Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 24, 1896, Image 8

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I. r. STKWAKTlC4ltor n Fratrletor.
Published every Thursday at Toledo, Lincoln
County, Oregon.
Subscription Kates:
One year,
Six months,
Three months,
nwuu'uiM mail Uiniwr.
Advertising rate made known on application
Buslnesa lojals will be Inserted In these coi
nmni at five centa per line per week, and will
km I I A I . i .. 1
vv.uu uuMivimiBuumvuiiuumt
Every postmaster (n Lincoln county la author!!
ed to act as agent for the LiaDia.
Official County Paper,
Dressed up Gowell's store.
For clothing see the Fall and
Winter Stock just received at
A fine line of Gents Hats of the
latest shades and styles just opened
at O'Brien's.
Gowell's trade is still increasing.
The volume of business done re
duces profits to the minimum.
Wm. Hall, Thos. Harrison, Robt.
Rowinand J. M. Russell, made up a
delegation from Beaver creek that
visited Toledo last Monday.
Ex-Represeutative John D. Daly
wants lo be chief reading clerk of
the house of representatives at
Salem this winter. Hope John
will get the plum.
The whole story of the wonderful
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla is soon
told. It makes the blood rich,
pure and nourishing. It cures
scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism.
Lillie Miller, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Miller, ofChitwood,
who was so badly burned some
time ago, has so far recovered as
to be able to walk around the house
A marriage license was issued by
the county clerk yesterday to J. C.
Dixon and Miss Lizzie Van Orden,
two of Elk City's popular young
people. We tender congratulations
in advance.
We are informed that Jos. Gideon
has a cargo of about 30,000 feel of
lumber on board his little schooner
at Waldport, and as soon as he can
get favorable weather will bring it
around to this bay.
A. 0. Hooker was down from
his farm near Storrs last Tuesday.
Mr. Hooker has proven himself to
be a first-class farmer, as is evi
denced by the excellent condition
in which he has put hL little farm
during the past two years.
We are under obligations to Dr.
Wakefield, of Little Elk, for a sack
of onions, received this week. Dr.
akefield always raised a goodly
supply of onions on his farm on
Little Elk each season, along with
the diversity of other crops which
lie successfully cultivates. The
onions are well cured and an excel
lent article.
Go to Gowell's for bargains for
For Holiday sweets, go to
Gowell is selling the best goods
for the least money.
Hood's pills act haimoniously
with Hood's sarsaparilla. Cure all
liver ills. 45 cents.
Try the new remedy for catarrh
prescription No. 1. Price 75 cts.
a bottle, at Krogstad's drug store.
That all may prosper and find
health and knowledge, is Gowell's
greeting to one and all for the 1
season of 'o6-'97.
Stop that catarrh in your head
before it reaches your throat, by
using Prescription No. 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
We are prepared to do all kinds
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horse-shoeing, and all kinds of
repairing. Give us a mil.
Ross & Rick, Toledo.
You cannot afford to let Christ
mas pass without making somebody
happy with a suitable present.
Krogstad can furnish books, albums
toys, novelties and fancy articles
suitable for presents.
Dr. Akin came over from Philo
math last Saturndy to render medi
cal aid to Mrs. N. P. Stevens, of
this place, who is suffering from a
cancer in the breast. Dr. Akin is
something of a specialists in the
treatment of cancer. He pronounc
ed the cancer curable, but said that Krogstad's drug
.. . . . . - - I ctrtrA
We acknowledge a liberal sample
of the bride's cake of the Landis-
was organized at Yaquina last
Mon lay night by A. W. Bowersox
was very successfully organized
A dance was given at the New
Gowell buys and sells everything.
Johney Akin returned from Port
land last Saturday.
The steamers Farallon and
Homer both sailed last Monday.
Jas. McDonald and Ed. Paine
were down from Chit wood, last
H. E. Collins left last Monday
on the Farallon for a short stay at
Port Orford.
Just arrived A fine line of Holi
day goods; very desirable for
Christmas presents. Call and ex
amine our goods.
A positive cure is attained in all
cases of catarrh by using Prescrip
tion No. 1. Try it and be con
vinced. For sale at Krogstad's
drug store.
Geo. King was up from his ranch
with Yaquina Bay oysters, which
he found ready sale, for Christmas
dinners, We return our thanks
for a nice lot of them.
Newt. Guilliams. Frank Perry.
Pat Nagles and Ora Copeland left
last Monday for Victoria, B. C,
where they will embark on another
sealing cruise. They will go on
the schooner Cox.
Prescription No. 1 is not a cure-
all Temedy. It is a scientific com
pound for the cure of catarrh only,
which it does. You will say so
yourself if you have catarrh and try
For sale
it would take considerable time to
effect the cure.
Silas Howell was in town the
latter part of last week closing up
all his business in relation to the
office of assessor, which he has
filled during the past year. He
got all of his business into proper
shape to turn over to his successor
in office, settled up all the accounts
of the office and stepped down and
out, a private citizen once more.
Nevers wedding, and return our
thanks to the bride therefor. The
cake was presented to the bride by
a friend in Minneapolis, Minnesota,
her former home.
J. H. McNeil, the Pioneer mer
chant will leave that place and re
turn to Toledo at an early date.
He will resume his old business
He will reside at Waldtjort this bfcre. and for the Dresent will nectinv
r rv
winter, but has not definitely decided , one side of Fish's store. He finds
wnat ne will do next year.
W. A. Fash, a furniture dealer
of Woodburn. Oregon. wan in
Toledo last Tuesday looking over
the town with a view of locatine
here and engaging in the furniture
Toledo the better business point.
Do Good Rebekah lodge of this
place elected officers for the ensuing
term last Tuesday night. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Alfae
Waugh, N. G.; Eunice Akin, V.
11 is 1 00 laic iq gei an Aosiract 01 TttU trt ft
piece of
land after you have bought it and found out that there
judgements and tax liens against it. The Proper this
do is to have the
of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before fovesti '
your money. A business man now days never buys rtjj
estate without first obtaining evidence of a good titfe
We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address
Crosno & Peairs.
Real Estate Agents aii ibbtki,
iv Judg
ji super
Jose, I
I iSondi
Jbarm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands. To JI
-rruperiy m single jlois or JJlockg
Abstrct of Title to any property in Lincoln Com
furnished on demand.
Toledo -
and undertaking business. Hewas Annetta Krogstad, secretary;
very favorably impressed with the j Hattie Gaither, permanent secre
prospect for such business here and tary; Ella Stewart, treasurer.
. ... I
wi i, in an probability, remove to Newport again has ,
this place at an earlv date. If so' . 5 . . 1.7
. ... . , . ' --jaicaujcr i-umiecuons. ine Klcn-
he w.ll buy business property on dMn going down last Sunday to
Hill ct rsf o 11 H - k..:u: J
Flour and feed will be sold at a
low price at the store of Peter Tel
efson, Yaquina.
For the best groceries and fresh
fruit call at Peter Tellefson's, Ya
quina City.
Ladies! If you want a bargain
in Shoes try O'Brien's special sales
he is selling a $3.50 shoe for $2.25.
Prescription No. 1 is not a patent
medicine, but a scientific com
pound lately discovered, which acts
as a specific in nasal catarrh.
Do you know that if you neglect
catarrh in the head it will bring on
other troubles that otten terminate
fatally. Stop it now and be cured
from that disagreeable disease, by
using Prescription No, 1. For sale
at Krogstad's drug store.
How often consumption has been
traced to its starting point catarrh,
and how many people are now
suffering with nasal catarrh, and
how many can be cured by using
Prescription No. 1. Inquire about
it at the drug store. Far sale at
Krogstad's drug store.
Hill street and erect a building
take the run. The owner of the
hereon for his business Mr. Fash Ricbardson. Mr. Wulf, has received
is an old acquaintance of theeditor's
and we hope that he will conclude
to locate here. He is an enterpris
ing man, straightforward in busi
ness, and will be a valuable addition
to our town. We also believe that
the opportunity for the line of
business iu which he will eneaee
ui, is a gooo. one nere. He is an
Old and exivripnroil man in ,1...
An Odd Fellows Encampment
Two logging outfits are at work
and Albany. The Encampment , , r.w.ay' geU,n oat ,0&s
.r,,ii ..... ,or lnc A01io mill. Burns and
and as it is centrally located on the 5lli'otson nave been Pu""g " logs
Bay there is no doubt but what it . S,0ugh from the Kyiton
will soon number a large part of ! r nd Dye Wade and Stoney
the brothers of all the Bav lodges . ls are at work Kiting logs into
mnni.o k r ..tne water ior Wade
learn who the officers were.
and Wauzh.
from the Al. Waugh timber on
Depoe. Frank Stanton and his
SOtlS tin VA Kpm nnM. 1
- futtiug atjuie togs
port opera house last Saturday night into the Olalla also. As soon as
in honor of the captain of the sufficient logs are in the boom at
steamship Farallon, and his friends. thi mill , j....j
The Farallon took a goodly crowd Gregson will start up the mill and
of Yaquina people over and the
opera house was comfortably filled.
Wires were carried from the steamer
at her wharf to the opera house
and the latter was beautifully
lighted by electricity from the
steamer's dynamo. For the first
time in Newport a dance was given
under electrict lights, and it proved
to be quite a nov elty.
saw sufficient lumber to Dut a p-ood
stock of lumber on the mill vard
and then he will close down long
enough to have the mill thoroughly
repaired and put in good shape.
Several improvements will be made
in the mill, aud when he is ready
lo start up again he will have the
mill in shape to fill any demand
made upon it.
assurance from the railroad that he
will be allowed the run next sum
mer without any opposition on
their part, and the citizens of New
port have also made liberal guaran
tees. This was a very proter thing
to do. The Richardson is a safe,
comfortable and economical boat,
and will run the year round. The
officers of the boat are Chas. Jahn,
captain; Jack Cahill, engineer, and
A. H. Hampton, purser. A gentle
manly and courteous set of officers.
ine long continued suit of
Murphy vs. Gorman, that has been
pending in the county court for
nearly a year was brought to trial
last Tuesday before Judge Stearns
and a jury of six men. The suit
was brought by Murphy for $500
damages for being imprisoned as an
absconding debtor at the instance
of Gorman. Murphy was repre
sented by Judge McFadden of Cor
vallis, J. R. Wyatt, of Albany, and
H. Denlinger, of this place, and
Judge Hufford, of Corvallis, ap
peared for Gorman. The suit
dragged all day and far into the
night befoie it was submitted to the
jury. A verdict of $462 was re
turned for Murphy by the jury.
An appeal will probably be taken!
The fiat has gone forth; there
will be no lady clerks at Salem this
winter that is, hardly any.
Notice of Sheriff's SaleofM
property under Executk
t h a 7 M7,T r . . , .u o UI Mie ""WW
County- orLici.n'duD".K
eal of said court anA hr.n. ....vJS
and sale rendered and entered In theaH
... m out. ninicm A. u. opexartn Wu nlii
and Herhxrt Trnmhl u.-.ffL'"1
were delendants. In favor of Mid plilmiiil
against said defendants, Herbert Ticl
and Martha Twombley, or the mm of (J
Hundred and Twenty-seven DolUnmiil
J-.I.W wins, wiiu interest mereon itthtt
of ten percent per annum from thesihd
.oiTu, mm iur ito attorneys leea, it
upon this writ. Thesaid execution IiIokJ
.... I1U wuijuuui ine to 1(11 111 01 UK
lnwliivila.niluil .
decree and execution, towlt: The MiiUm
of the southwest a of seotlon St, townitli
south, range 11, west, containing 40 ma
jiiicuiu vuuiity, oiaie 01 uregon. aow, Ik
fore. In compliance with said executions
der ot sale, I, as such sheriff, will on
Saturday, tha aird dav nf Januifir iIm
at the hour of ten o'clock In the fomm
Baiu uoj , a. tuts iroiit uuur 01 tue u)un Kl
in the City of Toledo, Lincoln county, Owl
n fn aala nl1 aAll . .....V ....
uv. .v. nio .1111 rail .V IIUUIIU BUt'tlKn N
highest bidder for V. 8. Gold coin, cubii bi
allot the right, title, Interest and catateol
aM o n .1 1 A ' - .1 1 1 .1...
an.u uviciiuwim IU I1U tU tUO .Kill BlMttin
scrilied real property, with the apportmiMl
cutlon and the amounts thereon inborn
ou, tui(t;tiier witu tae costs aua accminf
mrnnim A tivnifl
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Ortrt
uy j, o. nm.ufi
Of the Christmas Eve literary
entertainment to be given by the
Siletz Indian boarding school chil
dren, tonight:
Opening Song, "Christmas Bells"
Prayer. by Superintendant.
Rec, "Opening Address,"
Tillie Depoe.
Rec., "Christmas Again,"
Julian Jim.
Song, '"Tis Christmas Eve,".
Five Little Girls.
Select Reading, "The Two Little
Stockings," Ollie James.
Rec., "One Thing at a Time,". .
Esther Reed.
Song, "Follow where the Star is
Guidng." Chorus.
Rec, "Our Flag,",
Three Little Girls.
Rec, "Christmas Time,"
Jesse Crook.
Rec, "The Little Speech,"
Henry Davenport.
Rec, "The Dieing Singer,"
Edith Graves.
Song, "When the Lord to Be.h-
anyCame." School.
Rec, "Christmas Bells,"
Clara Depoe.
Rec, "Catch the Sunshine,". .
Evans John
Rec, "The New Toy,"
Raymond Clay.
Song, "Love's Old Sweet Song,"
Ollie James.
'The Darling of the Year,"
Twelve Pupils.
Song, "God Save theState," School.
ml tie
in once or Slientt s sale oi licl
Property tinder Execution.
an execution and orderof salo iunedntq
the Circuit conrt of the State of Oregon, !fft4
County of Lincoln, dulr attested nndtnknl
oi saia court ana oearing aate iittxiaixr
1895, on a decree of foreclosure and isle itilr
edand entered In th mtirl pmirtln iiullfhd
in Sol King and Minnie Lee were plalotlffiui
nemo j. tiaaei ana k. Hater werewrct
ants. In favnr of said nlalntifft and snlafta
defendant Nettie J. Baker and it. F. Hiker,!
the sum nf ThtrtMn Hunrird and SeveDlT'H
and 66-100 Dollars, with inteiest thenoniit4
rate ot ten per cent per annum, ana w";;
dred Dollars attorneys' fees, and the nnf:
lltn nf nll.H mh! .nil flirthtTMltBt.'
this writ. The aforesaid execution and
of sale is to me directed aud commim-j
sell allot the following-described real pn)H
to satisfy said decree and execution, m
HnliAr-a Plu.-M nntnlnlnir flffht SD0
n. mmn Hlnnlri Nnmh.rl A.7.S.S. 10. H"
la, all in llaker's 1st addition to the till;
Newport; also Lots No. 1, 2, 11 and 12 n
AO, m; ana Lots do. 4, o, , 7, o ana , i
n ; ana Lots No. s, 4, o, a, t. a, anu
Block No. 10, In Buford.stind addition to
M .1 ...., In i-nmnlianCa 1-
tin. nun, tuciotuiD, in w r--r ,
said execution and order of sale, 1, "
sheriff will on
Saturday, tha Jjrtf day of January, iW
am K. 1 A .l.lulr In ha filPOnrKID llf W
day, at the front door of' the Court HouU
uuy oi iuieao, Lincoln coumy, ",rB"'.y.
lor sale and sell at public auotlun to iht
est bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cwb in
'l . ..11 atlVtt dtCTi'
real property, with the appurteiianeel,
and amounts due thereon as aboveiuwi,"
gather with costs and accruing coata.
lated December 24, 1896. A im
Sheriff of Uncoln oun(W
By J. H.Boss.IKI1"1!-
That must have been an ediiri i!
sight to have seen J. N.
Geo. H. Durham and a few lbt1
members of the Oregon RiadCa'J
telling how country roads sbouU j
made, at the load convention H
Pr.rii uat Lots thr'l
know about how to work couait!
For Sale.
Since McKinley is elected I hrt
several fine places for sale cnep
borne well improved iarm.
. . w H
gooa sneep or goai ibu."
you want good bargains come
sie M.J. AllphW.
Eddyville. Ore.
Wanted-An Idea F
Tm .1 hflU voa T1
a-ra, Waablatnoa. D C. for
aOltst ot two aaadnd lantUMM waaiaa.
4 UK