Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 16, 1896, Image 1

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    mm in
$lume IV.
-4gPgnden.t iri all things, jSJeu.trgil iri. STotn.irg.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, July 16, 1896.
Number 20.
J superintendent
"V . '
'dssloners 1
Tol. Carter
Jno. D. Daly
S. V. Burt
B. F. Junes
George Landis
J. L. Hvde
8. G. Irvin
Z. M. Derrick
Silas Unwell
T. M. Coombs
Chas. Williams
F. A. Godwin
.ItvrnmmisKloners Court meets on Wed
it alter the ttrst Monday in February,
inline, August, October and December.
L C. Fullerton jnage
I'jites, rroH. Aiiorney
t iv,.np mi 4th Monday In July and
Monday in January of each year.
fr-fcnes ...Mayor
Jteuarl nwuriier
Mini .unrHiiai
roRStlld 1
nlgStaU i AlrtormBn
Align, j
il meets on the llrst Monday evening In
! of the Peace J. A. Hall
li!e J. c.Altree ;
of the Peace, ico. F. Sylvester j
. it. crutcnneiu i
the Peace J. S. Booth !
Iile W.L. Watkina
of the Ponce A. B. Clark
bit', Alex Burkhalter
I of the Peace ('has. Henderson
Me Z. S. Derrick
if tho Peace J. S. Huntington
ule K. F. Edwards
of the Peace Sam'! Hill
iile Joseph Gourley
of the Peace N. J. Goodman
file V. A. Vidito
of the Peace I,. A. Peek
iile W. P Taylor
oltho Peace Win. Wakefield
Iile John Early
tic of tho Pence Chas. Read
le M. Ucrton
le of the Pence W. TI. Coot
table Geo. E. Croxford
H Estate Agents and Utters,
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single Lots or Blocks
Abstrctof Title to any property in Lincoln County
furnished on demand.
:i of the
''9 f
am closing out several
goods and will make prices that will be sure
to sell them.
Kernville Items.
Work on the cannery is progress
ing nicely.
The steamer Tonquin came in
last Friday with a load of machinery
and groceries.
Messrs. Jay McClellan and R. A.
Miller spent the Fourth with home
Mr. T. T. Geer, wife and daughter,
Miss Maude, spent the Fourth with
their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Cook.
Died. On Tuesday, the 7th inst.
Claude, infant son of Mr. John
Woodruff, age 16 months, and was
buried on Wednesday the 8th. The
family have the heartfelt sympathy
of all in their sad bereavement.
The other little one is in a fair way
to recover from its recent illness.
Mr. Lee Wade came down the
river the last of the week on busi
ness. Peter.
July 8, 1896.
II Protestant Episcopal.
third Sunday of every
sine service the
ft. nt u a. m. All are Invited to attend
r has. Booth, Missionary. Residence,
," Newport, Or.
(I. K.-To:
' rv Ihree weeks, morning and evening;
i ectl'iK after morning s.-rvlce; Sabbath
every Snhl.ath at lUo clock a. in.; prayer
on Wednesday evenings.
S. W. POTTER, Pastor.
Ilocca lloekets.
The first celebration of the Fourth
of July on Rock creek was a decided
success. There was a short pro-
I gram in the morning, after which
j dinner was served on tables con-
H tf" tf & ggES2a ! sisting of boards laid across the tops
V-S.JL W'W.l jof the desks in the new school house,
! and right here we would like to
A Call Will Convince VOU that I am .make special mention of some of the
j singing for the larger folks, and a
! good social time all around. The
J candy and peanuts, a treat from
' Mr. B. J. Harrington, was greatly
; enjoyed by the little folks. Mr.
i Harrington is our new store keeper
j at the Sunshine Gap. Between
thirty and forty were present at the
celebration. Hurrah for Rock creek
and the glorious Fourth.
A. Rock.
Bryan and Sewall.
The Democratic national conven
tion completed its labors by nomi
nating a ticket with W. J. Bryan,
the noted Nebraska congressman,
for president, and Arthur Sewall, of
Maine, for vice-president. The
democrats of Lincoln . county are
satisfied with the nominations, and
in fact most of them are enthusiastic
over them. There is a feeling of
confidence in Bryan as a leader
that is inspiring to the rank and
file. Many republicans concede
that MrKinlpy will have a hard
fight to down the young giant cf
the common people, even if he
escapes total annihilation at "Lis
The New Officers.
The new county officers have nil
filed their bonds, the same have
been approved, and the officerri
have entered upon the discharge of
their duties. The bomis of the
three principal officers clerk, sher
iff aud treasurer have been placed
at $10,000 each; the surveyor at
$5,000 and the coroner at $3,000.
County Clerk Jones' bond is quali
fied to in the sum of $22,000 and is
signed by Ella Jones, C. B. Crosuo,
J. F. Stewart, T. H. Horninsr,
Wra. Mackey, M. L.Trapp, Marion
other house in the County.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Ileal
Property under Execution.
When one farmer pronounces in
favor of the single gold standard he I
!e,,o DnW xor 107 Meet j V0T1CR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LNnER , at once announced by the gold ! TU1V c 1806
.ivevenlnKatthelrhalllnthisl ec"V" i,A,e'i 1M. ?Ll.Hr."u.'J . ...... iJU1"5. I89
' ; , "r , ji . .. 1 mi.', it,. Z ,7i Press 85 a sorewa, logical, Droaa-i
1'. A. Al 11,1 N. tl. l-iuvvilll, uu.j ......... ..... - .... ... . . , -t
'v. court, and bearing date tne l'Jtn uay 01 June, minded , honest tiller Of the SOU: i JN
1MV10 nil A nooniH ill loreciiipuru mm nnm
.1 1 ... nn.OM. In tl,n sain rtn rt In a
In. F liny Loilife So. 11(1. of Yauulna City, I i, u hnr,.in j it itrvson. as assignee of Hain-
ots evervWt-ilnesdav evening. Visitlnif ! m.. u-au t.iuintiir. rthI KliKatieth llav-
lers are ul ays welcome i lev. J. R. Bavlev. Richard Williams and J. C.
1 i,r,.,. W . A. BARTGES, N. u. ('iTO,n were defendants, in favor of said pliiln-
1 Ll.K, Scretary. tiff and aeainst the defendants Eilzalicth Bay-
lnv and J R. Havlev for the sum of tl.Uti.U7 in
4". I'.-Nowt.ort Vo Ki meetsevervl C-H. irold ciin, with Interest lit the rate of ten
1.. ', "-"i;ori i,nnire Mi. m, meets every . . onnniu from the 1st dav of Decern-
nun eveninp. visittntr orotnersare cor-1 r 'A r;; rw,Blo on,i f,,;ii(io Rttnr.
Invited to attend. I. o ot.ssON. X. fi. ' lr, lhlH, and
OUVER, SecretarV. ! ney'" iees;ai;ainsi an neie ua . ,0 r-, , ..k
niorijcai'e set out in nic 'iii-iM. .
BHle 01 the real projiertv hereinafter described,
I and which bears date the 1st day of December,
k A. M. Newimrt LoilifA Vn. ft!S. rpirnlar 1 ltiu-i. o,,H .aiH vncntion Issued thereon as
"vocation on sntnrdav on or before each 1 ufl.raairt is to me directed and commands
i'ii io.i, Vlsitinur liro'thers are cordially mo to ami all of the following described real
"en. A. II. HAMPTON, M. W. property to satisfy said decree and execution,
N IH'CKI.EY.Secy. ! towit: The West half of the north-west quarter,
, I and the northeast quarter of the northwest
!i.m Hay council Nr.. 74r, National Union, JJiTur.
'n t ''""'dandourth Friday nlKhta of ..,,- ,, . ', nrt tne ea,t half of the southwest
fi'inth. Travellnis friends are welcome
PhAIRS, Sec. It. F. JONES, Pres.
ininrmr. and the southwest ouarter 01 me
lumthwpRt miarter of section 80, In town li,
south, range west, all in Lincoln county. Ore.
1111111 I..,,,.- Now, therefore, in compliance with said exc
1.0(11) LODGE No. 70. ,l!e!fkah Pee ree, cntlnn'ttnd order of sale i, as as such sheriff,
,u. O. F.. meets In the Odd Fellows hall in 1 wim on
ity on Tuesday evening of each week. Friday, the 4tli day or Jnly, 1896,
hi- M-.,-.., .-'KXNIK ARNOLD, N. G, Bt the hour of loo'cloek in the forenoon of said
o -t Al fill, Secretary. rtBV ftt tne front disirof the Court house in the
City of Toledo in Lincoln County, Oregon, offer
A. n jti.A r iimnin Put Kn ua Mnai. in , nr nolo .mi toll hi. nubile auctluii to the high
est bUliler, lor U. d. goiu colli, i-wu 111 uiMiu, ii
the right, title, interest and estate of the said
defendants in and to the said above-described
real pioiierty, with the appurtenances, subject
to redemption, to satisfy the said execution
and the amounts di e thereon as above stated,
tical benefits to the roads by put
ting in the finest steel bowling al
leys in the Northwest in their club
house in Portland. Let the good
work go on.
'heCood Templars Hall on the lirst and
Saturdays of each month.
FISH, Adjutant.
Williams, R. Dedrick, F. M. Carter,
After dinner , Lee Wade, John Steel and Albert
there was swinging for thechildren, Waugh as sureties. Sheriff Landis'
bond is qualified to in the sum of
$20,000 with John Lootnis, Frank
Priest, S A. Logan, Eugene
Williams, Valentine Thiel, A. T.
Peterson and C. A. Dick, as sure
ties. Treasurer Hyde's bond is
also qualified to in the sum of
$20,000, and the snreties are J. S.
Copeland, A. T. Peterson, F. M.
Carter, Geo. Bethers, J. H. Blair,
F. M. Stanton, L. W. Deyoe,
E. Williams and T. P. Fish. Sur
veyor Derrick has the names of
O. 0. Krogstad, Mary J. Derrick,
Z. S. Derrick, D. P. Blue, T. T.
Reeder, S. E. Beavers, J. W. Par
rish and Henry Denlinger, Sr., on
it as sureties, and the sureties
qualify in -the sum of $io,ooo.
Coroner Coombs' bond is the
smallest, being qualified to in the
sum of $6,000 with Peter Myers,
W. Tullock and Sam'l Hill as
sureties. The county superintend
ent and the county commissioner
are not required by law to give
bonds, and the assessor-elect will
not have to file his bond until next
ortons Notes.
but when the other forty-nine farm-1 Nortons is quite dull since the
ers declare for both gold and silver j bride left a week ago to make her
the same press denounces thetn as' home in Beaverton.
a setof anarchitsic, shrieking silver-1 Dame Runior has been hinting at
maniacs and ignorant yokels. ' j tw0 other marriages, which would
-'' j be very desirable especially because
The Oregon road club is doing a 1 the young couples would remain
grand work for the roads of the I with us and not take their bliss
state. They have shown the prac-; away as Mr. and Mrs. Davis did.
0. r. w. Western Ptar Ixidce No. 78,
meots In the Odd Fellows' hall, Vanulna,
I Fr d.V AV.nlnv V(a(t!i Kwi.fcnva ara
y welcome. ' 0. A. MILLER. M. W.
TRAVIS, Recorder.
together with the costs and accruing costs.
Dated June 24th lb'Jti.
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.
rDMFN OF THE WORLD. Pocahon tn s
1' "up No. "fio, Toledo, Oregon, meet on
1,71 V" '""d Thursdars in each month in
""i renown' hall. Visiting neighbors are
s wolcnrop
Consul. Clerk.
Reg. Pharmacist.
niedo, . Oregon.
Viiticc of the Peace
I'olfdo, to-tyon,
fiJtfoJ,WTOI' n(1 n Un18 of pp
Tinted with .Hn!inn
vn to all business entm'sied to my cre.
i 1$ ibis wl)atai!$ you?
Have you a feel
ing of weight in
the Stomach 1
Bloating after
eating Belch-
ing of Wind j
Voraltlngof Food i
Heartburn Bad Taste In the Mouth.
in tbe Morning Palpitation of the j
Henri, due to Distension of Stomach (
Cankered Mouth Gas In the Bowels J
Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite
Depressed, Irritable Condition of the
Mind Dirtiness Headache Con-!
Upation or Diarrhoea? Then Ton have
la .at .f Its many forma. Tin .at roltli
cart for tbi. dlitrtulnl c.mpltlol II
flckcr'$ Dyspepsia Cablets
by Ball, trtp.ld. on receipt .f if nott. Ra.IT. HolM Ininfrinl, Sew I
' v...w irMil hnrrlh r Imin ovc
lint Ack-r'. TableU, uken alter.
. ,.. , . H ,
Acatr Unlldat Cfc, it-lt Cbambtrs St, . T.
The "best" that the bondholders
and the bankers want, is that mon
ey that draws the highest rate of
interest. It may be "best" for
them, but how about the other fel
In the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for
the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of the estate of Geo. W, Jackson,
To Caroline V. Jackson, Mary A. Rldgeway,
Martha J. Tholie, Minerva Bradway, Benja
min F. Jackson, Asenath Tracey, Hiram
Jackson, Geo. W. Jackson, Ji., Sarah Ellen
Spurting, Anna E. Jackson, Eva Jackson and
Edward Jackaon, heir-at-law of (ieorge W.
Jackson, deceased, and to the public:
Notice is hereby given that I, F. M. Stanton,
administrator of said above-named estate, will
() Natarday. Aagast lath, lXHft,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in
the City of Toledo In said county and state,
oiler for sale at public auction for cash In hand
the following-described real property tielong
ing to said estate, towit: The undivided one
half of lots 8, 4, It, 0. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 111,
The family of C. H. Pearse ex
pects to reach Nortons July 17 to
camp a while in the mountains.
H. S. Porter and David
Branscombe made a trip to Corvallis
recently. They give a glowing
account of some people they met,
I but say that markets and crops are
Violet Huffaker, a bright eyed
little tot, fell into the Yaquina Sun
day while playing on the bank with
some other little children, she was
promptly helped out by her brother,
a young American who expects soon
to be promoted to the second reader.
July 14, 1896.
At the Bi-metallic convention at
McMinnville the other day a son of
the noted John Brown was a dele
gate, as was also tbe son of the
sher'.ff that executed Brown.
The Jne election in Oregon
should be aoolished, but to do so it
Xihu&iS&'&'a undj I will be necessary to cnange our old
PV.h.Vf'See coverfd constitution. There
Oregon: also the undivided one-half of the I IS no SOUnd reason for keeping the
soumwesi yt 01 secuon n, uwn oi, noun,, nuii i TnB Theie i
11, west, except the southeast VA of southeast I election in J Une. 1 neie
ef southwest i of section an, town 10, south, ' j0j- changing it tO N
raniFA 11. wniit. containiiiff 10 acresof land
of the above-deserllied land being situated in
Lincoln county, Oregon, and being in all 176
acres of land, or therealKiuts,
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 16th day of
July, 196. ,
Administrator of the estate of Geo. W. Jack
son, Sr., deceased.
are rnariy
ii lor pnonff nff it m nnvpmnpr
aii i -r- "..: " .
Jivery presidential year uregon nas
the trouble and expense of two
elections, wnere one would serve
all purposes as well. Moro Ob'
The Oregonian bears the distress
ing news that J. Couch Flanders
will not support the democratic
ticket as nominated at Chicago.
This is an emergency that calls for
prompt and courageous action. It
is a breach in the ranks that almost
overwhelms the hosts of democracy
Of course we don't suppose that
there are a half dozen persons out
side of Portland that knows who
Mr. J. Couch Flanders is, or half
that number that cares whether J.
Couch bolts or unbolts. But it is
nothing new for Mr. J. Couch
Flanders to bolt, only heretofore the
honest democrats of Portland has
called it a "sell out" instead of a
bolt. This bolter is the son of an
honored sire, and that is all there is
of J. Couch Flanders. He parts
his hair and divides his politics as
he does his name in the middle.
The idea of international bi
metalism is simpjy to beg England
to allow us to coin whatever money
we want to use.