Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 24, 1896, Image 4

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i J ;
A Subscriber at Newport Wishes to
Know About It.
A subscriber at Newport having
read about the $9.05 tax rebated to
Commissioner C. H. Willtams, last
session of the county coiirt, asks to
have some light thrown on the
subject. He writes as follows:
"Newport, Or., Dec. 21, 1896.
Editor Leader: I see in your
last issue in the county court pro
ceedings the following: 'Petition
of C. H. Williams for rebate of
taxes: Petition granted and war
rant ordered drawn for $9.05.'
Now there are several taxpayers in
this place that would like to know
what Mr. Williams got his $9.05
for, and whether there is a chance
for any of the rest of us to get a
small rebate on our taxes also.
as the Dave Williams farm. A
comparison of the assessment with
the Butord farm near, upon which
the improvements are not nearly so
valuable, shows that the Williams
cultivated lands were assessed at
153-33 Per acre and the Buford cul
tivated land at $35.71 per acre. ,
Mr. Williams sat as a memher of
the court when it passed upon and
examined the tax roll, and helped
to certify to the equality of the
assessments therein. It seems to
us that that was the time he should
have discovered that his assessment
was too high.
For Sale.
Since McKinley is elected I have
several fine places for sale cheap.
Some well improved farms. Some
good sheep or goat ranches. If
you want good bargains come and
see M. J. Allphin,
Eddyville, Ore.
For the information of the above
gentleman, and all others that feel
interested, we would Kay Ilia I we
have looked up the records and
proceedings in this "rebate" case
and find them as follows: On
December 11, 1896, Mr. Williams
b essential to M
health. Every nook I sOtOsT!
and corner of the Baf I Uvil
system is reached by the blood, and on
1? jsil'ty the coumiiuu of every organ de
pends. Good blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have good blood is to take Hood's
Saraatwrilla. TMo maHIMna iniMia
paid his taxes for 1895 to Sheriff : talfees, and enriches the blood, and sends
Landis. The total taxes amounted the elemelts of health and strength to
to $101.79, upon an assessment of
$3.857- On the same day he pre-
every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
ana cures that tired feeling. Remember,
sented the following petition to the
county court, of which he is a
"In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
To the County Court:
Your petitioner. C. H. Williams
resnectfnllv renrownk in tUc ,,,. I-I i i-kui- cure Liver Ills: easy to
.w a "X. lui . ol. , ' 1 IIWU 8 t''Ste.easytoojerata.e, Hundred
iuhi uuung ujc ctii logs uc was
assessed upon the following properly
Is the best In fact the One True Blood PurUer.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for
Lincoln County.
The Oregon Central and Eastern Railroad
Company, plaintiff,
Wm. M. Hosg, defendant.
To Wm. M. Hoag, the defendant in the above
entitled suit:
you are hereby summoned and required to
appear andanswerplaintiff'scomplaint in the
above entitled suit, now on file In the oflice of
the Clerk of said Court, on or before the 25th
day of January, 1897, that being the first day of
the next regular term of said Court, to be held
at the court house, in the town of Toledo, in
Lincoln Countv, State of Oregon ; and you are
hereby notified that if you fail so to appearand
answer said complaint as herein required the
plaintiffwill take a decree against you for the
relief prayed for in the complaint in said suit,
to-wlt: A decree of the said Cot rt decreeing
and adiudirinff that vou have no estate, claim
or Interest whatsoever of, in, or to all or any of
the tide and overflowed lands in Sections Fif
teen, Twenty-two, Twenty-six, Twenty-seven
Range 11 west, in Lincoln County, State of
Oregon, and that the title of the plaintiff
therein is good and valid ; and decreeing that
you be forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any claim whatever in or to the said
tide and overflowed lands adverse to the plain
tiff, and for the costs and disbursements of this
suit against you.
This Summons Is published in the Lincoln
Connty Leader for six successive weeks, by
order of Hon. J. C Fullerton, judge of the said
Court, whichorder was made at Chambers at
Roseburg, Oregon, and bears date December
10th, 1896.
J. R. BRYSON and W. 8. McFADDEN,
Attorneys for 1'latntifr.
Sheriffs Sale.
as herein set forth, towit:
Xotlce of Final Settlement.
On SW l, sec. 12, tWD. II SOlllh i In,i!!e,.Cm,Vt7 r?'.lrt ,' lhe State of Oregon, for
range 11 west, $1,300,
That 011 the above described
property he was assessed for 1 5
In the matter of the estate of George W. Jack
son, Sr., deceased:
undersigned, administrator of the estate of i r0l?e 2,7 of ,b,Tk,S
Tge W.Jackson, Sr., deceased, has tiled his "l""H.?L".''..,,t:
and bv virtue of a decree, order of sale and
execution issued out of the circuit court of the
State of Oregon for the connty of Lincoln, bear
ing date November 23rd, lH9(j, under seal of said
court on a decree and order of sale In favor of
M.S. Woodcock and against J. R. Bayley, for
the sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred
and Forty-four and 66-100 Dollars in United
States Gold Coin, and interest thereon in like
crln at the rate of ten per cent per annum from
July 29th, 1MB, and the further sum of Three
tiunareu ana Twenty-live dollars attorneys
fees, and the sum of Flftv-one Dollars and
seventy-five cents costs and disbursements,
which decree wasduly entered and docketed in
said court on the 29th day of July, 18911, in a suit
to foreclose a mortgage, which mortgage was
made and executed and delivered bv said J. R.
Hayley and his wife Klizabeth Bayley to said
M. S. Woodcock bearing date August 17th, 1891,
and was recorded on the Mth day of August 1891,
oi ikkik ij, oi recoras oi mortgages tor
in in me state oi Oregon,
acres Of improved land at the rate ; ' account of tald'' administration lnthe "? ,he,l.fte' Pr; f "''' lonton county
ol ?6o.oo per acre. That on the couniyof Uno
luesday. February 2nd i8ot mio-vm m riviu muie in ui-exon, aim sam tanas
at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m.,'at the Court a "" ftitimte.I In said county of Lincoln. In
House in Toledo. I i,,,in ..n,.r.V.r ; said suit M. S. V, oodcoclt is plaintiff and J. R.
hearing objections thereto, nnif for thS l!ftvlc" Elisabeth Bayley; Richard Williams;
J. u. tarson; r. s. Malcolm, receiver of the es-
inte oi J. u. t. arson; Margaret A. Stevens; Louis
same property he was assessed upon
145 acres 01 uncultivated land at
rate of $3.45 per acre.
Your petitioner further represents
that said assessment was exhorbi
tant and in excess of the assessment
of similar lands in same locality
and of the same nature.
That such similar lands in said
locality were assessed in no furthtr
or greater amount than the sum of
$20 per acre for cultivated lands.
That the excess of assessment as
made upon my said property over
that of other property of like quality
and character in the same locality
is in the sum of $565, the tax
whereon amounts to $9 05; That
your petitioner has paid said taxes
and herewith presents his receipt
therefor to the court.
Wherefore your petitioner prays
that lie be reimbursed in the said
nun of $9.05 and that a warrant in
his favor for said amount be drawn
n the general fund of the county
C. II. Williams.
Subscribed and sw orn to before
me tkis December 11, 1896.
J. O. Stkarns.
County Judge."
The following file marks were
on the back of the petition:
"C. II. Williams, petition.
Kxamined Dec. 11. 1S96, and
grained. J. O. Stearns,
P. A. Godwin, Commissioner."
The petition was filed, examined
and acted upon by the court at once
and a warrant ordered drawn for
the amount of rebate asked
An examination of the tax
shows that the valuation of culti
vated lands was at the rate of
$53-33 per acre instead of $60 as
alleged in the petition. It also
-.hows that on this class of lands
the state board of equalization made
a reduction of ten per cent,' thus
cutting the valuation of the property
down $130; leaving the valuation
upon which he paid taxes $1170,
instead of $1,300, as alleged in the
petition. The assessor's oflice was
not accessible to us at the present
time, and we could not learn what
value Mr. Williams placed on his
property when he signed his
assessment blank for that year.
The land in question is the quarter
section on the Newport road, known t
merit thereof.
Dated this 9th day of December, 1S9S.
...... . F. M.STANTON,
Administrator nf th fmtntn ,.f 11'
Jackson, Sr., deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for
Lincoln County.
Minnie M. Arnold, Harry L.l
Arnold and Minnie M Ar.
nold, guardian, plaintiff. Suit in Equity
to foreclose
William Mackay, defendant.J
To William JIaekay, the above-named de
-a. ou are hereby summoned and required to
" ln complaint ot the
plaintiff., in the above entitled suit now on lile
with the clerk of the above-named court, on or
before the fourth Monday, the Mh day of Jan
uary 1897, It being the tirst day of thenext rug
ular term of the said court, to be held at the
court room in the court house at Toledo, In Li'i
rtn.,.'l,!,.y' 0r''S": 'd you aro hereby noil
tied that if you fail so to appear and an
swer as heieln required, the I'biintlll's will an
Piy.",h.j cort for th relief prayed for in
their said complaint, namely: fur a decree
against yon, the said William Mac! av foi the
sum of One Thousand Dollars in V.8. gold coin,
with Interest thereon in like gold coin at the
rate of ten per cnt per annum from the 28th
day of rehruery. w.b, until paid, and for Sllo.i.0
as attorney s fees, besides the costs and dis
bursei, entsof this suit; and that the mortgage
set out in the complaint be fMroelos -d anil th i
the mortgaged premises therein described, to
wit: Lot numbered 4 and 6 In section Is, and
Lots numbered 1. mul n In i.... i.. i
ship 11 south, range 10 west, in Lincoln county"
)r. 'icon, anil containing 1W..2 acres, be sold I y
...o mii riii oi lounlv, Oniron in the
manlier prcscrlb.d by law fi r tlOMnloif real
proiwity und.;r execution, and that the pro
ceeds aiislng from siu h sale lie appli d, first Ui
the payment of the costs and exp' nses of such
sale and of this suit, andn.-xt to the garment
of lhe amount decreed to be duo the plaintiffs
M!?1.! '"'"""If th. Ir said attomej 'sWs, an l
!. l i i ,Uh"' m" 'orenouch to sat-
h' ' "' uriiiniuis in mil tnai tliev may
haVe fXOPIIllotl aim fta, a,,..
mency, am
r at rt i L 1 1
SlViS', '!!"" cllllllVI ."'"'or him slnce'tho
28 n day of K-briiary, lo, be forever debarred
2sVitJoT ,;!"i'Vi".'"fr hl' ";ie- ""erest and
.iff'J" Premises, and thBt the
p.alntiff have the right to become the purchas
er at such sale: andTor such other rule order,
or relief as the Court may seem meet ande "uii:
CoTY'ir".," 1" P",bll1''' 1" the Lincoln
l otiNTY I.kaiier, for six successive and conscc-
f Jaenarv"is:rn:C,1i,H,els' Wut ,l 'he "h day
nlw ,kLS :'.. V V1" nd lu pursuant of ail
i , execution against any other prop-rty foi
the deilcencv. and tht thi .,.,. i,r .."
f.ffiT' 'J'',,l"."ki"",. '""dlp.te.ssession
of the said premises, and that ih .ia,....ii...
made bythe Hon. J. v. Fullerton Judia ,f J
:on, at
Attorney for I'lainlifls.
bearing date November 2:)rd. m . i.i..
t duly rendered bv th Rniil .iitlirt I,. ...
R. "ryson was plaintiff and
action In which J
of November, in favor of the said plaintiff
SiL'' ."r'"" 'h? ") deiendant for theP.i no
iH.Jl,with Interest at eight percent rer an
l",".'i,:;.m th" day of Nov'em ber, W. d
i-i f.l..u tflll" I'lHI Rill HP fhau .
property Hereinafter described, attached in
the salif action; and which said judgment ; was
duly docketed in the Judgnu nt din kel T of the
."'fcri",,.he '' day of November
i?dH ,hl-.hld,e;eV,""nn lsme thereon is t,
ri sibrfi Th.'11.' ,deUvered '' eommands n e
U satisfy the said snms of money due thereon
Ihid".1!?-"' ,he ', Pn'Perly hereinaHeVT.
Till y. rt,i,Pe fttm,e nving been heretofore dulv
attached by me in the said action. Now there,
fore, in pursuance of the said execution and
SUSHI? h"ve levi,d "l foil "wing
described real property, belonging to the lam
h.!?"???'' Anf--:lalr, towit: The wes
( lh ! nti!,U ""rter the ."st ha"
"I the southwest quarter of section thirtv In
lind.y, the tth day or Jsanary, 189J,
at the hour of one o'clock in the aftern on rf
said day . t the Court Hon., d"r,i., the "hy
will iff'?' " Lin,0"ln COUI,,f "reon, I
M .i offer ,or 'le' and sell at liulllc
SSn'J'S ? th0 highest bidder for cash in
fh."?i ,ve.d,,crll,1 "al property and la
the right, title, Interest and estate of the . aid
defendant Arthur 8t. Clair, of in a id to
me, to satisfy the amount due on theVaW
Judgment and execution, con. 3 'ruTng
Dated December 2nd, 1896
Sheriff of Lincoln Countv, Oregon
fgj am closing out several lines
goods and will make prices that will bi
to sell them.-
For Groceries-
A call will convince you that 1
selling Groceries cheaperthan
other house in the County.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
uiapic auu l aiity viiucenes
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.
Goods Sold at
San Francisco Pricj
J. S. BOOTH, Prop.,
Fleischner. Sol Illrsch. Mark A. Mnvnr and Sam
Simon, partners doing busiue-s unilcr the firm
name ot ririser.ncr, .Mayor i Co.; School Dis
trict No. .18 of Lincoln countv. Oregon, a corpor
ation duly organized under the laws of Oregon;
J. It. Itrvson as assign- e for the Insolvent estate
of Hamilton, Job ik Co.; Nat, M. Raphael and
Ala Harris, partners doing busines under the
linn namoof Nat. M. Raphael Co.; T.
Watson; Lincoln Countv In the State of 'trogon,
a corporation duly organized under the laws of
Oregon, aro defendants; said dcc:ee, ordorof
sale and execution was delivered to niA rnm
manillng-i.e, as sheriff of the iaM Comity of I
Lincoln In the State of Oregon to sell In th !
iiiunuer i.y law lor tne snloofreal
property on execution, all of the following de
scribed real property, which is also described
In snld decree and ex cution as follows, tuM lt:
Lots two and three in four; lots four,
live, six, seven, eight and nino in block si.ay
ono: lots ni:e, two, three, ten, eleven and
twelve In block one hundred and two; Lots four,
live, six. seven, eight and nine in block twenty-eight;
Lots seven, elcl.t ami nine In block
forly-fonr; l ots one, two, three, ten, eleven
and twelve In block liftv-one; Lots four, five
six, sev. n, eight and nine in block lifty-threc;
ell of block sixty-two: block sv. ntv-one; block
one hundred; block thirty; block twvntv;
block ninety-two; block niiictv four, all of said
real esta'e situated in the town and oily of
Newport in Lincoln County, Oregon; together
with the t. neir.ents, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging. r In anywise
appertaining, and also all of the estate, rtS'h'
title, Inter- st, properly, claim e.iultv of re
demption of said ile.'ciidants in said pVemR s
and every part thereof excent onlv the statuto
ry right of redemption provided bylaw in cases
ofr al property so.d upon exeemion, and on
ih inn inn aay or January, i7,
at the hour i f two o'clock p. in. oi said da,- Inst,
aforesaid, I will a such sheriff sell at pu ll"
auction at the Court House door, In the lown
ami city of Toledo In mid Lincoln Countv.
state of Oregon, to the highest bidder for fnt't
ed Slates eobl ci-ln. ensh In l-ni.,1 .,11
above described real prop rty to .'atis'y said
several amounts of money due to sn'd pl.'.lmifr
.... -no. ueeree, omer oi sale and rxec.uil-.nta
above-mi ntioncd, and costs and accruing coats
Jilted November 117th, ls.K).
, , HKI). A. t.ANDIS,
gon Lincoln County, in thuStat.- oi Ore-
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
and in pursuance of an execution and or
der of sale of attached property, issued out ,.f
the circuit court of the Stale of Oregon for lien-
..... . ..u..v. , ii.v ,eu OI sain C .lirt n,wl
General :-: Merchandise,
Flour ami Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
25ry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, EsJ
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing.
BOOTS AND SHOEff,----"------- -
Cigars and Tobacco, Fru'ts anJ Corifsclicncr.
YiUjjiina City, Oregon.
it r.
, ijs; t iiar ' szmrf&a -
F1 H H
"Jf enfy cnt magatine tan it taken, w would tufXist thl
.ii.r jicymn-s, at covering mart grouna
any other magatine." Bord of Library Commissioner
of New Hampshire, 1896.
JHIS magazine Is, In Its contributed and departmental
features, what its readers, who Include the most noted
names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
"absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times,"
"Invaluable," and "Indispensable." It Is profusely Illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
re of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives
clear, rightly proportioned view of tho history of the human
race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the
Month " present the Important parts of the best magazine a.nes
that have been written In every part of the world. The newest
and most Important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
chronological records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Rbv
op Reviews will miss nothing of great
significance that is said or written or done
throughout the world.
Send Cats
la Sumpi for
Specimen Copy
THE REVIEW OF REVIEVS CO, 13 Astor Place, New York.
I SmgUCopy,?Sc.t Tril(fivt month). StJOOt Yttf. S2.50-