"- i"0 l7r f xn. . . , jv ynx. ir - 7 ic ; '.irfrf. r . . ot-, t) i.v , t.-t f.t.-7. ..-'m. r V. tt X.ir?teA tA .veef, SMr. lc : w t. yt ; afiw, jer yxijit; fcuv, !"., y, ( j ynm ; iea., m.., Vi