Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 07, 1897, Image 4

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Make New Resolves.
A happy New Year to all our
readers, members and friends.
It is a very useful custom at the
end of an old year and the begin
ning of a new one to reflect upon
the events and experiences of the
past and make good resolutions for
the coming year. We trust that
our readers will also take counsel,
each with him or herself, and con
sider if all in all the past twelve
months have been as profitable and
pleasant as they might have been.
Have your efforts been as success
ful as you expected and intended
them to be?
We all want to be successful, not
temporarily only, but permanently
if possible. In order, then, to se
cure the successive aim to achieve
it is necessary that we adopt
measures that will prove equal to
the task we have set ourselves to
accomplish. There is no accident
in this world of ours. Events,
experiences, phenomeua, etc., do
not just happen regardless of re
lations, conditions, conduct, con
tact, precedence or consecutiveness
but in due order. Cause and effect
rule everywhere. Form and func
tion of a given quality will always
give birth to certain results. The
most common error of humanity is
to mistake effect for cause, we there
fore wish to impress the importance
of a recognition of the fact that
effect must follow cause.
The Labor Exchange has a great
mission to perform and in order to
carry it and we must know how. j
This does not only mean that we
must know the principles we wish !
to teach, but we must also under
stand the people we wish to teach
them to. The mission of the
Labor Exchange is a charitable
the Labor Exchange. While man
kind are theorizing over economic
ideas, Shylock keeps them divided
and continues his design. You can
unite mankind a thousand fold
quicker on a bread and butter
proposition, the value of which can
be demonstrated at once, than you
can on some economic theory of
doubtful application. Twice two
makes four, and eloquence can not
disprove it. Men have a right to
work, to enjoy the full product of
their labor, and the right to ex
change their products. These three
propositions are as simple as twice
two make four. To be sure the
simplicity of it deprives the dem
agogue of his job and takes from
the sponge its absorbing power,
but it brings comfort and prosperity
to the masses which they will never
have while they follow the theories
of those who "toil not, neither do
they spin," yet "dress in purple
and fine lineu and fare sumptuously
every dav." The Labor Exchange
has existed little over two years.
Its headquarters is at Olathe, Kan
sas. It has now over 175 branches
destributed over nearly every state
in the Union besides some in
Canada, and Europe. Salem, De
troit, McMinnville and Forest
Grove, this state, have branches in
successful operation. In the state
of California are more than a dozen
branches in operation. Why not
start one in Toledo?
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Lincoln County. ,,
The Oreiron Central and Eastern Railroad
Company, plaintiff,
U'ni M Unmr. defendant.
To Cvm. M. Hoag, the defendant In the above
I-'you are hereby summoned and required to
appear annanswer piauum roiuiinmnii
above entitled suit, now on file in the otlice of
the Clerk of said Court, on or before the 'Joth
day of January, 1S97, that being the firBt day of
the next regular term of said Court, to be held
at the court house, in the town of Toledo, in
Lincoln Conntv, State of Oregon; and you are
hereby notitled that if you fail so to appearand
answer said complaint as herein required the
rtlnin lift' w ill take a decree aeainst vou for the
relief prayed for in the complaint in said suit,
to-wit: A decree of the said Corrt decreeing
and adjudging that you have no estate, claim
or interest whatsoever of, in, or to all or any of
the tide and overflowed lands in Sections Fif
teen, Twentv-two, Twenty-six, Twenty-seven
and Thirty-live in Township No. 11 south,
Range 11 west, in Lincoln County, State of
Oregon, and that the title of the plaintiff
therein is good and valid; and decreeing that
you be forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any claim whatever in or to the said
tide and overflowed lands adverse to the plain
till', and for the costs and disbursements of this
suit against you.
This Summons is published in the Lincoln
County Leader for six successive weeks, by
order of Hon. J. C. Fullerton, judge of the said
Court, which order was made at Chambers at
Roseburg, Oregon, and bears date December
lllth, 1896.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Tired Feeling
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Lincoln:
In the matter of the estate of Georsre W. Jack-
nun, sr., uet'ertxeit:
uiidersitrned, administrator nf the estate of
(ieorge V. Jackson, Sr., deceased, has tiled his
final account of said administration In the
County Court of the State of Oreptn, for the
County of Lincoln, and said court has fixed
Tuesday, February and, 1897,
at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m., at tne Court
House in Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, for
hearing objections thereto, and for the settle
ment thereof.
Dated this tub dav of December, ISM.
Administrator of the estate of George W.
Jackson, Sr., deceased.
gpl cam closing out several lines ofm
goods and will make prices that will be sure
to sell them.--
For Groceries
A call will convince you that I am
1 ii, n , 1
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Lincoln County.
Minnie M. Arnold. Harry L. )
Arnold and Minnie M. Ar-1
nold, guardian, plaintiff.
Makes you seem " all broken op," with- '
oat life, ambition, energy or appetite, courtroom in the court h"
' It is often the forerunner ot serious ill-
I ness, or the accompaniment of nervous
-...i t. i :.Kt. i .
aim me uiunuuic tuaraciCTi troubles. It is a positive proof of thin,
of the work is not limited only to , weak. Impure blood; for, if the blood is
uii in Equity
vs. f o lorecn-se
: in on gage.
William Mackny, defendant.,'
To William Mackay, the above-named de
You are herebv summoned and required to
! appear and answer to the couvlaint 01 the
plaintiffs in the above entitled suit now on nle
with the clerk of the above-need, on or
oeiore ine lounn .Monaav. me 'isr ot Jan
. nary. l.v.tT. it being the iiVl dav .f th'n-rt r-
ular term of the mid court. u" e h-H at thd
; at T.t'ed.-t. in Lin-
coin county, Oregon: en.', yuu are heresy noti-
n en mat 11 you lau so tn aMfar eni an
pv.'er as herein required, the I'to'imiri' will ap
ply to the court ior ih rul.ef praved t'.tr ia
their said complaint, na-i.eiv: :r"n !e -roe
niraiiiPt you, tht s;ii-l William "Mar.av f..- th
the employment of idle labor, but' red, vitalized and vigorous, it to. Vth imerem&n like' SSST.? t& '
parts me guu energy 10 every nerve. intv ltM1 i,Kr nn-uvn ;r mi tr.e :n
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla burseinents of this uit: and that the
for that tired feeling is therefore apparent KSSS! &&t&n&
i to every one, and the good it will do yon wit: Lnisnmul cr, i and ' in -e.tlr n land
' f la eanallv hevonrl nn.Hnn. Bmnh. 'fir? I'.'""1 rt,,1 - !"."' 11 '." ? "'
ii M'-uir.. raiiL-e l" ive, in uncolti conniv.
r 'iton, ami containing 1 W.w acres, be snM I y
the sh.-rill'i't l.inn'l;i .tuniv, urtg'.n in the
manner prescribed by law fr the sale f real
property und.-r execution, and thai the pro
ceeds arising from Mich sa.e lie nnpll ., lirst to
the imynient "i thec.t and ex'.-iien of s-uch
i-ale and of this niit. anilti .vt t., ir,e jmviiiclit
of ih- amount di-creed tn he due tht- jiluliuiil's
herein incluilinr ih-ir Mdd atturny' fi'ey, and
that If th fau.e docs r.oi fell for cn'mh to mt
liy plaiiitl 11-' ili ir amls In full tha. they niav
have execution nrinst anv other iirop-'rtr tor
the ileicency. and that the Khuriil'imt the "our
cbnser at n 1 1. :a!ii u. In n idiaie uiKesiim
of the said iirc-i.l-ci', and that the defendant
ami all per.n elalti.ln? under him since the
HMh day of K. liruaiy, l.-!i"i, he forever debarred
and tureelnsed of all rl'.'ht. title, interest and
estate of. in and to snM . remises, awl that th
i'.aintill'huve the right to evome the luirchiis
er at such sale: and ior such other rule, order
or relief as the I ourt nay se jin n.cet andenuit.
UUU 1 1 1 J
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.
Goods Sold at
San Francisco Prices.
J. S. BOOTH, Fxop,,
chanty is also to be observed in t!ie
manner in which we present our
aims, objects and theories in order
'.hat the co-operation of others may
be enlisted.
The existing environments, insti
tutions and methods are a prowl h
and development of centuries. No
class, nor members of any class, I
can propei ly be held accountable!
If they I
for the existauce of them
are faulty and impetfect it is be
cause they originated in immature
minds. If we have discovered a
better system, free from the iaults
we object to in methods now
operating, then let us prove our
iaiih in our convictions by practic
ing them. The claim of superiority
cm best be substantiated by dem
onstrating it. The Labor Exchange
provides the remedy. Its princi
ples in operation, and we do not
have to wait on the will of money
r.iongcring Sliylocks to employ the
idle. The basic principle of the
Labor Exchange is to secure to
every man and womau their natural
light to employment. Second, to
secure to them the full product of
their labor. Third, to provide a
means to exchange what they
produce for what other laborers
produce that they need. That is
all there is to the industrial problem,
muddled up and mysterious looking
as it has been made to appear by
those who live off the laborer.
Every Labor Exchange organized
and put into operation is a company
detached from the army of revolu
tion and attached to the army of
peace and progress.
Give a man steady
enable him to eat
meals a day, wear decent clothes
and have decent shelter, and you'll
not find him responsive to revolu
tionary sentiments. So evety re
form writer and speaker, every
man and woman that loves their
fellow creatures and are opposed to
revolution and bloodshed, should
throw themselves into the work of
organizing the Labor Exchange.
Shylock cannot stand up against
Is the best In fact the One True BloodPurlfler.
Hnnd'c Dillc ereljvcr ills, easy to take,
1 1UUU S flllS easy to operate. vUcent
General Merchandise,
Flour aul Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats.
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothine.
For Sale.
Since McKinley is elected I have
several fine places for sale cheap. !
Some well improved farms. Some :
Ihis snmmons is imlili-h 'd In thel.iNroiN
CoI'nty Leaiieh, for six Mecesive uml oonei'- i
utive weeks. immeiliHtcIv urinr t thu .1.... I
good Sheep or goat ranches. If "' IW. nnl' r nini In luirsuanceof hH
r R ; order fur the j.ubli.'ati-.ii of mM unimon.
you want good bargains come and J" . bVSe J ,( f"",,lonn. '"'iKe of suia ;
toiirt.nt Koseburjr, Doiwlas eniintv.Orcznii. Ht !
v ..n.,,,!, hum inrni lllK Wllie leeeill IKST Utll, lhllti. i
Cigars and Tobacco, Fru'ts and Confectionery.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
J. Awhin,
Eddyville, Ore.
December lutti lww.
.'. It. IlltYSON.
Attorney for I'IhIiiHII'm.
three square
An Important Change!
Beginning January ist, 1897, the
present weeklv edition of the DE
changed to a
The Price will remain the same,
$1.00 PER YEAR.
The usual literary aid humorous
features will be continued, and it
will also
Contains all the Xews,
Making it an
We have just made an arrangement
with the publishers of this World
Famous paper whereby we can
offer you an excellent bargain.
We will send
The Leader
Detroit Free Press,
Both ONE YEAR for
Oijly $2.00
156 ftLB $2.00
Less than one cent a copy.
Addtess, The LEADER,
Toledo, Ore.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
Property under Execution.
a! an execution ami onlerof sale Issued nut of
the tirenlt conn of th,. stuiu f i.r....,,,,
Cimntv of Lincoln, dulv attested under the seal !
of said court and Li arlnit date Decerulwr JIth I
u" "iiccree 01 lorei-lnsure and sale render- i
cdand entered in the said court in asuitwheip.
111 wn Miiur and .Minn e .ee were ni.iii.tiii- I
intl i "?kei "")," r- "nT were defend-!
... iiHHiuus an against mi.
defendan sNnii o . ..,.1 1, l-'h-i ... ,
the sum of Thirteen Hundred and Soventv-'flve
and W.-I110 Dollars, wilh Intel est thereon at t he
.1. Yi.Ti 1 cul lr"11""'. mid One Hun
dred Dollars attorneys' fees, and the further
smu of seven dollars cost, and further cos u,"m
!,f".ri" Tbe ore8Hldx":utlo "d order
sell fl ff ."h.'l ' !reC1ted ,a"'1 . ') to
sell ail of the following-described real uroiwrty
to satisfy said decree and execution, towlf
llakers l'lace, contalnlnK eight and &.VI00
acres: also ltlocks Number?., ft, 7, 8 9, lo7 11 and
li. all In ltakcr's 1st addition' to the City of
New K.rt: also U.ts No. 1, a, 11 and i in Block
No. W: and bits So. 4, 5, (1,7, 8 and 9, In ock
H;andU.tsX. 3,4,5,,i,7,ll,9anu
V.. U, and hots So. l,j 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and Tin
indlNV in,iM't !dition t" Alex.
Hi 1 5ov, therefore, In compliance with
8nellt?w,iU1o,rnd0rdt,r ' """" "
Saturday, the j3rd day of January, 1807,
SI ihe r i,f 10 o'clock.ln the forenoon of said
Ut of Toledo. Lincoln county, Oregon, oiler
r sale and 1 sel at puhlle auction to the high
e!t. bl,1!eL' ,or u- 8' St"1"' cu'n h In hand all
of he right title Interest and estate of the said
dctendants In and to the said above described
real property, with the appurtenances, subject
to redemption, to satisfy the said execution
and amounts due thereon as above stated to
gether with costs and accruing costs. '
Dated December 24, lows.
Sheriff of Lincoln C'aumVtorcffim,
By J. H. Robs, Deputy.
It is t .10 late to get an Abstract of Title to a piece of H
land after you have bought it and tound out that there are y
I judgements and tax liens against it. The Toper thing tojj
do is to have the
;S of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing j
i-jj your money. A business man now days never buys real j
estate without first obtaining evidence of a good title.
N We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address.
I Grosno & Peairs.
hi Estate Agents and M
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Tof
Property in single Lots or Blocks
AbstrctofTitleto any property in Lincoln Conn!
furnished on demand.
Toledo Oreg"0