anz I ffiin 2V Inciepericin.t IV. DIKECTOII Y. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, December 24, 1896 Number 41. , utor -iciirefcntiitivo, A mperfite t:M0:sry. Ti l. Carter I K. K.I.Kko; - J. . sttwis ' ft. K. Jones ; CJeoTve Laiuits J. I.. Ily.le irll"lt h. (J. Irvill ! -U. liorrli'K . Stiiis Howell ! T. M. Cpiiii.hs Ci'ns. WT.liinns ' 1'". A. Gimv, in . Court li-.c-tf nn Weil-1 miiiy in IYbrnary, UetoLcr anil l:eca; O'BRIEN'S, x.s!iner j .-.rCf'JITI i 'li' i Vt ti '-- i' l.'Jni'S, Aupl-'l " fii'.l'riT C'llL'll j.r. Full rti.n . Yules. Mcwlny in 1 .TnrVe i'ti-s. AiUinitiy Muiuli'V in July 11 ml 01 ejii l: ycur. j 1 -!th . ivnrt.. . !:e'nn!i . . Mnish. . Kr.l;i .lMt?fJf I i .uiitfn, J or.ii!i'CUon the !irt .roiidayovcning in ' ' ;".IT :- -s ' v.. .; i'r-?H :ec:xct. - t .... . 1 j t ot:hc .ut.e .7. A. Hn'l J.C.Aliro fAVPOI'.T. - I-cti-i YAQ'i'lNA. ..'ico. r. 'y!v-'stcr .W. 11. IratLhlU-M ... ..I. S. ! .V. U Wn'.klrm : Ki.K CITY. A c .A. It. C'urk limkt.u.tur I.lTfl.B t!.K. L'hlC Ui.!... .Chn-i. Henri' r.rm I'., ir. l;.jrri'. ii .UIVIUU3 'Bit. 1'! in:i i.'Utley -C. :er.ien wear oorseis . t witnesses ii'-rtl Excellence -AGENT FOR WAllNER'S Perfect Fitting, Latest Styles COHSETS. ALSO 'CB Ala Spirits The Eest French Corset in the Market. Price, $1.50 JUST ARRIVBD: ; A LARGE LINE OF . The Latest Styles in SHOES. ,V. f K -ill 1 Y. "HA'l .V,r.. 1. rrc'i .!'- the ! u-. n. c. E. :p. ,.rl : SilTtl'liZS AND SOCIETIES. Ki-; :.:'i!:-r i;l;fl.u..i :: 'Jhii'cn'.. T.i.n.l -tazos i;.l,V. a: :11a. ' 'i;tv 'i'AI. CHfiU'iI -crvi...s tt'.J s Ci ll-l f-a!i!n:tn i ''-iv .i i".'. llill,.-; v-rv ii:- a ' iri-h !-ii'.n;ntii i.. -e(-.h ' . W. ii. MYL'KS, l'ai-tcr. , A NEW ASSESSMENT LAW. To be Proposed at the Next Session of the Legislature. Senator Mulkey, of Polk county, has compiled a new assessment law which he will introduce and work to secure its passage this winter The principal points of the bill are given by the Dallas Observer, as follows: "It provides for the assessment of all propei ty of whatever nature (except school houses, etc.) belong ing to all persons, . firms, corpora tions or syndicates. The mortgage tax is practically restored. "All credits are assessed. The owner of the land and the mortgagee each pay taxes according to his equity in the land. It makes the debtor the agent in part for ascertaining credits, and if any debtor pays taxes on any amount he owes another, such pay ment of taxes will be considered part payment of the debt. It makes all property assessable, and if any person or institution fails to give in their assessment the assessor shall make an arbitrary assessment of the same, which shall be deemed a valid assessment. Any person or institution wrongfully re turning to the assessor his property shall, when the fact is ascertained, is impossible, a proper showing made to the county court will give the tax collector such credit relief as is just. After the sheriff has exhausted his power in the collection of delin quent tAStes then he shall make and file with the county clerk his de linquent roll, which shall be so ruled as to provide for the record of the delinquencies of three years. After five years of delinquency the same is dropped from the records." MSFl'S Flinch C'Ct If , be rightly assessed and then 20 per LacearidConqress Harid-seWed, Raz-, or Tog arid Tip, Price, $4.00 Yaqulna Bay Channel. Contractors are looking forward to having an opportunity to bid on the work of deepening the channel at Yaquina bay before long, as Senator Mitchell has introduced a resolution to find out why the con tract for this work has not been let. There is an appropriation of $25,000 for putting more stone on the jetties at Yaquina, but the million or more dollars required for making a ship channel into the harbor there has not yet been appropriated, or its expenditure ordered under the con tract system. Captain W. L. Fisk, United States engineers, som time since forwarded to the chief of engineers a project for the proposed work at Yaquina, but it has not been approved by the secretary of war, so the whole matter is "in the ViHX's r ::l.nnu. bH. ! 0. !'. -T: ''('! i!iu A' . -tnr t i;, Is mi R'.l 1 S.-.ivlav i.f oer- t" 'MSN'-"1, -vV. I "i: p. No. nr., ju-ot t.:i lit tlii'ir hull In ihn Mert'sBest Frericti Calf Bals, : Triple Sole, Scotch edge, I ;Hard sewed. Best -. m'i" . i-vn..).. ... !lHf liv.n.s v.u:i':H!. ..fauL'in the Market. ;vemnir. iw::. , ' t-, ' . eh z r r Frice, ,ou t "a. Invito,! t .1:1:. t t Liti;.-e "n. mcttr ever ir. visi'.fn-r lir.'rlic-PHio i'mi'- 's'i.i, 1., o. oi-v)x, ,e!r.r;.-. '! " '--K!k i,iU-o Nn. Ml. lim'.n vrrv ''" i-ve-il .-ll lr hi:ll lli: Cllv "''' : ii '. it. s v.-uli'i,m. :. viv-;.. 1.-.. ln:t- Utc N11. K", rernlur nn r liefnrc eiifh he's are eoriliiillv II. HAMl'TON. M. V. ;tv.Y .tin Pnyr,,,,,.,, n;m.-, x,lti.,i,nl Vrlnn, i-;i:.:h ,, ..,1 r .n, i-,.i.. .. .. ii. I't.ilit-i, i-vc. ii. r. JONES, 1'res. ,',oii(iii:i I. II II I 'lllv oil air" as yet. As to when the secre- cent of such valuation shall be added tar' of war wil1 aPProve the Prject as a penalty for such violation of or whether he will approve of it at an, or not, no one caji icu. vre- The asscsr bpHtis . his. nlTirP gonian. 0. ... work January of each year. The county board of equalization meets August 1 and continues in session not less than three days nor more than three weeks. After the work of the county board is performed the county court can. make no changes in the assessment. A summary of the assessment only is sent to the Secretary of! State for the use of the State Board of Equalization. This saves the I state through its counties about! $25,000 a year. The state board of equalization I'luil-. No. 7(i, Ito'eliah Tieicreo, . n in the (Wrl IV.lows hall in iitnluy evening of each wcrk. BADA DAYld, N. G, oeri'tnry. AKIX I. '0 ilMlllTl Vi-at Vn it: iripatd n ir.t "a-',-?V'T 10 yi l'tiM Hull on tr.u tiriit and VltUIl 11 I.',! l'. T l'i.'i.'r v p r Ailjntiint, ' T-1- Fisrr. ... "1 HftllNil nu'l' bull n.,,lTia ' Htld thir.l Katnnlav nvonlnn. in tai'h ii,lllHir brnlrers ar aUvhin weleonio. BLTimv,u,. II. K. l.ldUliU, -M. W. H',"' THE WOIU.D.-Pocahontna ' 1 JLi hHl1- Vifitlng tieighbors are A- AltXliI,!,', GEO. BETHERS, mnsul. Clerk. MEWS Tine Caif, Lace and Congress, Genuine Hand Welt, Harvard Toe and Tip, , PRICE, $3.50 and $4. While outside last week we had the pleasure of having a short talk with Hon. E. R. Lake. Mr. Lake is the member of the lower house of the Oregon legislature, in which Lincoln county has a sort of pro prietary or joint interest: some thing like two-thirds or three-fifths. Mr. Lake, though, is a very nice and affable man, and will, nodoubt, give Lincoln county as good a representation as she could reason ably expect from any joint repre sentative who is not a resident of the countv. Mr. Lake made some MMe Pinrf lfand " now composed fa abolished. The ; irjes about lhe -fish , and .duties ot equalizingthe assessment i what chaligeSi if atlyj are needed Congress, Genuine Hand of the counties being vested in the I in thi!. county He stated that he Bon Ton toe and gov""or' "y 01 liuc 1 had had some letters from parties 111 equalizing me his ,,, v nstin ... county assessments they!onpn flann flflpptl shall, without consideration of the . He thought it would be various kinds of property assessed, ! weJ1 if the parUek rea,fy ilUere!ited add or deduct such a per cent to, ,,, ui.i ,1 j,mS- or from the total valuation of each upjn what changes are needed Jn ; county as will be necessary to re- u,e Jt aw if flny Mr- store equality. This will obviate a,SQ safl h h . M- j, ii.- ... r 1 sincerely hoped that the election Welt, tips. The very latest. Price, $4-00 state treasurer. vai ious In I AN UNLIMITED STOCK OK MEN'S and BOYS CLOTHING, FUli NISHING GOODS, HATS and pAt)d t)T?Y GOODS, FANCY GOODS warrant shall be the basis of the ,VJ ' . i collection, no copies of the roll and JNUTiurso. clerks making the changes usual on the assessment roll. For county purposes the levy and collection of taxes will be made upon the assess ment as equalized by the county board of equalization. Thismethod of equalization will save the tax- j payers $6,000 each year, and will serve every purpose of the present method. It provides that the original assessment roll with the clerk's I of a senator would occur early in the session, so that the legislature could have some time to inaugurate some needed reforms. CUSTOM TAILORING A SPECIALTY. in. . . iilSaiSSlMail and Express Orders Promptly Filled. InmSSZPj. wmfldentlal. A Handbook of In- .'-"" J. !"otbBm J!(?rnlnl I'Btentu and how ob-, --..i.mH. a 10 a catnlofiua 01 mecaau- j w m av T . ii 1. 1 a u m m . i-m. i j PiiinV;.,.?n.,'",ongh Munn ft Co. fscalT? I tom CL'S.'iL1."" "elentlflc Amerlrnn, ana I nu S?xn. wllif before the pubirewitn ?,Ml?li",, lnntor, ThU iclendld paper, tutaSSS' f ""t'T n'-Mtrated.baa by far tha Wl Sr,"'! of any aclenttm wort In Uia 8il4lnv.7.e.r' """Pie onpiei sent free. , T'il ,J.U0nwB,o,,tb, V Tear. Blnte fiulSlIt'L. . KTery number contain! beau Jmm. win; i? lora, ana photosrapha of new ""trte. f 'an nabllnlullderi to ahow tb MUNM X,l!,a,"'"ecureoontrarta. Addreu " iKW YOIIK, 301 BHOADWAT. PRICE CASH STORE. being made. This saves the state through its tfounties"-$25,000 per "annum. ' The treasurer is made' the tax collector up to the point of delin quency;' the sherilT collecting only, delinquent taxes ' : The tax collector Ls charged on his bond with all taxes placed -in his hands for collection. This fa on the theory that taxes that have been assessed can be and should be collected. It case such collection Herbert D. Ward, the novelist and husband of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, has written a new novel, which , will be the fiction features of The Ladies' Home Journal during 1897. . It is a humorous story and has the unique title of "The Burglar Who Moved Paradise." It is a sequel to Mrs. Ward's "An Old Maid's Paradise," the husband taking up the pen wheie Miss Phelps had naturally to put it down when she became Mrs. Ward. ' Hum Ex-Senator Crosno, of this place, is a candidate for sergeant-of-arms, of the senate at Salem this winter. He filled that position at the last session and his chances are good for securing the place again.