Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 07, 1897, Image 6

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    Lincoln County Leader
J. K. S I i:VA 11 1 . I'liltlMirr.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening! of the Pant Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
The stramer Caranza, from Rotter
dam, ia reported lost off Cape Abjoa.
Biz members of the crew were saved
and fifteen are missing.
Police Officer Bratton was badly
shot while trying to capture two bur
glars in a store in Tacoma. He fired
at one burglar, when another, who was
watching, opened tire and shoe Bratton
twice in the back of the head. He
will probalby die.
Eddie Chandler, about 11 years old,
was drowned in Portneuf river, in Po
catello, Idaho. He threw his hat on
the ice and tried to got the dog to get
it, and, failing in this, be went on the
ice and broke through into deep water.
The river was dragged and the body
fonnd in about an hour.
One of the last official acts of Mayor
.Racier -of Lob Angeles, Cal., will be to
attach hiB signature to an ordinance
making expectorations upon the side
walks of publio streets, enhances to
pnblio buildings or the floors of street
cars a misdemeanor, punishable by
either fine or imprisonment, or both.
Chief Hazen of the secret servioe at
Washington, has issued a circular
warning against a new counterfeit $10
national banknote on the Union Na
tional bank of Detroit. The note is
the product of the same hand which
produced the recent counterfeit on the
National Bank'ot Commerce of New
York. One distinguishable feature is
that the back of the note is upside
Miss Celia Strahra was killed by her
brother-in-law, Klilen Buroker, at
Dixie, eighteen miles west of Walla
Walla. Miss Strahm was visting the
family, and after the family had re
tired nhe went out of the door, and
upon returning the noise awakened
Buroker, who drew a pistol from under
his pillow and shot Miss Strahm. He
mistook her for an enemy, whom he
had heard waB intent on doing him
Japan has a larger oarrying trade on
the Pacific than the United States, and
Americans who are near enough to
watch the shifting scenes in this new
and rapidly developing contest for com
mercial supremacy find little matter for
pride in present tendencies. This is
the statement of United States Consul
Bell, of Sydney, contained in his report
to the state department upon the open
ing of the new Japanese Bteamship line
between Yokohama and Australia.
The president has extended the oivil
service rules so as to include all officers
and employes in the federal peniten
tiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
though it is to apply to all such gov
ernment institutions and to all peni
tentiaries hereafter created immediately
upon their establishment. Attorney
Ueneral Harmon is subjecting the re
cent oivil service schedule as affecting
the department of justice to a rigid
scrutiny. The present amendment is
to overcome a defect in the rules pro
mulgated and further amendments on
similar lines may be expected.
Radioal changes in the procedure of
the pension office have been made. All
claims for inorease, save in extraordi
nary oases, hereafter will be sent direct
to the medical division of the bureau,
without having to be passed upon by
the board of review. This action is
taken on the ground that the bulk of
increase cases involve only medical ao
tion. Hereafter there will be no ne
cessity for cases before the board of re
view being passed upon by three or
four examiners. Commissioner Mur
phy has fixed tho number of examiners,
who must review each claim at once.
The Mexican government, recogniz
ing the increasing importance of its
west coast commerce, is determined to
improve the harbors. Arrangements
have been made to raise a considerable
sum for this work, in addition to the
$5,000,000 for the improvement of
Ccatzaooalcoa and Saliua Cruxz, the
eastern and western termini of the Te
buautepea road. The move to improve
the harbors is also caused, it is said, by
the rapidity of railroad building to
ward the Mexican Pacific coast, which
Will open fertile country ami develop a
large commerce through the porta be
low Macallan.
A strike instituted at Georgetown,
Mass., has thrown out of work 200
men, and promises to embrace the en
tire six shoe factories of the towu. A
threatened cut in wages was the canse
of the strike.
The constructors of theSiheriau rail
road have undertaken to build a line
through Mautohuria, starting from a
point on the river where the Siberian
road joins tho trans-Baikelia line aud
terminating at Mikolskaya, Russia.
The ministerial press of St. Peters
burg poiuts out that this line will
make Russia the intermediary of peace
ful oiviliiation between Europe and
The St. Louis Kill tor Fell From a
Second Ntory Window.
St. Louis, Jan. 4. Jospeh B. Mc
Cullagh, editor of the St. Louis Globe
Demoorat, and one of the best-known
newspaper men in the country, is dead,
as the result of a fall of twenty-five
lottt frnti .1 Dunnnd.atnrv nrinrlnur nf hlR
apartments at the residence of his sis- ,
ter-in-law, Mrs. Kate Maniou, of 8837
West Pine boulevard. !
There seems to be a difference of
opinion as to whether Mr. McCullxgb's
death was due to an aocident or was
the result of his own act. The latter
story is scouted by the dead man's
friends. The body, which was cold in
death and clad only in a nightgown,
was discovered by Mrs. Manion's
colored man-servant about 7 o'olook
this morning. Waters, the ooloied
servant, without touching the body,
ran frightened into the house, where
he told the conk of the discovery She
immediately called Mrs. Manion, who
had not yet arisen, and told her that
Mr. McCollagh had "fulleu out of the
window and killed himself." Imme
diately up on being notified by the ser
vant, Mrs. Manion dispatched her
coachman to summon Dr. C. H.
Hughes, who resides in the neighbor
hood, and who was Mr. MoCullagh's
p'ujoiuiau during his last illness, rie
hastened to the house, and, after ex
amining the body ordered it removed
to the house.
The Clever
Device o
a Minnesota
St. Paul, Jan. 4 J. G. Kaller, of
Mankato, Minn., has applied for a
patent for an invention which he says
will take the place of steam engines
and electrio motors.
The. device is called a hydraulic
motor, and the principle upon which it
works is the natural one which causes
lighter substances than water to raise
to the surface. An endless chain of
small air-tight tanks iB placed over two
sprocket wheels in such a manner that
on one side it will pass upward
through a large tank of water.
As each air tank enters the water
tank from below through a water-tight
valve, it will be forced to the surface
by the superior weight of the water and
in this way the chain Will be in per
petual motion, revolving the sprocket
wheels to which shafts are attached.
Thus, if the claims of the inventor
are true, the motor will run on indefi
nitely without feul. He claims that
the first cost will be less than of a steam
engine, while the operating expenses
will be so small that all other motive
powers will be driven out of use.
Hydraulio motors to furnish any
horsepower required can be con
Two I'ollmn.tfn Mearlv Killed While
Doing Their Duty.
Grand Rapids, Jan. 4. Two po-
t I . U..1 n .la.ifrl. V.n
e murder in an Auaiita i"" " i ui
,. .. a crowd today, ana two ui weir ii
Boarding HOUSe. I ants were shot. The trouble was the
! result of a crusade, which the police
have been waging apainst saloon
keepers, who have been violating the
Today Patrolmen Viergiver and Har
rington found the saloon of Sommors
& Treadwell doing a thriving backdoor
business. As the officers entered the
air was filled with olubs, bottles and
glasses. Officer Viergiver whs struck
on the head and felled with a club.
He was drawing his revolver as he fell,
Uueats Were at Dinner When One
of the Boarders Concluded That
All Must Oo Two Badly Hurr.
Atlanta, Ga.. Jan. 4. A triple mur
der was oommitted New Year's eve in
a boarding-house kept by Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Allen, at Poplar Springs, a sub-, aun- aa he fen ne pulled the trigger.
urb of this city.
Just as the inmates of the house were
sitting down at the supper table, Theo
dore Flancagan, a boarder, entered the
dinjng-room, smiling and greeting the
guests with "Good evening, my
friends." He added: "The old year
is going, and I think all of us would
be better if we were done with it."
He then whipped out a revolver and
shouted: "Prepare to meet your God
Without further warning, he fired
into the affrighted people. The first
hnltpt went crashing thmngh the brain
of Mrs. Allen, an old lady of 65. She
fell to the floor dead, without a word.
G. W. Allen, aged 70, was the next
victim to fall. The next bullet killed
Miss Ruth Slack, the 18-year-old
daughter of Colonel Slack, of Greens
boro, Ga., who bad arrived at the
house on a visit. Other boarders ran
out into the street to seek safety, two
of them badly wounded by the flying
bullets. iTlannagan is now in jail,
having narrowly escaped lynching. He
feigns drunkenness, but the testimony
of all who were present was that the
man was perfectly sober when the
shooting occurred.
An "X"
Bay Penetrated Sightless
In Now York.
His Faith Cure Doctrines Opposed by
His Cougregatton.
Monmouth, 111 , Jan. 4 At a meet
ing of the Monmouth presbytery of the
United Presbyterian church, Rev. J. G.
Stewart, of this city, was deposed from
the ministry and also from church
membership. Owing to the peculiar
features in connection with this case,
much interest has been manifested in
church circles as to its final disposition.
About two years ago Mr. Stewart was
a prouiiueut divine of the United Pres
byterian faith, doing service as an
evangelist. Suddenly he espoused the
cause of faith oure, healing through
prayer. The church reprimanded and
admonished in vain. Several trials en
sued, resulting in bia suspension from
the ministry. Last fall he made appli
cation before the Illinois synod for re
instatement. That body referred the
oase back to the Monmouth presbytery,
which was unanimous for expulsion.
For the past year Stewart has been
engaged in the formation of what is
known as the Full Bible church, which
advocates his peculiar doctrine. He
has organized a church at St. Louis and
one iti this city. He has also sent out
several missionaries.
New York. Jan. 4. The Herald
says: The "X" ray has given a glim
mer of light to eyes that had been
sightless for ten years. The subject of
the test was John F. Martin, who is
submitting to experiments as a substi
tute for Charles Broadway 'Rouss.
Martin has submitted to a series of
tests, perhaps half a hundred.
Two atttnduuts took him to the office
of Dr. David A Edsou. The blind
man, though he has grown acoustomed
to experiments, was visibly nervous.
J He was placed in front of the electrio
apparatus, the lluoroscope was placed
at his eyes and the "X" ray turned on.
There was an instant of the snapping
of the current, then absolute Btilluess,
as all in the room watched the face of
the man in front of the electrio glare.
At length Dr. Edson said, "Do you
see anything?'
"Nn," answeied Martin.
His lips had scarcely framed the re
ply when there rang from him, "I can
see I can see light," aud the joy in
the tone moved all who heard it. Dr.
Edson at that turned off the ray.
Martin was deeply moved by the
gleam which had penetrated his long
darkness and he was led to a seat to
compose himself before the experiment
was continued.
. Dr. E isou questioned him about the
effect of the ray, but the blind man
only repeated that he had seen light.
Again the fiuoroscope was placed be
fore him. This time he received the
impression of light more quickly, and
when be had reveled in it for a moment
l'erlshed In a Mine.
City of Mexioo, Jan. 4. A terrible
disaster has oooarred in the Santa Ger
trusi mine at Pachnca, one of the most
famous silver mines in the country.
For some cause not known fire broke
out in a level of the old southern work
ings yesterday, shutting off the exit of
thirteen Mexican miners. Miners on
the ontBide went to work to try to put
out the fire and save the men. One
Englishman named Richardson, an ex
perienced miner, went down in charge
of the rescue operations, but perished
from suffocation. All the Mexicans
died from the same cause, or from
burning. The bodies have not yet been
recovered. Tho affair caused great
excitement, as it is one of the worst
accidents in the history of Paohuca.
Seveial shots were fired from the
crowd aud Harrington managed to get
his revolver out and pulled it upon
Treadwell, who was pounding him on
the head with a bottle. The next mo
ment Harrington went to the floor. A
great crowd had gathered in front of
the saloon, and the excitement was in
tense. One offloer outside guarded the
door and sent for the patrol wagon. A
squad of eighteen policemen responded,
with orders to arrest every one in tho
place, but most of the orowd had man
aged to slip away.
Culoel Yiuigivo ljuil ail aim biukoii
in two places, a finger broken, his nose
dislocated and an awful gash across the
scalp. His injuries are not necessarily
fatal. Officer Harrington was cut
with broken glass. He has a severe
scalp wound and serious bodily in
juries. Treadwell was shot in the
right lung. An examination late to
night showed that be is Buffering severe
hemorrhages. He is not likely to re
cover. The Nicaragua Canal.
Washington, Jan. 4. One of the
main objects of the formation of a new
! Greater Republic of Central America
I ta -..;.! u u 1 .1. XTjn
aragua canal. Senor Roderiuez, re
cently recognized as the diplomatic
representative of the new oountry in
tbe United States, is said to be charged
wi'h the duty of interesting this gov
er iinent in the enterprise.
This aid to the project comes at a
time when it is needed. The support
ers of the measure on both sides at the
capital have hopes that the great peti
iton sent to Speaker Reed, asking that
time be given for disoussion of the bill
after the funding measure is disposed
of, will be heeded, and at least two
days so allowed.
There are enough friends of the plan
on the senate side to bring it up if
there is any hope of getting in a few
hour? while the funding debate is on
in the upper house.
Trains Wrecked by Hobbers.
Austin, Tex., Jan. 4. An interna
tional & Great Northern freight train
was wrecked four miles south of here
this morning, presumably by trainrob
bers lying in wait for the passenger
train. A brakeman, Fred Joynson,
was killed, and Engineer Smith seri
ously injured. A switch was left open
and rocks piled on the track.
Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 4. Fireman
Alexander Overby and Engineer John
Robertson were seriously injured in a
wreck early this morning on the Ra
leigh & Augusta division of the Sea
board Air Line, just east of here. A
rail had been displaced by train
wreckers. Bloodhounds have been put
upon the trail.
New York Mall Hobbery.
New York, Jan. 4. The postoffloe
inspectors have arrestnd William w
a piece of metal was passed in front of j Post, aged 82, a mailwagou driver, on
the fiuoroscope. Martin deteoted the charge of mail robbery. A quantity
movement instantly. j of inoomiug mail from the West was
"It is shadow," he said, "but it ! stolen on December 20. Many rifled
is like the sun going behind a cloud." packages were found on December 22
Enough had been doue for a day, and in the water off Brighton beach. The
the man, rejoicing in even this little keys to the mail pouches are said to
relief that had come to his Years nf have been found nn Pn . n
blackness, was led from the offioe.
A Man aud Womau Charged With Kill,
lug a Ml tie Olrl.
Topeka, Kan., Jan. 4. Al B. Wil
liams, aged 82. and Mrs. Jane Mayes,
aged 21, living north of this place,
weie arrested today, charged with the
outrage and murder of Anna Belle
Williams, the 12-year-old girl whose
Dooy was louna Wednesday near Ea
articles, probably Christmas presents,
in ma room, rost denies robbing the
mails. It is believed he threw the
rifled letters into North river from the
ferryboat. He has been held in $5,000
Cot Half of the Interest.
Washington, Jan. 4. The Crow-Creek-Sioux
delegation of South Dakota
Indians have not gained their an
nounced object, of seouring a per capita
cash payment of 187.nnn l
The body bears evidence of a I tliSOOO for expenses, now to their
The Official Vote.
Chicago, Jan. 4. The official can
vass of the vote of Maryland for presi
dent was completed today. Maryland
was the last state to report. The total
vote of the United States was 13,888,
762. The vote was oast as follows:
MoKiuley, 7,101,401; Bryan, 6, 470,
666; Palmer, 135,056; Levering (Pro
hibition), 130,500; Bentlev (National),
14,893; Maohette (Socialist), 88,639.
MoKinley's plurality was 680,742, and
hi majority 810,399.
uieauiui assault on its person,
finger marks on the neck and
snows tnat the murderous fioni
committed the assault covered up bis
foul work in sealing her lips with
death by strangulation. Williams iB
the father of the girl and accuses the
Mayes woman of the deed. The pair
agreed to take the girl to Kansas City,
in order to have her placed on a poor
farm, the woman to accompany the
girl. She says that when they reached
Eudora she became sick, and a strange
man offered to take care of the girl.
That is the last she saw of Belle. The
pair are in jail, and the officers expect
to prove a deliberate scheme to make
away with the girl.
The . oredi' the treasury, but they have
body , secured a payment of about $4 or $5
per capita, representing half of the ac
crued interest on the money.
Paid Interest With Coffee.
Hamburg, Jan. 4. There was an
important sale here yesterday of 24 000
bags of Brazilian coffee on board
reamers now in this harbor The
coffee is believed to be a consignment
of the Brazilian government, in lieu of
I bill, to pay interest on the Brazilian
i I 1 00ffee wa' con8igned to the
Rothschilds, of Loudon, who sold it
Russia's Gold Standard Scheme.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 4. Most au
'""'"" quarters oenv that M r
. -
oionenam, juass.. Jan. . Th tc;... m. ue
strike at the shoe factory of B Jenkins : .hlV a "aDaaM PrJt has been
& Co. wa, settled today, over Z n mZ ? " P ,r0m here"
operatives returning to work n .1 " n fT"1 ?' ,he 000,1011 of
strike was ordered because of . ,0 per e. TZ llkT '"l the 'tatn
cant reduction in wage,, and V com L haTe ""rgone the
Venezuelans Not
Ratify the Treaty
"7 ","'"t MUi
tin tin ui.uii s . .
..-. a , 7. " """-
"'- Treaty C..,,
Washington, Deo. 80. Secretary
ney left the state department
o'olook today and went aiJ . 1 "
British embassy, where he held .i!1
conference by appointment with 7
Julian Pauncefote, the British uhZ
.t tuo uiatua o the Vai
of Venezuela, and James J q.Jt
counsel in the Venezuela oase 2
raa,haA Wool, ;.. ... c' "
- ...nuiuK-iuii una last evenio.
The result of the oonfe,. Z
guarded with the usual seorecy J
prevails at meetings between ti,
tary and an ambassador, bnt there ii
good reason to believe it was ths
sion for going over several new pbaM
cf tho V&IiCZuoin uuuHlion.
The officials are reticent, and
say only in general terms thatthept
peot of an acceptance of the settlement
by Venezuela is good. It is undo.
Btood, however, that there are irapor.
tant limitations to the accepunce
which appear to make the ease lea
hopeful of an immediate and satisfac
tory oonolusion than has been expected.
The plan of an extra session of the
Venezuela oongress to ratify the treitj
has been praotically abandoned. Then
appears also to be a question as to the
nature of Venezuela's acceptance,
President Crespo and the government
authorities have expressed satiafactioa
with the general settlement, so fat ai
they secure arbitration, yet they hate
not yet expressed official approval ol
all the details of the Bettlement Ol
the contrary, there seems a verr
earnest deiire at Caracas for more u
act information of the terms of the
treaty between Venezuela and Gteat
At present there is no disposition k
await the gradual maturing of thii
complete treaty, and it ia littl, ihott
of settled that the treaty will have K
be forthcoming, and all the incidental
negotiations olosed before the desired
Venezuela ratification is seonred.
In official and diplomatic circles,
there continues to be a satisfactory ud
honefnl view of the situation. II ii
felt all obstacles will be cleared awi
in time, and there is a disnosition to
minimize obstacles as being under the
bead of minor details.
At the same time, the practical
nrinnrlnnmpnt nf the nxtrA session of
the Venezuela congresB and the diipo-
sitinn tn nlnna nil negotiations OB the
final treaty before acceptance is giw
do not increase the prospect of at
conclusion of the case.
Hnn Vmr.wann thn Hllitfid States IDO
Clraat T3iitain Ti OlnAV find SIX
Hn their final draft of
thn trnatv. and it ia in the bands of
Lord Salisbury, awaiting his appwal
"Mr. HnnM aviafa nf ita flTinrnVS.1. SlU
it is expeoted to oome daily.
i.u... n...i.nJ Pr.nrlns to Brill
the Mattir to a Settlement.
Wi.hh.tnn nan S(l The EvCD
ins Star today savs:
Tli. n.A.1Anf Vtaa had SAVAral 000
fonn i.t. Toith the sttomeT'ien
1 mnA th anratarv nf the
n4 -V.. .anHl-... nf tli a trAASnrV. Vlw
nuu bus BCUAOvn&j
a view to unftfidv Action for the it
-, n f t-hu
rnniin tn tha t7nvrnmpnt.
ihmt atfDAflU
una uccu bcimcw
shortly be taken for the foreclosure
Ua HA-n.nn.An mmtulBM Oil tUCK
A. 1... .,.,,.. .hull Dili
ni-nviairtn fnr BAftlAmnnt of the QO
1, i j. tn With tM
- .i j i more thU
. x... .iin.l of tie
m I al.llllll.llllll III II1M UI K"
v i i i j i voVioif of tb
HtinNinv nciiinn ikhuhu iu
TTIr. D;fl 1 in a atlri TTinrfl thflQ V
An AAA -a 1 Jn icanaA ill lid
utiii. nun or similar uuuun iw
fftllftn Axm and been oaid Or must
.i J l.nnart 1 Wit
Withonlt reference to the application
UA .iMbinn 4nA tinm .T1 thfi tX6&1'
orntn n fT 1 vfl ill tilO OP10
, . . . , . .... in hu
via. lUU uitjoauouvf - - . .
--B-l -----
on tne part oi tne cuniyo"'" -
cnvflrnmAnt as will crive it the rig"'
?t -Jlnna tO Br-
at once institute pruuccu"B-
olose its mortgage lien."
In a.lHilinn tn tho abOV Stated
i . , ? l.nnart 1 DC
imniHnri.'uu mainriitir .inuun.j
tuere win mature -
i icn'n .-omQinina priDf-l
oi soon suDsiay nonas u
ho mat y.v tha onvflrnmPDt The'
" - n ' T . . . a.i
vMni,a til nun nun ni wuiw- -
nun. mill nrn nn hiuhiuuii v
p;. o.,j oi nnn nnn on account
the Central Faoiflo Company.
. ii. . rtnajt.
i-i n 1 1 ii'nn aian an nil.
son line -teamship Volo it
at Wingu, off the coait oi o"
The crew and passengers were M
The Volo was a sorew steamer M
Hull in 1890, registering 841 ton"1"