Shi 'Mi, NOW 1 noaoef id In, wild Pitf Dlldit, tei "Ulbllfw- U Bir- 9 it eitr. Chit. , ett. s coia- wn; W of in ithiki W tare igtli jrai rigbL wit to M udnl c5ame of Events in the 1 Northwest. dence OF STEADY GROWTH Served ,turi of CoiiiiiiirifuierH Leadville, Col,,.. Dm. 18.-While the board of coninihsioners ol this (Lake) county wore iu special sessiou tonight they were arrested by the sher iff on a mandate from the state supreme oourt, commanding that they be u.UUgi,, uoiuiu mat court to uioinseivea ol ooutomnt. l'"iiwrii Trl,..l l,T the llllnnl. I'eutral luilroad Company. Chicago, Dee. 17.-The Illinois Cen tral railroad officials have before them the applications nf k nnn .i., j l'imnipi from tlie For I'o.t Now rn Lvhil.ition in Herlin. There are now on exhibition in ono of tiie iuuscums of tlie German ilt :i 1 specimens of a pigmy rare who were that road who desire ! recently brought f rem one of the movin company's stock. These aoDlicatiom ' lt's "' 1'riiisli l'.uiniah, on the banks of have felt ttip sharp tooth nv.d claws of the vicious eat, that tips tlie scales at fifty pounds. Judgment are conitne in a tha rUt. .,f ,. " ---- .u,u urinccu ioO and 800 a month, and inborn - , lu All th. Iowi ol . fcKlni? State lunprove- nur , . .....a m A 11 Industrie! Orocoii. 0BlII kibeep inspector of Benton ooun- r . fotw nnahliv Hhnnn jyi (here are j v" 'iiit oounty. L-in.nt men in Heppner say that L .ni build a telephone line from if they oau arrange for a satis .forr bonus. friie legal complications that have so lilbin quartz mill in Coos oonnty, L finnl v been aatisiacioruy adjust- nnd the miners or mo ouiiubuu i distriot will now have free use me mm. ntondent Morrison, of the esteren Union constrnotion depart- ,ctl bar finished receiving ana stor i.tFlavel 2,000 poles for the main fcrapb line between Astoria and titiand. It required two acres on la lo itaok this material. While leveling off the grounds about I home on his Blind Slough ranch, Chtiop, Martin impo iound Durried d feet in the earth an Indian stone lemon, shaped like a Bhip's marlin lite, having a hole bored through the utile, wmon naa evidently neon udebyt stone implement, Bays the litonaii. Some very old residents claim that river was np where the Grant I lepot now stands in 1862. The ver bed has deepened and widened rr much since then, and there ia rj little probability that it will ever Irerflow its left bank again. The inter of '63 made gullies and gulohea there all was level before. Fully 100 men are bard at work pong the Alderbrook water front out- og wood for their winter's use, says it Aitorion. During the recent teabet hundreds of cords of wood, and bout 2,000 shingle bolts from the lowliti river were thrown upon the Itich. It was an interesting sight to fee these men cntting huge logs into love-wood lengths, and rolling them ip the beaoh to their homes. They used large instrument like a pair of ice cap with which to drag the logs Fisher and William Logan, brother?. ere canght out in the cold snap of last oath in Crook county, while driving little. They left their cattle and tried m reach the cabin that was their des tination, but, thinking they could not hi It, they built a fire under a rim- lock and remained there all night. It ru me oddest night, and others who dm Mlt Ban if J plow zero. The men made them plves as oomfortahla an thpv f oej had no blankets, and while sit ing around the fire both fell asleep, fu airer awhile young Logan was awakened by his olothea cntohina nn j-- w nnaiUj U(l US 1UUUU UlUt m ol bis feet were frozen. They pw discovered when dnvlicrhi; nnmn pit they were in sight of the cabin. Wahlngton. Thereare said to be fnllv KOO oases of Nwlei reported and unreported in Walla. Tne Northern Paoiflo Bailwav Com- W paid f9,008.O taxes luto the oonnty treasury lust week. Burglars P ths office of Indian Agent Erwin, at ort Simooe, ono night last week, but '""I to get away with anything of The Dnltprl Sftno . Mnwa iDvouua VUbLOf hai been taken to Quartermaster "hot to be nut on the A vvAno.? fnr ram ri'L" her huI1- A 5'000 contract "Men let, and extensive repairs are foe made. Work will be resnmnil ot r.nmea. ibingle mill, in Cowlitz oounty, as u the water recedes sufficiently to it ot it Attorney Fisk will have y of the plant. It is the inten- n0 Of thn nrm l -i. -.1 -lil. -"""yaujr iu pay Uli Ull np 1OOiUIO. Oandamna aneil mit nnn,nl v.. . . vu iu uwuiuvi lyuu Jf i UOUrjlSUU UUUUli liU i,, ' 'P60'! levy to pay certain road Pt 1nashed last Satutday at dHi ?Maa- The effect of the de oii thought to be to invalidate the u , r,.tTams iaanert under the law ol aucl 7, 1890. PohMiStlmatea that t0 onild th8 tele up' 'lne Irom Eastern Washington rW sound points it will take 16. rW. 1,884 miles of No. 10 bard tad Hr pPer wi. 15,000 oross-arms Uteri tu and 82,000 Plu8ud inhU ud , e8tlmated cost of material m' it $72,000. J1? "bington Mining Company Ih,7r. ln("Porated for $1,000,000. sjin-7 dt'ided Into a million. BHid. . 8 par ,alne 1,1 II eaob. The IvnT.. ' the fi" i months are J. """"'BOfflery, of New York; for several thousand dollars against the frUg desire on ,haPi"'t of the working oounty was recently obtained and u f tbe road. t0 be in ful1 harmony auirmeu Dy the supreme court, which m "eputive flepartment. iucIOUpuu oraered the commissioners to levy a tax of 4 mills to satisfy it. As there was nearly enough money in the oounty treasury to pay the judg ment, the commissioners levied but 1 mill, and. not liking the attorney for tbe claimant, did not notify biin of the laoi. wnon ne saw hv thn nmioi The Illinois Central employs 23.000 men. The stock of the company waa quoted tonight in the neighborhood of 93. The stock is not divided iuto oommon and preferred. That whioh Sturtevaut Fish reoently purchased ia the same as the Btock offered to the employes. More than one-fourth of the nort that tha fn a in. u.j t i employes of theoouiDanvnrennw stnhU levied, he advised the supreme court of ! lde"' 8nd,!t 4" thonght oue-bttlt wiU the matter, whioh caused the action I enrolled- . u taken tonight. It is said by the county ! ,u U the !nnces' ot the Plan of making attorney that the board will be able TP 769 ,finanoially ihterested topurg.,itselfof the contempt with- out going to Denver in nhrl nf ' con,P3r h token an important step sheriff. i ln tne dlreotion of solving the strike ! problem and teaching the laborins FOR THE CUBAN ARMY. Young ftten Said to He the Suuud. Enlisting; on Seattle, D90. 18. A speoial to the Post-Intelligencer from Port Angeles says: TheCuabn junta hnsa representative in this oity who haa succeeded in recruiting 250 young men for the Cu ban army. They are prepared to leave for the East on reoeivins transnorta- classes the value of ecouomv Large manufacturing concerns and othor corporate interests arc nr?c?i" the Illinois Central for information as to how the scheme has worked, and if it can be applied to other industries. WEYLER IN DISFAVOR. the Ilia waddy liiver. not far from Its month. These iliiniimtiv-' lumiaii l.e iiifis are iliiTerent from Miy heretofore seen in Ivuiepe. Tlie.v are physically ami menially normal perfectly formed nml hiiel!ii;eiit human beings. They 'HU like little statues earveit ly a mas ter's hand, and, since their pretty faces Bis Butchery it Too Slow and Humane far the Fickle Spanlnli. Madrid, Deo. 17. It ia said that tion, whioh has been promised by the muon alBSasfaction "It in govern iunta. It iaanthoritativBlQtutort that ment circles with Genoral Weyler. they will be joined several other com- ! The government organs say he should paniea forming on the Bound. The plan is for tbem to go to St. Lonis, where they will be supplied with arms and six months' nroviainna. Thair rlHnt.inn frnm that mint a uw I 14 1 rumored that General Marin seoret. but they are nromised trans- I wiU be. appointed to succeed Weyler. portation to Cuba. In the event of tbe success of the insurgents, those who en- j list are to receive a tract of land, the amount of which ia to depend upon ita I value, but to be not lesa than eighty have remained in Pinar del Rio to prosecute the war, rather than go to Havana to receive an unmerited ovation. General Marin went to Cuba with Martinez Campos when the latter waa appointed captain-general of the island. He acted as captain-general when Campos was in the field against the insurgents, and, when Campos was recalled as the result of the dissatisfac tion of the Spanish government with his campaign, Marin took his place dur ing tbe interim between the departure of Campos and the arrival of Weyler. With the advent of Wejler, Marin was appointed governor of Porto Rico. General Marin is about 60 years of age. THE KALAMATH LANDS. Sayi wlmm A IffiiC EAST INDIAN IMOMIES. aores. Tbia land is to be supplied by tbe confiscation of Spanish plantations. Agricultural implements are also prom ised for working tbe land. To Petrify Human Ilodlel. Chioago, Deo. 18. Charles D. and Frank Boydston, of this city, think they have discovered a method of turn ing human bodies to stone and preserv ing them forever. In the basement I of their establishment there is the body 1 of a young woman who died July 18 I last. This body sinoe it was treated by them has turned to stone, or to a sub- stance resembling it, and appears to be imperishable. In an upper room ol the establishment is another body of a woman who died August 22, wbioh appears also to have become petrified. The brothers have been experiment ing for years, but the disoovery of a process of petriflcaiton was in some respects an accident. Eight or ten months ago they began to treat bodies with a preparation which haa petrify ing properites with such encouraging resulta that they kept up their experi ments. Veteran to Have 1'reference, Washington, Deo, 18. Senator Mitchell of Oreogn, today introduced a bill to amend section 1764 of the re vised statutes. That section as passed in 1865, provided that persons honor ably disoahrged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting form wouuda or eicknesa in curred iu the line of duty shall be preferred for appointment to civil ofliota, provided they ura found pos sess business capacity newsiry for a proper discharge of the duties. Tbe amendment gives tho preference to all honorably dHohargert persons from tbe military or naval service without regard to reason for such dis charge, provided they have served 80 days or more iu the war of the reblelion or Hny Indian war. Mitchell support ed his bill with a brief speech on bis motion. It was referred to the commit tee on civil service retreuohmert. Sternberg's Iluudimen Withdrew. Tacoma, Duo. 18 City Treasurer Sternberg today wrote a letter to his o.lfini? them to withdraw as his sureties, because he was com- He is also directed to take proper stops celled to pay out $120,000 on hand, j to see that this demand is carried out. under a decree of court. This waa fol- I lowed by the withdrawal of all the . o... ...... bondsmen, which was seated ar the Bridgeport. Cal.. Doc. 17.-Chum council's Jpedal sess.on tonight. Tbe 1 sing, a Chinese, who ran amuck in counc reduced the treasurer's bond to the town of Lundy last October and tlO 000. and akirmishod an uigui. Kineu m. .. Leties but could not find them. Un- fl)0nd guilty of murder in the first de sureties, dui " . , d will be utenoed to be .I,. fM of the bond, and au pay out banged are always smiling nt the people whom they see, it Is easy to understand why they have delighted all visitors to the museum. The girl, Futmah, Is 10 years old. 2,".:!." Inches high and weighs S.So pounds. Siuauii, the boy, is hardly 14 years old, about two inches shorter and weighs about half a pound less than bis sister. They were presented to the Herlin Anthropological Society last month by Professor Vlrehow and n roused an altogether uncommon Inter est on the part of the scientists. It Is said that Professor Virchow will soon publish a monograph abont them. Ac companying the little people are their parents Momig Song, the father, and Mnsclilna, the mother as well as their brother, Julal-en, who is 11 years old and of normal size. AH three are of the truly Indo-Chinese type. Wind rolled His Tooth. One of the queerest pranks of the wind durlns the cyclone the other night happened at tho corner of Sixth and .leflersoi; streets. John (ia.zollo, the night engineer at tho City Hall, has been suffering from toothache for some time, and has been telling his friends that he intended to have the acher jerked out as soon as he could screw his courage up to the point. Ou the night in question his tooth ached so badly that be could hardly hear the wind blow. He was desperate. Itor rowing a gum overcoat from one of the policemen about the police station, he started Just as u funnel-shaped cloud was scudding along. He reached the corner of Sixth and Jefferson streets and was about to turn the cor ner, when a gust of wind struck him and lifted hlni off bis feet. Ho might have been carried over to the court house yard and drowned in the foun tain but for his presence of inliid in grabbing the Iron railing that runs around the steps leading down into the basement. He clung there for a mo ment with the wind right 111. bis face. He turned his head, and as he did so there was a sudden Jerk that dislodged his hat and fairly unraveled bis neck tie. Then there was a lull, and when he crept back into tlie station-house he made the startling discovery that the aching tooth was gone. The wind had pulled it. He tells the story him self, and If it is not true Mr. ( has grossly deceived mo. Louisville Commercial. To See Them Is to Covet Them, Major Worden San Franoisoo, Deo. 17. "Seekers after homes will divert their thougbtB from Oklahoma and Indian territory," said Major Charles E. Worden, agout of the United States at Klamath, Or., "and rush to Klamath as soon as the Indians have been allotted their lands in severalty. When this has been done, abbout 1,85,000 acres of as fer tilo and beautiful country as any in the world will become part of the pub lio domain and subject to homestead entry." Since June, 1894, Major Worden has been in Oregon establishing farms, ereoting schools and parceling out lands for the Indiana to hold under tbe government's co-operative system de vised for the red man. He is now on bis way to Washington, but will ro niaih iu San Francisco for a few days in consultation with members of the Klamath boundary commisaion now in the city. Woodmau't Hurry-Up Resolution. Washington, Dec. 17. Representa tive Woodman, of Illinois, today in troduced a joint resolution directing the president to intervene iu Cuban affairs. The resolution, after reait ing Maceo's assassination and Spanish cruelties iu Cuba, says the president having failed to carry out the wishes of the people, the honor of the United States ia at stake, and history gives no precedent on which to base a hope that the Spaniards will consent to compli ance with civilized warfare. The president is directed to express severe condemnation of Spanish meth ods of warfare, especially the murder of Maceo; recognize the independence of Cuba and demand of Spain the with drawal of all troops from Cuban soil. money without hindraueo frcm war rant holders. Will " "w ch,,f' IU Mayor uett ana Cham Sing quarreled with other Chinese who did not belong to bis sooiety, and, arming himself with an ax, oommenced an indiscriminate slaughter ot Cbinfse population of Lundy. First he attacked Ah Foolf, who lived in the same house with him, and left him for dead. Then be nearly beheaded Ah Fook's wife as she waa trying to escape. The man reoovered, but the woman died. Then he chopped another woman to pieces, ana nuisnea 10- , gue, nd John L. Retollaok, ot Warke and T. E. Jefferson, CRnVina n Wl Chief Of PollueU.wtr.urue ' " ' ffl " words tonight in the mavor t office, which came near leading to blow The mayor afterward demanded the rTeh,.gatLof the chief.. u h.chb3f L'lT f with the mayor, snd up with the murder of Charley T.i, the chief will probably be renmJ at ( The IndUna ata wbo took paris once. The controversy grew cot or an beoanM ne thought that he bad Older of the mayor for the ohiuf to ciose ,w1,owea , pouto hug seems to hsvt the dsnoe ball, wbioh order wi no. M oourage of bis oonvioiions. obejed by tbe chief. Tr. eing Wildcats. A Los Angeled correspondent of the Chicago Tribune furnishes a lively de scription of a wildcat bunt, as he says the sport Is followed 111 southern Cali fornia. A company of people, men and women, with a pack of eager dogs, have chased a cat till It has taken refuge in ti sycamore tree. One after another the hunters come up, on horseback, of course, while the dogs sit in n circle about tlie tree, making iniksle. Now and then one of the younger dogs makes n frantic nttempt to climb the tree. The cat, meantime, Is sixty feet perhaps above the ground, crouching on n big limb, his cyi-s green anil yel low, his ears twitching, and his short tail moving back and forth. "Now, ladles and gentlemen," says the huntsman, 'form yourselves In a circle about tlu tree and give the dogs full play, and don't shoot. The lioiinil.i have worked for the cat, and they' de serve it. Again, it Is the most humane way of looking at It; the dogs will kill the cat sooner than a bullet " With this little hpoei h delivered for the benefit of the exc';able tenderfoots in the hunt, the ho!"es are arranged in a big circle about the sycamore, and a young mail who wishes to leard the lion in his den crawls slowly up. As he draws nearer, the cat looks around In desperation. The tnil twitches more nervously. Glancing down at the opeii-niouthed dogs, then nt the approaching human enemy, the xior animal is evidently considering the chances. Nearer the climber conic, until man and cat ga.c Into each other's eyes scarce three feet apart. I-nr a moment the pusot hesitates; then, turning quickly, he Hteadics him self, and with u mighty spring Is In the air. Down he goes fifty feet, bounce among the bush, a mass of springs, steel and rubber, and Is away. He has landed just beyond the circle, anil a horse has dashed aside to let lilin puss. followed by the pack ln full cry. They go like a Hash of light, a roaring, crash Ing sound. A scream, and puss Is again visible, perched upon the limb of nnoth er big syi-iimore. The same thing Is repeated ngnln and again, till the women repent, and cries of "Let him go!" "Poor puss!" are heard above the baying of the dogs that an' growing fairly mad with unappeased ferociousness. Again the young man faces the cat this time fully sixty feet from the ground. Surely If ever nn animal had won Its liberty this one has. lint the game Is up. The dogs are spreading, and as out Into the air the cat leu iu magnificent form they collect. Down he comes like a gigantic flying squirrel, with legs spread fur opart, the soft, cushion-like pads ready for a re bound. Like a flash he cuts the nlr, strikes the ground nt the writer's feet, and la enveloped lu a whirlwind of fero cious hounds. The agony of the cat Is over In a sec ond, but tbe dogs fight, wnr and strug gle until each has vented his rage upon the Inanimate skin that Is now borne aloft as a trophy. Not a few of the dogs Keeping a Weathercock. Old Hurtle was a perfect example of the type which sees only the poorest and meanest sides of life and society, mid one of his friends, a blacksmith with ti quaint humor, thus accounts. In a conversation with the squire of the English village lu which both men lived, for ltartle's Idiosyncrasies: "It's my belief, squire," said Samson, that there old chap Itartle have a-swallowed the east wind, and it haven't agreed with tin." "Swallowed the east wind?" said the squire. "Why so, Samson V" Why, how else could he go on as bo do? From morning to night, from one week's end to another. It's nothing . grumble, fidget and growl. "First it's the dreadful accidents, tbe fires anil the murders; then ll's the fe ver mid riots lu Ireland; the paupers, the jails and the strikes. Everything's going wrong, and there's no good news anywhere. Why bless 'e, he come Into my forge the other morning, and what's he do but begin foragln 'about n lining my tools and putting them to rights 'mak ing 'em tidy,' he says and upsetting things to that degree that every bit of lire went out of the coals nml put me all of a cold sweat. He off, Itartle!' I says at last. 'Get away out Into the sunshine there, and take a good drink of that, and see if It can't clear all them cobwebs out of your brains.' And with that, squire. away he goes out of the place like a mad .March hare!" "Well done, Samson!" said the squire; "well done! If he would but take your advice, That wretched old croaker would be a different man In a month. Now he is nothing but n nuisance to himself nml nil bis neighbors. Good night, Samson. How's the wind?" 'West, sir west to everybody In tho place but old 1 la rile. Hut he keeps his own weathercock, he do, and It's notb In" but east-by-northeast and dlriy weather. It's n pity such people was ever born." Where Do Old Plnnos Ui? WTrit becomes of the l.ld pianos? They seem to disappear from the world almost as mysteriously ns plus. Per haps, considering Ihelr size, the fact that the streets lire not blocked with enst-off pin una H more curious than hat the face of the enrth falls to be overlaid with pins. An experienced dealer says he has known of but three that were cut up for firewood. Yet they often sell for little more than so much pine would bring. It Is the cus tom of most bouses to take old Instru ments and allow something for them. The deduction In counted as utmost (lend loss, but It brings trade. Thn old Instruments are refitted nml pol ished up, however, mid sold ngnln In many Instances becoming the property of hoarding-house keepers. Hoarding bouses lire the chief refuge of second hand pianos. Then tbey are sold by small dealers to country people nil over the land. Men that go into that branch of the trade can get pianos pretty cheap, for the first-class houses some times get so overloaded with them that they are almost willing to pay to have them carried n way. Huston Traveler. The Hoot of All Bin. The sin which Is going to condemn the world Is the root of all sin; It Is tho willful refusal of God's prlceli-ss gift. A life of outward sin is the result of an Impenitent soul. Tho disease of sin has laid fast hold of mankind, and while mun Is not blnmuble for the dis ease being lu his heart God accounts It the sin of sins If he refuses the solo remedy for bis recovery. "M r. Moody'a Illble Class," in the Ladles' Home Journal.