Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 30, 1896, Image 4

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Democratic Ticket.
for Supreme Judge
johs bl'knett, of Benton County :
For Congress, First District
For County Clerk
B, F. JONES, of Toledo.
For fsherifr-
C. A. MILLER, of Yaquina.
For Assessor
HURLEY LUTZ, of Slletz.
Fur Treasurer
S. A.' LOOAS, of Newport.
For Commissionei
J. R. BARCLAY, of Tidewater.
For Superintendent
MADGE DUNN, of Elk City.
For Coroner
WM. WAKEFIELD of Little Elk
After all the whole question of
the permanent location of a county
seat hinges upon the question of
cost and expense. This is the basic
principal of the correct locations of
the seats of counties for the trans
uuliuu of luirli business. It is the
principle and the fact that exists
not only during the heat of a county
seat fight, but will continue to exist
as long as a county has a corporate
existence. It is true that this fact
and the principle with it are some
times lost sight of and sometimes
clouded during the discussion inci
dent to the permanent location of a
county seat. But when the fog has
drifted away that has obscured men's
judgment then it recurs with
redoubled force, and if they have
l)een blinded by partisan feeling, or
by some worse motive, and have
accomplished what should not have
been done, then it is always a mat
ter cf regret.
In the location of a county seat
therefore, the first, and in fact the
most important thing to consider, is
the cost. In speaking of the cost
cf locations of county seats a wide
field is opened. It is not alone the
cost of buying a site and putting up
county buildings thereon. In fact
this is the least part of the cost if
the county seat is not properly
located. There is the long and
perpetual line of costs that must be
incurred by the county month after
month and year after year. The
added costs of mileage and fees soon
amount to more than county buil
dings; the continuous and perpetual
atlded costs of extra fees for wit
nesses and jurors will build a court
house in a very few years. The
untold expenses direct upon the
county in that shape cannot be
enumerated. And then these do
not constitute all the costs. There
is that direct and ever present cost
of additional travel to and from the
county seat by the greater number
( f the people. This is a cost that
must be borne, not for one year, or
1 r live years, but for a period of
time that no man can estimate.
Therefor we say that the only
roai ining 10 ue consuiereu- is a
question of cost. One man might
sty that it don't make any difference
t.i him where the county seat is
located, he only goes there once a
fear to pay his taxes anyway. But
this is not true. It does make a
difference to him. The difference
is bound to lie shown on the very
face of that tax receipt which the
sheriff gives him when he pays his
taxes. If the county seat is off to
one side of the county, and is not
centrally located as concerns its
. population, then that man pays the
difference of the added costs spoken
of alwve whan he pays his other
taxes. These costs must be paid
and they must be paid in taxes.
The man that consoles himself that
he escapes his share of these costs
localise he only goes to the county
scat once a year is entirely mistaken.
Then there is that other class who
say that it is only a matter of self
interest anyway and they are going
to vote to get the "county seat as
close to themselves as possible, even
if it i nnr rtf t1w nrrttvr ti1-nv t.i
" -- i- "-
county at large. We admit that it j
is a question of self interest, but we,
j deny that this class of men are
J really working for their own self
I interest. It is to the interest cf
every - taxpayer of the county to
tmT.A tVi vmntv Qpat qa lorfltrl thnt
, na.y. n. -J
it will accommodate the greatest
number of its inhabitants at the
least expense to the county, df'
rectly, and to the people themselves.
The self interest of every 'citlien
and taxpayer of the county should
be the upbuilding of the county as
a whole, and not the upbuilding of
any small part thereof to the detri
ment of the greater portion. To
the citizen and taxpayer it is his
self interest to keep down costs and
taxes to the end that the burden cf
county government may be light.
The self interest that causes a man
to vote to badly or wrongly locate a
county seat is a mistaken self inte r
est. The time is drawing near when
the people of this county will be
called to vote upon this very vital
question. It behooves every citizen
to think well and act wisely on this
matter. No argument is needed as
to the relative merits of the two
candidates for county seat. Out
side of the fact that the one is
already a town of some growth made
by the efforts of its own citizens,
and by its natural superior location,
and the further fact that the other
is merely a boom townsite owned
almost entirely by non-resident
speculators, there is no question as t
to the natural and proper location
of the county seat. The warmest
adherents for West Yaquina freely
admit that to locate the county seat
at Toledo would accommodate the
greater number of the citizens of the
The only question then is !
whether by the use of specious j
arguments, promises of pay, the
use of money or other schemes will 1
cause the people of Lincoln county
to load themselves up with a per-
petual burden of costs that must in
the years to come cost them .in !
untold amount of money in the way
of added costs and taxes. Tax
payers and citizens of Lincoln
county, consider this matter well
before the election day rolls around.
The election of a county com
missioner is one that should be
carefully considered by every voter
and taxpayer of the county. The
county commissioners' court is the
bulwark behind which all the
county's interests are entrenched.
They are the direct representatives
of the county in all matters finan
ci'il. In looking after the interests
of the county the court should be so
distributed over the county, to the
end that they may be identified and
conversant with all interests of the
county. The divisions of the
county by its
streams naturally
divides the county into districts.
The large and important area on
the Alsea should have a representa
tion on the county court. The
interests of its roads and bridges,
and its other county interests war
rant and demand that one member
of the county court should come
from that place. There is no
member of the present court from
that section. There is but one
candidate for commissioner from
tuaipari 01 me county. Tnat ucss; iq grow lmpenCCtly;
candidate is Mr. J. R. Barclay, of, and to lose the power of re
Tidewater. Mr. Barclay is an old I sisting disease. When a babv
setuer ot mat part ot the county,
and is a heavy taxpayer. He is a
straight-forward, upright man, aud i
IS lllllUlv honored and Tpsrwntprt Kv !
all the people on the Alsea. It
would be to the interest of the
whole county that Mr. Barclay
should be elected. He would be a
safe and conservative member of
the court and would fairly, honestly
and safely represent, not only the
Alsea country but the whole county
The Yaquina part of the countv
.,-.!. M ...'II 1 .
nwum oim nave iwo tnemoers on
the court, and a large part of the
county that is now without repre-
1ft Viavp a clean, fair
and competent commissioner to ;? in the county court. j
Hon. Allen Parker has
petition with County Clerk Jones ,
asking "thatrhis name be placed on j -js
the ballot as an independent candi-1 :j
date for joint representative forj$
Benton and Lincoln counties. His j
petition has considerable oer Jooj-J-j
names, and " has been generally I
signed by everybody to whom it
has been presented, regardless of
politics. This is the outcome of j
the repiesentative' matter spoken of j
in our last issue. The people
this county do not feel that they
have been lairiy treated in tae
matter of a candidate for repre
sentative, i
Messrs. Kern & Church, the les
sees of the Dixon rock quarry at
Elk City, have notified the people
of that place that if they attempt to
rebuild the bridge on the old site
that they will compel them to put
a draw in it. They want the bridge
located about thirty feet further
down the stream in order to give
them more room to operate their
quarry. This change in the' loca
tion of the bridge would necessitate
about fifty feet more bridge, and
would also require much longer
piling at one end of the span.
Charley Miller, the democratic
candidate for sheriff, is making a
ciecirieciiy vigoious canvas, ana is
masing uienas ana votes every
day. Mr, Miller is one of tho--e
plain hearty fellows that one has
confidence in from first acquaint
ance, and that confidence grows
stronger as the acquaintanceship
111 "eases. He is a man ct positive
convictions, yet is not one ot those
antagonistic fellows. On all ques-
,,ons '" know exactly where to
tma barley MMler. And U:en Iks
qualifications are beyond question,
He is riSht nw a very important
lactor in tue race tor sheriff, and by
the ist of June he is going to be
right up among the leaders. -;
A strong anti-Tongue feeling ex
ists among the republicans of this
district. That this feeling will find
vent in some shape is very certain,
but at this time it is hard to tell
JUS wbal shaDe of au uni'e;l PP
sition to longue, or it may take
some other shape. If we were to
surmise the course that will be pur
sued by the anti-Tongue republi
cans of Lincoln coua-iyrthere
is a large number of'themi weHvoUld
guess that when they go to vote
that they place the name of Binger
Hermann upon their ticket. They
feel that in this way they would be
stippoi ting a republican and at the
same time rebuking the unholy
I comowauon mat nominatea lon
i i ... v . .
tfuru Irafry
Poor baby ! - Your pity goes
cut to It and rightly. To be
thin, for a baby, is to be de
prived of its natural ease ; to
suffer and not be able to feel
It ; to wear a sad pinched face ;
10 live on the edge of sick-
s mm it neeas more fat than
it gets from its food; it is
starved, fat-starved. Scott's
Emulsion is the easiest iati
it can have; the fat it needs.
Half of
Is taken by babies. Mothers
like it because it brings t.
th K0P,'9 EMULSION tua endor,
Ih nwditilprolMsioa for tw.ntv yttn. '
dKler.) This b btciUM It ii livi fjUV.. ,
avi uniform lwavf ionUmt Itt fiurrtt Si
Cal-lrw 0,1 J M'fvr'wfSK". ' '"-
Insist on Scolt'a ilmulaloa with tradi I
oun and fish.
Put up In w cent and 1 1. oo ilwa. The ! '
Bay btiaou4h to cure your xi(h or half y
1 fcttttttZZcZj;
All the
Yaquina City,
I have a good Assortment of both
Cook and Keating Stoves
Call and inspect them.
Two Good Papers
Price of One.
We have made arrangements by
which we can offer
The Leader
ONE YEAR for $2.oo.
The Weekly Free Press it a Large Twelve rage
Weekly, and has the Largest Number
of Special Contributors o( any
Weekly I'ubished in America
Htreafter the writings of "M. Quad," the Fa
mous Humorist, will be published Exclusive'
in the Free Press.
weskly D
V also has s. special "Merrv Time" I XmfF 13 hereby gives that itsdeb-.
r , ... j an1 in P'trsuance of au execution and ordt'i
trr the Children aid ' of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of UV; '
, I State of Oregon, for Lincoln County, on a : ,
I rree rendered in favor of plaintiff and sainfl
I the defendant, in a suit wherein Caroline k.
' . ' Greffozwas plaintiff, and Ernest Warren W;
J defendant, and which execution bears date"-'
April in, lSSti, and is attested by the seal of sail;
court, and Is to me directed aud commands at
to make the sum of H,:ilO, U. S. gold coin wit''
interest from the 22nd ly of July 1895. at UV;
rate of ten per cent per annum, and flit) as ai :
torneys fees and I17.H0 costs, and accruing coin
by levy and sale of the following-described r ' .
property towit: All of the water front lot lyuu
between the east line of Front St. In the Cilf1;1
Newport, and deep water on Yaquina Bay, an'
said lot or piece of ground Ilea duly oppon1"
lot No. Two in block No. One in the CIV
Newport in Lincoln Countv, Ore y
together with the tenements ft, 4
hereditaments thereuntif belnnitii-I
- or in anywise appertaining and the buildinr
situate thereon, and all the right, title, inter;
and estate which the said Ernest Warren am
all persona claiming under him since the 81
day of December ls8 had or have in the sam
! the interest of said Ernest Warren in said pren
I lses being a leasehold interest for thirty year
I in the ground or lot, and the ownership of t
I the buildings, and said lease of the grouo
I having about twenty years yet to run. l.
And in Dursuance nf MRfH avanntLin undtf-
.: "
! Jtice of the Peace i
j reo., y..,
' lvVn to .n'i ? "ectnes -nds of
n ,u uminesa em -a. Care;
leaal rtattera
areful attntlon
.rasted to my care.
'-V'.rsz II
County news,
you set it straight, wiO
out bias or prejudice iy
The cost is only
One year for only
Notice for Fublicati
Land Otlice at Orerou t'itv. Oreej
-vrirt. t iirpniv i : i v- w v Vi m Tf 1 1' '
fiiltiwiiiff-naine settlor has lilcil,otic l'
him iTHi'uuun 10 mm." nnai prnoi in ; ' j '
mi ctHiui. una mm saw iiriini win r , ;
fore the County Cli-rk of Lincoln"11111!'' s,
Toledo, OrHi(o!i,on Muv 7, l!t'i, vi. t, .....
A UK A HAM I,. McKAllllKN. f" K' .'i
for the northeast t of section ti, l"nlll " ;
rani;eywi!st. ' (
Iienniuesthefolii.wlnK witrt?", '". J"'' ,;
his continuous re-icience uinm '! a j
of said land, vi.: P. A. Millei.-,': Mtw;)'.
.Inmes McDonald and W. J. .ollister, al. of;,,
i hiuvood, Orciion. ' . ;
RulSKitT A. MI'1-". 1-ctflster. ;
, '
Notice for Pu4ioatioa. j
Land Office at OregwOjgJJ; :
A following-named .settle'1"',1'1'-'0 notice oil.
his intention to irake liin"of in support oi
his claim, and that snidpr1' l u'
fore the County Clerk of i.nemn county, i.
Toledo, Oregon, on .May 7,.i!,i'.ylz.'rt. C
MA IMTS UOtt'llH. E,,W!.
for the northwest '., of soion 9, township L,s,,
range 11 west. , .
He names the fol'owlr witnesses to prnv
his continuous resi'iencoP"11 and cultivation.:
of said land, viz: WillinTallock.ofStiinforii,,'
Oregon; T. N. coombs,-'' l,na, Oregon, and
Fred Yost and I'. Mverof Stanford. Oregon. ! ,
KOBEkT. MILLElt. Register. (,
Notice forPublication. (
Land Office aOregon City, Oregon,
February &", 1S!M.
folluwing-iunvrt settler has filed notice o!
his Intention to mike final proof in support e
his claim, and tin said proof will be made be
fore tke Countv Oerk of Lincoln county, t;.
Toledo, Oregon", it May 2, !., viz: i
EllWAKMI. WSS, II. E. 11,505.
for thesouthwest'i cf northeast south !$o,,:
northwest 'i andlotl ti and 7 of section a j
township 10 soma, rmge S west. k
He names the folliwing witnesses to prowl
his continuous resiince upon and cultivation. ,
f said land, viz: Dudley Trapp, Thome "
Lewis, Albert Chl'irood and James McDonald.
all oi Chitwood, Oregon. fe
HOiEHT A. MILLER, Register.
Notice for Publication. ',
Land Otfce at Oregon City, Oregon, f
February 'JO, Is'.m. .
xi following-mined settler has filed notice"
his intention o make final proof In support t
his claim, ait that said proof will be niadube-'
fore the C'on ty Clerk of Benton County, '
Corvullis, Oegon, on Mav 2nd, ls, viz: I
JyfH II. NORK1S, II. E. Il,.ri05, . ,
for the norti 'j of northeast ' 4', and east 4'
northwest i ot section l'J, town 12, s., range
Henamsthe following witnesses to provt '
his contin'ous residence upon and cultivate
of said lstd, viz: Win. H. (ireen. Charles H ;
ren, Chffles L. Wood, and William Herrcn.o ',
hilouiith, Oregon.
iVotice of (Sheriff's Sale.
der of sale 1 have levied upon the said pre'
at the hour of lOo'cloek in the forenoon of ';
day. at the Court h mse door in the City of
ledo in Lincoln County, Oregon, I will sell ,l1
said leasehold interest, and all the right. tll
oo esiaie 01 me saia Ernest nit"
tn and to said premises to the highest bid
tor rash in hand to satisfy the said executirt!
ovists and accruing costs. I
-'aled April 22, W !
u. - GEo- A- J.ASDIS.
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregoo ,