Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 24, 1896, Image 7

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. i the Overland
W C" I tliu Atlnntic Cub e.
frsewn iH-twwti tin- Old
TI'rJl . ..... v... Tin" rni-ors wort-
.. ...I ..ill llll- " .
One was
nd;" the other wits
,h ooinrnmes,
115'"' . 1..
.Russian ''
" ...i.,iiiin Cilhle."
1 ,'nik of ilie-'-nnsslnii" by le
"'!'. , minster in Uritlsh ami Ms '' 1,1 """' I'P
'"""I Ve un.l.loml Fniw Uiver
'ivitwas to rim. then on through
'311t' i,.iiwiaa n. A lliwl.-n
Berin" Strait, over the tiiiilier
!fWs"or Arctic- Siherla. mid
1 the dreary "f ,1,e Okhotsk
am the mouth of the Amoor. There
I.., Amorirsn racers, catted -vcsiorii
lCil .t 1 i-.w.a tr.
" were to ts'l; y ' '
ii. a rnsNii ii
I"' ' i. l,..f !,..
was to maive i m '" " "
selling Moscow. .
iMem Viii'"' said it would cover
Lffouml in aliout two. years. 1 no
I " ,i i ilvn iiiitltiins of
fvSt IVOUJU oc "
inllars; lint what a- uw- innnmir. i
lollars it tin' l "
Mrlcglnllc of the earth? w
The patli' of the "Atlantic" cable
ps to he oh a tahlehind some two
nil ton hi the ocean, reac-lilns from
retail to Newfoundland.
Ho summer ol l.sti.i totimi tne worm
Uhing this race witli peat tnter-
l It opened when Hie ot tne
ussian expedition set sail from San
ramisw. north ward bound. The
Atlantic" people at ine same nine
lierc stowiiis away KiKiintie colts or
iHe Into the capacious hold or the
ilreat Eastern" a new cable some
,8)0 miles Jong.
The Western 1'nion directors were
Jreird htisiness men. I' Ive miliums
dollars was little in comparison with
ie benefit they could receive could
tlity get telegraphic coinmunlcanoi)
kith Europe, and they then believed
tat the only way was by land. 1 lie
loHIc agreed with them nearly unniii-
:ously. And so tlie two projects the
ifrland mid the submarine were
Kitted against each other.
A very mieipial race It seemed at the
itset. The Overland was strong ami
;;orous. The Atlantic was broken
It former failures. The Overland w.'is
lopnlar, niul had plenty of money
ickof it; the Atlantic- was derided,
nil "only fools," It was said, "would
Invest in It."
The Beet of the Utisslaii expedition
hU-h Bailed from San Francisco in
e summer of l.St;5 was quite n navy.
here were rcean steamers, sailiii!?-
essris, eoast and river bouts, and
lusslan and Auiericsin ships of ibe
with a promise of n vessel from
Majesty's navy. The expeditiou
ta well officered, and about 1-0 men
ere enlisted men of superior ability
every (lepiirtinen'. The supplies
abrarfd everything that could be
lulled. Thousands of tons of wire.
Ie 300 tulles of cable, insulators,
isms, etc.
Ansiist 2(1, lS(!(i, the Oreat Kastern
janded its enlile at Trinity Hay and
whole world was eleetrilied by
news that It worked perfectly
fat the victory had been won. Move
Jn that. The Great Kastern not
S afterward picked up the cable lost
pe year before, and that, too, was
N In working order. Two electric
nl!n had been clasped around ilia
Tlie success of the "Atlantic" wan
'eat for the "Itusslnn." An overland
sranli line could never compete
Mi the submarine cables. The lirst
Wmnhatit "click, ellek!" nr Trinity
W was therefore the death-blow of
in Russian scheme, and ull work eon-
Wed with that project was at onca
B the workers-tbo brave men fec
:t famine anionir the wild I'hiuil;-
w-lraried In their lonely huts wait-
mr some news finin tlndi- emu-
fHor straining every nerve to com-
,c ineir share of the great work
Pathetic -flint ..,., . tl...m
F ---- ou it I till j iji invni
111 not hear what had hannened. In
r eases for more than a year after
I:, ot the cable!-Jaue Marsh
Irr la St. Meholas.
A Device that Hus,ea H,id,0,
Live, and Much I'ro,rty.
If you ever walk around the water
front of a large coumieivial citv UI1
look closely . tUe big ocean steauisuip,
and sailing Kuips mooted along the
wharves, you will notice that nianv of
them have a white circle and a lu't of
white lilies marked on their sides dose
to the water, almost as if some bad bov
had been chalking a picture there of 'a
griddle-cake and u gridiron; hut when
you find that hundreds of ships aiv
marked just the same way, those paim.
cd light colors having the marks In
black, you know that those marks real,
ly mean something of Importance in
connection with the ships on which,
you see them. If you should notlc
more closely you would soon discover
that all the ships belonging to Great
Britain, even the magnificent passen
ger steamers like the "Lueauia" and
"Teutonic'," were marked with those
queer signs, and that ships of no other
nation had them. If you were to nsli
some sailor what the mark meant be
would tell you brielly that it is the
"Plimsoll Mark," and you would be no
wiser than before; in fact, he nrobahlv
1 ,tlTA.'ri .Mr r.-. .1 - 11 -
en on heal nluL. I)c, cu:!b
A few years ago the directors of an
Academy of Kh.e Arts in one of our
cities were dismayed at Hading that
one of the most Valuable pictures in
their galleries was -one. It had been
taken from tj1(. f,..mip ilt ,,,,,, alu ft
copy substituted, lteward was offered,
and search made for lt.s return, but iu
Some years later nn .mtut f.,.i .i,
Picture in the tavern of a town In Can
ada, where the thief had sold it. lie
telegraphed to the directors, two of
whom at mice came to him. Hut they
could h::rd!y lie made to believe that
the grimy canvas, in n broken wooden
tranie. hanging lu the dark corner of a
bar-room, was the great masterpiece.
The artist, however. Insisted upon its
genuineness, and it was taken back
with him. He cleaned it and placed It
in its proper frame, surrounded by a
background of maroon drapery, every
beam of light skillfully tempered so im
to bring out its beauty, and then
lirought in the directors.
iiiey imrst into loud exclamations of
could detect the great picture In its sor
did surroundings, hut even the careless
passer-by recognized it when properly
framed and hung.
The Hogcnt and the Saney, two of the
Imperial diamonds of the world, were
cut and set by the best living Jeweler.
ll'.ey lost in the process much of their
AVitiia verv active, enercetic workinc-
' num. or a r.ian of lnuiness, acinic or crutch !
is a sign of some iniimiative, but he will!
have to u-c one or both if sciatica sets in i
nud disables bis hip. Worse than all this, I
ho may lie bed-ridden fur a lung time, unci
still wore. may lie obliged to resort to sur
gical tivatini'iii. Why 'ull this should be
i endured when the trouble can be easily
.cured must be because he don't know that
' St. Jacobs Oil, the great remedy for pain,
! is a special cure for Ibis very much dreaded
! malady. It has proved itself the most
southing and p.jiel ruling remedy for reach
ing the sciatic nerve and etl'ectnally curing
; its agonies that has perhaps ever been tried.
i A flowering plant is s lid to abstract
, from tlio soil two hundred tunes its
own weight iu water.
Apt- trrts lis surest Mtlm-o In (lie bcnltritftnt
tonU'uiii aiiufiWil ly llusu'ttov's SIoihhcIi IUi
tors, ifii muitli'iiKis rheumiuif ami nm
luritil it'inlt'tM-ie-s i t'liovos Krttu iit imu tivity
of kiiliu'.vs. und is the linwit remi'ily ex
tant for ilisurdtMs of the sttnnni'b, liver nml
bt.nt'ls. Nt-rvoULiiis. tot, with whlnti oll
l"tit!c ;uv vory Ut lo bo uilllflcd, U promptly
1't'litVft.l by it.
Tbo human race
is but a contest of
Two bodies oi' I'Uo'h Vmv for Cotisump
Hon rnrril nwMtt'n tvnl lip'" tviojhU trj.
J. Melmls, i'riiitctoa, Intl.! Muivh'JG. ISyo,
would not know much more than that delight and welcome. The artist
nrn met E'.uiscir.
That ugly mark, howevv4s44ie safe. 1
guard to hundreds of vessels on the
stormy ocean, and to thousands of lives,
and to millions of dollars' worth of
freight. It has only been In use about
twenty years, only properly used for
the last ten years, and is still adopted
i. "r,b" uulluu 1U weight, but they gained enorniouslv iu
nl? the world. , hvlllinuey ,.,, eoiise.mently In value,
1 wenty-fiye years ago It was no tin- so much does the proper presentation of
common thing for ships to go out to ; ,,., ,,i,.,,. u t
SCa laden With valuable cm nml i- ' . . . una hlule lU'orcsuUI, mnl llial mid ttrm will nny
i ins school is located at ISurli urn
Pan Mateo county, I'al., in charge of m U.
jioiu, rii, ii. it is acereuiieii at tne state
and .Stanford I'niversities, and is one of the
best of its kind. Twelfth term begins Jun
uurv 4, 1SII7.
Statkuk omd','(:iTvoF tTTlkuo,) kc
Fhask J. ( hknky ninkos oath that be Is the
KMilnr inriiiern- tlie tirm of K. J. i'iikney ,t Co.,
Uoluu huslness in the city of Tnleiio, County
Bworn to before mc ami suliscrlbed In mv
rresoTuo, this liih day of December, A. 1). ISMS.
uojiki ui uuman neiugs, never to be seen works of art for whose f l-iiniii" we are 1 e"L'11 l'vcr' l'"sc ' 'TiKRii tliat cannot be
or heard of again, reonle on shore. ,..o.i.. t... ., , ""-; euvcu by die useol iiai.i.'sOatakrh ci-uk.
,.,. ... - .. .(.""-""ic. inn cacn ua.s some rreas-
VtZl llma 0f t,,e cfll'KOe8 ??a lf-, iv. great or small, with which we may
ntlvcs of he passengers, would take hrighteu and cheer our little world
It as something they must be prepared n,v d wp , it.
th. I. , TiM, , ' Tllls ''"' "rili I "lied with knowl
the ocean. Finally, one man deter- ...i .. ..
oisi- iiiui nigii, original ideas, nut ins
speech is iiuarrelsonie and his temper
ocean. Finally, one man deter
mined to make a study of the subject,
und see If such terrible tragedies were
really unavoidable. He was nil In
flexible Englishman, named Plimsoll,
and a member of Parliament. He spent .
day after day along the docks watch
ing ships loading and unloading, com
ing In and going out; he talked with
ship-owners, captains, and saliors. He
saw ships sent to sea with leakv bot-,
toms, rotten spars, and worn-out rig
ging, with rusty boilers and rattle-trap
engines. He saw them loaded until
even In the still waters of the harbor
their upper decks were down to the .
water's edge, and this overloading i
seemed to be the worst and most fre
quent fault.
Then he went back to Parliament,
and Introduced a bill to put a mark on
the sides of ships to show how deeply
they could with safety be loaded. The
mark suggested was a circle with a
horizontal Hue through Its center. When
this horizontal Hue was down to the
That young girl's heart overflows
with kindness; she longa to he friends
with all the world, lint her dress is
torn, her hair untidy, her belongings
Many good Christians, Inspired by
noble virtues, are so grim in aspect and
curt lu speech that few persons respect
their religion.
The world does not recognize the pure
diamond thus covered with grime, and
so its light is lost.
Itomeihber that the light is Cod shin
ing in your soul to help the world; nud
the grime which covers it Is your own
detect of manner, of habits, or of tem
per. Cut the gem and frame the picture
ai. A. W. GI.EASON,
' ' Notarv Public.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken liiiuniallv. and
acts directly on ttie blood and mucous Hiiriaces
oi tne system, send for testimonials, iree.
F. J. CIIKXEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druKKistii, "rn:.
Hull's Family Pills arc the best.
A million aores of forest are out
down every year to supply European
riahvuy companies with sleepors on
whioli tbo hues are laid. '
Gladness Comes
With a better titKlevstunding' of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge. Hint so muny forms of
ttiukuosH are not duo to tiny ueluul dis
cuse, but simply to u constipated condi
tion of the n;steiu, which tbo pleasant
fumily laxative, iSyrupof Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is w hy it is the only
remedy with millionsof 'families, and is
everywhere esteemed bo highly by nil
wiiovaluo good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to tlie fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes liiternnl
cleanliness without debilitating tlio
organs on which it nets. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
tieial effects, to nolo when you pur
chase, that you lmve the genuine arti
cle which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia. Fiff Syrup Co. only und sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
a 111 ic ted with any notiml disease, one
may be commended to the most, skillful
physicians, but if in need of a luxutive,
one should have tbo best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Vig-s stands highest und is most largely
,4sed and gives most general satisfaction.
"JuFt Don't Feel Well,"
re (ho Onn Thing to use.
Only One for n Dose.
Fold by Drii(rBriatt25o. bo
Samples mailed free. AddrMS
Dr. ttosanko fieri, f rhlla. l'a.
1 11'H HK kihI ri I.KS cnrutl;iiomy until
.ll. cured; tuvxui tor book. lit. Manhukld A
I'uIlTKItFlKUl, KiS Market Si.,
Han Krantiittco.
VI WlUlCi.r.-.l ll, 10,.UIll..T.. No t-mv till
tur.0. DR. J.L.STEPHENS, LLlliNO.N.ollO,
Amusing A I llonn I.
A few weeks ao I mentioned that
Ittidvard Kiidinir was stavimr near Tor-
water's edge, no more freight was lo j (juav Nmv K() u.,m,t.IM,,i tbat a wtiK
be put Into the vessel; she was to he ls)l individual talking to a local re
considered loaded. Immediately Tllm- m.u,r I1(,tlml ., m.,uiilntnncc nienn
soll brought down upon himself the avriug ,,, lm, Tonmn. strand, nu
wrath of the siup-owners. wnue eveiy- .1(,im.i11,.lm. ,vi10 i m,earanee strik-
body else laughed at his cranky idet.;
but he was not going to be downed.
He published a hook telling all he had
learned about the criminal overloading
of vessels, and their wretched condi
tion when sent to sea.
At last he got a vague sort of an act
nassed. clvine the Board of Trade
Ingly resembles the famous writer and
is often mistaken for hlin. "You see
tbat creature?" the wag remarked,
blandly. Indira! lug his friend. "Thai is
Uudyard Kipling. Why don't yon in
terview him?" Within a miiutle iho
anxious ropy-hunter was pursuing the
bogus Uudyard, who, bring a quirk-
power to survey ships going to sea, wtu,(, t,0Uti).Itultl m, u,,eu sense
and to stop tnose wmeu seeuieu w . , n1(, bllylne moreover, "been
c:jff bur ounce tMteofBlaekweU'a
ijM "TgglSj.l' : Durham. Buy a bug of this
&fflpS iSaBl cotabratcd tobueco and road
" !ShS lliyff I tbo coupon which gives a
55f fflliMiSt of a'""' prenenti and
rmlJI howtogcttboin.
A SclAlltiflt a'a.1.lnJn
ieace," savs n i1IUii,,,m,ui,.i i,ni.
p "Bust be candid, even at the ex-
I "e essp"tlal Probability of Its
rWuctions." What this somewhat
" sentence means may bo gath
rtom an Instance of scieutiUc can-
r twition,... v . . . .
i " ' u",u llau uouglit a decoratea
lit! llatl uoen represented as an
- nuer it naa come into his
'Wslon ho i, ,t
Geologist tn i..
ll tn It ""mill IIIB JUUgUlt--UI
I authenticity. The nrchneolo
Lmlawl 11 wltu srent care, and
lonowing report:
Minting of this vase bears ev
' "luenr-o nf i. ..i..
tU tlie rn ... T. . 17
rn," uoen is unuouoieuijr
.f ,u ,c-0
uuseawortny. inis was iu ioio, mm :
during the first nine months of the act
280 vessels were surveyed, and 233 of .
them found unseaworthy. At least one i J,,,,,..,,,,,',,
In every ten was wuuu iu uc un
gerously overloaded as to be lu almost
a sinking condition before leaving the
dock. Of course, this opened the eyes
of the Board of Trade and of Parlia
ment, and riiuisoll's mark became an
established feature on British sea-go
ing ships; but Its cstnniisnmeni n
fought against by ship-owners. Inch by
Inch. It was nicknamed the "pan
cake" and ridiculed and treated with
contempt In every way. Some ship
owners put the mark on ineir i.uu
stacks in defiance and derision. I'llm
soil held to his Idea, however, even
getting himself suspended from tae
House of Commons one uuj ,
too blunt and violent In his plain talk
upon the subject. The result was The
Merchant Shipping aci ui jo..
Ing the rilmsoll Mark compulsory on
all British seagoing vessels, and requlr
ing its position to he fixed, not by the
ship-ow ners. but by the Board of Trade.
-Lieut. John M. Ellicott, U. S. IV. In
St. Nicholas.
wPToI suppose that Mlaa TinKhon.
tm .
sctress. will ever become a
a star; wi, slle-n B0 nlsu
.iifr fil.u'n - ... . ...
- a Riiir n win e k ip i
I'te Intn n,o '
i;e, k '- "iiuiuioiis pertorni-
'-donv. f ,lu! I'roft'sslou; see. If
".uury Gazette.
f;bri , mn 0We 1110 a libbln'." said
on j.,ff . , .. . , .. .
tiiZ like de tlifbbil toe collect It."
there before," quickly tumbled to the
trick. "So you ate Mr. Kipling'" the
reporter said presently, eying him with
"I am, indeed, replied
the jester; "what can I do for you.'"
An amusing conversation followed, and
soon afterwards a long neeount of an
Interview with Mr. Ilndyard Kipling
appeared In a local Journal. I hear
that Kipling I. is puzzled. I hear that
Kipling II. is amused. I hear that the
reporter is not amused. I hear that
reporter Is not n mussed. I hear that
the practical Joker has thought it wise
to quit Torquay. London Sketch.
Let's take hold hands,
Mr. Grocer, and dance I
We've got some beautiful
business for you and with
you, and for and with your
Schillings Best is the
tea. Pay every customers
money back that don't like
it. We'll pay you.
There's money in it
A Schil'inf & Company
baa KrantiK
Paper Pulp.
There seems to be practically no
cud to the usefulness of paper pylp.
It is now employed slightly mixed with
glue, plaster of parts, or Portland ce
ment, as a stopping for cracks and
breaks In wood; It forms a strong stop
ping which does not shrink In drying.
It is most excellent, also, for wash
bowls, where Joined to the upper slab.
The same mixture, when placed by
mrans of a wrapping of cheese cloth,
sutllres to make good a frost break lu
,, iron pipe. Taper pulp, boiled for
several hours with fine sawdust, mixed
with glue which has been dissolved lu
linseed oil. makes a perteci aim iiomo
getieous paste for all sons of lining,
that are likely to be subjected to ex
ceptlonallyhard usage.
W ho Mia Wife Heard.
smvtbe thalf asleep, ns the nlarm
clock goes at 0 a. uu-Say, Billy, If
tint's my wife at the phone tell her I'm
out and won't be back for two hours.
Truth. Eloquence is never demanded In nny
one who knows an extremely choice
piece of scandal.
A woman will remember a scandal
ns long as a man will remember the
time be killed a bear.
Ml Her Life.
Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
nvathat his daughter. Ida. inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the usual
mercury and potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year Dy year buc wt nwn
with various medicine, external appli
cations and internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition grew steadily worse.
Ail the so-called blood remeaies um no
seemic reacuineais
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvement
was at once noticed.
The medicir.f wai
continuecd with fav
orable results, and
now the is cured
sound and well, bet
skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight ber life'Iorever.
S.S.S. (.guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, bcrolula, tancer, Kueu
mutism, or anv other blood trouble,
It is a real bloc d remedy and alwayi
cures even alter an eise lain
A Real Blood Remedy.
Take a blood remedy (or a blood disease;
a tonic won't cure iu
Our books
on blood ana
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
IfL.fc atvl Kiinwl. fW-ln, r I'rMruilnf PILra flaid Mmn (
I OR. Rfa-R AM-KrVfl Pit PCMFRV. OUiM ikb-
! .( f. uira. A !!' .r wot rri. P'lM
MM. Hi
312 Washington St., Po Hand. Or.
91 an-Knlt Woolen Hklrtn.wnrth 12. inr-WO
ln7ii JIch'h Gray Wrxil llulf Hmhc, worth 'IS
fi-ntf. IIAUiillch' Welt K f 1 Utiic, (rood
tihu', X'm. Kid lioily 1 -ollf, HV, w yftc and
J.ret-H'ri I-ollf, cf l.-c, 2Uc, J-c and 4."c.
Mnko inoin'v hy sue
cpnhiuI ttii'ntifiton in
litiio. Wo buy nrid
K'H wht there on
ninrKiiH. Kortiitifi lmv been tntiiio on a mnKll
ht'iiiniiiiiK hy tmdiiiK in fulnrvK, Write for
full pHrlifuliim. li'Ht of reference kIvcii. Sev
eral yeartt exi'erienre on the t IiIcmko Hoard of
Trade, and a thornmh khmvleilne of the bual
nettr. Ifownlnir, HokiiiH 61 o.. ( hfmgo Hoard
of Trnde Ilrokerx. Otlicun in 1'ortlHinl, Oregon,,
and Knokaue, WaKh.
To any addrcfw, our ....
Thin elrculnr In lumii-d for the Iwnnflt of our
country cinitonu-rfl vi ho i-iuilnil avitil IhennH-lvefl
o( oiir Imlly KihicIrI h'nk-i. Semi u your ail
rlreHH. You will fiml hoih kooiIh anil price.
right. Wll.l. A r INl.K LO.,
aiiwiju jiiarKci nireei, nan rraucinco, iai.
lu wrarliir quail tlea arc uniurnaiKC'i'. actually
outlaKtlliff to hoxea of aur other hraml. Kre
Irom Aiilmul OIH. -T TIIK IlKMIINK,
aud Uealera KunraUT,
A Ik
"Wo will l.av It Entirely
In your haiwlii." If y purt haM
o i s h. an.l I f 1 1 iliH-n niitiloallwenar
.....i rn i, ui f.tir ,1-
un. imiul for Cautlogua aim 1'rlca to . .
American Typ Founder. Co.
Steond and Stark Sti., Portland, Or.
mis wHtBt AiTTLii wi. ....ra
: couth bjrup. Taaua UoA. Vie ffl
liMlT unu-alM.
N. P. N. 17. No. 831.-8. F. N. U. No. 768