Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 07, 1897, Image 3

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    SAki M
. Anlmnl Cenauft.
t.i.,ioi enumeration of the animals
Lira to science includes no less than
kt; 000 rooogmsseu BiILl iuc
Ltier Is believed to be very much
,er It has neen esuniureu mat or
nlmie the earth harbors 2,000,-
inspecles, Imt the late Prof. Riley re
Lii ovpii that estimate as far too
L Anmnlinir to his opinion 10,000,-
L would be a uioilerate estimate of the
inniber of Insect species: x ne milliner
If individuals Is, of course, Incalculable.
Thousands of Tons of Dust.
Accordiujr to the estimates of Mr. J.
T'dden, who has studied the remark-
Me phenomena of dust and sand
i.iiuis iii the arid region nr tun west,
per cubic mile of the lower air dur-
an ordinary "dry storm contains
it least !! tlls of dust, while in severe
lormsof this kind as much as 12(1,000
Las of dust and sand may be contained
fc a cubic mile of air. Dust storms
iinetlmes last for twenty or thirty
Termites Destroy a Cnble.
jj The French Academy of Sciences was
Wormed last summer of the destrue-
Ln of an electric cable In Tonquin by
Bieattacksof termites. The cable cross-
I a marshy tract nnd was enclosed in
tube of lead. The Insects bored holes
i the tube nud completely destroyed
Ibc Insulation of the cnble. It has been
proposed to guard the cable against
'nttire attacks by enclosing It in an en-
lope of cotton and jute impregnated
Villi sulphate of copper, which, It Is
Iklieved, would prove a fatal poison to
lie Insects.
AboUt Good llnaA.
Constant dropping wears away
stones." aud it is only by constant re
in nders by the press that the public
mind can be brought to the senslbl,,
conclusion that good roads are amon
America's essentials.. Thev are no"
merely wheelmen's wants, but wants
demanded by the comfort and conve
nience of everybody. It does not hv
any means follow that because a man
. ;,, or , owrij or dop8 .
rule a wheel, that he has not a direct
personal interest in the improvement of i
roads. European countries have Ion- '
recognized their merits, nnd for cen
turies in some portions have enjoyed 1
their benefits. We, In America, hav- '
only begun to appreciate, and mainly I
luthelmnied ate vicinlt ne i. !
their great Importance i 8m'"m'"' "'"!'" some stations number
The Importance of the gubWt An ", '' ,lu'S(' im' ra(1"-
mandsa much widespread ''"'I' ":,Vi" '
Interest. While the area of thVunL t T Wn'Mlwslili. with Old
States is too immense and ,h. ! "."I"1" "s th,'lp """': "" st he
Union too sparse to lmn " ' "andle a boat in the rou;
Thej Are Arranged nn,l !. , .. ...
Kutii-B of the Keeper. i weather, wliother .lamp or dry, will
The sitntlon lt..lf i ' , produce, even if we are extremely careful.
. " iu-Murj' uouse
nimr securely and solidly
uililon soreness und stillness ot the limbs I
unnn Knim. ... , .... . .
(rood site along the beach: it is ,,,,. i ' "" ..""s ' ",m'" "Kl" ' 'u,,-
... .... . , . . iieu cuanee oi temperature Ironi a warm
iuiuisiie.1 hy the gov- m. , ,...,.,,. ,.,,, . .
able and roomy
;..,,, nun nas the boat-room and
j kitchen on the lower floor; a large bod
; room for the keeper, another for the
surf men, and a store-room occupy the
i second story.
j The boat-room is large, and opens by
great double doors upon the beach. It
; contains the life-bout and all the life
saving apparatus always in perfect
umer aim readiness.
The crew consists of a keener nnd aiv
years to come, for a general irnort I . ' " to 'ace all lhe dangers of
! system, yet great progress can be made 1 T ,
In sections of the country where ! , "'"st ,m,1,'',K 11 vt met
ers are prosperous, and where ! examiiltlon- must bring tnthe
! have occasion to use roads to a consl.i "'"I?" M t'('1'tillt n'1' '"' Kood health;
erable extent In order to get the Z " ; '" '' U "ls ol,lif;i'(1 1,11
' nets of their farms to railroad stations ; '"'i'"' f"lllU'""-v l'''f"nn all duties.
' for shipment to large cities and town- ! '"'''l'er receives a salary of ijWO
! Vere It possible to estimate the doll,,",'. " vw,r tll) t0 m U was 7u(,,: la'
and ceU exUu cost for repairs to wa" "n -v";!r r"""-
ons nnd carriages, the wear and tear nllow''11 11 mouth's leave of absence
of horse, mule aud ox flesh over wretch : '" sm""u'1' if 1,0 Rv,'s "1 bis pay. A
ed roads, and the delays caused In win I sm'tma" 1TO'lv(' i 11 month, Is at the
I ter by their Impassahllity, the aggre' 1 statio" 1,lriu!j: ?1g!it months of the
i gate would be startling, and would we 1 Je"r' nml llils thc lrlvll,'K' of leaving
j feel assured, aggregate a sum far In I tlle st!ltl"u tov twenty-four hours every
j excess of what would be needed to pro- t tW w''l'ksmit lu lonely stations they
i vide good roads and keep them In good i Bt"w'rall.v "'main for the active season,
j condition. And If, to the economy re-1 wllk'u '"'Kms September 1, ending May
j ferred to, be added the Increased value 1 1; wheu " 1111111 lt,avt's 1,1 JIa-v. ''e gms
I of property, and last, but not least, the ! wuere 1"' lU'ases, und if he does not re
j comfort of farmers and their families, i t,lrn ,Sl'l)tl',"ber ,the keejier gets an
! there would be overwhelming argument I otlu'r 1111111 ln Ills l'"ce for the next wlu
; In favor of Immediate action. The work s,',lso11-
Is n stupendous one, when viewed as' '"'eper Is held responsible for tlie
j a whole, but a beginning once made ""-dltlou of everything connected with
and the advantages elenrlv demotistra-i ,llL s,a('on; he must drill the men In
warmth expands ir relaxes, und it is tor
tliis ivasun that when one is sure and still
I'niin siulden euld. the application of M.
.lamhsOil brings inuueituite and sure re
lief, as it gives warmth and relaxation to
tlie snivelled muscles and makes supple the
sore ami cramped linihs. Withu vigorous
rtihl'iug with this great remedy for pain
no one need sutler with soreness ami stiff,
lies mure than a very short lime. It is
especially the best remedy lor suffering
where we reiiiire a prompt cure, and it is
partii ularly the best because its cures are
Willi LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as iliyy en n not
reach i lit mih of ilu' disease. t'Htft'rrh is a
bit ml or constitutional li-ejtst ami in ortler to
ci re it you iut lake interimt reuioitics. HhII's
aiiiiiti 'uie is taken internally, ami aetstli
redly on tin lilood ami mueoussin laees. Hull's
t atarrh Cure is not a nmek medieine. It uus
preserilKMi by one of the best nlivsictHiis in this
eouutry lor years, uml is a renulai' preserip
tinii. It is eoinpoyetl of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood imritiers, acting
directly on ilie mucous Mirtaces. The perieci
combination oi the two ingredients is what
prodiices such wonderful effects In curing
Catarrh, Send for teslinuniirtit, free.
K. .1. CMKXKY .V CO , liops.( Toledo, O.
Sold by drui:i;ists, nriee 7iV.
Hall's 'Family I'ills an the best.
ted, there .would bti stead? I mnrnv.v
meut.-West Chester (Pa.) Republican.
Icelnnd's Karttiqunkea.
The terrible eartlniuukes which have
rently occurred lu Iceland, beginning
the lust week of August, have boon
liore severe than any that have shaken
llmt Island since 17S4. In the extent of
I'Mitry alfected they are the greatest
ver known there. During the woiwt
lliock landslides rushed from the moun-
ains, huge rin ks fell from the steeper
inks, pastures were burled, farm
muses were destroyed though fortn
ilely Willi very little loss of life new
ysers were formed nnd old ones ceas-
il to flow, and deep chnsms nnd
urcs opened In the ground. It is re
torted that the natives earnestly hope
at one of the great volcanoes will
Iwak Into activity, as they believe that
foiild put an end to the earthquakes
if relieving the subterranean stress.
Don't So It!
It Is stated that when Boadleea led
her army to battle she wore a man's
armor, but was always careful to leave
her golden hair floating over the steel
links thnt all men might know that she
was not a only warrior but a woman.
Queen Elizabeth, the most shrewd
and prudent sovereign of her day. when
she held Important councils with nnv
their duties, divide the work evenly,
and see that the men are orderly. No
; liquor Is allowed on the premises;
drunkenness or neglect of duty is pun-
Ished by instant dismissal from the ser
l vice; the mini who Is detailed to cook
i must keep the kitchen in perfect order;
nnd each has his share of the house
work to perform, for no women live at
the stations.
The crew are numbered by the keeper
from one to six, and at midnight pre
ceding September 1 the station goes in-
bassadors from other countries, not """'. '' , i
j only, we are told, brought all her lcari
Ing and sagacity to bear against them,
Hlnck Men in Persia.
Old inscriptions and carvings have
fiowa that there existed in ancient
JVrsla members of a race of black-skln-
?"dmen, who possessed features resein
Jinu those of Africans. The origin of
" people, as well ns their apparent
Disappearance in modern times, have
"mislied puzzling Questions for eth-
Agists. Some have supposed that In
twhistorie times the greater part ot
tutiiern Asia was occupied by a prlml
ve Mack race, of which only vestiges
-Milled when the empires of Baby-
I'Sia aud Assyria arose. Lately de
limits of tU( 1)iU.k , wh fl .
Bred in the early history of Persia are
I'Heved to have been found by the
filisslaii exnlorer. Tlnctnr rnnllolT.
; but "tricked herself in her most splen
1 did apparel and rarest jewels, using
! all little feuiule arts to win them to her
l service."
j Victoria has laid deep the foundation
of her empire over her subjects In their
affections. It is not the hereditary
queen that they reverence so much as
the modest young girl, the faithful
wife, the good, kindly woman on the
The first lady in our own land has
endeared herself to the nation not as a
politician or social leader, but as a most
gracious gentlewoman.
It Is a singular fact that no woman
has ever long influenced the world as
ruler, writer, or even reformer who
threw aside her feminine weapons.
gives patrol equipments to two of the
siirfinen, and they start out on the first
patrol, and the active season lias fairly
begun: everything runs like clock-work
after that, and as strict a discipline is
maintained as on board a iiian-of-wur.
St. Nicholas.
Sustained the Jury's Rights.
Judge I'rendergast. before his eleva
tion to the bench, was defending an ag
gravated case of assault before Judge
Ilors. He desired to Introduce some
evidence favorable to his case, but It
was Incompetent, being hearsay testi
mony. He made numerous attempts to
bring out the evidence. It met with
strong objection as often from the
State's Attorney. Tile question was ar
gued at length, and the court sustained
Mind nnd Health.
The mental condition nas fnr more
fnBueuce upon the bodily health thau
is generally supposed. It Is no doubt
true that ailments of the body onum
depressing and morbid conditions ol
the mind, but It is no less true that
sorrowful and disagreeable emotion!
produce disease in persons who, unin
fluenced by them, would be ln sound
health; or, if disease Is not produced,
the functious are disordered.
Agreeable emotions set lu motion
nervous currents which stimulate
blood, brain, and every part of the sys
tem Into healthful activity; while
grief, disappointment of feeling, and
brooding over present sorrows or past
mistakes depress all the vital forces.
To be physically well one must, In gen
eral, be happy. The reverse Is not al
ways true; one may be hnppy and
cheerful, and yet be a constant sufferer
In body..
Gladness Comes
With a bettor understanding of the
transient nature of the niiitiy phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts plou sunt off cuts
right !y directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many lorms of
bickuess are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a const ipu ted condi
tion of tlio system, which the pleasant
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with niiUioimuf families, and is
everywhere esteemed bo highly by nil
who value pood health. Its benclicial
effects are due to the fuel, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without dcbililating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
nil important, in order to get its bene
ticiul "effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you huvo tlie g'g'iiine arti
cle, which is manufactured i.y the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputublo druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
aud the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with nnv nctmil disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a luxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Vigs stands highest and is most lurgely
i4ud and gives most general sutisf uetion.
"Jupt Don't Feel Wall,"
ftre the Otja Thing to udo.
Only One for a Dose.
Hold by Druggists at fi5o. box
Bamplpn milled free. Addrtwa
Or. Bosanko fled. Ca. I'tiila. 1'a-
n-il h. Hltt.UU Ihiva. Nt. I'hv Oil
I itm iii.i.L-.ii.titiiiti vitllmr flu, 111.
The charm of a womanly woman is n ! competent. Thereuion Judge 1 'render-
among the mountains near
raz, east of the I'ersian (iulf. These
f"Ple, although they atill form an In-
f-pendeut group, mingle with the sur-
? "Hading population, as lu ancient
"we, and find emnlovment nt lone dls-
f'mces froni their home. Some of them
pre to be seen In the city of Teheran.
por Exploring the Sen-Bottom.
spherical box enntfllntnrr enmnrpsfl-
N air, ami large enough to hold three
F'r mr Persons, has been Invented hv
f11 Italiau named Coretto, for the pur
lflne of exploring the sea bottom. It
fPPears, however, that the Invention is
i" TM a practical success, for when
if. Corzetto, accompanied by two of
f Wends, entered his snhere nnd was
jeered to the bottom of the Bay of
FPezia recent n. .1 ..- o.,a
,, iiic iirttiaiu mi muo-
W the siihere to rise to the surface
5 ed to work. Unable to help theni-
. or to communicate with the
, r wor'J. the three men remained on
leea Iwttom. In the meantime the
g l)mergence of the sphere had
a aotievi nj .ii ,.
j wii to find out what was the matter.
lnS time the Bllhoro linl Vuwin Ivlnff
'"fte bottom nine hours, nnd an equal
oi time elapsed before It could
Uf'ed to the surface. When It was
'ed tile Inyontnl- n-o l.olf nanlirr.
a'elan(1 ''is friends were unconscious,
all recovered; nnd Mr. Corzetto Is
" '"scouraged.
real power. Her gentleness, her deli
cacy, her modesty are real forces. Tho
girl who dresses like a man. who swag
gens, who talks loudly, discusses risque
books and smokes cigarettes is like a
soldier who has thrown away his weap
ons before he goes Into battle.
Her bicycle, for example, may be a
good, useful thing, but she will not
Induce the public to approve of bicycles
for women by appearing on it as an
offensive caricature of a man. She will
not win the world to her cause, how,
ever just, by disgusting It with herself.
Why should any of our girls throw
away the weapons which Ocii has given
them? Youth's Compauion.
Success in Life.
If you wish success In life make per
severance your bosom friend, experi
ence your wise counsellor, caution your
elder brother, and hope your guardian
genius. .
You can read a harry mind In happy cmm.
tenant without much penetration. That ii
the ."rt of countenance that the nu,. i dam t) 1
U8Sufferoror.lySI.cptic rcl eved tte
stomach Bittern wears. Hil w ill meet many
such The Krcat stomachic and altera ive a so
nrov des happiness for the malarious, he rlu-u-m?tlc.
the weak and those troubled with inac
tion o( the kidney and bladder.
The lord mayor of London wears a
badge of office whioh oontains diamonds
valued at $600,000.
I know that my life was saved by Pisr,'s
Cure for Coiisumptuiii.-Johii i A. -Miller.
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 18H.1.
,Je non't see anything so sad In fall
2 leavt's- Leaves never fall until
r -- "-uu, nut some people lau
bae they are still alive.
gast swung around to the Jury and
"Well, gentlemen of the jury, shall
this evidence go lu or notV"
"Yes." the jury burst out.
The Judge and State's Attorney lost
their breath hy the shock incident to
such n remarkable nud iiiilieard-of pro
ceeding. Recovering his breath, Judge
Ilors, who was a novice on the bench
then, asked:
"Where Is your warrant for such ac
tion as you have committed'"
"Your honor, this is your lirst crimi
nal case," replied Judge I'rendergast,
seriously, "and you are not familiar
with the criminal practice. The law of
this State says the Jury shall be the
judges of the law or fact In such cases.
You have overruled this right of the
Jury nnd the jury has reversed your
ruling. I will no longer defend the
The proceedings caused a sensation.
However, Judge I'rendergast remained
In the case under protest. The Jury was
Indignant to think their lawful right to
decide all questions had been Impaired.
The defendant was discharged, the jury
not even leaving their seats. Chicago
.EST with a ble n. BlackweU'a Genuine null
Durham la In u clans br Hue If. You will nnd one
coupon Inulde each two ounce bug, uud two cou
pons Inside each four ounce bag of
Oonuine mm
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a hue of th la celebrated tobacco and read t he intinon-
which tjl ea lialof vuluttbie pruaeuts aud how U) tiel Ibum.
Go to any grocer and
ask for Schilling's Best tea:
Japan, English Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, or the
" He will pay you your
money back if you don't
like it.
t i if
4 Schilling k Company ggg
5u Fraacitt
or So Use to Him.
Agnes Strickland once urged Mr.
Donne to introduce her to George Bor
row, the author of "The ltomany Itye."
Borrow, who was ln the room at the
time, offered some objection, but was
at length prevailed upon to nccept
the Introduction. The authoress com
menced the conversation by an enthu
siastic eulogy of bis works, and con
cluded by asking permission to send
him a copy of her "Queens of En
gland." "For God's sake, don't, mad
am," exclaimed Borrow; "I should not
know what to do with them."
"How Is It that you are always in
debt? You should be ashamed of
yourself." "Come, now; don't be too
hard on a fellow. Yon would per
haps be In debt, too, If you were ln
my place." "What place?" "Able to
get credit." Odds and Ends.
td checked. I
His Lip Gone.
M. M. Nicholson, who lives at the
corner of Curran and Anderson Sts., At
lanta, Ga., had a cancer for years.
It first appeared on his lip and resem
bled a fever blister, but spread rapidly
and soon began to destroy the flesh.
His father and uncle had died from
Cancer, aud he sought the best medical
aid in different cities, but it seemed im
possible to check the disease. Several
operations were performed but the can
cer always returned. This continued
(or years until the partition in bis nose
anu nis enure up
per lip were eaten
away. All treat
ment having proved
futile, he looked
npon death as the
only relief.
"Some one re
commended S.S.S."
iivhe says, "and
HiWvmBP& lew bottles anora
WM0W&A some relief; thus
PV:;vf4fencouraeed I con
tinued it, and
it was not long be
fore the progress ol
the disease seem
nersevered ' in its
use. and remarkable as it may seem, I
am completely cured, and feel like I
have new life. S.S.S. is the most re
markable remedy in the world, and
everyone will agree that the cure was a
wonderful one."
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is in the blood and it is folly
to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.S.
(guaranteed purely vegetable) it a real
remedy for every disease of the blood.
liooks mailed
free; address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
lUblBt D4 KlIWl. Kltr-llbf Of rrotru4II fll.l TU M .U M
ft'urbt tuibvr. A p9.ii i-cur. n u ti, vnl liN. frU
Im. Uluauuwuu. UIL. UOKAKkV, I'klU f
lio Helpful.
Help ever the helpless, be It n drown
ing fly or a brother floundering through
the difficult ii of life's first tasks. II
needs not vastness of resource, or ex
tent of power to minister such heart
help as the truc-hcarlcd can render. I
see you the friend of the friendless,
the ungrateful, and ungracious; tin
raiser of the fallen, though perchance,
only perversely to fall again; the cheer
er of the cheerless, though It may ba
they droop again when your bright
presence has pnesed away.
Make money hy iur
ct'HHful Hpi'i'timtlon In
ctiic'HK"- Wo huy and
it'll w hi'M llieri 4in
margin, f or ui tie have lu'i'ii tmtoe mi u kiiirII
bt'irinniiiK by Inulihu in fulnr'. Write for
lull (mrticulHrH. Mem of reference Kiven, Sev
eral veHTH experience, on lhe ('Mchko Moan! of
'1 rmle, him) a tlinroiiKli knowledge of the huni
ncMi. Joviiltir, HohkitiK A. o., rhlcn(,' Hoard
of Trmle Hrokcrx. Otlicu ill 1'urtland. Oregon,
nnd Kt'okitne, Wnnh.
JUirtifMl in PvtaltlDt
Incubator im atari
d rlffhtt and U Ix-ilnr
iin-iiiTtd to flrt profit
ablertuint w'l'tuMi ttitw
miciiinft iirlnKivlr am
biMlf IhefoaLiim which pr.
of vtKr'Mii cnicuaaa,
IncnUtiri fmm liu up,
Petaluroa Incubator Co., Potaluma, Cal,
Illiiotrttwl LJl
. lei
In weiring Ulltieiare uniiirnaireil.wtuiillr
oiitlutlnK twn liozt-H ol Htiy ntl.r lirftml Kre
Irom AnlmHl oila. out THK MKMIINK.
and Uealera nc-ncrallr.
For trwInK unit tocHtlna Oold or Mtlver
lum ir lilililiiilriaiirin. .M. II. mw-
llox a.17 Moiiltilngtoli, Coiiti.
I)L'HTI'ICK unit I'l l.KH cured ; no pay until
t cured: wild lor Imnk. Una. MANamLD A
I'uktkhfiki.ii, s: Markut St., Han FranclMO.
i iiukv whhv an ra La.
Bat tuufc-h by rup. Tata (iod TJw
In t!n.fc rV-ia hT dYunrlita.
S. P. N. U. No. 683.-8. F. N, U. No. 700