Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 23, 1896, Image 8

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J. r. KTKHAKT.K.IItor slid Proprietor.
Published every Thursday at Toledo, Linco'n
Couuty, Oregon.
Subscription Rates:
One year, -Six
months, ...
Three months,
Gowell will save you money.
The largest stock of groceries in
Toledo, is at Gowell's.
Gowell's trade is increasing, and
he appreciates your patronage.
t I The past few days has been a wel
l' j I come change from hot to cooler
.joi weather.
I Dye Wade, of Gates Oregon, is
! visiting friends and relatives iu this
Advertising rates made known on application , COUnty. He is a Son of Mr W. J.
Capt. Robertson piloted the
Every pontmaBter in Lincoln county is authoriz i Steamer Richardson Up to Toledo
ed to act as agent for the Leadb. 1 w Y1pgf1 y The Captain js as
Official County Paper. genial, jolly and philosophical as
" I ever.
WW Remember that One,
Million Dollars has been ' Mn w- J- )Vade has signed the
agency and John Magee, Jr., has
been appointed to fill his place tem
puiuilly until llic ucpai tuienl heads
a civil sen-ice man to take the place.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
copy of the abstract of the eleventh
See the line of Ladies' and census of the Uiiited States through
Gents' $3.00 shoes at O'Brien's. ! the courtesy of HorK Binger Her-
Ladies, see the new patterns of matin. The volume has much use
calicos just received at Copeland's. j ful and valuable information in it.
Call and see O'Brien's stock and j The Salem Journal publishes a
get his prices, they beat any in the ietter from a partv of Salemites
state, jnow in Alaska, and among them is
For the best groceries and fresh Oscar Taylor, formerly of this
fruit call at Peter Tellefson's, a- place. The letter states that ths
Entered at the postolllce at Toledo, Oregon, as
second-class mall matter.
Business locals will be inserted in these col
umns at five cents per line ir week, and will
be run until ordered discontinued.
appropriated to improve
Yaquina Bay.
Men's all wool cheviot suits $S.oo
a'. O'Brien's.
Gowell delivers goods free.
For variety and quality go to District Court Docket for
Maurice Peairs made a trip to the , Gowell's
Valley this morning.
Chas. Reed and Mr. Burton, a
For everything in the grocery j couple of settlers from Salmon river,
line, go to Gowell's, Toledo. m this county, is in town too.ay.
Mrs. C. G. Copeland and her j Captain Lutjens, of the sealing
mother, Mrs. Kisor, are camping at ' schooner Kate and Ann, now iu
Newport for a time. j Gray's harbor, reports hav-
The town of Waterloo in Linn j ing taken 600 seal and 10 sea otter
county is at present without a gov-, skins since January 1. Though
eminent, the city officers having all j the catch is small, he claims that is
similtaneously resigned recently. ! fhe second best catch of the season.
This action was taken to avoid pay-1 The sea otter skins are valued at
ment of a judgment recovered $300 each on an average, and two
against the muncipality. ! skins taken last season sold tor
J.A.Warner came over fromjS1200 each
Albany yesterday evening and will ! Those wishing photograps wilj
spend several days hunting and I please call early as I will be at the
fining in this vicinity. j Silets only 5 days commencing July,
A. T. Peterson has the contract 27th. Cabinets $2.50 per dozen.
for repainting the hotel in this place
and is busily putting a handsome
white color on the same, with the
assistance of 0. R. Altree.
A pony belonging to Charley
Hyde disemboweled itself by getting
on a snag in the tide land last Sat
urday night, and now Charley is
minus a riding pony.
Ira Wade returned from Gates,
in the Cascades, last Sunday where
he has been working in a logging
camp for a couple of months. He
reports times very dull in thatcoun-
quina City. - ! gold prospects of that land are
A new line of Gents' underwear largely exaggerated,
and furnishing goods just received; The Steamer Richardson was
at Copeland's. 1 , brought up from below last Tues-
Flour and feed will be sold at a dav and out on the eridiron in flip
low price at the store of Peter Tel-' slough here. She is being repaired 1 at the pioneer Vay ad the St0e
lelson. Yanuina. : where the Farrallon smashed tne ! company will soon begin quarrying
a great
try, and comes back more highly
impressed with the advantages and
resources of Lincoln county.
The railroad company is laying a
switch to the south ledge of stone WILLIAMS. At
C. R. Miller, "
J. H. Kern, of Kernville is in
in town today.
The case of the State vs. Zephin
Job, which is on the docket for the
coming term, and which has graced
the docket of Lincoln county for
two years and a half will probably
be dismissed this term. It is very
probable that Mr. Yateswill not
care to prosecute a case that has
been willed to him by two previous
district attorneys. A previous trial
had on some of the same issues
would seem to debar a conviction.
Flour, feed and everything it the guard rail, and will be repainted
1 in that ledge.
advantage :
her home in
Newport, on Monday, July 20,
1896, Mrs. Chas. Williams.
The deceased was the wife of Mr.
merchandise line, can
Gowell at cut prices.
be had of and otherwise fixed up.
this ledge has over the one now be- Chas- Williams, of Newport She
ing worked is that the ledge slopes and her husband were old settlers j Baker. foreclosure.
The following cases are
docket for the July term of 4!
court which convenes in this
next Monday.
1. State of Oregon vs. Zephir
larceny of public money.
2. T. E. Hogg, Receiver, vs:
Logan; ejectment.
3. T. E. Hogg vs. J. D. Gri,
4. T. E. Hogg vs Eugene Wl.
5. T. E. Hogg vs C. G. Cops
6. T. E. Hogg vs Peter McB
al; ejectment.
7. Allen Parker vs Peek & i
sell; settlement.
8. Henry Denlinger, Sr., ,
M. Davis; recovery of money,
9. Allen Parker vs Wm. G:
recovery of money.
10. A. E. Laws vs F. M. Joi:
11. Currance Shepard vs. I.
Baker; equity.
12. Jas. Chatterton vs E.
Williams: settlement.
13. A. O. Krogstad vs Yaqni?
C. Co"; recovery of money.
14. Anna Maria Matthews r
A. Laiuiis; injunction.
15. M. S. Woodcock vsj. R.
ley; foreclosure.
16. W. P. Fuller vs V. I.
kins; recovery of money.
17. F. M. Carter, administra:
Geo. Bamford; foreclosure.
18. Sol King vs Nettie J. and
AmoveisonfoottoformaBryan;upinsteadofdowa a:ld lesseil the on the Bay, being among the early! ... p Mnrohv .., w T
I am prepared to do all kinds of republican club in several of the!amount of striine 1!eCessarv to settlers of Newport. She was high
-U. 1 4-. . r T ATn-r,-r?T lil .1.' . fTAI 1 ti O J ....
light wood turning. O. R. Altree , communities in this county
with Rice & Ross. idea is to form a central club
; uncover the ledge. , The cost of lV respected and universally liked
man; writ of review.
20. J. R. Bayley
writ of review.
The Alcatraz sailed for San Fran- llllt' lau-
cisco yesterday morning with a car
go of Pioneer stone.
By a recent order of the president ;
the civil service list has been ex-'
with ;.,.,.:,, ti,,,o 1 n-,v,ofi,. by all who knew her. She had
Hood's pills cures nausea, sick branches in the different parts of the , emfi the ite-n of qtrinniiw tv, been in failing health for some time
headache, indigestion, biliousness, county, of those republicans who;ii:, .1.. nrf .VMnei and was also quite feeble with old I 21 ' Spencer Scott vs Aggie S:
All druggists. 25c. , will support Bryan and free silver ; c0nnection witl 1 the ciuarrvhv cf aSe- The remains were interred in
the stone. ; tlle Newport cemeterv on Wednes-
, , , . day.
The term of district court which j
rnnvf-nps I'.pvt Alrmnnv rfnpc nr.t
II. C. Nute, of Medford, is in ; tended to include several subordi-1 pTom;se t0 i,e a verv iieavv erm Notice to Relocate Street Grade
this county on business connected "ate places in the Indian service ; As u,e ,iocket now stands there are 1 Notice is hereby given by the
the estate of the late Dr. Rich that h ave not been in the list be-' are lnU two or ,ree cjvil cases tjlat Common Council of the City of To-
The Steamer Farallon came in , fore- 0,1 the siletz agency the or- promise t0 require tiJe ssn-iCe ot- a ledo, Oregon, that the said council
last night from San Francisco, and , dcr P,aces chief clerk Jas- J- Gaither 1 jtlry t0 deci(ie There are two cas-' proposes to relocate th grades up
will sail tomorrow on her return and the fanner under the civil ser- es wbicb will come before the grand ion Hil1 street- Gove street, Second
trip. ; vice rules. ! jury for investigation iu which the slTeet- Fourth street, Fifth street,
S. G. McFadden, of Corvallis. I John Scrafford received a full car-' defendants are already bound over. ' Six,n s,reet ad Seventh ssreet, in
has been awarded the contract to load of stone from the'Pioneer stone One of them is the case ol'Gus Olson . l"e Clt' ' Toledo.
erect the Catholic church building qarry Thursday. It will be used bound over by the justice in Yaquina ' ori,er of the Common Council,
at Siletz. 1 i" all kinds of work known tostone precinct on the charge of breaking j Datecl t!lis 20cl1 day ot J"1)'. i3g6.
, cutters, and there is one particular into a house cud stealing some proo- Attest: J. V. Stewast,
Feed the nerves upon Dure, ricl
blood and you will not be nervous. D10CK 01 sto",e U1at w'" "e save-1 ert'. a,ul tne o;her Is that of Stew
Pure blood comes by taking Hood's ! anf' workefl '"to a fine monument 'art Roone-, an Indian, .bound over'
sarsnnarillii which is thus the great- i ,or a samP'p- Joiin says the stone tor cutting another Indian with
est and best nerve tonic. ,s "TSt-c'';,ss. niicl such being the pocket knife. What other
We are prepared to do alt kinds ; case' Pioneer w, ,,avethe Rrand jury will be called upon
a iini.u uiu.iuti in;iii in uilu to 10 tin trsugiut;, 01 course is not
operate. Were it possible to locate 1 known at this time. Should the
all the wealth the mountains of grand jury return some indictments
Cily Recorder.
di voice.
22. Wm. E. Ho-iford vs Dab;
H os ford; divorce.
23. Robt. Metcalf vs Lucy J!
24. F. M. Reade vs J. X.
Marv Alice Bryant; foreeta:
25. Pellet Felix vs Margaret
26. A. G. Spexarth vsK. D
no; foreclosure.
127. A. G. Spexarth vs Mam
J and Herbert Twombley; fore-
! 28. A. G. Suexarth vs A
i Gallagher: foreclosure.
29. Sam'l Case vs J R. and
beth Bayley; foreclosure.
30. Sam'l Case vs T. R. B
of blacksmith and wagon work,
horse-shoeing, ami all kinds of
repairing. Give us t call.
Ross & Rice. Toledo.
Harry Denlinger went to New
port this week to take the testimo
ny in the case of Chatterton vs.
Williams, but the hearing before
referee was postponed and the case
will probably be tried in open court
next week. t
Travel over the 0. C. & K. to
Newport, Oregon's most popular
summer tesort, is very heavy now.!
Last night's train had four coaches
loaded to the platforms when it
passed through here. The O. C. &
IS' is making every effort to give
their patrons good service, and their
efforts seem to be reaping a well
merited reward.
Oregon contain, who could deny then the length of the term will
the assertion that this State might ' prolonged.
rank with South Africa? A short
time back nothing was known of
Pioneer stone, while it .s every
where known to be the very best in
the.maiket. Corvallis Times.
Capt. Robertson recently
It is said that the O. C. & E.
railroad company will be a promi
nent factor in the bidding on the
contract for the government work,
soon to be started miner the new
com- j project 011 the hay. Should the '
pleted a lighter for the use of the , company become a successful bid-1
steamer Farallon to be use 1 in light-' dcr it will bring about quite a '
ering goods ashore at Port Orford. J change in affairs on the Bay. Itj
There is but one dock at Tort Or- j will no doubt be the means of in-,
ford, and that is owned by the jfluenciug them to build on from Ya-i
Spreckles company of San Francis- j quina City and make the terminus I
co, who charge not less than $10 ; of their line at Newport. Or it is
every time a vessel ties up to it. j intimated that they may build a cut-'
The Farallon people thought this off, leaing the line just below To-i
was a little too hhih and so had a ledo, going up the Little Beaver'
lighter constructed and will handle across to Newport. This would '
their freight in it. The lighter is ; require a tunnel but one not so lonir i
.... .. ' . . . .
capacity wiui 1 as tunnel two near the su
Wm. Brazclton cut his left thumb
quiti: scvcrcij msi iuesuay wlnle , ot about ten tons
1 tm . I
spu .nBUoo. iuecutsevereaa and is built This cutoff would take their track
mil nil nrti-rv nml n riiki, I-.... ' . . . .' . ..t hjik
- ium . suiKi anil slronc enotii? 1 to st.mrl nu-nv frnm tl.o .1. r ..
the beating and pounding it will , along which it runs for nine mile's membrane and tone up the 1 43-J. C. Altree vs M. M. f
receive from the waves as it passes from bere to Yaquina. If the com- whole system. and Valentine Thiel; foreck
Some pany shout
of blood followed. He came to
town for medical aid, and Dr. Par
ent being absent Dr.
-called from Elk City.
Hay For Sale
I am prepared to sell and deliver! foreclosure
hay of best quality at the lowest ' 31. Tillotson Bros., respond
reasonable prices. ,M
Charlie Johnson, OKon, appellanl; apK
Siletz, Ore. covery of money.
32. fc. J. S!ew;irt vs C.
writ of review-
33- J- J. Bullus vs John McC
I 34. Jabez J. Bn1k:s vs Jas C
re:oveiy 01 nioue .
35- Jos. O. Briggs et al. v
Thp nrleA AUhey, et al., foreclosure.
iimu laillll llelllUICO I
fruit very carefully He 36. A. G. Spexatth vs J
knows that the bruised spots HeaIe-v: foreclosure.
are the first to decav. with 1 37- M. Sili 'mm vs F
your system. Don't let your recover' of monev.
cold continue. The hard ef- j 38- c- Stark vs F. M. Stan!
forts at coughing and the In- I covery of money,
flammation bruise the delicate ) 39- Singer Mfg. Co., S. f
lining to your throat and lungs. jGustave Lindmer; recovery
Disease germs like - these !e-v-
bruised and weakened parts. ' J0'1" McCuiium vs Mar
I !, n f j patrick; recovery of money.
occUs Cmulsicjru -c- - e. r. r. co.
of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- M Hoa: s't equity,
phosphites, will soothe the 2, M'" M- Arnol.t vs
cough, relieve the inflamed !Mackey: forecio,ure
Carter was from the vessel to the shore
Will Rich idea
and John Ak.n .acceded .. stop-! the craft may be gained when it is probability be taken from Pionee
ping the How of the blood before stated the smallest timber in the I quarry That would mTke W
Dr. Caner arr.ved. frame is ,0 by ,6 inches in size. lively there also " ,
MTClire Uie COIltr.irt WedicalproteMtontortwentvv-ar j.i
Thui. 1.1- -1
same would i all iteSr,''
-S?.0,"'? ,EMVLSION h I .ndorwd br th.
f Hrpopkctfkttfu
Ban md fith.
things J"vu,"P'n ' Th. ,m.n ti
s urb.Moinh to curt your cough or help your laby.
SCOTT BOWNB, flfg. CtaemliU, Nw York
IlUUt on SCOtt'l EniUlilOB H,h tr.A u W
44- M. Hunt vs B. F. Jon
45- B. F. Jones vsH.Denli'
and H. Denlinger Sr.; reco'1