31 f PETER TELLEFSON, DEALER IN J General :-: Merchandise, LotFlour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats. , Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc. lOOTS AND SHOES,- tri4cilOCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Sugars and Tobacco, Fruits and Confectionery. lelpry; i Yaquina City, Oregon. ilck f j C. B. CROSNO & CO, aSiil Stt Agents and Masters, new' I v HAVE BARGAINS IN fiiiTLands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town Property in single Lots or Blocks I IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. far of Title to any property in Lincoln County Hi, 'ton Milk. ' furnished on demand. Oregon 1 TOO LATE ! TOO LATE ! ! f w ' i i . a s e- . i a ' ' a i i $ f It is too late to get an Abstract of Title to a piece of sifts; 'D,i5j land after you have bought it and found out that there are judgements and tax Hens against it. The proper thing to do is to have the: i! LINCOLN COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing Jjjj your money. A business man now days never buys real ' estate without first obtaining; evidence of a good title. Jj) We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address. Crosno & Peairs. ft -4 CASH - STORE Yaquiua City, Oregon. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. Groods Sold at San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, IPxop., if Two Good Papers jff FOR THE Price of One. hive made arrangements by 5 which we can offer frniE WORLD FAMOUS pkly Deireii Fres Frsss ' AND pHe Leader tONE YEAR for $2.00. 3e "Weekly Free Press la a Large Twelve Page tft'eekly, and baa the Largest Number j o Special Contributor! of any e I Weekly Publshed In America lereafter tbe wrltlngaof "M. Quad," the Fa Jt Humorist, will be published Exclusively ce Kose Press. ilso has a special "Merry Times" Department for the Children, and special Woman's Page. n n n T. W. GORMAN, Taquina City, Oregon HAB A FULL LINE OF STOVESX' I bave a good Assortment of both Cook and Heating Stoves WHICH I AM SELLING AT BED ROCK PRICES. Call and inspect them. . Barsapaillla as a blood purifier and build ing op medicine leads everything; ever produced. It is positively the best. Others may make the same claim. But there's this difference: We prove it. Not by an tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what we say, aw but by What fg . Hood's Barsa- XN parllla does. JjfQl if "it has rec- feaa II ord of Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cores when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizee its merit and the cures by Hood's Barsaparilla, is hown by the fact that they As buy Hood's Barsapa- CjgS jSl M rilla In pref erence and -tWrflaTl to the ex clusion of all others. Hood's Barsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. It wins con fidence everywhere because the state mentsln its advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take It. No other medicine has ever received each praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won derful cures. No other medicine possesses pariioa the peculiar combination, proportion and process nsed in preparing Hood's Barsapa rilla, and which give It merit peculiar to Itself. This is the secret of Its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won derful bold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Bait Bheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its I Hon A11pn Parl-or tVi ino. - 11 1 111-1 , L 111, lUUb pendent candidate for joint repre- I sentative, is going to poll a large vote in this county. He has ser ved in the legislature before, with credit and honor. Men of all parties will unite in voting for him. ures Hake Hood's Barsaparilla the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists, f 1. Prepared only by C. I. HoodS Co., Lowell, Mass. -M r:ilf the best family eathartto a rssia and liver stimulant. Easy to take, easy to operate. All druggists, ascents. The third annual assembly of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua association will be held at Galves- tone Park, Oregon City, on July 7, to 17th, inclusive. This assembly promises to eclipse any tl'at have gone before. Great efforts has been made to secure some of the best talent in the county for the occasion. Among the celebrities who will take part in the assembly are found Dr. Carlos Marty n, of Chicago, Frank Lincoln, of New York City, Susan B. Anthony, and many others. If there had been any merit, any worm, any reason or any excuse for West Yaquina it surely would have developed duriner the past two years. Standing two years ago as the high candidate for county seat it has dragged along all that time and not a thing has been done to give it a reasonable standing be fore the people. Not a stick has been cut; the mud-flat is just as barren of a good dock as ever; no suitable building has ever been erected for a court house; simply nothing has been done. These things were duly blawed up and promised two years ago. Did they keep their faith with the people then? No. Will they keep their faith now? No. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT TOPER li mid In pnrsuunce nf ah execution and order 01 sale lBsneo out 01 tne circuit court 01 me State of Oregon, for Lincoln County, on a de cree rendered in favor of plaintiff and avaiust the defendant, in tt suit wherein Caroline K. tireil'its was piaiutitr, and ErncHt Warrtn was defendant, and which execution bears date of April Hi, 18, and in attested by the seal of said court, aud is to me directed and commands me to make ihe sum of l,310. U. fc Kold coin with interest from the '22nd day of July 18!.'. at the rate of tn per cent per annum, and f'200 aH at torneys fees and $17.:Wcowts, and accruing costs by levy and sale of the followln g-descrlbed real Gropefty towit: All of the water front lot lying etween the east line of Front St. in the City of Newport, aud deep water on Yaquina Bay, and said lot or piece of ground lies duly uptKisitc lot No. Two in block No. One In the City of Newport In Lincoln County, Oregon, together with the tenements and hereditaments thereunto belengliig or in anywise appertaining and the buildings situate thereon, and all the right, title, interest and estate which the sal d Ernest Warren and all persons claiming under him since tho Hist day of December 1k8 had or have in the same, the interest nf said Krnest Wnrren in said prem ises being a leasehold inte rest lor thirty years in the ground or lot, and the ownership ot the the buildings, and said lease of the ground having about twenty years yet to run. And In pursuance of said execut ion and or der of sale I have levied upon the said prem ises and on 8ATURDAY THE 23RD DAY OF MAY, 18SC, at the hour of 10 o'clock 1 n the forenoon of said dav. at the Court house d oor in the Cltv of leiio in Lincoln County, O rcgon. I will sell the said leasehold Interest, an d all the right, title, Interest and estate of the s aid Ernest Warren In and to said premises to tbe hfchest bidder for cash in hand to satisfy the said execution, costs ana accruing costs. Dated April 1, 1896. GEO. A. L AKDIS, Sheriff nf Lincoln County, O regon. We must sincerely congratulate the Newport News on the able argument it -has brought forth in the interests of the various republi can candidates for county offices. 111 expounding upon the various good qualities of their candidates it has produced logic so profound that in some instances we admit that it is impossible to controvert them For instance in connection with everyone of its candidates the News declares that they bave bean born, and it has produced such an arrav of testimony to prove this that we are compelled to admit it. Then it goes on to show that i candidates are not to be blamed for being born, except one, which the News says "'was born by his own eliorts." That is about as tar as the News has got with its argu ments as ye-., but belore 1900 it is liable to prove something else if it keeps right on. I If the county-seat is to be located juiskij , iauijr aim cuilduij , 1L will be located at the place where it will be most convenient for the greater part of the people of the county; where it will be the most accessible to the deople of the county; where the county business can be trans acted with the least expense to the taxpayers. It goes without contention that the river from Toledo down is the dividing line below, and the range of hills between the Yaquina and Alsea the dividing line above. With the exception of a considerable number of settlers south of the river opposite Toledo who are nearest Toledo, the lines named above fairly divides the territory regarding county-seat. Yaquina and New port precincts will be spoken of further on. In the territory allotted to West Yaquina as above the people perhaps at the present time, have easier means of access to West Yaquina than to Toledo. All the etner country is near ana more accessible to Toledo. Of this there can be no question. The vote of two years ago in the West Yaquina territory, and includ ing Yaquina precinct was 293 out of a total of 832 total votes, or a little more than one-third of the votes. Of these Newport has about 150, and calling Newport neutral would leave 950 votes in the county. In the territory conceded to West Yaquina the vote will be about the same as that of two years ago, it being conceded by those who have kept posted that the gain and loss in those precincts have been about equal. This would leave 293 voters benefitted the location of the county seat at West Yaquina, to 757 bene fitted by its location at Toledo. Besides this Toledo is more con venient to a large part of Yaquina and Newport precincts than West Yaquina. The location of the county seat at West Yaquina is simply laying a burden upon three-fourths of the people of the county for the benefit of the one-fourth. The proposition is so unreasonable and so absurd that it would not be seriously con sidered a moment, were it not for money back of the scheme. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Ore gon City, Oregon. May 11, 1S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-name settler has filed notice of his intention to make fina 1 proof In support of his claim, and that said pr oof will be made be fore tbe County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on June 29 , 189, vis: JAMES E. POST 11. K. 7,896, for the east of the southeast Vt, northwest 'i of the southeast '4, southeast Hot the north east 'i, section 28, town 10, so nth, range 8, west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence u pon and cultivation of said land, vis; Thomas Savage, Fred Dun can, DhailesRoser and 0. L. Buchanan, all of Nashville, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, O regon, May 11, 1896. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllowlng-narm.d settler has fl led notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on June 29, 1890, vis: AUSTIN HOWELL, H. E. 7,819, for the east of the southeast section 82, and west 14 of southwest section 83, town U south, range U west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation jf said land, vis: Orange J. Ruble, C. K. Evans, Albert Reynolds and John Early, all of Wald pojt, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLE R, Register. Notice for Publication. Land OBlce at Oregon City, Oregon, February 20, 1806. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler bas Hied his Intention of making fin al proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on May 2nd, 1896, vli: P. N. LATHROP, H. E. No. ,425, for the southeast i of the northeast 'lt east W of southeast 'A of section 6, and southwest '4 of southwest of section b, town 12 south, range 8 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: J. E. Dixon, W. H. Daniels and Harvey Parks, of Elk City, Oregon, and Jesse Craft, of Salado, Oregon. KOBKHT A. MILLER, Register. Sam Logan will be the next treasurer of Lincoln county. He ought to be. We have nothing to sav against either of the other candidates, but we have got some thing to say for Sam, and so have the people of the county. Sam Logan has been a landmark in this country. He has been one of the real builders of the county. He is and always has been a worker. All of Sam's old neighbors will remem ber that the hour was never too early or too late to find him at work. He is a heavy taxpayer and is deeply interested in the county's financial interests. He is strictly honest in all his dealings. His word is good the entire length and breadth of the county. He is deserving of the office for what he has done for the country, and for the further fact that he will make an honest, responsible and efficient county treasurer. We believe the people will elect him by a good majority. Lincoln county is getting out of debt; her taxes are now low and should be kept so, and the way to do so is to keep within their income. To go $12,000 or $15,000 in debt now for county buildings, roads, etc., is simply to bankrupt the The contest for commissioner is now between Barclay and Luckey. Mr. Godwin, the republican candi date, simply is not in the race. The terrible opposition encountered from his own precinct makes it im possible for him to gain a standing with the balance of the county. This calls for a choice between Mr. Barclay and Mr. Luckey, and Mr. Barclay has the advantage. He is an old settler, a heavy tax payer, and a thoroughly reliable business man. And then location is in his favor. It is admitted by all that the Alsea country should have a commissioner, and if it is not given them now they will have to go without for two years longer. This would be unjust, and there is a general disposition to give them a representative on the county court. Mr. Luckey is a good man and a good citizen, but Mr. Barclay is just as good a man, just as good a citizen and for the further reasons given above is the better entitled to support. The last time an attempt was made in this county to buy an election was the time that certain persons tried to buy the judgeship for M. L. Pipes. Persons familiar with that campaign say that the present one for West Yaquina has all the same brands and earmarks. The people of Lincoln county have just cause to love the boomers of the West Yaquina speculation. If one of the West Yaquina boomers would pay the county what his bursted bank beat it out of the county. Keep the county seat county could make a call for war where it is and keep down taxes. rants again.